Chapter 224
"Where's Ah Wei and the store manager Cao? Why haven't I seen them both?" Zhang Xuewei just took a few photos and thought they were pretty good. She was about to call Su Wei over to take some photos with him .

At a glance, they were nowhere to be seen at all. Only then did she realize that the three of them had stayed in this garden for too long.

Just now, the three of them have been from the front garden, patted and patted, and took pictures of the back garden, and then they were still on the private pier of this villa, and saw a lot of fish swimming in the lake, which made the three of them stay on the private pier again for a long time.

"Boss Su sees that you are more interested in gardens, so he and store manager Cao have already gone into the house to look around." Most of the time Zhang Ruoyu was here was taking pictures of Wu Fei and the others.

If you help your boss look at his two girlfriends casually, you can be regarded as a little spy.

After all, she had clearly seen before that when Su Wei entered the villa, his hands were all in Cao Yuqing's pants.

No wonder when we first met, the store manager Cao looked at her boss in the wrong way.

And where is there a salesperson who wears a hip skirt to introduce the house.

She can only sigh, how her boss is like a reincarnation of Teddy, as far as she knows, there are no fewer than five women who have relations with his boss.

And this is only in the capital, and her boss's headquarters is in the capital.

She couldn't even imagine how many related women her boss would have in Shanghai with his style.

"Our garden is so beautiful. It would be great if Ah Wei bought it, but the price is still too expensive." Wu Fei especially likes this garden and this lake, because this house reminds her of The days before at her grandparents' house.

Her grandparents' house is in the county below City H, and their house is near a river. When she was young, she often saw people fishing by that river.

Sometimes when the river floods, the people in the village pick up fish directly by the river with their equipment, and they can pick up a lot at a time.

She was young at that time, and she also liked to go to the river to pick up fish. The adults were almost scared to death by her. She was not afraid at all, but thought it was very fun.

"The price is expensive. It's only compared to us. For a rich man like Ah Wei, it's really not too expensive. Think about it, how much is the courtyard house that didn't sell, 15 billion, these three points [-] million is a fraction of [-] billion." Zhang Xuewei now understands that Su Wei's assets must be richer than she imagined.

Originally, she wanted to buy a Lamborghini and forget about it, but now she has changed her goal and plans to change to a more expensive car.

"It's true, he is indeed too rich, poor people like us, don't worry about him.

The garden is almost there, do you want to see it again?If you don’t want to watch it, let’s go and see the inside together, I haven’t been inside the villa yet.” Wu Fei thinks about it too, Su Wei is worth so much money, what he wants to do must not be on the same line as her thinking superior.

The garden is almost ready, she plans to go into the villa to have a look, she is really curious, why the decoration of this villa costs 6000 million.

There are some rich relatives among her relatives, but they are only tens of millions, and they are basically assets. There are basically few who can get hundreds of thousands in cash.

They may drive a good car, such as a BMW or Mercedes-Benz, but their house is basically not a villa, and they live in a bungalow with an elevator at most.

"I don't watch it either, Miss Zhang, do you still watch it? If you don't, let's go in too. I also want to see what it's like in a villa of several thousand square meters." When Zhang Xuewei was speaking, she secretly I sent Su Wei a message, telling him that Wu Fei was bringing them into the villa.

She knew that the relationship between Cao Yuqing and Su Wei was not simple.

After all, she was outside Ya'er Hutong at that time, and Su Wei spanked Cao Yuqing's ass in front of her.

And Cao Yuqing was not only not angry, but acted like a baby to Su Wei.

She didn't really want to remind Su Wei when she sent this text message, because if Su Wei was really doing something bad, there was a high probability that he would never see this message.

If he didn't do anything bad, then this information could also win his favor.

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, you've got a call. You've got a call. Just answer it. He might be in a hurry." Cao Yuqing was hugged face to face by Su Wei, and she punched her flesh in the air. All trembling.

Hearing Su Wei's phone rang, it felt like hearing a savior.

After all, fighting like this is too exciting, if she doesn't stop, she is afraid that she will collapse on the ground later.

"Who is calling at this time, if there is nothing wrong, I will scold him to death.

Why did Zhang Ruoyu call here? No, Wu Fei and the others are coming.

You feel like putting on your clothes, my girlfriends are coming in, don't wear them here, let's go out and wear them, if they press the elevator later, we will go to the first floor later, forget it, it's me Come and wipe it for you." Su Wei was speeding up to punch when he heard the phone ring.

He was planning to scold someone, but seeing that it was Zhang Ruoyu calling, he knew that she must have come to tip off the news.

After he answered the phone, he didn't speak, and sure enough, he heard the voice of Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei chatting on the other side of the phone. The two said to see how the villa looks like, is it really so magnificent? After all, it cost 6000 million decoration.

Su Wei didn't hear Zhang Ruoyu's words, and knew that she told him in this way that Wu Fei and the others were coming.

After he hung up the phone, he put on his underwear without caring that his thighs were all wet.

Seeing that Cao Yuqing was still wiping slowly, he grabbed her panties directly, and then helped her wipe the wet place clean.

