Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 222 Ocean Lavie

Chapter 222 Ocean Lavie
"President Su, where are we going?" Zhang Ruoyu has not been out of the house for the past two days. She has been in the room for two days since the day she moved into Bulgari.

It's not because she hasn't stayed in this kind of hotel before, so she wants to stay in the room for a while.

In fact, when she found out that her boss Su Wei didn't plan to go out for the whole day yesterday, she really wanted to go out.

After all, there are so many famous places in Kyoto, such as the Great Wall, Temple of Heaven, Forbidden City, etc. She is very interested in them.

But because she is Su Wei's assistant, Su Wei doesn't go out in the hotel, so she can only stay in the hotel. After all, who knows if Su Wei will ask her for anything.

"I'm planning to accompany Feifei and the others to buy some clothes. You don't have any clothes. I'll buy some for you later. I'll reimburse you for the clothes. You always wear these rotten clothes when you go out. People think I'm the boss. It's stingy.

By the way, where are Li Qiuhua and the others?Why didn't I see them, wouldn't they have already left?That would be such a pity." Su Wei looked at Zhang Ruoyu's shirt inside, and remembered that he had admitted the wrong person on Friday morning.

Then I thought of Zhang Ruoyu's shirt with a scratch on the back.

In fact, Zhang Ruoyu called him yesterday, saying that she was going to Oceanwide Family to pick up her luggage.

But he flatly rejected it, because what he told Wu Fei and the others was that he didn't have time to bring his luggage because he was in a hurry to catch the plane.

If Zhang Ruoyu went to Fanhai Family to pick up his luggage, then Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei would know that Su Wei had already come to Kyoto already.

So of course he didn't let Zhang Ruoyu go to Oceanwide Family to pick up her luggage, but asked her to hand over all the dirty clothes to Bulgari, and let them wash her clothes.

"Thank you boss, as long as I have a change of clothes, I promise to throw away the broken clothes immediately.

Li Qiuhua and the others came to my room last night, saying that they didn't want to disturb you, and then the two of them took a taxi back to school. Anyway, their school is not far from our place, so should I ask them to come over?" Zhang Ruoyu looked at Su Wei When you mention her rotten clothes, she gets angry.

Why did she wear this dress? It wasn't that he started asking her to change clothes, saying that she was sweating, so she changed the first clothes.

Her second dress was sprayed with champagne by him again, and her third dress was lent to Liu Meng. She brought a total of four sets of clothes. Who knew that at the end of the day, only this set of clothes could be worn on her body. up.

Then he was forced to stay in Bulgari, and she couldn't go to Oceanwide Family to change clothes, so she could only wear this rotten clothes all the time.

She can wash the coat and trousers by Bulgari, but because of the cut in the back of her shirt, she can’t hand it to Bulgari’s staff. She can only wash it by hand in the toilet.

She didn't do much work at home before, and the hole in her shirt was getting bigger and bigger after being washed by her.

Apart from the fact that she was angry with her boss, she actually admired her boss for actually solving the conflict between Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei.

Originally, after she woke up yesterday, she still wondered if her boss didn't go out because his two girlfriends, Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei, beat him up together, otherwise she would never see anyone.

After thinking about this matter, one of the two of them must quit, and the worst case scenario is that both of them may have to break up.

Unexpectedly, today, when she was having lunch, she received a call from her boss asking her to come down to the parking lot.

When she saw her boss again, she saw that he was walking with his waist supported.

And Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei have reconciled as before.

She didn't expect her boss to be so powerful that he would sleep over the two of them.

"Go back already? Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone.

Hey, it's Yuqing, what's the matter, do you miss me?" Su Wei planned to call Li Qiuhua and the others this time because they played a very important role in the reconciliation between Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei.

Because without her, Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei would not have been able to drink so much, and Su Wei's plan would not have gone so smoothly.

So this time he wanted to take her with him and let her choose some luxury goods he liked, and he would reimburse her, which was regarded as a reward for her.

Who knew that there was a phone call at this time, and when he took it out, it turned out that it was Cao Yuqing calling him.

"Boss Su, I miss you every day, but you didn't take back the messages I sent you." Cao Yuqing called Su Wei from her car. If she was outside, she wouldn't dare to be so coquettish.

She often dreamed about the scene at Bulgari last time. After all, there were so many people fighting together, she really didn't expect it to happen to her.

But she agreed last time because the agency fee of Ya'er Hutong hung her up.

Who knew that the landlord would regret not agreeing to the contract where the deposit had already been paid.

When she knew the news, she really had it in her heart, and she had already greeted all the eighteen generations of the landlord's ancestors.

The landlord gave up Su Wei's 15 billion contract and turned around and sold the courtyard house to Tianlong Group for 16 billion. He could make an extra [-] million.

But her and Lin Mengmeng's 2000 million agency fee was gone, because Tianlong Group was not the client they introduced.

After Lin Mengmeng was hit by this blow, she didn't go to work for the past two days, and when there were clients looking at the house, she always asked her colleagues to show it for her.

