Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 227 It Was You

Chapter 227 It Was You

"Hey, Feifei, look at that person, is it Jiang Shan? I didn't expect to meet her here today, do you think we should go up and say hello to her?" Zhang Xuewei didn't know this Jiang Shan before. , Later she drove a sports car to school.

This Jiang Shan sometimes greets her when she meets her at school, plus Jiang Shan and Li Qiuhua know each other, so Zhang Xuewei and her are considered to be familiar with each other over time.

"It's her, but why did she come here? Let's say hello, after all, everyone knows each other." Wu Fei looked in the direction of Zhang Xuewei's finger, and found that it was really Jiang Shan.

This Jiang Shan has known each other since she was a freshman. At that time, she had a senior from her hometown who specialized in high school cram school.

At that time, Jiang Shan came to her and said that she also wanted to be a tutor because she didn't have enough money and wanted to earn some living expenses.

Because of their kind of cram school, Wu Fei's senior sisters will be selected, so she basically didn't disclose it, how many people she selected.

If Wu Fei hadn't been there at the time, she wouldn't have known that the rich girl everyone envied was actually pretending.

"Isn't it normal for her to come? Their family is very rich. Hey, Jiang Shan, what a coincidence, you are here to go shopping too." Zhang Xuewei doesn't know Jiang Shan's real situation, because in Jiang Shan's circle of friends, everyone It is a check-in place for all kinds of tall places.

Moreover, Zhang Xuewei took a look at Jiang Shan's clothes, and they were basically luxury brands. There were many brands that Li Qiuhua gave her popular science, but she didn't know them anyway.

But Li Qiuhua told her not to get too close to Jiang Shan.

Zhang Xuewei would greet Jiang Shan, of course there was a purpose.

She just wanted to disclose the matter between her, Wu Fei and Su Wei.

And compared to her, it is actually a good thing for her to make this matter public.

"What's the matter, why are you standing here stupidly? What are you looking for around?" Su Wei saw Wu Fei standing still, looking around, and thought she was afraid of being exposed to his relationship.

After all, she and Zhang Xuewei's boyfriend are the same person, and if she wants to make this matter public, for a student like her, there may really be rumors everywhere.

"No, I just thought of something. Hey, Jiang Shan, long time no see. Why do you have such an expression? Are you surprised to see me?" Wu Fei stood here just now because she knew that Jiang Shan's family Just an ordinary family.

It is definitely impossible for her to come to this super expensive shopping mall that Wu Fei talked about, considering her family conditions.

So just now she stood there in a daze because she thought that Jiang Shan had also found a boyfriend.

But looking around for a long time, I found that she was really here alone.

"No, I just didn't expect that Wu Fei would come to visit here too. By the way, today you two are here to visit SKP specifically." Jiang Shan didn't expect that she would meet Wu Fei today.

She knew that Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei were roommates, but she didn't expect the two of them to go shopping together.

Wu Fei knew her true identity, unlike the rumors that her family was rich, her family was just an ordinary family.

Now that Wu Fei is here, it's hard for her to brag, after all, there are people who know the truth.

If she blows up casually later, and the two of them go back to chat, she will die directly.

"Yeah, we came here to buy clothes today, but it's not just the two of us, we also came with our boyfriend, let me introduce you, this is the same boyfriend as me and Feifei, his name is Su Wei.

How about you?It’s not like I’m here to go shopping alone.” When Zhang Xuewei introduced, she directly pointed out the relationship between several people.

Because she always has a sense of insecurity, she is not like Wu Fei, Su Wei took the initiative to pursue her.

Zhang Xuewei herself, she came to the door by herself, and then slept with him after drinking too much in a daze, and then the two of them got together.

So now that Wu Fei has accepted her, of course she has to tell everyone.

Otherwise, what if Wu Fei repented and asked Su Wei to drive her away.

She couldn't live without it, and now it was the life of her dreams.

"Hi, I'm Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei's boyfriend, have we met somewhere?" When Su Wei walked over, he felt that the woman in front of him looked familiar.

But because there are too many women around him, he can't be sure if he has really seen it.