"Boss Su, what should we do now? Are your girlfriends coming up soon?" Cao Yuqing was completely frightened, because she didn't expect that she would be caught raped today.

She really felt that she wanted to cry but had no tears. She was just introducing the house to Su Wei.

But she never expected that in the middle of the house introduction, Su Wei suddenly became interested and insisted on fighting her in the elevator.

She couldn't resist Su Wei, so she could only endure it silently.

But who knew that he was almost 10 minutes today, and he was still punching so powerfully that she couldn't stand still, and she could only be hugged by him, otherwise she would have fallen down long ago.

The reason why Cao Yuqing dressed like this today is because Su Wei likes to see girls wearing one-piece skirts, so she wears them specially.

But she really didn't expect that Su Wei would be so bold. After all, his girlfriends are just outside the villa, and there are still two of them.

"It's okay, let's get out of the elevator first, and wait for your normal introduction, but the voice should be louder. On the second floor, you have finished the introduction. Let's go directly to the third floor." Forget about time.

The main reason is that a young woman like Cao Yuqing is indeed too good at it, and it is beyond the reach of ordinary girls.

He has dated so many women, apart from Zuo Qing who can compare with her, not even Chen Lu can compare with her.

"Here on the second floor, there are a total of four rooms. We have already seen the four suites on the left and right sides. Then we will not take the elevator this time. Let's take the stairs to the third floor to see the real essence of this house, which is ours. A super large master bedroom of up to 400 square meters." Cao Yuqing calmed down and began to introduce Su Wei loudly.

After all, it's already like this, she can only bite the bullet and continue acting with Su Wei.

As for whether they will see anything, she can only say that she tried her best.

"The decoration of this house is 6000 million, why is there no piece of furniture? Is the landlord cheating?" Wu Fei couldn't understand why there was not even a piece of furniture for so much money.

Wouldn't the landlord exaggerate many times in order to raise the price?Or is it that the furniture hasn't been delivered yet?
"Then I don't know, why don't we ask Store Manager Cao.

Ah Wei, Store Manager Cao, where are you? They don’t seem to have heard, I’ll go up and have a look.” Zhang Xuewei searched around below, but found no signs of Su Wei and Cao Yuqing.

She knew that the two of them must be upstairs, so she planned to take Wu Fei there quickly.

"Wei Wei, why did you come up? Have you finished reading the first floor?" Su Wei didn't expect Zhang Xuewei to come up, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

After all, she knew something about his relationship with Cao Yuqing, as long as Wu Fei didn't know about it.

"I've already finished reading it. The main reason is that no one introduced me. By the way, we called you downstairs just now. Why didn't you return to us? Are you on the second floor and finished reading it?" Zhang Xuewei hurried up and said Seeing that Su Wei and Cao Yuqing were both neatly dressed, it seemed like nothing had happened.

But Cao Yuqing's face gave her away. After all, her face was so red, she could tell that she had just exercised vigorously.

She wished she could slap herself, if she had known, she would not have sent that wechat message, and Su Wei had been prepared in advance.

"Xiao Cao, you go up first, I will come up later.

The sound insulation of this house is very good. We didn't hear any sound in the room we were in just now.

Feifei, you guys have also come up to the second floor, how about this, Xiaozhang, you take the two of them, first look at the four suites on the second floor, we will wait for you on the third floor, after all, we have already seen the second floor." Mr. Su Wei Call Cao Yuqing up, after all, the blush on her face is too obvious.

It's nothing to let Zhang Xuewei know, but it's a big deal if Wu Fei finds out.

Just as Cao Yuqing went up, Wu Fei and Zhang Ruoyu also came up.

At this time, he definitely couldn't let Cao Yuqing and Wu Fei meet.

Let Zhang Ruoyu take Wu Fei and the two of them to the second floor to watch for a while, and don't rush up to the third floor.

"Okay Mr. Su, then Ms. Wu, let's take a look at the second floor first, and then we'll go to the third floor after we're done." Zhang Ruoyu just called Su Wei to inform Su Wei, and deliberately turned off her voice. So that Su Wei can hear the voice from this side, but the voice from Su Wei's other side cannot be heard here.

Now seeing that her boss asked her to take Wu Fei and the others to see the second floor, she knew it was her boss who wanted her to hold back his two girlfriends.

"Okay, let's take a look at the four suites on the second floor first. I like the left side, so let's start from the left side." Zhang Xuewei thinks that Su Wei must have seen her text message, since she has already helped him hide it So now she can only continue.

She didn't want Su Wei to think that she was a duplicitous person.

"Then you go up first, we will come to you as soon as we finish watching." Although Wu Fei felt very strange, she didn't think about it.

How could she have imagined that Su Wei would be so bold as to fight with Cao Yuqing in the elevator even though he knew they were outside.

"I was scared to death. My feet almost went limp just now. Mr. Su, is my face still red now? It's been so long, is my face any better?" Cao Yuqing was on the stairs just now. When she turned her head and saw Zhang Xuewei coming up, she was shocked.

