Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 236 My Small Company Can Only Support One Singer

Chapter 236 My Small Company Can Only Support One Singer

"Boss Su, I want to debut, I want to be a singer" Xiao Yang has no other choice, the retest of Good Voice is about to start, but she still hasn't found the so-called contacts and money.

If she didn't pass the re-examination, she would lose her chance to show her face on TV this year.

Last year, she was eliminated in this way, and then remained silent for a year.

The reason why she made this request now is because of what Liu Meng just said.

Let her know that Su Wei, a big boss, has now invested in movies and become a producer.

Then she took it for granted that Su Wei must have connections in the entertainment industry.

"You want to debut as a singer? Why don't you change the conditions? It's not that I don't want to help you, but that I have never had any contact with the domestic music scene." When Su Wei heard Xiao Yang's request, He was speechless.

Why did she make such a request? Su Wei originally wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but there was really nothing he could do.

Although it is true that the rich can do whatever they want in this world, he has not set foot in the music scene after all. No one in the music scene knows him.

In the entertainment circle, although the film and music circles are together, but he has just entered the film circle, and if he wants to be famous, at least it will be after the filming of this movie.

So at this time, if he is asked to pull the lamb, there is nothing he can do.

Of course, it is possible to help her, but she is not the one Su Wei likes, so he has no motivation.

After all, she is less than 160 tall, and she has dyed yellow hair. I don't know if it's because she is too thin, but she seems to have a certain figure. Su Wei is very hesitant about sleeping with her.

If she looked like Fan Wenqi, then Su Wei would definitely help her without hesitation. After all, Su Wei liked her face very much.

"Mr. Su, I have already entered the primary election of Good Voice 2018. I will start the re-examination in a week, so I want you to help me. When I am promoted, I can sign with Mr. Su's company. Come to repay your favor, we can sign the contract for five years." Seeing what Su Wei said, Xiao Yang thought he was refusing.

After all, he can be an investor in a movie, and it is definitely impossible for him to be an unknown person in the music industry. It must be easy for him to push her to debut, it's just whether he is willing or not.

Graduates from professional schools like Xiaoyang are really not so easy to mess with. After graduation, most of them have switched to industries that have nothing to do with singing.

Even if you don’t change careers, it’s better to go to a primary school or middle school to be a teacher. If it’s not good enough, you may only be able to work as a teacher in a training institution.

"It's not that I don't want to help you, it's that I don't own a record company, and why do you have to sign a contract with me? As long as you sing well, when you get promoted and appear on TV, there must be a lot of record companies competing for it. Rushing to sign you, you don't need to be in a hurry." Su Wei didn't understand why this lamb was in such a hurry to sign with the record company.

Although Su Wei is not a professional singer, he can tell that with Xiao Yang's voice, it should be no problem to advance.

After all, although Liu Meng is an unknown little singer, she only released the record after being approved by a professional teacher.

Xiaoyang just defeated Liu Meng in singing, so with her conditions, entering the re-examination can be regarded as a piece of cake, even if it can't be said to be easy.

"Oh..." Xiaoqi hadn't chatted with her best friend for a long time, because she only found out at this time.

Like her, Xiaoyang is also a preliminary contestant of The Voice 2018.

It's just that this lamb seems a little silly, actually planning to sign a contract with Mr. Su's company when he has such a good voice.

She wondered if this woman, Xiao Yang, had been drugged with ecstasy.

She only needs to wait for the re-examination, and when it is revealed on TV that she wants to sign her record company, she will definitely smash the threshold of her family. As for signing in such a hurry.

Like her, she certainly doesn't plan to sign with any record company right now. She will wait until she goes on TV, and she will choose the one with the best conditions to sign with among the many record companies.

She will not be like a lamb, foolishly signing a contract with someone now. The contract signed at this time must be a cabbage price contract.

"Mr. Su, I can understand your idea, because I thought so last year. But after a year, I realized that if you want to enter the re-examination, go on TV and go to the stage of selecting candidates, you need connections and money. At least one would do, but I don't have either.

Because the conditions of my family are very average, and the hundreds of thousands of TV shows, my family can’t even get it out.” The reason why Xiaoyang must make his debut is because the conditions of the family are really bad.

Her father liked to gamble since he was a child, and now the family still owes a lot of bad debts.

If you want to become a teacher, you can earn thousands of dollars a month, which is just enough to support yourself, how can you reduce the burden on your family.

Like coming to this kind of KTV to accompany singing, if there is no other way, which girl would like to come here, after all, if this is exposed, she basically has to drop out of school.

But if she doesn't come here to sing along, how can she earn her university tuition and living expenses at her university.

The university she attended is really one of the best universities in China in terms of music.

But the tuition fee and living expenses are also second to none, and it is impossible for her to afford it with her family alone.

