Chapter 226 SKP
"Awei, did you think you were too harsh in bargaining just now? This time I cut off 7000 million yuan. I just saw Manager Cao's face froze." Wu Fei recalled Cao Yuqing's aggrieved look when she just left the house. I can't bear it anymore.

Although she also felt that she had to pay back the price severely, but the price of 7000 million yuan was indeed too cruel to directly cut 7000 million yuan for others.

"Well, it's not cruel at all. If you know who the landlord is, you'll think that the price I cut is too low. Don't worry, he will definitely agree to this price." Su Weina didn't have any psychological pressure at all.

Moreover, there should not be many people in the whole of Kyoto who can spend so much money to take over his villa.

After all, high-end customers like him are not uncommonly rare.

Besides, his wife, Kagome, is getting old now. He plans to ask her to come out to film a movie and see if we can have a chat.

"Who is the owner of this house? Did Manager Cao tell you? Why do you feel that you hate him so much? You know him." Wu Fei thought that Su Wei, the owner of the house, knew someone, otherwise why would he use such contempt? tone of voice.

If he knew each other, it would make sense if the counteroffer was so low.

"It's not sure yet. If this house is sold, then it will be sure." Su Wei plans to check later to see if this house belongs to that person.

If it is really confirmed that this house belongs to him, then Su Wei not only wants to gather some wool, he also wants to take away the ewes and send them back after playing for a while.

"Then where are we going now? Are we going to eat? Just show me the navigation." On the way back, it wasn't Su Wei who was driving, but Zhang Xuewei.

At that time, she volunteered to drive this Rolls-Royce Yaoying to see the difference from her Porsche 718.

In fact, she just wanted to try this Rolls Royce, to see if it was really so comfortable to drive.

Because she no longer plans to buy a Lamborghini, but also plans to buy a Rolls Royce.

It feels like driving a boat, not a sports car.

But the power of this car is really strong, as long as you are willing to step on it, the power will continue to flow.

"Just listen to the navigation and go. When you reach your destination, you will know where it is." How could Su Wei not know, Zhang Xuewei's little thought, why would you want to try a Rolls-Royce?

It's not that she also wants a Rolls-Royce, but since he has agreed to buy her a car, then go ahead and buy it, after all, a car is only a few dollars.

"Just tell me, if you make it so mysterious, don't fool me, okay?" Seeing that Su Wei refused to speak, Zhang Xuewei became even more curious.

While driving, she acted like a baby to Su Wei, wanting Su Wei to show her the destination.

"Drive your car well. There are four people in this car. Let me check your phone for you. Hey, it's here. Well, Weiwei, you better not know. You'll know when you get there. , for you, this should be a surprise." The mobile phone used for navigation is Zhang Xuewei's own.

At that time, Su Wei was watching her drive, so he took her mobile phone to enter the destination.

Sitting behind Su Wei, Wu Fei looked at the destination on Zhang Xuewei's phone and found that it was a Rolls-Royce 4S store.

She knew it was Su Wei, and planned to buy a Rolls Royce for Zhang Xuewei.

Then she must not tell Zhang Xuewei about this, after all, this is a surprise for her.

"Why are you like this, Weiwei?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

. . . . . .

"Awei, is this the surprise you prepared for me?" Zhang Xuewei followed the navigation to the destination, and only realized after turning off the engine that this is the place I visited the day before yesterday, the Rolls-Royce 4S shop.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei brought her here to buy a car. She thought Su Wei had forgotten about it, but Su Wei still remembered it.

Thinking about how incompetent she is as a girlfriend, she actually wants to expose the matter of Cao Yuqing and Su Wei in order to become Ah Wei's only girlfriend.

Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't. In fact, there is nothing wrong with becoming one-half.

"Let's go, Lan Jinglin, I've already told her that you can wait to see if there is any color you like in the store. If you don't like it, then ask them to transfer goods from other stores." Su Wei was on the road just now. So, I contacted Lan Jinglin early.

Tell her that she will come to see the car later, and ask her to wash all the phantoms and flares that are suitable for girls in the store, and buy them when she sees them.

