Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 228 You have to fulfill the unfinished business

Chapter 228 You have to fulfill the unfinished business

After opening her circle of friends, Su Wei suddenly remembered why he remembered her.

It turned out that I hadn't been transformed by aliens, all this was because I was scaring myself, Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Do we know each other? But it doesn't matter to me. I shouldn't know you." Jiang Shan saw that what Su Wei said was so convincing, she didn't look like she was lying.

Did Su Wei really know her?But why doesn't she remember anything?

After all, he is so rich, if he really knew him, he would not be impressed.

"The two of us haven't met, but we have become friends before, have you forgotten? Before the New Year, you should think about it again and see if you remember it. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention, my hometown is in Shonan "Su Wei really didn't expect that he found her in the vast crowd. The probability is even more unbelievable than winning the lottery.

It can only be said that it is too fateful, she is actually an alumnus of Wu Fei and the others, and she seems to be well-known in school.

"Impossible, I've never been to the south, you must be mistaken." Jiang Shan looked at Su Wei's circle of friends and confirmed that she really didn't know this person.

At this time, she was still thinking of luck, thinking that it should not be such a coincidence.

After all, at that time, her account was only done once, so how could she meet that person.

And she looked at his circle of friends, which was completely different from that person's circle of friends.

"You don't cry when you see the coffin. You may not be familiar with my large size, but do you have any impression of my small size?" Seeing that she was still quibbling, Su Wei took out his small cell phone.

This phone is filled with information from the airborne circle.

Opened WeChat, searched for Jiang Shan's WeChat name, and sure enough, she was found.

It turned out that Jiang Shan was the one who cheated Su Wei of 2000 yuan for airborne travel expenses before the Chinese New Year, and then blocked and deleted him.

For Su Wei, 2000 yuan is really too small a number.

Maybe if she said something nice, then Su Wei would be fine if he didn't want the money.

But the act of blacklisting and deleting after deceiving people is really disgusting to Su Wei. After all, if you think you don’t have enough money, you can talk about it. After all, with her appearance, Su Wei is willing to double her size.

But you charged 2000 yuan in travel expenses, and then blocked and deleted the person later, which is a bit unreasonable.

"Ah, it's you?" Jiang Shan saw Su Wei took out the trumpet, and she immediately remembered who he was.

After being inadvertently dragged into the airborne group, she created a WeChat account in order to earn more money.

All the videos and photos in her account were from a small Internet celebrity in Thailand. Unexpectedly, the administrator didn't know her, so she easily pulled her account into the group.

It is impossible for someone in a group to send red envelopes every day, so she uses a trumpet to add other people in the group and let them pull her into other groups.

But just relying on grabbing red envelopes, the money is very unstable. When there are many, there are thousands, and when there are few, there are only a few hundred.

By chance, a man added her and asked her if she would like to airborne.

At first, she wanted to scold him, but with a playful attitude, she asked him to send him the travel expenses.

Unexpectedly, the other party paid 1000 yuan for travel without any hesitation.

She just came in to grab the red envelopes, and never thought that she would go airborne, so after receiving the money, she immediately deleted the other party.

But I didn't expect that person to scold her in the group, and the administrator of this group directly gave her the plane ticket.

And not one group, but several groups kicked her out, because everyone is in the same circle, and if there is a big incident of cheating money, it will destroy the foundation of this industry.

Jiang Shan soon realized this problem and knew that she would be cleared out soon.

Of course, she couldn't just accept it like this. Instead, she added people crazily, and anyone who said she had no money planned to airborne.

In the month before the Chinese New Year, she cheated dozens of people, adding up to more than 5 yuan.

In other her groups, she used a small account, but only Su Wei's circle, because it was the first group she added, so her large account was also included.

Jiang Shan thought at the time that it was the last payment anyway, and you dared not call the police, so she used a tuba and cheated 2000 yuan.

She didn't expect that the direction of things would be the same as Murphy's law. It was such a coincidence that the only person who lied was Su Wei.

"Isn't it just me? I really didn't expect that you cheated people and dared to use your real WeChat to cheat money. I have to say that you are really daring." Su Wei really didn't expect that this Jiang Shan would be so courageous , How dare you use your real WeChat ID to deceive people.

Doesn't she know that the real-name system is now in place?Or is it sure that the person who was cheated would not go to the police to trouble her for 2000 yuan?

"Then what do you think, at worst I'll give you the money back." Jiang Shan felt that she was really unlucky, why did she come to join in the fun.

And even wanted to follow them to shoot a video, now that it's all over, I've thrown myself into a trap.

Jiang Shan didn't regret defrauding Su Wei of the money, because this Su Wei was not a good person, and even asked himself to go airborne after he had a girlfriend.

"Refund? What are you thinking, or I'll call the police. Anyway, you must not be the only one who lied to me. As long as the amount is large enough, you will have to go in and stay for at least a few years.

Or just give me the rest of the unfulfilled service, and I’ll give you the rest of the money, just choose one of these two ways.” What does Su Wei want the 2000 yuan for? Speed, the time to say a few words, 2000 yuan will be able to get it.

