Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 235 I want to debut as a singer

Chapter 235 I want to debut as a singer

"Ah, Mr. Su, you lost the dice roll, and this time I have the most points, so it's up to me to ask for this one.

Mr. Su, then I want you to sing a duet with me, "Summer Blown by the Wind." Su Wei compared the dice with the girls, and his score was the smallest among them. The number of points is the maximum.

Xiao Yang came here today, not just to sing along.

This year's The Voice 2018 competition system will start recording soon.

The resume and singing video she submitted this time have already passed the primary selection of the TV station.

But it was not her goal to only enter the primary election, because at this time last year, she also passed the primary election of Good Voice, but she was eliminated in the end, and she didn't even appear on TV.

At that time, she thought that she could sing worse than others, but after watching their competition later, she found that most of them could sing worse than her, and they were still after tuning.

Only then did she realize that after the preliminary competition of The Voice, this time is not for you to rest, but for you to spend money and find relationships.

As long as those who are promoted to the TV, all of them are stuffed with money, there is no exception, it's just that the money is more and the money is less.

The TV station held this event, and it didn't matter who they lost or who won.

They didn't think about really maintaining fairness and justice to select a person who can sing the best. It's all because of interests.

"You still want to sing with me, we have sung several songs, okay, okay, since you made this request, then come on." Su Weineng could feel that this lamb was too enthusiastic for him.

Although she was Su Wei's accompanying singer with money, she tried too hard today and dragged him to sing several songs.

It's not that Su Wei doesn't want to sing, but it's really torture to sing with someone who is too good.

The two women who came today, Xiao Yang, belong to the over-enthusiastic kind.And that little seven, just like a transparent person all night, except for drinking, drinking, not singing a song.

If it weren't for the fact that there are so many girls today, Su Wei wouldn't be able to play well. For her pretentiousness, Su Wei would definitely drag her to the toilet on the spot, so that she can learn to be a human being.

"Little Yang, Boss Su also needs to take a break, so how about I come sing with you?" Liu Meng was very upset when she saw that Xiao Yang kept showing off.

After all, she is also a person who has released an album. Seeing that Su Wei has been praising Xiao Yang, she plans to compete with her.

Just now, the two of you sang your own songs, and they didn't all sing the same song. Liu Meng didn't think that Xiao Yang sang better than her.

"Hey, this is fine. Both of you are professional contestants, and the chorus can be divided into high and low. How about it, whoever sings well among you, I can grant her a little wish." Su Wei said the meaning of the little wish is this A wish requires Su Wei's consent.

For example, if you win a song and ask Su Wei for a bag worth tens of thousands of dollars, it is just a small meaning to Su Wei, and it will definitely satisfy you.

But if you say that you want Su Wei to buy her a suite in Kyoto, then you can wash up and sleep, it's almost the same if you buy a suite first.

"Boss Su, sister Yuqing and I can join in too, we can also sing this song "Summer Blown by the Wind" Tao Xiaojun saw Su Wei saying that there was a reward, but she knew how generous Su Wei was.

The last time she returned to school from the hotel, she had less than 3000 yuan with her when she went. When she left the hotel, she already had about [-] yuan in her bank card.

So now that she saw Su Wei saying that there was a reward, she hurriedly dragged Cao Yuqing to participate.

She originally wanted to pull Xiao Qi, but this Xiao Qi is just like an autistic child.

And Su Wei seemed to hate her very much, as if she didn't exist all the time.

In addition, Zhang Ruoyu is Su Wei's assistant, if she wins against her, what will Zhang Ruoyu do if she wears small shoes, so only Cao Yuqing can choose in the box.

"Both of you want to participate too? All right, whoever wins, I'll reward you too." For Su Wei, spending money to buy happiness is a very valuable thing.

"Boss Su, I want to sing too, but there is no one to choose, why don't we sing together?" Zhang Ruoyu had drunk too much just now, and now she started acting like a baby to Su Wei.

She couldn't do this normally, but now that she's drunk, she's naturally much more courageous.

"Heh, a bunch of licking dogs." Xiao Qi, who was sitting in the corner, saw Zhang Ruoyu say that, and she felt like hitting someone in her heart.

She actually wanted to come to sing, but what she thought was that these people would definitely invite her then, after all, they were five girls.

But when the other women saw that she was hated by Su Wei, none of them dared to approach her.

She had no choice but to complain silently in the corner. After all, if she said it, she was afraid that she would not be able to earn the 6000 yuan.

"Well, that's fine, then I'll be merciful and have a PK with you." Su Wei looked at it, and there was only Xiaoqi in the box, Zhang Ruoyu had no one to choose from. He was chosen.

To be honest, he was a little embarrassed for Zhang Ruoyu to choose him, because his singing was really bad, and he was afraid that he would hurt his little assistant.

"Boss Su, let's sing first. I'm afraid I won't dare to sing after the others finish singing." Zhang Ruoyu is also very self-aware, knowing that there are too many master singers today.