After all, she had already thought that when she got the agency fee, she would be able to buy a house in Kyoto. Now that the landlord and Su Wei had a falling out, well, the agency fee was gone.

"I'm too busy, Ya'er Hutong has not been sold, and I don't have a place to stay in Kyoto now. By the way, what do you want from me? Could it be that another good house came out?" Su Wei I don't believe it, but Cao Yuqing called him because she missed him.

If Lin Mengmeng did this, it was still possible, but Cao Yuqing definitely couldn't.

After all, she is a young woman, and she is a young woman with a family. If there is no conflict of interest, how could she climb into Su Wei's bed.

"It seems that Mr. Su and I really have a good understanding. I do have some good news to tell you that a top-level villa has been released today, although the location is not comparable to Ya'er Hutong. , but its area and garden are really huge.” A woman like Cao Yuqing who is over 30 years old has long since given up on the love of young people.

Although she was full of praise for Su Wei's fighting ability, there was no emotion in it.

This time, she will call Su Wei instead of sending him a message like usual, because she really has a super good project in her hand, which was just released today.

The first time she saw it, she had already gone through all the clients in her hands.

It turned out that the client in her hands who met the requirements was Su Wei, so she contacted him immediately.

"Villa? Where is there any good villa project in the urban area of ​​Kyoto? I'm not interested in such a project that is too far away.

And when I buy a house now, as long as it is a rough house, I don’t want it. As long as it is luxuriously decorated, it’s best not to live in it, because it’s too time-consuming to decorate.

If you have an urban villa in your hand, then I can still take a look, if not, you don’t need to tell me." Su Wei shook his head immediately when he heard that it was a villa.

It's not that he doesn't buy villas, but because there are no good urban villas here in Kyoto, and the better villas are all in Shunyi, which is the suburbs.

In Su Wei's understanding, the urban villas inside are at least in the Fifth Ring Road.

So why he bought the courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong is because this courtyard house is in the second ring road of Kyoto.

As for not buying a rough house, it is because the sandalwood palace in Shanghai is still being expanded. If you want to live in it at the end of 19, you need workers to work overtime.

"President Su, although this villa is outside of the Fifth Ring Road, it only takes half an hour to drive to the Forbidden City. It is already the best location besides the courtyard house.

Moreover, this community belongs to Chaoyang District. Its name is Yuanyang LAVIE. Mr. Su, you can inquire about it. This community is really nice. I just went to see this house. The decoration is also very good, and the landlord spent 6000 million. Decoration, I haven’t lived in it for a day, as long as you come to see it, I promise you will not regret it.” In the whole of Kyoto, although many people can afford this house, not many people will buy it.

Because this house is a renovated villa, the big guys who can afford this house usually choose to buy the rough, and then spend a lot of money to decorate it themselves.

So she heard Su Wei say that she wanted to buy a renovated house, and she felt that this house was God's knowledge that she hadn't sold the courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong, even though it was used to compensate her.

"Ocean LAVIE? Is there a big lake in this community? What's the size of this house?" Su Wei was not interested at first, but when he heard Cao Yuqing say that this community is called Ocean LAVIE, he became interested.

In his previous life, he heard that Mr. Ma would spend 20 billion to buy the building king here.

Whether this news is true or not, he didn't belong to this circle in his previous life, so he doesn't know.

But what he knew was that Rebs had a villa here, and he planned to decorate it and live in it.

"This house has six bedrooms, five halls and nine bathrooms, with an area of ​​2300 square meters and a garden of 4000 square meters, and this courtyard house is close to the central lake of the community. The current price is 3.7 million." There are larger areas in this community, but they meet That's all Su Wei's conditions are.

And she felt that as long as Su Wei came to see this house, he would definitely fall in love with it, because this house is so big and comfortable.

"Well, after hearing what you said, I'm really interested. How about it, I'll come over now. Where are you now? I'll go pick you up. We'll go there together when the time comes." Su Wei originally wanted to buy Clothes, but now that you have a good house, of course you have to go to see the house first, after all, you can buy clothes at night.

Before he came to Kyoto this time, he had already had an idea and planned to buy another house.

Ya'er Hutong is a rough house, and it needs to be renovated after buying it, which will take at least one or two years.

Now that he has decided on Wanliu Academy and Fanhai Family's house, when Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei have children, he will give the house to them.

Then he definitely can't take women there all the time, and staying in a hotel is not a problem.

After all, there must be a place to put his car, or the clothes and shoes he bought, and a hotel is not his home after all.

"Boss Su, I'm at the gate of Yuanyang Lavie Community, so don't bother you to pick me up, but I want to treat you to dinner tonight." Cao Yuqing and her subordinates came to see the house together today.

Later, she will send all her subordinates away.

After all, Su Wei, who knows if he will do something to her in front of her subordinates.

"Forget about eating. I came here with my girlfriend today, so you wait for us at the gate, and we will hurry over now." Su Wei knew what Cao Yuqing was thinking, but he had consumed too much today. I have no idea now.