"President Su, Ms. Zhang, Ms. Wu, Assistant Zhang, we meet again." Lan Jinglin had been waiting in the parking lot for a long time, and when she saw Su Wei's Yaoying approaching, she immediately came to say hello.

When she saw Su Wei sending her a message this afternoon, she thought at first that Su Wei wanted to ask her out for dinner, after all, it was almost time for dinner.

But I didn't expect that after chatting for a few words, I heard him say that he still wanted to buy another Rolls Royce and asked her to get the car ready.

Although Su Wei was taking care of her business and wanted her to earn a commission, she still couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

After all, she is also a big beauty, and customers are often asked to add WeChat in the store.

But I didn't expect to run into a wall with Su Wei. If he didn't want to buy a car today, he wouldn't have planned to talk to her at all. This made her look in the mirror for a long time, trying to see if her charm had declined.

"Xiaolan, I'm going to trouble you again today. The one who will buy a car later is my girlfriend. You can take her to see all the colors." Su Wei and Lan Jinglin chatted on WeChat today, feeling that she When talking, I always wanted to seduce him.

But now Su Wei really doesn't like this kind of girl who comes to her door on her own initiative.

After all, he has been reborn for so long, and he also knows what his so much money means to women.

He didn't mind women coming for money, but he hoped that those women who pounced on him had better be a little self-aware.

"Okay, Mr. Su, Ms. Zhang, please." Only then did Lan Jinglin realize that the person who wanted to buy a car today was Ms. Zhang who came with her last time.

But she clearly remembered that Su Wei's girlfriend was this Miss Wu, and this Miss Zhang was just Miss Wu's roommate and best friend last time.

Now that Ms. Zhang has become his girlfriend, did she succeed in her position, or are they both his girlfriends now?

For such a relationship, she felt her scalp tingle for a while.

After all, if one is not good, it may offend others, but I don't know it yet.

Lan Jinglin looked at the three girls beside Su Wei, and found that the beauty she was so proud of was really beaten on the ground by the three of them, each of them looked good, and they were in good shape.

No wonder when she seduced Su Wei, she felt that he had no intention of responding to her at all.

"How did you know that Zhang Xuewei likes Rolls-Royce, did she tell you secretly?" Zhang Xuewei and Lan Jinglin walked in front, and they were discussing the Rolls-Royces in the store, while Wu Fei and Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu walked behind.

Seeing Zhang Xuewei's radiant expression, Wu Fei felt very strange. How did Su Wei know that Zhang Xuewei liked Rolls-Royce.

After all, she spent most of the time with Zhang Xuewei today, and basically never let them spend alone together.

"She didn't tell me, that's what I guessed, she wanted to switch cars because you were driving a Ferrari and she was driving a Porsche.

But I told her that she can only change the car if you change the car.

Didn't you buy the Phantom on Friday? According to my agreement with her, she can also change the car.

Today she uncharacteristically said that she would help me drive, saying that she wanted to try the controls of a Rolls-Royce, and I knew she probably wanted to change to a Rolls-Royce, so I brought her here, what's wrong, you're jealous up?

Don't worry, I have already agreed with her that the price of this car she bought cannot be more expensive than your car." Su Wei felt that it was normal for Wu Fei to be jealous.

If she didn't respond at all, then he had to think about whether she had any other thoughts.

After all, although she agreed to accept Zhang Xuewei, she is also a person, not a computer program, and it is right to have her own thoughts.

"A little bit, but because you are so honest, I won't be angry anymore.

Well, Weiwei is calling me, so I'll help her choose a car." Wu Fei actually didn't want much, after all, she was with Su Wei first.

Now hearing that Su Wei assured her that Zhang Xuewei's car was definitely not as expensive as hers, that made her very happy.

"Xiao Zhang, Xu Meng sent me a message just now, I will forward her WeChat to you later, you can add her, let her talk to you directly if she has something to do, so don't bother me." Su Wei looked at Wu Fei Also went to see the car, he turned his head and explained the matter to Zhang Ruoyu.

Xu Meng sent him a WeChat message on his way back.

The content of the message is that, as the host of the capital, she wants to invite Su Wei to a meal, after all, she has met for a while.

