Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 217 beat yourself up

Chapter 217 beat yourself up

"When did Rolls-Royce come out with a regulation that they can only book one car?" Su Wei was originally on the phone, and Shu Mafan was on the other end of the phone.

Because she felt better today, she called and said it was Su Wei's birthday today, and asked if he was free today, and she wanted to treat him to dinner.

Then Su Wei must not be free, even if there is no appointment today, he will not go to Shu Mafan's appointment.

Because if you go there, you will definitely not get any benefits, and at most you will be able to enjoy your hands. What's the point of that?

So he planned to wait for a few days, and after Shu Mafan was clean, he would go to her again, and then he could take it orally.

Just after hanging up the phone here, he saw that Li Qiuhua was arguing with someone, so he hurried over to see what was going on, and sent a message to tell Liu Qiang and the others to come over quickly.

"Awei, the salesman said that we got the wrong model of the car, and that we didn't buy this car. What's going on?" Wu Fei and the others are sophomores. When the salesman said this, they really thought it was I made a mistake.

In addition to the three people on the opposite side, there is also a man, and this man's arms are full of tattoos. Just now, Su Wei was not around, and Liu Qiang and the others did not come here. Quite scary.

"Su Wei, it's this woman and the salesman who bullied us just now. We all said we bought this car, and they laughed at us." Others were afraid, but Li Qiuhua was not afraid at all.

After all, most of the people who get tattoos nowadays are not from the mixed society, but from the rich second generation.

They may look fierce, but in fact they are very cowardly. If something happens to them, they will just hide at home.

A mixed circle girl like Li Qiuhua, what kind of rich second generation has never seen before, so she doesn't hang on to them.

Besides, if the rich second generation on the opposite side is really awesome, then there is Su Wei.

"Hello, this matter may be a misunderstanding, it is like this, before I took my client to look at the blue and white Yaoying outside, but a colleague told me that you have already taken the Yaoying outside. Shadow, it is fixed.

But my client likes this color very much, so I thought that there is another Phantom in the warehouse, which is also blue and white, and like the one outside, it is also a BB version, so I brought my client over to have a look at this Phantom.

Just now the customer saw them in the car, and she wanted to see the car, so there was a little misunderstanding." Zhang Qian just faced Wu Fei and the four girls, and she dared to have a bad attitude because she saw it, Wu Fei They are just a bunch of little girls.

Although Su Wei now gives Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei 20 yuan every month, they did not grow up in wealthy families after all.

Therefore, their current clothes have not settled down yet, making people know that they are very immature at first glance.

But facing Su Wei, she didn't dare to do this.

Because Su Wei is completely different from them. After all, he has been reborn for several months. In terms of temperament, he can be either rich or expensive at first glance.

"Cao Nima, do you think I'm blind? You just mocked my girlfriend there, did you think I didn't see it? They didn't tell you that this car has been booked, don't you understand? "Su Wei saw that the salesman was still making sophistry, so he slapped him directly in the face.

In Su Wei's concept, there is nothing that can only hit men and not women.

After all, isn't this discrimination against women, he is the most concerned about equality between men and women.

When the salesman talked to Wu Fei and the others just now, Su Wei could see clearly. Although she treated Wu Fei and the others as customers when she spoke, she kept rolling her eyes where Wu Fei and the others couldn't see them.

This makes Su Wei very angry. I come to buy a car, and I have to be angry with you, a waiter.

"Miss Zhang, are you okay? Su Wei, how can you hit someone? I think you are a good person, but I didn't expect you to hit a woman. It's really too bad." Xiang Ningjie didn't expect that she wanted to see The car was actually ordered by Su Wei.

Relying on the fact that she is Xu Meng's best friend, she thinks that Su Wei will definitely let her in. Who is Su Wei chasing Xiaomeng now?

"You hit me. This matter is definitely not over. Don't think that you can hit me just because you are a client. Just wait." Zhang Qian only felt the burning pain on her face. She didn't expect this man to treat a girl like her. shot.