Since he had doubts, he asked directly.

After all, if you hide it, you will be inferior.

Anyway, one thing he can be sure of is that he must have never slept with her, because if he has slept with such a beautiful girl, it is impossible for him not to be unimpressed.

"Hey, your trick is too old-fashioned, and you already have three girlfriends, Xuewei, don't you care about it?" In fact, there have been rumors in the school that Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei, They are all in favor of a big money to buy a car.

Jiang Shan sneered at this news before, because she knew that Zhang Xuewei's family did have some money.

Wu Fei was the only one who would curry favor with big money, because Wu Fei's family was not as rich as hers, and being able to drive a car like a Ferrari wasn't what it was to curry favor with an old man.

It's just that she didn't expect the reality to be more magical than she thought. Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei's boyfriend turned out to be the same person.

What's even more inconceivable is that Zhang Xuewei was like this, she told her aboveboard, and she didn't intend to hide it at all.

"You are mistaken, this Ms. Zhang Ruoyu Zhang, she is not my boyfriend's girlfriend, she is my boyfriend's assistant. Ah Wei would say that, he must have admitted the wrong person." Zhang Xuewei thought Su Wei thought Jiang Shan Pretty, so I made an excuse.

But Su Wei is not such a person. After all, he and Wu Fei are both here. It's rare that he feels that he can handle the two of himself now?
"You really don't know me? Maybe I've identified the wrong person. I'm sorry." Su Wei's reputation in the circle is so high now. If she has met herself, she must know him.

And the strangest thing is that this woman's face value can reach more than 90 points. It is impossible for him to only feel familiar, but can't remember who she is.

"Why are there so many people in SKP today? It feels like you don't need money when you buy things. So many people take big bags and small bags with them." Wu Fei doesn't really want to talk about her boyfriend, how many girlfriends she has? She just wanted to change the subject quickly.

Zhang Xuewei may think that she and herself are Su Wei's girlfriend, and she is a mistress.

But how could Wu Fei forget that her best friend Liu Jing is Su Wei's official girlfriend in name.

So Su Wei doesn't have two girlfriends, but he has three girlfriends.

"Don't you know? Today is SKP's store celebration. As long as you spend 100 yuan, you can get 30 yuan back, and if you spend [-] yuan, you will get ten times the points. It's a [-]% discount, so today we have Money people are here to spend like crazy, isn’t that why you are here too?” Jiang Shan didn’t come to buy things, she came to record videos.

Although she has many people in the school, all believe that she is a rich girl.

But she actually grew up in an ordinary family. Both her parents are civil servants, and her family has nothing to do with being rich.

When she was a freshman, she also worked as a tutor for a short period of time, but she felt that it was too slow to get money.

Later, she was inadvertently pulled into a wechat group, which immediately opened the door to her new world.

At that time, she was in the group, relying on grabbing red envelopes, and she snatched thousands of dollars a month.

Then she added more groups through the people in the group, and at the most a month, she earned 5 yuan.

"Ah Wei, today we bumped into each other. If you pay 30, you will get [-] off. Isn't that a big [-]% discount? Let's go shopping quickly." The activity of reducing by [-] is very worthwhile.

In this way, if you buy 1 yuan of clothes, you can get 1000 yuan back.

"It's not a 1% discount, but you buy something worth 1000 yuan, and she will give you a [-] yuan coupon, so you can continue to buy it." Seeing that Wu Fei had misunderstood, Jiang Shan quickly explained.

She took a look at Zhang Xuewei's boyfriend, and found that he was wearing Richard Mille in his hand, LV on his body, and Dior on his feet. She knew at a glance that he must be very rich.

Guess Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei's sports cars should be given by him.

He said he knew him, but he really didn't know him. After all, he was so rich. If he knew him, it was impossible for her not to remember him.

"Ah, it's like this. I thought it was a [-]% discount. Jiang Shan, you are alone anyway, why don't you go shopping with us?" Zhang Xuewei mainly felt that she didn't know much about the things in luxury stores .

If Jiang Shan is called, she can give them a reference, so that they don't waste some money.

