Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 216 Who stipulates that only one car can be ordered

Chapter 216 Who stipulates that only one car can be ordered

"There are a lot of rich people in Kyoto. There are so many people in the Rolls-Royce shop to see the car." When Li Qiuhua just entered the hall, he saw the inside of the shop, and several groups of people were already looking at the car.

It's already five o'clock in the afternoon now, and I didn't expect that there were still people rushing over here one after another.

"Actually, it is mainly Rolls-Royce 4S stores in China, which are only opened in a few big cities, so many people near Kyoto can only go to Kyoto to buy cars.

In addition, this time the manufacturer packed 11 cars for us, and there are many rare color schemes in them, such as the blue and white Yaoying you saw in the showroom, and the blue and white Phantom we will see soon.

Well, we have arrived, this car is exactly the same as the Phantom in the showroom, it is also blue and white, and like Yaoying, the interior is also blue and white," said Lan Jinglin To be honest, there are very few Rolls-Royce 4S stores, and most cities are dealer stores, not serious 4S stores.

Even dealerships are not available in all provinces and cities, and dealerships are only responsible for selling cars. If there is any problem with the car, they can only go to 4S stores.

So even if many people know that their city is far away from a Rolls-Royce 4S store, they still choose to buy a car at a 4S store.

"This car is too dirty. Are you sure it's a new car?" Zhang Xuewei took a look at the car the salesman mentioned, and her first impression was not good.

Because the top of this car is particularly dirty, it should be the state where the car was covered with ash and then washed away by the rain, and it was covered with ash again.

This is completely different from the new car she imagined. The new car in her imagination should be spotless, just like the one in the showroom just now.

The last time she mentioned that 718, if the car looked like this, she would definitely not want it.

"This is indeed a new car, and I can guarantee that this car has only arrived at our store within 7 hours.

In fact, it is quite normal for new cars to be so dirty. After all, they have to float on the sea for several months before arriving in China, and then they have to stop for a while at the port. After customs clearance and inspection, they will be delivered to our store.

Let me open the door for you to take a look at the interior, you will know that this is indeed a new car." Lan Jinglin usually does not bring customers to visit the warehouse, because many customers do not understand.

In fact, it is quite normal for a new car to be dirty, as long as it is cleaned, it will be fine.

The car came across the ocean, how could it be clean.

"This car should be a new car. I can see that the film on it has not been torn off, and the interior interior can indeed be seen that this car is a new car.

Hello, how much is the price of this car? "Although Wu Fei has never bought a new car, she has driven a new car.

At that time, the Portofino that Su Wei gave her had only been driven for 50 kilometers, and the lanugo was still on the tires.

She had just looked at the interior and tires, and it was indeed similar to her Portofino.

"This car is the 2018 Phantom Black Badge version. The guide price is 590 million, but this car is equipped with 80 decorations, plus luxury car tax, the price is about 730 million, which does not include insurance and license plate." Lan Jing Lin heard Wu Fei ask the price, and looked at the information on the tablet in her hand.

Normally, they definitely don't need to bother with the tablet, but this car is new after all, so it's better to take a look at the configuration inside.

"It's so expensive, so this car will cost more than 800 million when it lands." Zhang Xuewei didn't expect that the car Wu Fei saw was so expensive, and the Lamborghini Maverick she saw was only more than 300 million.

For the price of this Rolls-Royce Phantom, you can buy two Lamborghini Mavericks.

She was already wondering if the car she was looking at was too cheap, and if she wanted to be a big bull.

"It's too expensive, Ah Wei, why don't we go and see the Bentley next to it, the price of this car is a bit beyond my expectation." Wu Fei dragged Su Wei down, she really didn't expect Rolls Les would be so expensive.

When she was looking at the car in the showroom, she thought it was only tens of millions more expensive than her Portofino.

But now the salesman quotes the price, how can it be tens of millions more expensive? At this price, she can buy her Portofino, and there are still more to buy two.

No wonder Rolls-Royce is known as the first executive car. With such an expensive price, who else can it be?

"There is only one Bentley that is suitable for you to drive, the name is the Bentley Continental GT, but this model is already very old, and the new version of the Continental GT is coming out soon, if you buy a Bentley now, wait until the new model On the day it comes out, you will lose at least 100 million yuan, whether you can buy it or not.

Besides, the thing about a car is to buy what you like, otherwise it will be like a Portofino, you don’t want to drive, but sometimes you have to drive out, you can only force yourself to drive a car you don’t like, there is no need for this what.

Xiaolan, I'm going to pick up this car at night, see if you can get me the insurance and the temporary license plate before the vehicle management office gets off work." Su Wei saw that his words of scaring Wu Fei were useful, so he hurried to find Lan Jing Lin, I plan to buy the car.

In fact, it is quite normal for this kind of luxury car to lose millions when you buy it.

After all, a car is a consumable. If you buy it without depreciation but appreciation, unless someone is hyping this car, its price will depreciate every year, which is normal.

"If the full payment is made now, we will definitely be able to settle it before the vehicle management office closes." Every 4S shop has a relationship with the vehicle management office.