"I've heard that a good voice needs a lot of money for a re-examination, a lot of money for being on TV, and a lot of money for a mentor to turn around. Even the final ranking depends on money. As far as the music scene is concerned, the domestic environment is really good. That's too bad." Although Liu Meng is not a famous star, she still knows a little more information about her than outsiders.

But she said this, not because she had empathy with the lamb.

She just said something she knew.

Because her life, although not a big hit, was quite smooth.

At that time, she became popular on the Internet, and was immediately found by her current agency, who then asked her to debut as a pleasing female number three in a TV series.

Obviously singing is not very good, but because of her good voice, the company hired a professional teacher to teach her to sing.

"President Su, we don't have a record company, but we have a media company, and the media company can also sign a contract." The story of Xiao Yang didn't impress Su Wei, but Zhang Ruoyu did.

Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that The Voice would be such a program.

Thanks to the fact that she liked watching this show so much before, she thought that these contestants all made their debut with their talents, but it turned out that they all made their way with gold dollars.

No wonder there are often some contestants with ordinary singing and ordinary looks.

If this is the case, it's better to push the lamb up, since her boss is not short of money anyway.

Zhang Ruoyu's current mentality has changed from the one who just came to Su Wei's side, wanting to save money for the boss, to the current one, where there is no need to save money for the boss.

"Ah, yes, I have a media company, but this company has just been registered not long ago. In fact, if you can find other record companies to sign a contract, there is really no need to join my company." Hearing Zhang Ruoyu's reminder, he almost forgot that his name was Xu Liyang two days ago, and he went to register a media company in Shanghai.

Because his company has just been registered, it is now in a state of poverty, and he has not even found his own workplace.

If Xiao Yang really came in, he was afraid that after she saw the state of the company, she would collapse first.

"Is it a new media company? President Su, it doesn't matter. I'm willing to sign a contract. I think you can't treat me badly if you hang out with you." Xiao Yang heard that Su Wei has a media company, and it's just registered.

Her eyes lit up, if she joined in, what would this be, she would be considered the veteran of the company.

Of course, there is a reason why she is willing to come to Su Wei's company, that is, Su Wei is not short of money.

He opened a media company, and as the first signed singer, she was sure that the resources would not be bad.

The second one is that record companies really don't make money now, and their record companies don't have much motivation to train new singers.

In the past, the stars all acted and You sang, but now it's different. After singing and making their debut, they all went to filming.

"Are you sure you want to join? Well, since you are so sincere, I won't be a mother-in-law anymore. You can sing me a cappella now, and I'll see how you sing." Su Wei saw Xiao Yang insisting so much, He was also greatly moved.

After all, my own company is still in a state of poverty.

But before joining, he still needs to see how Xiaoyang's singing ability is, after all, he hasn't heard her singing ability in a serious way.

"Boss Su, then I'll sing you a song "Angel Among the Devils." Seeing that Su Wei agreed, Xiao Yang hurriedly took out his own famous song, intending to perform well in front of his new boss.

. . .

Cut off the too thin nerve
Will you be able to sleep better?
My heart has a gray prison
Shouting with a ticket of black thoughts
pump out too hard temper
Will it be more clear
you can knock me down hard

But don't even think about me begging for mercy

you are an angel among devils
let hate become too vulgar

The words thank you flowed from my eyes
call me crazy
don't call me a fool
. . .

In the box, everyone was quietly listening to the lamb singing.

Because of this song, it is likely to change her fate and make her the first singer of Su Wei's company.

At this time, the door was opened from the outside, and it turned out that Xiao Zhao came, and he came to deliver wine.

Seeing that all the stereos in the box were turned off, and only Xiao Yang was singing a cappella, he knew that something important must have happened.

But when he saw Xiaoqi in the corner, playing with his mobile phone by himself, he also frowned a lot, and then he didn't know what to think of, and his brows loosened again.

"Wow, I didn't expect it to be good. You can sing so well. How about it? You fly to Shanghai the day after tomorrow and contact Zhang Ruoyu. She will tell you how to sign a contract with a media company. Don't worry, since you joined My company, I will definitely push you." Su Wei felt that the singing was very good after listening to the lamb.

Looking at her image again, although her height is less than 165, and her hair is dyed yellow, these are deduction items in Su Wei's eyes, but because of her talent, Su Wei now feels that if this It's a pity that she doesn't sleep.

"Thank you Mr. Su, thank you Mr. Su, I will not disappoint your expectations. Mr. Su, let me have a drink with you." When Yang Danni heard that Su Wei agreed to sign her, she was so happy that she gave Su Wei a kiss on the cheek .

Regardless of whether she will be popular in the future, anyway, with Su Wei's words, there is no problem with her debut.

She was so excited that she directly took out the big wine glass, poured herself a full glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking, she went to respect Zhang Ruoyu and Liu Meng again.

If it weren't for the two of them to help speak, Su Wei would not necessarily sign her, she knew this very well.

"President Su, congratulations, Xiao Yang is really good at singing, but she didn't meet a good company last year, otherwise she would have become popular last year.

