Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 221 Finally Makes It Sense

Chapter 221 Finally Makes It Sense

When Su Wei woke up, he felt that all the cells in his body were applauding.

Although he often sleeps until he wakes up naturally, but never once, he can sleep so comfortably.

When he woke up this time, he was in a state of sobriety.

Unlike before, when waking up, the whole person is in a daze, and often sleeps in pieces.

He was a little strange, why didn't Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei see him today, he got up and looked at the room, and found that there was no one else in the room except himself.

It turned out that last night, Su Wei got both Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei drunk in the King of K Songs.

The main reason why they were able to get them drunk so easily was because they drank relatively little alcohol and didn't know enough about Coke barrels.

In addition, before they came to KTV, they had already drank red wine, and even though they didn't touch Hennessy and Louis XIII in KTV, they were still drunk.

Last night, except for Su Wei and Li Qiuhua who were not drunk, the other four women were already drunk.

Li Qiuhua was able to keep from getting drunk, not because she tried her best, but because she knew how powerful the Coke barrel was, so she kept drinking Martell.

Although she knew that Su Wei was uneasy and kind, she did not dare to ruin Su Wei's good deeds. After all, although she and Wu Fei were roommates and Zhang Xuewei were best friends, Su Wei was their boyfriend.

She could only secretly tell Su Wei that Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei are both good girls, and hoped that Su Wei would not hurt them.

How could Su Wei hurt them, he just told his plan, he thought it was the only way.

Li Qiuhua thought about it for a while, and felt that maybe only Su Wei's method could make Zhixi and Wu Fei reconcile as before.

They played until after two o'clock in the morning. Su Wei saw that the girls had turned into drunk cats, and he and Li Qiuhua helped the two back to the Bulgari Hotel.

After Su Wei returned to Bulgari, he definitely didn't say anything, and went straight to a three-person exercise.

And because Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei were too drunk, he asked them to do a lot of entanglement poses, and then took some photos and videos on the phone.

This video, apart from being for myself to watch, is also a weapon for the two of them to calm down.

"Why are you two here? Did you all sleep here yesterday?" When Su Wei came out of the room to look for someone, he saw Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei sitting on the sofa blankly, looking at the people outside the window. Kyoto City Construction.

The two of them looked like they had lost their souls, occupying a sofa alone, and didn't even play with their phones.

Su Wei knew that what he did yesterday was a bit too much. After all, for Wu Fei and the others, three-person exercises were not acceptable to everyone.

But at this time, he must not let them know that he was the one who helped them back yesterday.

So he pretended like he didn't know anything.

"Su Wei, you really went too far yesterday, you really have no bottom line at all, do you think you can humiliate me like this because you have money, you will only make me think you are very disgusting.

The reason why I didn't leave and stayed here is because I want to tell you personally that the relationship between us is over.

These are the keys to the two cars you gave me, and the card you gave me. I will return them all to you now, and we will not see each other in the future." Wu Fei spoke calmly, as if saying something Things that have nothing to do with her.

After she put the things on the table, she planned to go out the door.

Wu Fei was the first person to wake up in the room today. When she opened her eyes, she found that she was living in the Bulgari suite.

She has lived in this room several times, and what impressed her most was this bedroom lamp. At that time, she thought it was very beautiful and wanted to install one in the master bedroom of Wanliu Academy.

But after checking the price, the waiter told her that the lamp cost more than 60 yuan. It was the first time she knew that such a small lamp cost so much money.

So she has always been very impressed with the lights of the Bulgari suite, and now she remembered it the first time she saw it.

But she soon discovered something was wrong, because she found that there were people on both sides beside her.

Looking to the left, she found that it was Su Wei, and the person on the right turned out to be Zhang Xuewei, and she was different from Su Wei, she was hugging her tightly, she thought it was Su Wei who was hugging her just now.

She is a very traditional person, and she definitely cannot accept this matter.