Didn't she just ask his girlfriend to come down? She wants to sell the car, so of course she wants the customer to come in and take a look.

You bought this car, you can just say it a few more times, as for beating people.

After she was beaten, even Lan Jinglin hated her because she was looking for such violent clients. She wanted to go to the leader, the general manager, and ask them to help her out.

"Ah Wei, don't hit anyone, what if she calls the police later?" Wu Fei was shocked when she saw Su Wei directly attacking her.

After all, if the other party really called the police, when the police came, they would definitely call both parties to the police station.

But today is Su Wei's birthday, what if he wants to be detained.

Wu Fei was really a little panicked, after all, in her impression, if there was a fight, the one who made the first move would definitely be caught.

"Awei, why don't Feifei and I go find that woman and pay her some money? One more thing is worse than one less thing. After all, today is your birthday." Seeing the salesman leave in a huff, Zhang Xuewei knew about it. It's definitely not over.

Although she knew that Su Wei must have a solution, it would be bad after all if her birthday was delayed.

"It doesn't matter, if you are on the ground in Kyoto, if you don't have any strength, you will be trampled to death sooner, you two can rest assured.


By the way, who are you? You seem to know me just now. Do I know you?You were the one who mocked my girlfriends and the others just now." When Su Wei explained to Wu Fei and the others, he put his arms around each other.

It was Li Qiuhua who reacted quickly and put Zhang Xuewei's hand around him for a while before he could react.

She was so proud all of a sudden that she got carried away, forgot that Zhang Xuewei was with him, and Wu Fei didn't know about it yet.

Let go of the two of them, then walk up to the woman who spoke, and look at her carefully.

I found out that this woman, although she looks good, is not his type, mainly because she is not tall enough, about 160 at the top.

He can be sure that he has never slept with this woman.

"Don't get so close, Su Wei, I'm telling you not to be too arrogant. This is Kyoto, not your magic capital. You'd better keep a low profile. I'm not easy to mess with." Wang Jianshu saw Su Wei looking so close, And his eyes, like scanning, scanned Xiang Ning Jie up and down.

He didn't like Su Wei looking at his girlfriend like this, so he couldn't help but push Su Wei.

He knew Su Wei, after all, his girlfriend was Xu Meng's best friend.

How could he not know about Su Wei, a fierce man who spent [-] billion to buy a courtyard house.

In addition, Su Wei has been very popular in the bar circle and rich second generation circle recently, and his circle of friends is full of small videos of yesterday's OT.

"Ashu, don't do anything, let me tell you. Su Wei, we have met each other, so don't pretend, do you have to remind me, Yaer Hutong, the reminder is obvious enough, you still have to Don't let me continue talking." Seeing Wang Jianshu pushing Su Wei, Xiang Ningjie was also taken aback, and was really afraid that the two of them would fight.

After all, although Su Wei is Xu Meng's licking dog, it doesn't mean they can mess with him.

People who can spend [-] billion to buy a courtyard house are not people from their families who can be compared with him.

"cough cough cough cough"

"Wei Wei, what's the matter with you, I have water here, you can drink some." Hearing that Zhang Xuewei felt choked by something, Wu Fei quickly took out an unopened bottle of mineral water from her bag and handed it to Zhang Xuewei.

In fact, she just saw Su Wei hugging Zhang Xuewei, and Zhang Xuewei didn't resist. This fully proves that the two of them must be related.

When Zhang Xuewei mentioned 718 last time, she was a little strange. After all, Zhang Xuewei's family conditions were similar to Sun Yanfang's. Sun Yanfang's family had only one daughter, and she was reluctant to buy a sports car.

And Zhang Xuewei has a younger brother in her family, so she is willing to buy her a sports car.

Now it makes sense, it turns out that Su Wei bought her the car.

Although she knew about Zhang Xuewei, seeing Zhang Xuewei coughing so badly, she still took out her own water.

It's not that she acquiesced in this matter, but that she didn't plan to pursue it today, after all, today is Su Wei's birthday.