As long as Su Wei pays the money, he can immediately jump in line and get a temporary license.

"Ah Wei, don't worry, even if you really want to buy this car, we can take a good look at it first. After all, it's a car worth 800 million yuan, and you're in a hurry." Wu Fei has actually been persuaded by Su Wei, but It never occurred to her to drive the car away now.

Her idea is still to look at the car for a few days, then cut the price a few times, and then take the car away.

"I'm in a hurry to eat. Besides, I've already bought several Rolls-Royce cars in Shanghai. As long as you like the appearance and interior, that's enough.

Beauty, help me calculate the price of this car and the Yaoying in the showroom, I want both of these cars, and I will drive them away today." Su Wei Buy a car now, as long as you like the appearance and interior, then buy it.

After all, what's the problem, they can't figure it out.

As for buying that Yaoying, it was because Wang Xiaoyuan often posted about it in Moments, which made Su Wei feel itchy.

Just saw this Yaoying today, he likes the color and interior very much, so let's buy it together, it's only a few million anyway.

"Do you want both cars? This Phantom, and the blue-and-white Yaoying outside?" Although Lan Jinglin works in Rolls-Royce, she has only been here for a short time, and she is still rarely seen by rich people. .

Although she had heard of such a thing, she had never seen it with her own eyes.

I only heard from my predecessors that there are indeed many rich people who come to buy Rolls-Royce, and they buy several cars.

"Is there a problem? Or can't you pick it up today?" Su Wei must drive away today anyway, even if he has no insurance.

Because he is a person who doesn't like to wait very much, especially when there is a stock.

"No, no, it is definitely possible to drive away today. I may have to calculate the final price here. Mr. Su, do you need to sit in the lounge for a while?" Seeing that the customer misunderstood, Lan Jinglin quickly explained that it would be possible drive away.

Buying a car is actually very simple. Without a loan, the customer pays all the money for the car to the 4S store, and can actually drive home.

Other things like paying taxes, buying insurance, and temporary licenses can all be done by yourself.

"We have to look at it for a while, by the way, put a sign on the car outside, and don't let other people open the door to see the interior.

Xiaozhang, you take my card, and the ID cards of me and Weiwei, after the price is calculated, you pay the full price of the car, and the insurance of the two cars, just pay for it.” Su Wei looked at Wu Fei and found that although she was beside Su Wei, she was always looking at the car.

I'm afraid it's because she wasn't optimistic just now, after all, she just came to chat with Su Wei.

"Alright Mr. Su, then I'll go there with Miss Lan first." Zhang Ruoyu was already numb to her boss's extravagance.

She has only been with Su Wei for two days, and she saw her boss spend 2000 million with her own eyes.

"Yeah, just bought it? This is too fast. Then when will you drive the Portofino away?" Wu Fei was stunned. Is this the owner of a Rolls-Royce?

I really didn't expect that I would be able to drive a Rolls-Royce one day, and the price of this car is more than 800 million.

"The Portofino car, let's leave it with you. You can park a car and go to the parking lot of Wanliu Academy." Su Wei didn't plan to take Portofino back, mainly because he didn't parking place.

Who said that buying a courtyard house this time was unsuccessful, otherwise there would be no need to worry about the parking place.
Dividing line---
"What do you mean by saying this now? Did I tell you that I came to see this car today, and you tell me that I can't see it now? Then why do you still ask me to come here? Are you wasting my time?" Wang Jianshu is going to marry his girlfriend soon, and now he has several million in his hand, and plans to buy a Rolls Royce.

He and his girlfriend came to Rolls-Royce to look at the car years ago, and added Zhang Qian's WeChat account.

Because he and his girlfriend chose May 18, [-] as their wedding day, it was too late to order a car, so they had to find a current car.

Today, when he and his girlfriend were drinking afternoon tea, Zhang Qian sent him some pictures of blue and white Yaoying on WeChat.

At that time, Wang Jianshu and his girlfriend, the two of them took a fancy to this car at a glance, and asked clearly that no one had ordered this car.

The two of them drove here for 40 minutes from Zhongguancun.

Unexpectedly, he only looked at it for a few minutes, and as soon as he sat in, a staff member came over, politely invited him out of the car, locked the door, and put a sold out sign on the front of the car.

"Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry, this car has just been ordered." Zhang Qian was also very speechless about what happened.

Because she didn't expect that the group of new customers who just entered the store would order this car so quickly.

She guessed that she didn't like the phantom inside, so she turned her head and fixed the Yaoying outside.

"It's been booked? You clearly know that my boyfriend and I are going to buy a car, why didn't you call in advance, do you still have this color?" Xiang Ningjie saw the blue and white Rolls Royce for the first time today , I decided to buy this car right now.

Who knew that the car would have already been bought when I came to the Rolls-Royce 4S store, and whoever put it on whoever could accept it.