"Feifei, don't you go? I drank too much last night, and my whole body is broken. I don't know anything.

After I got up, you said that I did too much, so you should tell me what happened last night.

Weiwei, Feifei won't tell, or you tell me what's going on, I really don't remember at all." Su Wei hugged Wu Fei's waist, preventing her from opening the door to go out.

Of course he knew what was going on, after all, he brought them back alone.

But this must not be said, after all, looking at the two of them now, they must be very, very angry.

"You really don't know what happened yesterday? When I woke up this morning, the three of us were sleeping together without any clothes on. You really don't remember anything?" Zhang Xuewei woke up in the morning It was Wu Fei who woke me up.

At that time, because her hand was on Wu Fei's body, Wu Fei wanted to remove the hand that was pressing on her, but unexpectedly, this action woke up Zhang Xuewei.

When Zhang Xuewei woke up, she was completely shocked because she found that she was sleeping with Wu Fei in her arms without any clothes on.

It wasn't until I saw Su Wei sleeping on the other side of the bed that I realized that I slept with Su Wei and Wu Fei last night.

Although this is very unacceptable to her, it is at least better than her and Wu Fei hugging each other without clothes on.

And she looked at Su Wei's expression now, she was really serious, for a while, she didn't know if what he said was true or false.

Although Zhang Xuewei has gone through this morning, she is different from Wu Fei. Although it is a bit difficult to accept, she still has no thought of leaving Su Wei.

"Impossible, there were so many people yesterday, how could it be such a coincidence, you just happened to bring me and Zhang Xuewei back, and we were not just sleeping, look at the bottom of my neck, there are so many strawberry marks, How could you not know what happened last night?" Wu Fei couldn't believe what Su Wei said that she didn't know, after all, when she woke up at noon and went to the bathroom, she carefully looked at her body.

There are obvious signs of a fight, and there are three obvious strawberry marks on his body and neck.

He said that he didn't do anything yesterday, so unless she was a fool, it was impossible for her to believe him.

"Don't move, your strawberry mark is so small and shallow, it must be impossible for me to suck it." Su Wei didn't suck the strawberry mark yesterday because he didn't like to do it.

Wu Fei's strawberry seal was sucked by Zhang Xuewei, and there is still a video on his phone.

Zhang Xuewei especially likes to do this. She wanted to suck Su Wei before, but he refused. If she does, he won't meet anyone else unless she does.

Su Wei also didn't expect that after Zhang Xuewei got drunk this time, she would treat Wu Fei as herself and plant three strawberry marks for her.

"Su Wei, what do you mean by that? You mean that I found another man? You bastard, let me go, let me go." Wu Fei heard Su Wei say that the strawberry mark on her body is not What he did, she was about to go berserk.

Su Wei himself often steals food outside, but now he wants to fight back to doubt her, isn't that insulting.

In the past 20 years, she has only dated one man, Su Wei, and now he suspects her.

She is not a person who likes to shed tears, but when she heard Su Wei's words, she couldn't stop her tears.

"You made a mistake, I didn't mean that, listen to me first. I don't suspect that there is someone outside of you, but this imprint, which is obviously the shape of a girl's mouth, I suspect that Weiwei planted it for you, after all If I do this, I can’t just do it for you and let her go, you ask Weiwei to take off her clothes and show you, and you will know if there are strawberry marks on her body.” Su Wei saw Wu Fei Angry, I feel like explaining that she misunderstood.

Seeing that Wu Fei was crying all the time, it was hard for him to get the paper, so he could only use the bathrobe on his body to wipe away the tears for her.

"Ah? I made this, it can't be, it shouldn't be possible." Zhang Xuewei was watching a play, after all, if Wu Fei really left because of this incident, then she would be Su Wei's girlfriend in a legitimate way.

But I didn't expect that the strawberry marks on Wu Fei's body were likely to be made by her.

She was not very confident when she spoke, because she always wanted to get some for Su Wei before.