Xiao Yang and Liu Meng are both professionals.

And Tao Xiaojun has sung it just now, and he sang it very well, and Cao Yuqing will most likely not be bad either.

So she, who is tone deaf, can only be the first to sing.

. . .

Su Wei: I still remember the summer yesterday
The moment the breeze blows
seems to blow everything up

only loneliness is willing to settle
Zhang Ruoyu: The wind is still blowing now

autumn rain follows
The heat in my heart never fades
as if to continue to close your eyes
Familiar faces will appear in front of my eyes again

Chorus: Blue Thoughts
suddenly turned into sunny summer

The warmth in the air won't be far away

It seems that winter is no longer nostalgic

green thoughts
Wave to me and tell me that the four seasons remain the same

but one season
back again
that wind blown summer

. . .

"What kind of boss is there, what kind of assistant is there? I always thought that Mr. Su was the only person who sang with a tone-deficient song here. Singing is also tone-deaf, um, I voted for Miss Zhang." Tao Xiaojun regretted it very much, she should have chosen Zhang Ruoyu, she is only looking forward to it, and Cao Yuqing's singing is also like this.

If Tao Xiaojun had chosen Zhang Ruoyu just now, he could basically win by singing casually. Unlike now, he still has to worry about Cao Yuqing being too good.

"This is normal too. Ms. Zhang is very capable and pretty. If she can sing well, it would be perfect. I vote for Ms. Zhang too." Cao Yuqing didn't dare to offend Zhang Ruoyu, even if she wasn't here. Same.

After all, Su Wei has two houses to be renovated, and the person in charge is Zhang Ruoyu.

Cao Yuqing has already uttered misfortune once just now, and it is definitely impossible for her to continue to utter misfortune this time.

"President Su, the four of us have already chosen. We think that compared to you and Ms. Zhang, Ms. Zhang can sing better." Liu Meng and the others didn't really think that Zhang Ruoyu sang well, they just let her win.

She chose her boss to sing. If everyone voted for Su Wei, it would be a slap in the face to Zhang Ruoyu.

Su Wei was originally the chief referee, he didn't care about winning or losing, otherwise he wouldn't choose to participate.

Liu Meng and the others didn't vote, they voted for worldly wisdom.

"Xiao Zhang sings better than me? Do you have ear problems, and you can still sing as well as she does? Ok, ok, I respect the referee's opinion. Then Xiao Zhang, you can say it yourself, what do you want?" Su Wei felt that he had encountered a shady scene. Obviously Zhang Ruoyu sang poorly, so he lost.

But since the referees unanimously selected him as the loser, then he lost. He is not a person who cannot afford to lose.

"President Su, I don't want anything. I just want to drive your big bull when I go back to Shanghai." Zhang Ruoyu likes Lamborghini very much, and this love dates back to when she was in high school.

Now her boss has this car, which can satisfy her one wish, and she immediately proposed that she wants to drive a big cow.

Silly as it was, she really didn't want her boss to buy her anything.

After all, her boss bought her more than 20 things yesterday, and she has nothing to buy now.

"You want to drive Daniel? It's that simple? Let's do it this way. I'll give you the key to Daniel in the future. You can open it if you want." Su Wei wanted to drive Daniel when he saw Zhang Ruoyu. Feel free to comment.

In addition, Su Wei felt that among the many cars he bought, the most outrageous one was the Lamborghini Da Niu.

It really doesn't have any driving experience at all, and it's not comfortable to sit at all. Apart from looking good, it's really useless.

Now Zhang Ruoyu likes it, so he will give her this car to drive, and see if she wants to drive it after a month of driving it.

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Su, thank you, Mr. Su." Zhang Ruoyu originally wanted to open it for two days, but she didn't expect her boss to give her the key directly.

She has already decided that she will drive this car to and from get off work every day.

"It's our turn, it's our turn." Seeing Zhang Ruoyu's request, Tao Xiaojun was really envious.

The Lamborghini Daniel drives casually, Mr. Su really deserves to be a hero.

If she wins this time, she wants a Hermes bag.

. . .

Cao Yuqing: I still remember the summer yesterday

Tao Xiaojun: The wind is still blowing

Chorus: Blue Thoughts
that wind blown summer

"I didn't expect that Store Manager Cao was hiding something. I vote for Store Manager Cao."

"I also vote for Sister Cao"

"It's true that Ms. Cao is more emotional when two people sing, and I'll vote for Ms. Cao too." The first two were speaking from a neutral point of view, but that's not the case here with Liu Meng.

Between Cao Yuqing and Tao Xiaojun, even if Cao Yuqing sang the same song as Tuoxiang, Liu Meng would still vote for Cao Yuqing.

And she has already thought about it, if she wins later, she will ask Su Wei not to let Tao Xiaojun play the second female lead.