But Su Wei didn't want to go back to her, because there was nothing wrong with being courteous or stealing. There must be something wrong with her courtyard house, otherwise how could he find him for dinner.

"Alright Mr. Su, I'll add her right away." Zhang Ruoyu is now numb to Su Wei spending money.

I don't know if it's because of the [-] million villas that she just saw, but now she already feels like a small amount of money for a car worth a few million.

Zhang Ruoyu didn't know that because she was too close to Su Wei, her own values ​​were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

"Awei, what do you think of this car with a white exterior and a red interior?" Two Phantoms and one Yaoying were parked in the exhibition hall today.

All of them are in colors that are more suitable for girls. The two Rolls-Royces that are pure blue and pure black have been replaced by the store.

After all, they all know that Su Wei is a super VIP, as long as they like it, they will definitely buy it.

As soon as Zhang Xuewei entered the hall, she was attracted by the white phantom in the middle.

After looking at the Yaoying and Phantom on both sides, I went to the warehouse to look at the two Rolls-Royces that were replaced.

She feels that she still likes this Phantom with white outer and red inner that she fell in love with at first sight.

The reason why she bought the Phantom is simply because she already has a convertible, and she likes the exterior and interior very much.

"This car is fine, the red inside is still bright red, much better than the interiors of the two Rolls-Royces next to it." The interiors of the two cars next to it are orange and the other is purple. .

In comparison, of course, this bright red interior looks much better.

"This car has an English white exterior and a Tottenham red interior. It's really popular with girls, and the price is very attractive now." Although there are five cars to choose from in the Rolls-Royce store.

But the inside is suitable for girls to drive, in fact, this is the white outer red inner.

"But I think this logo is so-so. It's not as good-looking as my boyfriend's black logo. Can this be changed?" Wu Fei is quite satisfied with this car, but the only thing she doesn't like is the logo.

She felt that this mark was a bit too ordinary.

And she especially likes the black logo on Su Wei's car, which makes him feel cool. The most important thing is that Wu Fei's car logo is also black.

"This goddess of celebration is made of sterling silver. Mr. Su's goddess of celebration is a special version of the BB version. It can be exchanged, but the price of another one is hundreds of thousands less, and it still needs to be sent by the manufacturer. , at least one or two months.

In fact, I think Ms. Zhang, you can drive for a while and find that you really want to change the label. Then you can come to me when the time comes, which will be better." Lan Jinglin would say this entirely because Su Wei is a super VIP customer.

If it is an ordinary customer, she would like you to change it.

After all, they have this thing in their warehouse, even if they don't have it, they can make a fake one and sell it to you for hundreds of thousands.

But she doesn't want to just do this one-shot deal with Su Wei, but wants to keep in touch with this VIP client for a long time, sincerity must be the first priority.

There are seven types of Rolls-Royce logos, which are the steel label Goddess of Joy, the sterling silver Goddess of Joy, the gold-plated Goddess of Joy, the BB version of the tungsten steel alloy Goddess of Joy, the crystal resin Goddess of Joy, and the limited BB version. Carbon Fiber Celebration Goddess.

"I think the sterling silver one is pretty good. If you like the black one? Just like what Xiaolan said, you can change it when the time comes. Then we can directly change to a limited edition one, just the carbon fiber one." Su Wei thinks this The sterling silver ones are pretty good-looking, and the others are all gaudy goddesses of celebration.

The limited edition is even more nonsense. The goddess of celebration of carbon fiber has come out. It is true that everything can be carbon fiber.

"Then what's the price of this car now? Can I pick it up today?" Zhang Xuewei thought about it too. She wanted to change to a black goddess of celebration, not because she really liked it.

It was only because Su Wei and Wu Fei were both black goddesses of celebration that she wanted to change.

"The price of this Phantom is 505 million, and there are 60 decorations inside. If it includes luxury car tax, it is 620 million, but because this car now has a discount of 50, that is, the car is now 570 million, not including Insurance and purchase tax.

Today is Sunday, and the car’s insurance and temporary license plate are still unavailable.” The main reason why this car is so cheap is that it is not a limited edition.