Now that you meet Mr. Su, you are a strong alliance." Xiao Zhao had thought about Xiao Yang before, but later he saw how hard she pursued her dream.

He was really moved, so the people he introduced Xiao Yang to sing were basically guests with resources in the entertainment industry.

Su Wei asked him to find a girl who could sing this time, so he immediately notified Xiao Yang, and then told Xiao Yang his identity.

As for Xiao Qi, it was the stepping stone he pushed out for Xiao Yang.

According to his original idea, Xiaoqi should be as enthusiastic as Xiaoqi, while Xiaoyang is very enthusiastic.

But Xiaoqi hadn't heard of Su Wei at all, and because he passed the preliminary round with a good voice, he started to pretend, which was completely unexpected to him.

"Her strength, now meeting me, is indeed a strong alliance." Su Wei already had a plan in mind. This time, the good voice will definitely cost money and be among the top three.

It doesn't matter if the first is not the first, because the first is not necessarily very popular, it depends on a later marketing.

Su Wei will release an album for her after the competition is over, and then let her act in a movie to gain a sense of presence.

Then I was looking for someone to promote it on Douyin, saying that she is a very hardworking person, but she is not popular, she has acted in movies and sang songs, but she is still not well-known.

I believe that after such a process, Xiao Yang will soon become a traffic star.

At this time, Xiaoqi, who was sitting in the corner, saw Su Wei and the others began to drink.

She cheered herself up, and then came to Su Wei's side.

"Oh, Mr. Su, it turns out that you started a media company. That's it. I also passed the preliminary round of Good Voice this time. Can you sign me too?" Xiao Qi only found out tonight that Good Voice actually There are so many inside stories.

This made her very nervous. After all, she didn't join a record company, and her family's conditions were average.

But when she heard that Su Wei's media company had just registered.

She was about to burst out laughing, thinking that this is some kind of leather bag company, this lamb doesn't keep his eyes open.

Following her, she chatted with her best friend about this matter, and complained about Su Wei while talking, saying that he is a good-looking person who is cheap, and there is a person who sings so well, and he pretends not to want to join his company look.

Unexpectedly, her friend heard that this person was called Su Wei, so she sent a photo and asked Su Wei in the box if it was the person in the photo.

She looked at Su Wei in the box, it was the person in the photo.

Xiaoqi's best friend quickly told her about Su Wei's identity, and only then did she know why these girls licked Su Wei so much.

It turned out that Su Wei turned out to be a billionaire worth tens of billions.

And at this time, she realized that Xiao Yang was not stupid at all, and that she was planning to join Su Wei's company as a veteran.

Only then did she realize that the only clown in this box was herself.

"It turned out to be Xiao Qi, why are you singing too?" Su Wei hated seeing Xiao Qi very much, because she was too pretentious in front of Su Wei just now.

If there were not so many women in the box, Su Wei would have directly picked on her mother.

Taking his own money and still pretending to be aggressive to him here, I really think Su Wei has no temper.

Now that he knows that he has a media company and is about to make his debut, she started to come over and pretend to be innocent, it's too late.

After all, how could someone like Su Wei, who hangs around the flowers every day, be sympathetic to a green tea bitch like her.

"Well, my major is singing. If I can't sing well, I won't be able to listen to the preliminary competition with a good voice. How about this, Mr. Su, I will sing Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for you. I am very good at this song "Xiaoqi knows that Su Wei hates her, but she can't control so much for her debut.

In order to make her debut, even if she had to unspoken rules to her tonight, she was willing.

"No need, my company has just been registered, and I can't afford to support two singers." Seeing that Xiaoqi was about to slap his nose and face, Su Wei straightaway made it clear.

Although Su Wei's media company is newly opened, it is still no problem to raise dozens of singers.

When he said that, he directly rejected Xiao Qi.

She was originally an accompanying singer, and she didn't sing a song when she came in. It would be good if she didn't get kicked out. I still want to praise her for her debut, what dream is it?

"Boss Su, my colleagues and the others want to come over to toast you. I wonder if it is possible. They are already at the door now." Looking at Su Wei's expression, Xiao Zhao knew that Su Wei must hate this Xiaoqi very much, so he hurried Pull Xiao Qi to the back.

Although she was called by Xiao Zhao to be a stepping stone, he couldn't make Su Wei really lose his temper, so he could only come here to change the subject.

After all, if Su Wei gets upset, Xiao Qi pats his ass and leaves, and it is their ktv who will suffer the unreasonable disaster.

Xiao Zhao's KTV marketing is not just to toast Su Wei, but basically famous, fun-loving bosses, they will all come to toast together.

One is to give face to the big guys, the other is to help the big guys drink some wine, and the other is that they also want to see if there is a chance to get to know the big guys.

"At the door? Then you can call them in, but let me say first, I can find someone to stop the drink."

(End of this chapter)

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