As for Su Wei, it is definitely not allowed to ask his opinion, otherwise it will easily become the rhythm of buying out the store.

"Yeah, you don't have any references. We are also going to buy clothes. We can refer to each other." Wu Fei didn't care, but she could feel that Jiang Shan was a little embarrassed after seeing her.

Wu Fei is very curious about Jiang Shan's family history, but she doesn't intend to ask the end, after all, everyone has a little secret.

"Okay, since you don't think I'm bothering you, then it's okay for me to go shopping with you.

I’m still a UP host, and now I’m posting videos on Bilibili and Douyin, so I’ll shoot some clips of you later, it shouldn’t matter.” Jiang Shan must know that it’s impossible to grab red envelopes in the group for a lifetime.

After she found out that this kind of store exploration is very popular now, she took the money she earned from grabbing red envelopes and invested all of it in equipment and clothes.

Today she originally wanted to take a picture of SKP's store celebration. After all, this topic is very hot now, so she wanted to come and take a look.

Who knew that they just met Zhang Xuewei and the others, even if they didn't ask her to go shopping together, she would have suggested so.

After all, since their boyfriends are willing to buy them a sports car, it is definitely impossible for them to buy clothes today for only a few thousand or tens of thousands.

And Jiang Shan also knew that the people who could decide today were not her two alumni, so the object of her questioning was Su Wei.

"It's okay to shoot videos, but you don't need to take pictures of me and their faces." Su Wei is now on the Internet and is already a little famous.

If his relationship with Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei is exposed, then the girls he has relationships with on the Internet may all be raped by the Internet.

After all, his foot has stepped on too many boats, and he often appears on camera.

As long as everyone starts eating melons, the information about him and so many girls is actually easy to pick up.

"Jiang Shan, you're so good, you're still a UP master, teach me, I'm super interested in this." Zhang Xuewei didn't expect that Jiang Shan was still a UP master.

She is full of curiosity about this profession, and feels that this profession is amazing, because they can talk nonsense on the Internet, and there are a lot of people in the underground to echo it there.

So although it is impossible for her to be a UP master, it does not affect her feeling that this industry is cool.

. . . . . .

"Wow, there is also a queue at the entrance of the luxury store. There are too many rich people in Kyoto." Because Su Wei likes to buy LV, a few people decided to come to the LV store first.

What I didn't expect was that the entrance of the LV store was full of people.

"Xiao Zhang, I'm the VIP of the LV store. Go and ask me if you can go in directly." Su Wei didn't want to queue, after all, there were 5-6 groups of people ahead.

In fact, when they came here today, there were already very few people in the store.

A few days ago, when there were gifts, more people came to buy them. It was normal for a group of ten or twenty people to stand at the door of each store.

"Alright Mr. Su, let me ask." Today Zhang Ruoyu has 2 yuan in clothing expenses on her back, and she also wants to spend impulsively.

After all, as long as she spends one thousand today, she can get back one hundred, so her 2 yuan can get back 2000 yuan.

"What's the matter, can we go in directly?" Zhang Xuewei used to just pass by, but now she didn't expect to be able to go in and consume.

She felt that she did not choose the wrong person, although she shared the same boyfriend with others, and she was still a mistress.

But if you can be so rich, you can also buy luxury goods by the way, and you can drive luxury cars worth millions of dollars for transportation. If you are a mistress, just be a mistress.

"No, because they told me that all the people queuing up now are VIPs. If they are not VIPs, they will not be accepted for the time being." It's not that ordinary people will not be accepted. As long as you can buy VIPs, it's fine.

The main reason is that there are too many people in the past few days, VIPs can't even receive them, and there is no time to receive ordinary people.

"There is no way, let's line up, but with so many people, I feel that there is no limited edition for us after entering." Su Wei saw so many VIPs queuing up, knowing that basically there is no limited edition for us. up.

In fact, it's not that Su Wei can't go to other stores to buy, but the SKP mall is holding activities. Basically, the basic conditions of these first-line luxury stores are similar. No matter where you go, you must queue up.

After Su Wei and the others queued for more than ten minutes, they finally entered the store.