Anyway, the two of them had already torn their faces apart, and Tao Xiaojun wanted to act as if nothing had happened, which can only be said to be too naive.

"Yuqing, congratulations on winning, what do you want?" Su Wei didn't plan to participate in the voting, because four people voted, and it would easily lead to a [-]-[-] tie.

So he didn't vote directly, but let them vote.

"Boss Su, I just have one request tonight, that is, you must take me with you tonight." Cao Yuqing would say that, except that she wanted to sleep with him.

It's also because she only made Su Wei a few million today, and she doesn't want to be too greedy in front of Su Wei in terms of money.

"That's your request? No problem, I will definitely take you to Oceanwide Family tonight. The previous request was too simple, you can make it a little bolder." Su Wei saw that Cao Yuqing's request was this, then If there is any hesitation, he agreed directly.

He didn't know if Cao Yuqing felt something, or why she made this request.

In fact, he didn't want to take Cao Yuqing with him tonight, after all, he had two sisters-in-law, Liu Meng and Tao Xiaojun.

But Cao Yuqing has already talked about this, so Su Wei definitely can't refuse.

"Xiaoyang, it will be the two of us in the end. Tao Xiaojun, let me tell you, if I win, don't even think about being the second female lead in this movie. Sure enough, I lost. The matter between you and Brother Su, I will Just pretend you didn't see it." When Liu Meng said this, it was considered a dead end.

And she wasn't kidding, she really meant it.

If she wins, those two people will tear each other apart. If she doesn't win, she can not tell her brother about Tao Xiaojun and Su Wei for the time being.

"Liu Meng, are you interesting? The second female number was given to me by President Su. How could you cancel it if you say so?" Tao Xiaojun originally thought that Liu Meng had been caught by her, and would shake hands with her to make peace.

But she didn't expect that Liu Meng still had plans to kill her.

She only hopes that Liu Meng will lose to Xiao Yang later, otherwise she will be finished.

"Okay, okay, Xiaojun, don't worry, I will help you." Only then did Cao Yuqing know that the second female lead in Su Wei's movie was actually Tao Xiaojun.

Now seeing Tao Xiaojun furious, she hurried forward to persuade him.

After all, the relationship between Tao Xiaojun and Su Wei was exposed today, and she has to take full responsibility.

. . .

Lamb: I still remember the summer yesterday
Liu Meng: The wind is still blowing
Chorus: Blue Thoughts
that wind blown summer

"Xiaoqi, are you having fun in King of K Songs? Do you want to come to 13? It's so exciting here tonight, and there are so many handsome guys"

"I can't come, someone gave me 6000 yuan today, and asked me to sing along, how do you want me to come?" Xiaoqi felt that the five women in the box were really pure dog lickers.

When meeting the so-called President Su, it was as if he could even lose his dignity.

"6000 yuan, that's what the big guy ordered, so why do you still have time to reply to my message? It's in the toilet? Is the big guy an old man? He made you hide in the toilet"

"Don't talk about it, I'm full of fire now, you don't know it, I ordered mine today, it's just a pretender, and he also brought a group of female licking dogs, let me tell you, those females Licking the dog, it's really embarrassing our girls." Xiao Qi was upset at first, but now she is even more frantic to complain like her best friend.

Originally, no matter where Xiao Qi was, she was always the focus of everyone.

But here today, there are quite a few people in the box who are more handsome than her.

The singing major she can do best has two Zhu Yu, Xiao Yang and Liu Meng, in front, so she is giving up on herself now.

Zhang Ruoyu and the others didn't come to look for her, and she didn't look for them. She just planned to waste time and leave with 6000 yuan.

Seeing other people licking Su Wei like this, I felt that these people were like clowns.

"In order to make some money, I really wronged you, Xiaoqi. I believe that after you participate in The Voice and become popular, these people will definitely look different when they see you."

"If my voice becomes popular, these people are worthy of standing in front of me. Then the people I meet will definitely be rich and famous ladies worth billions." This time, Xiaoqi also signed up for the Voice 2018 up.

She was never so noble before, otherwise Xiao Zhao would not have found her, and he is not a fool to find this kind of woman.

Xiaoqi just felt that she had passed the preliminary round of good voice, and felt that she was about to become popular. Although she came here to sing with Su Wei and the others because of money, she actually despised Su Wei and the others in her heart.

After all, she is about to become popular, and she is about to become a star. There is no reason why she is not the center of everyone.

So she felt that Su Wei and the others should focus on her instead of isolating her like they are now.

"Little Yang, everyone has voted for you. Do you have any wishes? Be bold. It's okay. You can just say it." After listening to the opinions of several people, Su Wei went to Xiao Yang and hugged her with open arms.

In fact, this result will appear, Su Wei is not surprised at all.

Because of what Cao Yuqing said, even if she really sang better than Xiao Yang, it is impossible for her to win.

When she said that, she just wanted to find a way to go down.

"President Su, I want to debut, I want to be a singer"

(End of this chapter)

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