Although it is possible to fight reluctantly, it is not necessary.

It's better to take a good rest and fight Cao Yuqing again in two days.

"That's really a pity, then I'll send you the address." When Cao Yuqing heard Su Wei say that, she understood.

It turned out that he was with his girlfriend today, and he didn't know if the girl this time was the Miss Wu whom he met last time.

"Xiaozhang, get in the car, let's go to Yuanyang Lavie"

. . . . . .

"Awei, where are you going? Did the navigation lead to the wrong place? Why is this driving to the airport?" Wu Fei looked at the environment outside the car window, and she was out of the Fifth Ring Road.

Didn't they go shopping for clothes today?Is there a shopping mall here at the airport?How has she never heard of it.

The dress she was wearing was worn on Friday. Although Bulgari had it washed, she still wanted to change it.

"It's over there. I just received a call saying that there is a top-notch villa in Kyoto. I'm going to check it out now. Anyway, those shops that sell clothes don't close until 10 pm. We'll be there at night." Go buy it again" Su Wei slowed down the speed of the car, and then opened the hood of the Rolls-Royce Shining Shadow.

The main reason is that the weather today is so good that even Kyoto can see the blue sky and white clouds.

She hadn't told them about him going to see the house, so Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei thought they were going to buy clothes.

"No, I'm going to buy clothes at night, wow, it's so windy, Ah Wei, you didn't raise the windows, my hair style was ruined..." Zhang Xuewei felt uncomfortable when she heard Su Wei say that she would go shopping for clothes at night.

Because she originally planned to take a look at the car when she was shopping for clothes this afternoon. After all, Wu Fei had already bought a Rolls-Royce Phantom, and she hadn't even seen the shadow of her car yet.

Just when she was about to complain, the airflow from the open hood blows her long hair into a fairy flower.

"Miss Zhang, the wind is too strong. I have a rubber band here. Why don't you wear a ponytail like me?" Zhang Ruoyu specially tied a ponytail today to look more capable.

Unexpectedly, she hit the right spot and ran into her, an unreliable boss who didn't raise the glass when opening the hood.

"Weiwei, I know you want to see the car, don't be in a hurry, the car dealership is open at night, after looking at the house, I'll go and see your car, that's okay.

The house I am going to look at will be where I will live when I come to Kyoto, please help me to see how this house is." Of course Su Wei knew that Zhang Xuewei would complain because she wanted to buy a car.

She had already secretly told Su Wei this morning that she wanted to see the car today.

"I'm in a hurry, I just wore this dress for three days and I just want to change it." Zhang Xuewei felt embarrassed when she saw Su Wei say it directly.

After all, Wu Fei lived in the co-pilot. Although she and Wu Fei got along very well, when she faced Wu Fei, she always had the feeling that the concubine met the eldest wife.

"Didn't you buy a house in Wanliu Academy? You should plan to give that house to whoever Wei Wei and I gave birth to you.

You can live there now, and there is no need to buy another house, and there are too many houses for you to live in. Isn’t this a waste?” Wu Fei still underestimated Su Wei, thinking that he bought it in Wanliu Academy bought a house.

After all, when he went to transfer ownership, Wu Fei didn't go because she had to go to class.

So in the past two days, one of her is to get revenge on him, and the other is to get pregnant first and get the house.

After all, the community of Wanliu Academy is considered a top-level community in Kyoto.

Wu Fei didn't know about it before, but since Su Wei said that he would give this house to her, she went to check this community specifically.

The more she got to know, the more she discovered the power of this community.

In addition to the good location of this community, the subway station is just outside the door, and the schools in this community, from kindergarten to high school, are all the best schools in Kyoto.

"Feifei, I want to admit one thing to you. When Ah Wei bought a house, he actually bought two houses, not only Wanliu Academy, but also a house from Oceanwide Family.

He intends to give Wanliu Academy to you, but the Fanhai family, he intends to give it to me." Zhang Xuewei saw that Wu Fei had misunderstood, she thought she would rob Wanliu Academy, she quickly explained.

After all, she really has no idea about the house in Wanliu Academy.

Ever since Su Wei gave Zhang Xuewei the house code of Fanhai Family, she and Li Qiuhua had already visited Fanhai Family.

But the only thing that upset her was that she ran into Ma Jinlian in the community, which made her feel a little unlucky.

"Feifei, you are actually worried about this, don't worry, I said, the house in Wanliu Academy is for you, that's for you, by the way, I have arranged for Xiaozhang to buy furniture for you, when the time comes Talk to her more to see what style you like.

It's almost there, the navigation shows here, please help me to see how this neighborhood is." Su Wei heard the navigation reminder at this time, and he was about to reach the place tens of meters ahead.

He had already seen Cao Yuqing standing beside the Mercedes-Benz in front of him.

"Ms. Su, Ms. Wu, Ms. Zhang, hello, this is the most expensive community in Kyoto, Yuanyang LAVIE"

(End of this chapter)

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