If Jiang Shan wasn't good-looking, he would definitely have called the police to arrest her as soon as he knew she was a liar.

It's just that she didn't expect that Jiang Shan herself was even more beautiful than in the photo.

And she has that kind of first love face. Although her height is less than 165, Su Wei really likes her appearance.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have ordered her when he was airborne, but he didn't expect to be scammed by her.

"Boss Su, I've already brought over all your clothes, do you want to try them on?" Zhao Wen really took out all the styles she could come up with today.

She had a hunch that tonight, Su Wei would definitely trade an exaggerated figure.

"Don't look at it, just pack all these clothes for me. By the way, you can help my assistant choose two clothes." Su Wei doesn't have the heart to try on clothes now, he is still intoxicated by his 2000 Yuan, even lost and recovered.

And the person who lied to her was actually so pretty.

Su Wei wasn't worried at all about whether Jiang Shan would agree to fulfill that task, because he knew that Jiang Shan would definitely agree.

Because she was definitely not the only one who lied to Su Wei. If she went to prison at her age, her life would be over.

"Mr. Su, I only have 2 yuan for clothing. I looked at the clothes here, and I can only afford two T-shirts! So I plan to go to other stores to buy two suits." Zhang Ruoyu is now gossiping I'm working hard, and I don't want to leave at all.

She didn't expect to eat such a big melon today, and she still wants to know the ending.

Besides, she didn't have much money on her. In the LV store, she couldn't buy any clothes at all, so she might as well continue to eat melons.

She herself really likes the brand MICHAEL KORS, the price is acceptable to her, and the design sense is quite good.

Except that the reputation of this brand may not be very good, other things should not be too perfect.

"I will pay for today's consumption, you can choose with confidence." Su Wei asked Zhang Ruoyu to choose, one is that she is his assistant, and the other is a hush money for her.

Another one, the things behind him are not suitable for a girl like her to listen to, so Su Wei can kill three birds with one stone.

"As such a big boss, do you think it's appropriate to threaten a student like me? And you are not afraid that I will tell Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei about the airborne incident?" Jiang Shan saw Zhang Ruoyu and the cabinet sister leaving After that, she continued to speak.

She really didn't expect that this Su Wei would be so shameless that he would threaten her with this matter and make her continue to perform the unfinished work.

When she heard this request, to be honest, Jiang Shan was completely dumbfounded.

Because she's a liar, she doesn't really parachute.

Now that Su Wei wants her to continue to the next step, of course she is unwilling.

She only hopes that Su Wei can let her go for the sake of Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about. It doesn't matter. You should be around 20 years old now. Go in and stay for five years, and you will only be 25 years old by then. Believe me, five years will pass in a flash." Su Wei said He is not a threatened person. If he is afraid that Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei will know, the three of them can go shopping together now.

And the airborne incident happened last year, when he was not with Liu Jing yet.

He's a normal man with normal needs, isn't that normal.

"I took you 2000 yuan at the time, so I can't pay you back. I'll pay you twice, I'll pay you 2, if it doesn't work, I'll pay you [-], okay? I can't give you more, woo woo woo "Jiang Shan's current wealth is more than [-] yuan.

She only knew one thing, and that was that she couldn't go to jail, and if she did, it would be the end of their family.

Jiang Shan's parents have been civil servants all her life. If she knew that her daughter was cheating on the Internet, she would have to be angry.

"2 yuan? Do you know how much I plan to spend at SKP today? I can tell you that it will not be less than 200 million yuan. Do you think I care about your 2 yuan? And don't give it to me. It’s time to perform the crocodile’s tears, do you think I will believe the tears of a fraudster?” Su Wei saw Jiang Shan crying in front of him, he is not a soft-hearted person.

Jiang Shan is a woman who cheated money and he didn't call the police. He felt that he was right about her. He just wanted her to perform the rest of the service. Is this too much?
And she deserves it for cheating money. Has she ever thought about what those people who were cheated by her think in their hearts.

Originally, she was happily waiting for her to come to the door, but who knows that not only did she not come, but she also blocked you, and she might have the intention of killing her right now.

"This is the first time for me. You can't just ruin me like this. I can promise you anything except this condition." Grab red envelopes.

At the beginning of her sophomore year, she would also choose to tell the truth, she came from an ordinary family, instead of lying, saying that her family was actually quite rich.

"Don't make me laugh, do you think you believe these words?" Su Weicai couldn't believe it was her first time, this woman is too cunning.

Now I will talk to myself so honestly, instead of turning around and running away.

That's because she knew she could find her, which made her dare not turn against Su Wei, but to discuss it here.

"I promise you can, but you have to keep your word. After I finish the rest of the work, you can't pester me anymore, otherwise I would rather die than make you feel better." Jiang Shan actually thought about it several times. To run away directly.

But she didn't dare to be afraid, because she, Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei are schoolmates, as long as Su Wei asks them, he can go to the school to find her at any time.

Jiang Shan was afraid that Su Wei would go to school to look for her, but she was even more afraid that he would not go, but would let the police go to school to look for her.