Because she knew that she was very hot now, and her face must be red.

At this time, Su Wei actually asked her to come to the third floor. She didn't care if she was discovered, so she hurried to the third floor.

"Are your feet scared, or is it because you just lost your strength in a fight?" Su Wei looked at Cao Yuqing's appearance and felt that she was a little cute.

But it was really dangerous just now. Fortunately, Zhang Ruoyu called him, otherwise he would definitely be discovered.

If Wu Fei knew about this, she would 100% break up with him, and she would definitely confess her mistake to Liu Jing.

Now Liu Jing knew Qian Xinyi again, and he put Qian Xinyi to sleep again. The bad thing was that Qian Xinyi also knew Wang Xiaoyuan.

Su Wei now feels like he is playing dominoes. One bad move will trigger an avalanche.

"President Su, don't talk about it. I was really scared to death just now. You are still in the mood to joke here. I don't care. I am mainly afraid that you will steal it and your girlfriend will find out." Cao Yuqing She is really afraid, she is not afraid of being beaten by the three of them.

It's because they are afraid that they will go to her company to make trouble, and that they will expose this matter to the Internet.

"Okay, this thing is over.

The third floor is just the master bedroom, right? Let me go in and have a look. The 400-square-meter bedroom is almost the same size as the two large flats I bought in Kyoto. I want to see the area, is it? It won't really shock me." After Su Wei heard what Cao Yuqing said, he changed the subject directly.

After all, it's not time to topple his dominoes.

When a few more women are pregnant, at that time, he will not be afraid even if he is cheated by the Internet.

"Outside the third floor is a leisure hall, not too big, only more than 30 square meters.

Push open the double door of the master bedroom, and after entering, there is a living room inside, with an area of ​​about 60 square meters.

Walking from the left hand side of the living room, here is our master bedroom. The area is less than [-] square meters. It is too big, and I can't describe this master bedroom.

Next to the master bedroom, here is a study room with an area of ​​about 30 square meters. In this study room, there is also a small study room with an area of ​​20 square meters. I have never lived in such a large house, and I don’t know how to use it. it.

Coming back from the master bedroom, on the right side of the living room is our cloakroom, which is divided into the male owner’s cloakroom and the female owner’s cloakroom. The two cloakrooms add up to 100 square meters, which is really the same as a counter in a shopping mall.” Cao Yuqing Seeing Su Wei change the subject, I knew he didn't want to talk about it.

She accepted it as soon as she was good, after all, if Su Wei held her here again and beat her up, then she really couldn't bear it anymore.

When there were seven people last time, she just felt that Su Wei was a little stronger than ordinary people.

But today, one-on-one, she knew just how terrifying Su Wei was.

"Wow, this cloakroom is too big. It will cost at least a few million to fill up the closet." Zhang Xuewei and the others went up to the third floor after looking down for a while.

The main reason is that there is nothing to see on the second floor, and the rooms on the second floor look similar to the suite on the first floor. They are all bedrooms, study rooms, cloakrooms and toilets.

There is another reason why she came up after watching for a while, that is, she and Wu Fei didn't think they would live on the second floor in the future, they both thought they would live in the master bedroom on the third floor in the future.

So after looking around in a hurry on the second floor for a while, they ran to the third floor.

After arriving on the third floor, they heard Cao Yuqing giving an introduction in the cloakroom. When they came over to see it, they were shocked that there was such a big cloakroom.

"Clothes cost millions of dollars to fit? This landlord is too extravagant, why not turn this cloakroom into a suite, so that at least more people can live in it." For Wu Fei, buying clothes is a must It is rare for people with more than 1000 yuan.

She really can't understand how to spend millions on clothes.

It's just clothes, is it necessary to buy so expensive?Not all of them are worn on the body.

"A mansion doesn't need too many rooms, as long as it's enough, and if these two cloakrooms are filled up, it won't cost tens of millions. Don't even think about it. You'll know when I take you to buy clothes at night." Su When Wei heard what Wu Fei said, he knew that her consumption awareness hadn't improved yet.

He planned to wait until the evening to take her to a luxury store to increase his knowledge. Now that he is with him, her consumption concept should also be improved.

"Boss Su is right, if you don't put tens of millions of clothes in the closet here, it will be a waste.

This house has an area of ​​2300 square meters on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. It sells for 15 million yuan, which is about 100 yuan per square meter. The cloakroom has 1500 square meters, and the price is about [-] million yuan. If the clothes are too cheap, I believe Miss Wu You won't let it in either.

Well, we finished talking about the cloakroom, that is the last piece of the master bedroom, the bathroom part.

This bathroom has an area of ​​more than 50 square meters, and it is lit on three sides. When we came in, we could see this super-large double basin, opposite to the double basin. There are also two smart toilets here, mainly It is convenient for couples who both have to go to the toilet.

Come over to the toilet, here is the shower room of the toilet, next to the shower room is the bathtub specially made by the landlord, this bathtub is not big, and 4-5 people can go in without being crowded.”

(End of this chapter)

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