Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 225 The Great Show of Mercy

Chapter 225 The Great Show of Mercy
"There's nothing to see in the toilet, Manager Cao, why don't you take us to see other places?" Seeing Cao Yuqing's introduction, Wu Fei said that this bathtub can wash 4-5 people, and she felt a little weird.

It’s no problem to wash 4-5 people. Is there such an introduction? She feels that the store manager Cao is not criticizing Sang Huai.

After all, she knew that she and Zhang Xuewei both belonged to Su Wei's girlfriend.

"Okay, then let's take a look at the attic first. The area of ​​this attic looks bigger than the master bedroom, because there are no partitions on it, but a whole.

The attic is nearly 500 square meters. When the landlord renovated it, he had to think carefully. I guarantee that after you go to see it, you will definitely be full of praise for this design." Seeing that Wu Fei is not interested in the bathroom, Cao Yuqing also agreed. Let's move on to the attic.

Because she just thought about what she said carefully, and it really seemed a bit yin and yang.

"Upstairs is the attic. When I first came up, I thought the upstairs was a terrace. You were right, Feifei." In the small villa of Zhang Xuewei's house, half of the third floor is a room and half is a terrace.

When she came up with Wu Fei and the others, she told them confidently that there must be a terrace above.

After all, when Cao Yuqing introduced it before, it said that there were three floors above ground and one floor underground.

"I just find it strange that the roof is closed, how could it be a terrace, and you still refute me?" Wu Fei thought it couldn't be a terrace, because the house is enclosed as a whole from the outside.

If there is a balcony, the skylight can only be opened from the middle, but in this case, wouldn't the water enter the house?

But Wu Fei had never lived in a villa, and when she heard Zhang Xuewei refute her, she also thought that she might be ignorant.

"How did the landlord design it? He couldn't have designed a haunted house on it, otherwise the other designs wouldn't surprise me." Anyway, if Su Wei came to design it, it would definitely be designed as an e-sports room , and then set up a few computers.

When I have nothing to do, I can play games here, and if I am bored, I can also find someone to accompany me to play games.

And now that he owns a media company, he can still call his company's girl group, or spend money to invite some good-looking girl groups outside to come here to play games with him.

This villa is so thousands of square meters, and then he can still play with them, the hide-and-seek game he played on the yacht.

"It's also possible that the landlord is a person who likes small animals very much. He decorated this house into a pet paradise." Zhang Xuewei has an Alaskan pet at home, and she likes it very much.

After all, it has been raised since childhood, and it has been raised for more than 5 years now, and the relationship is very deep.

"President Su and Ms. Zhang, you are joking. A haunted house and a pet paradise are definitely impossible. You will know when you go up." Seeing that their guesses were getting more and more outrageous, Cao Yuqing hurriedly interrupted them.

She already had a premonition that after Su Wei and the others went up to the attic, they would definitely not give out admiration.

After all, what she said seems to be nostalgic only for post-80s like her. For post-90s like Su Wei and others, it doesn't matter whether they have this thing or not.

"This is the attic? Why do I feel that it is about the same height as the downstairs, and where is the design you mentioned?" After Su Wei came up, he realized that the attic is so high, only a little shorter than the second and third floors , if he hadn't paid special attention, he might not have realized it.

After all, in his impression, the highest part of the attic is usually no more than [-] meters. If it exceeds this height, the developer must have included it in the real estate certificate.

"Mr. Su, you are right. The height of this attic was only two meters high before, and the shortest was only 1.4 meters. The landlord thought it was too short, so he specially extended it to the top. Now the shortest here is three meters one. The highest is [-] meters.

As for surprises, Mr. Su, you walked in here, didn't you notice that this attic is much brighter than the master bedroom downstairs when the lights are not turned on.

The main reason for this is its light, all of which come from the eight heavenly eyes on the top of the head, allowing the center of the window to have very bright light.