"Thank you, Feifei. I'm fine. I just choked on my saliva just now. I feel much better after drinking some water." Zhang Xuewei really choked on her saliva, because she just learned something very shocking.

It was the woman in front of her. She had seen her in Ya'er Hutong. She remembered that she and a group of people were waiting for Xu Meng outside the courtyard.

Zhang Xuewei didn't know if she recognized her, after all, she was sitting in Su Wei's co-pilot at that time.

"What's going on, Zhang Xuewei and Su Wei, did you already know?" Sun Yanfang was behind just now, so she could see clearly.

When Su Wei hugged Zhang Xuewei, Zhang Xuewei didn't resist at all. If the two of them didn't have an affair, she wouldn't believe it.

So she pulled Li Qiuhua aside. After all, she played best with Zhang Xuewei, so she must know something inside.

"It's fine if you know, don't talk to Wu Fei." Li Qiuhua saw Sun Yanfang asking her, but she didn't intend to hide it, after all, it was so obvious.

It can only be good to tell Sun Yanfang not to tell Wu Fei about this.

"Why should I know you, oh, you said Ya'er Hutong, that means you know Xu Meng, but it has nothing to do with me, you don't think I'm chasing her.

And even if you know Xu Meng, it won't help you with today's matter.

Because you just mocked my girlfriend, and your boyfriend pushed me, what do you think I should do to forgive you?" Su Wei was just delaying time, but now that Liu Qiang and the others came over, he didn't get along with her They're going around the corner.

For this woman to say that she is Xu Meng's best friend, not only did he not feel dissatisfied, but he was even more angry than before.

Because the story of Ya'er Hutong has been passed around, it has become very evil.

It was originally rumored that he spent 15 billion to buy a courtyard house and then invited Xu Meng to dinner. There is nothing wrong with this.

Later, he bought this courtyard house for 15 billion in order to invite Xu Meng to dinner. At this time, he just changed the order of the front and back.

In recent days, this matter has been described as, Su Wei, because Xu Meng is too beautiful, he raised her family's courtyard to 15 billion, and Xu Meng was described as a fairy, so many people recently I feel that Xu Meng is the No.1 Yuan in Kyoto.

And the male pig's foot here, that is, Su Wei, described him as a suitor at first, but now he directly says that he is Xu Meng's licking dog. Otherwise, how could a normal person spend 15 billion to buy a courtyard house? .

When Su Wei found out at the time, he almost died of anger. No wonder Xu Meng's father saw that his nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes.

"What do you mean by calling your bodyguard here? Let me tell you, now is a society ruled by law, don't mess around, my family has something to do with it too." Wang Jianshu had never met Su Wei before, and he didn't expect him to bring a bodyguard with him.

Although he had tattoos all over his arms, he still panicked when Su Wei's four bodyguards stared at him.

"Su Wei, what do you mean? Are you still planning to hit me? Let me tell you, I am Xu Meng's best friend. Since you are like this, I have no choice but to call Xu Meng. If you call me now Get out of the way with your bodyguard, I'll just pretend it never happened, or you won't regret it." Xiang Ningjie didn't expect Su Wei's attitude to be so tough. She already knew that she was Xu Meng's best friend, and she needed an explanation .

How could she explain, how did she know what Su Wei wanted her to do.

He could only take out his mobile phone and threaten Su Wei to call Xu Meng himself.

"You didn't find anyone today. You and your boyfriend slapped yourself twice. I'll forget about it. If you don't want to slap, then I tell you, this matter is endless." Su Wei saw Xiang Ning Jie Threatening himself, he almost laughed out loud.

He asked Xiang Ning Jie to slap herself. This is not called punishing them, but insulting them.

After all, these rich second-generation people take their faces very seriously, and it is really a bit murderous to be asked so much.

"Don't regret it. Hey, Xiaomeng, I'm in a bit of trouble here... Su Wei, Xiaomeng wants you to answer the phone, she wants to tell you something" Xiang Ning Jie just took Su Wei with him " Girlfriend”, come to Rolls-Royce to buy a car.

Then there was a little conflict with her. Su Wei has been aggressive now and wants to beat her up.