"Hello, Mr. Su, welcome to LV, what do you want to see?" Zhao Wen was really busy these days, but it was really fun.

Because the performance of these few days is already almost half a year's performance of her.

What's even more exciting is that the client she's receiving now is Mr. Su from Shanghai.

She just looked at his consumption and found that in less than half a year, his LV consumption was almost 500 million.

What does this mean? It means that today SKP is holding an event, and he will definitely go shopping.

"As long as you are suitable for the clothes of the three of us, bring me all of them. As long as you are satisfied, I will take them all." Su Wei looked at his phone and found that it was almost eight o'clock.

If the speed is not faster, then they may not be able to shop for a long time, and the mall will be closed.

So after entering the door, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly asked the cabinet sister to bring out all the suitable clothes.

"Mr. Su, are you sure? If there are dozens of these clothes for each person, it will be fine." Although the super limited editions in the store must have been sold out long ago, but now the ordinary and general limited editions are not ordinary. many.

Although she knew that Su Wei, who was a super VIP, must be rich, she still had to say what had to be said.

"What's your boyfriend doing, so rich?" Jiang Shan was stunned. As soon as this Su Wei entered the store, she said to take out all the clothes that fit her.

This is too rich, no wonder Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei are willing to be his girlfriend together.

"We don't know either, we only know that he is really very rich." Although Zhang Xuewei is with Su Wei, she really doesn't know what Su Wei is doing, she only knows that he is very rich.

Especially when it comes to buying a car for them, it is even more vivid.

"Dozens of pieces? Isn't that a lot?" Only a few dozen pieces, not a lot.

Su Wei came here today, almost to buy all his clothes in the capital.

"Okay, then you guys, please come with me." He actually knew that Su Wei was a super VIP with this ability.

Then Zhao Wen didn't talk nonsense, took them inside, and then began to hand them the clothes one by one.

"The clothes are too expensive, they cost more than 1 yuan a piece." Wu Fei took the clothes Zhao Wen handed over and looked at the label.

It is found that the prices of these women's clothes are basically more than 1 yuan.

Except for some T-shirts, which cost only [-], there are no other clothes that are less than [-].

The price of some clothes is as high as tens of thousands.

"Think about the car we bought, the house we went to see, and the price of the clothes, do you still think the price is expensive?" Because Zhao Wen is alone, all she is looking for now are women's models clothing.

This is just convenient for Su Wei, because his current thoughts are always on Jiang Shan.

Because he really felt that this person was too familiar, but the strange thing was that no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't remember who she was.

"Brother Su, we really don't know each other. If you look at me like this again, I'm afraid that Xia Xuewei and the others will misunderstand. I'm a UP master. You may have seen my video on the Internet." Jiang Shan is very sure that she is not I met Su Wei.

She didn't know why Zhang Xuewei's boyfriend kept looking at her like this.

Seeing Jiang Shan like this, she panicked all over. If it wasn't for the shopping mall, she was really afraid that Su Wei would do something to her.

"Maybe I misunderstood, but can we add a WeChat, because I'm afraid that if I set up a media company, I just want to be a UP master. We may still cooperate, and I'll help you divert the traffic." Su Wei looked at Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei, and found that they had all gone in to change clothes.

Only then did he ask Jiang Shan if he could add a wechat friend.

The main reason is that if he doesn't know who Jiang Shan is, he feels like there are countless ants crawling in his heart.

He can be sure that he has never seen her video, and it is even more impossible to help her divert her attention.

The main purpose of Su Wei's saying this is to find out who this person is.

He was afraid that he might have been transformed by aliens when he was brought to 2017, so he wanted to know clearly.

"It's not good to add friends, after all, you are Wu Fei's boyfriend. Well, I don't want you to divert people, as long as you promise not to look at me like this, then let's add a friend." Wei couldn't help it, he could only agree to add Suwei's friend.

She handed the QR code to Su Wei and waited for him to scan it with his mobile phone.

Although she also thought about diversion, she was more important than her personal safety.

Anyway, she had already decided to delete him immediately after leaving the mall.

"It's you? So it's you"

(End of this chapter)

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