At that time, the landlord wanted to turn the attic into a private library that could be handed down from generation to generation, but he never expected that he would immigrate.

At that time, he collected these Chinese and foreign masterpieces from all over the world. You can take a look, there are more than 1000 masterpieces in this library, and now he doesn’t take any of them away, leaving all of them to the next owner.” When Cao Yuqing came up, she was really shocked.

The landlord actually set aside hundreds of square meters for books, and cleverly opened eight sky eyes on the roof, just to allow the sunlight to shine in directly.

"Zi Zhi Tong Jian, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I don't know this book, what is it? Harry Potter? This is also a masterpiece? Isn't this a novel, and he put so many books here, he is not afraid of formaldehyde exceeding the standard?" Su Wei looked at the attic and was really not surprised.

Although this kind of paper book has a lot of history, his eyes are not used to it, because his eyes are used to looking at mobile phones and tablets.

Moreover, he randomly picked up a few books and found that not all of them were famous books. Isn't it the same for novels like Harry Potter?

The homeowner mentioned that he bought more than 1000 books, which seemed to be a lot, but only one-third of the bookshelves were filled in the library, and he didn't see him filling all the bookshelves.

The most important thing is that all books contain formaldehyde. Isn't he afraid of formaldehyde exceeding the standard?
If he bought this villa, he would definitely put all these books on the first floor for sealing.

Then according to his idea, set up a server here, and then set up a few computer desks under the sky these days, and then this attic will be dedicated to him to play games.

"Ah, the formaldehyde in the book still exceeds the standard, so what should I do if I go to the school library every day?" Wu Fei only found out today that the book still has formaldehyde.

She runs to the library when she has nothing to do, and she will sleep with some books under her pillow.

"Miss Wu, the books in the school library are basically old books, and their formaldehyde has long since volatilized.

Mr. Su, the formaldehyde problem in these books should not be very serious. I don't think you need to worry, because I read a little and most of these books are old books.

The landlord will put the Harry Potter book here, it should be the first page of the book, with the signature of her author JK Rowling, right?" Zhang Ruoyu's first reaction when she saw this library just now is whether it will be here Formaldehyde exceeded the standard.

After she flipped through dozens of books, she found that the books here are basically old books.

She went to read the Harry Potter book that Su Wei had ridiculed, and found that the novel was an English hardcover with illustrations in it. Most importantly, the first page of the book contained With the author's autograph.

"Miss Zhang is right. The books here, even if they are not classics, are not cheap, because the landlord told me when he called me that someone offered 1000 million for a package of his books, but he None sold.

And even if there is a little bit of formaldehyde here, it doesn't matter if it doesn't evaporate completely, because the fresh air system in the villa is always on 24 hours a day." Cao Yuqing doesn't know if the books here are worth so much money.

After all, the books here include Chinese, Russian, Japanese, English, French and Latin, and so on.

Cao Yuqing can still recognize Chinese and English, and she can even guess the names of some books in Japanese. As for other characters, she is basically the same as reading a book from the sky, and she can't even guess.

"The attic is almost the same, let's go to the negative floor to take a look first." So far, Su Wei is quite satisfied with the house.

Although its area is not the largest in Sino-Ocean LAVIE, it is the only one in the villa area that is being sold after decoration.

Even if Su Wei buys a bigger house, it will take at least 2 years to decorate it like this. As for this house, he can move in after buying all the furniture.

"Okay, let's take the elevator to the lower floor now, and we can feel the elevator by the way. Of course, if you like to take the stairs, we can also go down the stairs. It's very fast anyway," Cao Yuqing said here, wishing to give I slapped myself.

Why did they let them take the elevator, there was a fight in the elevator just now, and I don't know if the smell inside has dissipated.

If you are sensitive to smells, you may be able to smell something as soon as you go in.

So she quickly changed the subject and wanted everyone to go down the stairs.