Anyway, what happened to her, those who didn't know thought it was Su Wei who was going to be here, and it was as if she had been dealt with on the spot.

"I have nothing to say to her, and you don't understand human language? I haven't told you, so it doesn't matter who comes." Su Wei didn't answer the phone, but hung up the phone directly.

After all, there is nothing to talk about between him and Xu Meng now.

At that time, the two may have been on WeChat, and they were indeed ambiguous for a while.

But since the courtyard house was not bought, both of them stopped sending WeChat.

It's not that she didn't send it. Xu Meng still sent it to Su Wei from time to time. For example, today, she sent a transfer of 5200 and a transfer of 13145.20, but Su Wei didn't bother her.

"Su Wei, my girlfriend is a girl. I hit her twice, that's okay." Wang Jianshu could see that this Su Wei was Xu Meng's licking dog.

He was convinced by Xiang Ningjie, such outrageous news could be spread out.

"Do you think it's possible? If you don't push me, I won't necessarily let you hit yourself. I can't let your girlfriend let her go. I want to teach her. Girls have to keep their mouths open, and don't let him go." Mom is spreading gossip over there." Su Wei must slap Ning Jie, but it's actually very simple.

He just wanted to prove that he had nothing to do with Xu Meng.

Xu dreams of becoming the No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto, that's her business, don't try to step on yourself to climb up, he is not a good ladder.

"It seems that if I don't hit myself today, you won't let me go, okay, I'll hit you, Su Wei, you're ruthless." Xiang Ningjie knew that if she didn't hit her today, Su Wei wouldn't let her go up.

After slapping herself twice, she took her boyfriend and left.

It seems that she will never come to this Rolls-Royce shop in Kyoto.
Dividing line---
"Manager Chen, you tell me to forget it, what you said is light, that's because it's not you, but me." Just when Su Wei forced Ning Jie to slap Ning Jie, in Manager Zhang's office on the second floor, There is also a quarrel going on.

It turned out that when Zhang Qian returned to the exhibition hall, she directly reported her being beaten to the exhibition hall manager.

The manager of the exhibition hall found that his own person had been beaten, which was okay, and asked Zhang Qian who beat her.

Is it the warehouse keeper at the back, or a colleague from the two car dealers next to him.

After inquiry, I found out that the beating person was a customer of the store, who just bought two Rolls-Royces in full.

She didn't dare to make decisions on her own, so she could only report the matter all the way until it was reported to the general manager of the store.

"This, thing, it's hard to say, who is right and who is wrong, I just know that Mr. Su is our Rolls-Royce, a super VIP, he bought six cars, under his own name, there are three more, and It's fixed in the capital city, the new SUV, he can't be offended." The general manager of the Rolls-Royce store is a ghost, after checking Su Wei's identity.

If he finds out that he is a super VIP, then he must not offend Su Wei, a client.

After all, a super customer like Su Wei is the root of the Rolls-Royce brand.

He actually didn't care at all about him slapping Zhang Qian.

"If that's the case, I'll complain to the Rolls-Royce headquarters." Zhang Qian didn't expect that Manager Chen, a bastard, would come to persuade her to forget it because the person who beat her was a super VIP.

She was so angry that she flew into a rage in the office, and even threatened to complain about this ghost.

"Zhang Qian, don't be impulsive, hurry up and apologize to Manager Chen." The sales manager didn't expect Zhang Qian to be so stubborn.

If he had known that she would be so recalcitrant, he would never have brought her up.

"Zhang Qian, you have already been fired. I'm afraid you don't have the right to come and complain to me." Seeing that Zhang Qian was still threatening him, Gui Lao called the HR directly and announced Zhang Qian's dismissal.

In this way, she can't complain internally, and even if she really complains, no one will offend her super VIP for her sake.

"You gang of money lackeys, I won't just let it go." Zhang Qian didn't expect to be fired like this, she was the one who was beaten.

When she was dragged out of the 4S store by the security guard, she was still cursing there.

(End of this chapter)

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