"We still have a car that is Arctic white on the outside, and a combination of Turkish blue and arctic white on the interior. I can show you the pictures, because this car just arrived today and it is still in the warehouse. So if you If you like it, I will take you to see the real car." Zhang Qian is not a newcomer anymore. When encountering such a situation, of course she knows that she can only ask customers to switch to other colors.

But she didn't expect too much, after all, it wasn't the first time for this couple to come.

If they could change the color, they would have bought a car a long time ago, how could they have been seeing the present from years ago.

"Can this car compare with that car? It's far worse. I don't care. We'll just take a fancy to this car. Why don't you ask the customer who ordered the car just now to change to another car?" Xiang Ning Jie looked at the next picture The polar white that Qian mentioned is far from the blue and white.

The appearance of that car is okay, but the interior is too masculine, and it is not suitable for her to drive at all.

"I think this car is okay, Miss Zhang, please take us to the warehouse to have a look at this car.

Alright, let's see how the real car looks, and then make a decision." Wang Jianshu didn't pay much attention to the appearance of this car, but he liked the interior of this car.

It's easy to not like the appearance, just stick a film of other colors at that time, and he is very satisfied with the interior.

"It's really not a coincidence this time. These cars are all newly arrived cars, and the customers who just ordered the car arrived only 10 minutes before you." Zhang Qian also felt sorry for her customers, after all, who knew it was only 10 minutes behind. That's it.

She has been with this customer for several months. If they don't get it done this month, they will definitely find someone else to buy a car.

"You guys are not playing tricks, are you? First use a bright image to attract people, and then wait until the customer enters the store, then tell the customer that the car is sold, and then throw out the car you really want to recommend, so that We have to take over the offer, right? Let me tell you, if I'm not satisfied, I'd rather not buy it." The more Xiang Ningjie talked, the more she felt that she was telling the truth, otherwise there would be such a coincidence.

The group of customers in front of them only arrived 10 minutes before them, and they only came in for 5 minutes, that is, it took only 15 minutes for those people to buy this car, she didn't believe it.

"Miss Xiang, don't worry, our Rolls-Royce store will definitely not play this routine. I looked at the car and found it. This is the one I recommended just now." Zhang Qian also knows that many 4S stores now use it. This kind of routine.

Even in their shop, this kind of routine is not uncommon, but she really didn't use this routine this time.

"Ashu, look at that Phantom, is it exactly the same as the Yaoying outside?" When Xiang Ning Jie entered the warehouse, he saw the car next to him.

She found that although she used to like convertibles very much, this blue and white Phantom is really good-looking and she likes it very much.

"Yes, this car is indeed exactly the same as the Yaoying outside. Miss Zhang, has this car been sold?" Wang Jianshu had been looking at the blue and white Phantom when he just came in.

He was not looking at the car, but was looking at people all the time. He saw Wu Fei, Zhang Xuewei and Li Qiuhua, and he couldn't even walk.

"This car should not be lost yet. Mr. Wang, are you also interested in the Phantom car?" When Wang Jianshu and Xiang Ningjie came to see it at first, they told her that they only wanted Yaoying, not Phantom, because they liked it. convertible car.

So the cars she recommended to the two of them were all Yaoying, not a Phantom.

"We have to take a look first, if we like this car or not. Let's go, what are you doing, are you stupid?" Xiang Ning Jie took her boyfriend's hand and came to the phantom car.

She walked into the car slowly, and found that although the car was a little dirty, the color was indeed on her aesthetic line.

"This car is really nice, but it's on it now, why don't we wait a bit?" Wang Jianshu actually doesn't like Yaoying very much, he prefers Phantom.

But Xiang Ningjie liked Yaoying, so he decided to buy a convertible car for his wedding.

"Excuse me, can you guys come down for a while? My boyfriend and I are going to come up and take a look at the interior of the car, because we like the interior of this color very much." Xiang Ningjie is not a good-tempered person. She definitely wanted to grab something.

After all, this car, Zhang Qian said, it has not been sold, so of course she is not welcome.

"You made a mistake, we've already bought this car, why did we take it down?" Li Qiuhua was super unhappy when he heard Xiang Ningjie's words, who do you think you are.

Moreover, Su Wei has already bought this car, so why should they want it.

"Hello, the car you bought should be the Yaoying outside, but now this car is the Phantom. Although the color is the same, you may have made a mistake." Zhang Qian was also drunk. You don't even understand what car you ordered, do you?
How did this Lan Jinglin introduce the car? Sure enough, the newcomer is a newcomer, and she is not professional at all. She didn't even introduce the car model clearly. A blind cat bumped into a dead mouse, which made her pick up a list for nothing today.

"Did you hear that, the car you ordered is the Yaoying in the exhibition hall, and this one is the Phantom.

Don't stop me, what are you doing, do you feel distressed seeing them look beautiful, Wang Jianshu, what do they have to do with you?" Xiang Ningjie saw that Zhang Qian was speaking for her, and she felt that this was already very embarrassing Face these women.

Moreover, her boyfriend actually dared to stop her because of a few girls she didn't know, which made her angry immediately.

"Rolls-Royce has a rule that you can only book one car?"

(End of this chapter)

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