"I don't want to take the stairs. I'm already very tired just walking up. Now I'm going down from the attic, it's more than ten meters." Seeing Cao Yuqing's appearance, Zhang Xuewei knew that she wanted to hide something.

There is a high probability that it is the fighting battlefield that she just searched for for a long time, but has not been able to find.

Zhang Xuewei wanted Cao Yuqing and Su Wei. The fact that the two of them had just fought was exposed, so how could they be willing to go down the stairs.

While speaking, she had already pressed the down elevator.

"This elevator is so big, it feels almost like the elevator in a hotel." Zhang Ruoyu rushed in first, and she and Zhang Xuewei wanted to go together.

She wanted to cover it up, but she didn't smell anything.

"Yeah, but is there a smell in this elevator? But the smell is very weak, have you smelled it?" Zhang Xuewei was the second to enter the elevator. She first took a few deep breaths and only smelled a strong Very light taste.

This made her very strange, thinking how could the smell be so weak, every time she had a fight with Su Wei, the smell was quite strong.

"I didn't smell it. Did you smell it wrong? After all, there are ventilation fans running on it." Hearing what Zhang Xuewei said, Wu Fei also took a few breaths, but she didn't smell anything special.

At this time, she saw a ventilation fan above her head, and thought that Wu Fei might have heard it wrong.

"I'll smell it too, it seems to be a little bit, but this smell may be the smell of a new elevator." Su Wei pretended to smell it everywhere, and when he smelled Zhang Ruoyu, he frowned unconsciously.

Because he smelled a girl on his assistant.

He didn't expect that Zhang Ruoyu had been by his side for so many days, and he didn't realize this.

"New elevators will have a little smell more or less, and after a period of operation, the smell will disappear.

Alright, now the negative floor has arrived. This kind of big-name elevator is fast.

Walking out is our basement. Although it is a completely dark basement, its floor is 4.5 meters high, so it doesn't feel oppressive at all.

Let's start with our left-hand side. There is one of our garages on the left-hand side. We come to the garage through this door. Now you can take a look inside the garage. There is no problem in placing 10 cars.

Originally, only 4 cars could be parked, but the landlord rebuilt part of it, and 4 cars can be parked outside, so now this villa can park 14 cars in total.” Cao Yuqing didn’t expect that the elevator The ventilation system is so powerful.

If she didn't know that it was a battlefield, people like Wu Fei would definitely not be able to smell it.

"Fuck, this parking lot is fine. With this parking lot, the courtyard house is now 14 billion to me, and I don't plan to take it anymore." Su Wei entered the parking garage and found that the parking lot turned out to be a straight road.

There are five parking spaces on each side, and they are all big parking spaces. Not to mention Su Wei's Mercedes-Benz G65, it is the Mercedes-Benz G 6X6 version, and it is no problem to park.

Although it is not as exaggerated as being able to park dozens of cars in the Ya'er Hutong courtyard house, it is still no problem to satisfy Su Wei himself.

"President Su, let's finish reading here, let's look at other places in the basement.

In the middle of our basement, there is a super-large living room with a full 150 square meters. On the left side of the front of the living room is our wine cellar, which has 80 square meters and can hold thousands of bottles of wine without any problem.

Coming out of the wine cellar, on the right in front of the living room is our private theater with an area of ​​80 square meters.

On the right hand side of the living room, this is the key point of one of our houses, that is, there is a constant temperature swimming pool, 15 meters long, 6 meters wide, and 1.5 meters high. In winter, Mr. Su, you can swim in your own home "Cao Yuqing introduced so much in one breath, and everyone was a little tired.

The main reason is that this house is actually too big, and because it is a renovated house, the introduction is a little bit more detailed.

"This swimming pool is still heated, which is great." Wu Fei used to go swimming in the swimming pool when she was young, but after she was 10 years old, she never went to the swimming pool again.

Because after getting older, people also know how to be shy, and in the swimming pool, there is no distinction between men and women.