But Su Wei never gave her a chance, so this matter has almost become her obsession.

If she was really drunk last night, it is not impossible for Wu Fei to be Su Wei. After all, when she woke up, she was hugging Wu Fei.

"You made Zhang Xuewei? You still have such perverted hobbies? No wonder you hugged me to sleep in the morning. Hey, it's so disgusting. Don't come over, just stand there and stay away from me," Wu Fei saw From Zhang Xuewei's unassuming look, she knew that the strawberry print was probably made by Zhang Xuewei.

She knows that many people are curvy now, although she doesn't discriminate against them, but she herself is straight, not crooked at all.

Seeing that Zhang Xuewei was about to come over, she was so frightened that her tears stopped, and she quickly hid herself behind Su Wei, for fear of being bumped by Zhang Xuewei.

"I'm not crooked, I swear to God, I must have taken you as Ah Wei yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't have printed strawberries for you, Ah Wei, please help me prove it, how could I be crooked, I I gave it to you for the first time." Zhang Xuewei didn't expect Wu Fei to misunderstand that she was crooked, so she must clarify.

After all, Su Wei is here, and she doesn't want to leave a lily impression in front of him.

"Don't move, let me take a look first, what is this, you said you don't know anything when you're drunk, then tell me, what's going on with the photos and videos here?" Su Wei's mobile phone, at this time Just fell to the ground.

I can just see his interface, which happens to be in the photo bar.

After Wu Fei saw it, she immediately took the phone.

She opened it and took a look, and found that it was full of photos and videos of her, Zhang Xuewei and Su Wei, but these photos and videos were not serious.

It's all shot while exercising, and the whole process of Zhang Xuewei planting strawberries for her.

"Su Wei, you are so perverted, why are you filming this, Feifei, delete everything, delete everything" Zhang Xuewei didn't expect that she played so crazy last night.

It can be clearly seen from inside that all three of them were drunk yesterday.

But the tricks they played were more than when they were sober.

"Impossible, I was drunk yesterday, if I had the impression, I wouldn't lie to you.

How about this, take a look at your mobile phones and see if I was the only one who recorded "Su Wei's photos and videos were all discovered by him on purpose.

And not only in his phone, but also in Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei's phones, there are all photos and videos.

"Let me take a look. If I don't have one here, Su Wei, we're really finished." Wu Fei just looked at the photo and video, and her face turned red.

I didn't expect that she would be so active yesterday and ride Su Wei like a horse.

"Why do you have this video in your phone? You took it too? I'll check mine, God, I have it here too.

I know why we don’t remember it anymore, did you see it, Ah Wei, you came to the living room to get wine yesterday, I checked the refrigerator, there are two bottles of red wine that have been drunk, no wonder” Zhang Xuewei made according to these photos and videos made his own guess.

The three of them played a three-person game under the influence of alcohol because they drank alcohol last night.

In the end, Su Wei felt that it was not enough, so he went to the refrigerator to drink two bottles of red wine.

"Now the truth is out, I think since we got drunk yesterday, the relationship was so good, it must be because we figured it out yesterday, so don't worry about it.

Feifei, speaking from the bottom of my heart, you and Weiwei must be more important in my heart, but Weiwei has a small place in my heart.

People's hearts are fleshy, and I must part with one piece, I really can't do it." Seeing that Wu Fei was not so excited now, Su Wei knew that she couldn't accept it all at once.

But judging by her appearance, she actually accepted Zhang Xuewei a little bit.

After all, the three of them had such a good time last night, now she can't say such unfeeling words.

"You delete all the photos and videos first. I haven't thought about it yet. I'm going to take a shower first. I'll tell you when I get out." The head can burn.

Thinking that she played so openly last night, she just wants to find a hole in the ground to drill down.

In addition to embarrassment, she also wanted to take a bath, because she hadn't taken a bath since she woke up today.

After all, knowing that the strawberry marks on her body were all done by Zhang Xuewei, she felt super uncomfortable not taking a bath.