In that case, her future is over, and her family will surely know the news.

"Yes, but I don't have time these two days. In this way, wait for my notification on WeChat. When I am free, I will contact you." Now Su Wei still has more fish in his hand.

So I'm not in such a hurry to eat her, I plan to raise her for a while.

He was not in a hurry, anyway, the fish would definitely not be able to get out of his palm.

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Hey, who is it?" Su Wei was soundly asleep, when he heard the phone ringing in a daze, he connected it without seeing who it was.

Opening his eyes, he found that his bed was empty except for himself.

Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei, who were sleeping on both sides, had long since disappeared. They should have gone to school.

"Boss Su, I'm Cao Yuqing, the landlord of Sino-Ocean Lavie, has already agreed to your offer of [-] million yuan." The first sentence Cao Yuqing answered was that she couldn't wait to tell Su Wei the news.

Because it was really not easy for her to negotiate the price of this house.

There is a time difference between the Lighthouse Country and the domestic side. In order to negotiate with the landlord, Cao Yuqing insisted on waiting until two o'clock in the morning before calling the landlord.

After the call was connected, the landlord couldn't chat with this side for a long time, and he was busy with his side again. After he finished his work, he continued to talk with this side. After talking for a while, he was busy with other things, and the deal was about to close. He also asked his lawyer to come and talk with him.

When the final agreement was made, it was already past seven o'clock in the morning on the domestic side, which was equivalent to talking for a whole night.

Of course, Cao Yuqing is not talking alone here, because how can the landlord confess to her as the store manager.

Here is their regional manager, plus the boss of the company, several people are all present, and everyone came to find a way to negotiate together, and finally negotiated the price.

The house was negotiated mainly because the landlord knew their boss, and her boss gave the landlord a guarantee that this price was the final reserve price.

After the regional manager finished talking with their boss in the morning, they went back to sleep.

And Cao Yuqing couldn't rest yet, she had to finish all the preparations, and waited until after 11 o'clock before calling Su Wei.

"I just said, the landlord will definitely agree to the price of [-] million yuan. You see, I'm right. I can come to the real estate bureau after two o'clock in the afternoon. Can the landlord come over?" Su Wei must know, and it is definitely impossible for the landlord to come over.

After all, he took so much money and fled to the Lighthouse Country. If he dared to come back, he would basically have to go to jail.

"The landlord can't make it through, but he has the real estate certificate brought by the lawyer and the entrustment contract, so the transfer is no problem." Cao Yuqing was also reminded by Su Wei, and only realized after returning that the landlord turned out to be him.

This made her feel very awesome, because when the landlord bought the house, it was many years ago.

No wonder they can become rich. They have already arranged all the back roads early on. No one knows how much wealth he has hidden in the country.

. . . . . .

After Su Wei hung up the phone, he didn't wash his face and brush his teeth, but put on his underwear and came to the living room.

The clothes and luxury goods he bought yesterday were all thrown in the living room, but they were all piled up like a hill, and now the hill is gone.

Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei's things had already been taken away by them, and all that was left were his things, neatly arranged on the table.

"Hey, you are finally willing to get up, the sun is drying your ass." Wu Fei looked at her phone and found that it was Su Wei calling.

She woke up very early this morning, mainly because her biological clock was fixed, and she couldn't sleep more.

"What time did you leave today? Why didn't you tell me? I still want to see you off today." Su Wei really wanted to see them off, after all, they had so many things.

Su Wei and the others spent a total of more than 800 million at SKP yesterday, and the mall gave him 160 million coupons.

The main reason why Su Wei spent so much money is that apart from clothes and bags, Su Wei also bought some jewelry for Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei, and also bought them a Patek Philippe, which is not particularly expensive, only 60 One million yuan.

It's not that there are no expensive watches in the mall, it's because they are still in school, and watches with this price are already the ceiling in their school.

"Our car has already been picked up, and now we are going to the school gate. If you really want to, you won't sleep until now." Wu Fei could see that Su Wei, this person, could not be counted on him in the morning.

In fact, it's not that they didn't call Su Wei in the morning, but after waking him up, within 2 minutes, he fell asleep again.

"Isn't it because I was too tired last night? My old scalper almost died of exhaustion in the field. I should take more rest. By the way, I'm going to transfer ownership of Ocean LAVIE's house this afternoon. It should be closed in a few days." I'm going to start buying furniture, and the decoration style of your Wanliu Academy should be determined by Xiaozhang earlier." Su Wei was really tired yesterday, one is that they are two people.

The second one is that Su Wei had a fight yesterday afternoon, and there were too many fights in the past two days, so he really couldn't bear it.

"Okay, I see, mua, bye" Wu Fei hung up the phone in a hurry, it was because she had already arrived at school.

When she came back last time, it was already afternoon, so there were not many people.

But today is different, today is back to school at noon, and there are still two Rolls-Royce Phantoms.

When the car parked in the parking lot, at least dozens of people surrounded it.

Wu Fei was already thin-skinned, how could she have the nerve to continue calling in such a situation.

(End of this chapter)

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