In 2018, as long as it is a sports car, no matter what brand it is, it is basically sold at a discount, even Rolls-Royce is no exception.

"I can't pick it up today, that's okay, it's the same if I pick it up tomorrow morning." Zhang Xuewei has already decided to skip class tomorrow morning because of this car.

She never skipped class before, but after meeting Su Wei, she has already skipped class several times.

But she doesn't care anymore, after all, going to college is just to increase her means of survival in society.

But now that she is hugging Su Wei's thigh, the hairs that fall off from him can make her live comfortably in this life.

"Then I'll accompany you tomorrow, I never thought I'd skip class too." Wu Fei is a good student and has never skipped class in her life.

They lived a regular life together until they met Su Wei.

Her outlook on life, world outlook, and values ​​have undergone serious changes.

She doesn't know whether these changes will be good or bad, but she is powerless to change now, and she is unwilling to stop this change.

. . . . . .

"It's been so long, I'm still looking at the photos." Su Wei and the others had already finished their meal, and Zhang Xuewei was still chatting with Wu Fei about the car. She was so excited today that she couldn't calm down for a moment.

Su Wei has already paid for the Rolls-Royce Phantom, but because the formalities have not been completed, it is still in the shop today.

After the procedures are completed tomorrow, Lan Jinglin will call Zhang Xuewei, and she will pick it up then.

"Isn't this exciting? Thinking of tomorrow, Feifei and I will drive two Rolls-Royces back to school, and we will definitely become the brightest kid in the university town." Zhang Xuewei is so excited because she really hasn't got much from Su Wei. .

Before, there was only a Porsche 718, and the money that was sent to her every month, plus a mobile phone, it would be gone. It is not difficult to understand why Zhang Xuewei is so excited.

After all, it will cost nearly 700 million for this car to land.

And now that the relationship between her and Su Wei has been made clear, she doesn't have to hide it anymore. If Rolls-Royce didn't mention it today, she would have planned to post an announcement on Moments.

"You want to be the brightest cubs, are you short of something, and have you forgotten what we are doing today?" Su Wei really wants to buy clothes today, because the clothes he is wearing, but What was worn on Friday is now worn until Sunday.

Although I ask the hotel to wash the clothes every day, the style has not changed.

"That's right, we went out to buy clothes today. We had a look at the house and bought a car. Time passed so fast, we almost forgot about buying clothes." If you want to pull her to see the decorations inside the cars she plans to buy, she can only watch with her.

Although Wu Fei also has a Rolls-Royce Phantom, she is not as excited as Zhang Xuewei.

Because her things were all given to her by Su Wei on his own initiative, and every time he gave something, it would exceed her expectations.

But Zhang Xuewei was different, every time she took the initiative to ask for it, although Su Wei was also satisfied, but because of the presence of Wu Fei as a comparison, her surprise time would be very short every time.

"I'm so happy to buy a car. I forgot to buy clothes. No wonder you brought us here for dinner, Awei." Zhang Xuewei realized belatedly that the restaurant where they ate was near the SKP shopping mall.

The SKP store is one of the top three super shopping malls in Asia, and there are countless luxury stores in it.

She and Li Qiuhua have been here before, but they just went in for a while and didn't buy anything because the things here are too expensive.

"If you know, let's go. Today we have to spend a lot of money. By the way, I will also change the style for you." Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei are beautiful, but the clothes they wear are too ordinary, and the shape is also average, not very good Show them off.

In addition, they all drive Rolls-Royce now, and they still wear clothes that cost hundreds of dollars, which is a bit inconsistent.

"Wow, this is skp. I've been hearing about it from her classmates, but I haven't been here once. Are the things here really expensive?" Since Wu Fei drove a Ferrari back to school, many people chatted Every now and then, I would ask her if she bought the clothes she was wearing at SKP.

When other people found out that her clothes cost only a few hundred yuan, they all didn't believe it.

After all, she drives a Ferrari, clothes worth a few hundred yuan are too cheap, that's why so many rumors spread later.

"It's super expensive, hey, Feifei, look at that person, isn't it Jiang Shan?"

(End of this chapter)

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