"Delete it, delete it, go take a bath, you won't be able to rub your back, I'll come in and help you." Su Wei saw Wu Fei go in to take a bath, so he hurriedly followed.

At the same time as he followed, he also pulled Zhang Xuewei over.

After all, if he didn't know how to seize this good opportunity today, he would be too stupid.
Dividing line---

"Hey, Ziwei, what's the matter?" Su Wei was having lunch with Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei when Li Ziwei called him.

He signaled to the two of them that he was going to make a phone call in his room, so he would not accompany them for dinner.

After talking about the matter yesterday, the progress is really fast.

But in order to retaliate against him, the two of them didn't let him go out the whole day yesterday.

"Brother Su, good news, good news, I have terminated the contract with Panda." When the live broadcast just started last year, Li Ziwei's live broadcast was really high.

But now after a few months of live broadcasting, he can't do it anymore.

After all, he is not an anchor who makes scripts, what he broadcasts are daily life, or the life of the rich second generation that the water friends have never seen.

But after this kind of live broadcast for a long time, it will be boring, and not only he is boring, but also the water friends in the live broadcast room are also boring.

"Impossible, aren't you the outdoor head anchor of Panda, are they willing to let you go so easily?" Su Wei felt very strange, after all, Li Ziwei signed a half-year contract with Panda, and now that Panda is so difficult, how could it be possible? Let him go, the head anchor.

After all, Li Ziwei has so many resources, and he is the only one among all panda anchors.

The previous panda outdoors were almost all occupied by some second-generation rich people and car rental anchors.

After Li Ziwei went, Panda's water friends realized that this is what the real rich second generation looks like, and the other rich second generation anchors on the platform are too low compared to him.

"If they don't want to let me go, but they can't even pay my salary now, and I said I'm going to sue them, they have no choice but to return the contract to me." Panda began to say Those who don't want to let people go, after all, Li Ziwei broadcasts well, but they really have no money.

In addition, Li Ziwei is different from others, he does not live by live broadcast.

With or without the money from the live broadcast, he can live well.

It just so happened that the pandas were talking about a financing recently. If Li Ziwei went to sue them at this time, they would basically never get any money.

In terms of letting people go or closing down the company, the Panda people of course chose to let people go.

"Then what are your plans now? Do you still want to be an anchor?" Su Wei returned to the room and lay down on the chaise longue. He has been exercising too much these two days.

These two female monsters, from yesterday afternoon to this morning, each wanted no less than four times.

If it weren't for his strength, he might be walking softly now.

"I don't plan to be an anchor anymore. After all, being an anchor is too unfree, but if my current account doesn't do live broadcasts, my popularity will be wasted in vain. I remember Su Ge, didn't you say that you plan to go to Huya to join the union Well, I just want to ask, do you still have this plan now?" After Li Ziwei knew that Panda planned to return the contract to him, he went to learn about the Huya platform these two days.

I found that it was completely different from the pandas. There was a live broadcast of the show, and all the anchors of the star show had a high turnover.

But the outdoors over there has not developed, and now it is no different from the desert. The top outdoor anchors are only a few hundred dollars.

But there is an advantage over there, that is, you can hold a labor union. Unlike pandas, the anchors basically work alone.

"Work meeting? Yes, then when I come back this time, I'll have a good chat with you about it." Su Wei didn't expect that Li Ziwei would terminate his contract with Panda after he had only been in the capital for a few days.

It just so happened that Li Ziwei's trade union specially recruited female anchors and put them on various platforms.

As for Su Wei's own agency, she doesn't plan to train female anchors to play PK, it's just a small amount of money.

His plan is to recruit a large number of trainees and let them become a girl group.

If they can become popular, then let them become actors, or stars, or become idols no matter how bad they are.

As for those who are not popular, they should be sent down to be anchors, of course not as PK anchors, but as delivery anchors.

(End of this chapter)

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