"Shop Manager Cao, this one is a shower room, what's that next to it?" Zhang Ruoyu followed and walked most of the basement, and didn't dare to speak until the blush on her face faded.

In the elevator just now, when Su Wei smelled the smell, he also smelled it on her a few times. She could clearly see that her boss frowned.

She thought it was her shirt that smelled, but the boss smelled it out. After all, she washed the shirt herself.

This made her very embarrassed at the time, and her face turned red all of a sudden.

Fortunately, everyone had already got out of the elevator at this time, and then went to look at the garage. Everyone was just surprised and didn't notice her.

"This is a sauna room, which is equivalent to buying this house. There is no need to go outside for the sauna, and it can be done directly at home.

Coming from the sauna room is our gym. The area is not very large, only 60 square meters, but the equipment inside has not been bought yet.

Next, this is the last space on the negative floor. This is the nanny area. There are four rooms in total. Each room has an area of ​​about 10 square meters, and it also has two bathrooms.

This is the entire space on the first floor, Mr. Su, are you satisfied with this house? "Cao Yuqing has sold so many houses, to be honest, this house is not the most expensive.

But this house is her favorite, and it is also the decoration that impresses her the most.

One is that the design style of this house is very new, unlike many houses she has sold. Although the price is expensive, except for the location, the living environment is really incomparable with this house.

"What do you think of this house? It's okay. Manager Cao and we are old acquaintances, so you can just tell them." Su Wei said he was asking for their opinions, but in fact he had already made a decision, that is, to buy it.

After all, the decoration of this house is indeed not bad. If he buys a piece of furniture, he can live in it directly next time he comes over.

And it's super close to the airport, just over ten minutes by car.

"I think this house is very good, and I like it very much. I feel that there are no shortcomings except for the price." Wu Fei really likes this villa, because this villa really satisfies her expectations of the villa. all expectations.

It's just that the price is really too expensive, it costs 3.7 million yuan, and at this price, the communities are still outside the Fifth Ring Road, not in the urban area.

"Awei, I think this house is very good and perfect, but I want to ask, after buying this house, will Feifei and I move in?" Zhang Xuewei doesn't really want to live here, because although this house is Good, but certainly not hers.

She still wants to live in Fanhai Family, after all, that house will belong to her in the future, and this house will most likely belong to Wu Fei.

"Of course not, what do you think, I plan to live in this house for my parents, and you will live in Wanliu Academy and Oceanwide Family in the future.

Xiao Cao, I am interested in this house, but I only pay 3 million yuan. Please help me talk to the landlord to see if this house can be negotiated. If it is possible, we will transfer the ownership tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If not, let it go. It is." Su Wei is fancy about this house, but the landlord quoted [-] million yuan, which is also a rip-off.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to sell this kind of villa, and many rich people don't like to buy second-hand houses.

The most important thing is that this homeowner is definitely not simply wanting to immigrate abroad.

Because this house can be reflected everywhere, the owner himself wants to install this house.

But he was about to sell the house at the moment when the house was being renovated, no ghosts could be blamed.

"Cut 7000 million? The landlord of this house spent 14 million to buy this villa in 3 years, and after paying the tax, the landlord may not be willing to include the decoration money in it." Cao Yuqing came out of the elevator and settled the score with Su Wei while walking.

After all, this house was bought for 2014 million yuan in 4. Counting the tax, decoration money, and the money for the books upstairs, the landlord must have invested [-] million yuan in it.

Originally, 3.7 million yuan was sold at a loss, but now Su Wei is still cutting it so hard.

"I basically already know who this landlord is, the one who went to the United States, but the house has not been seized, it seems that it is not under his name.

He took away so much money and sold me a house at the cost price, which I think is very reasonable." If it were someone else, Su Wei would pay up to 3.5 million.

But for this old man, he countered with [-] million yuan, which is already showing mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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