Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 237 Planning ahead

Chapter 237 Planning ahead
April [-]th, sunny.

"Boom, boom, boom"

"President Su, the plane I booked is at 12 o'clock, have you woken up?" Although Zhang Ruoyu went to bed very late yesterday, she woke up very early today.

Because today is the day to go back to the magic capital, Zhang Ruoyu said goodbye to her parents for so long this time, and now that she thinks about going back, she is super nervous.

Because of this, when she went to bed last night, she dreamed about the scene after she got home.

In the dream, her parents insisted that she resign, and then they ran to the company and scolded Su Wei.

Then she was directly fired by Su Wei, and she could only marry her childhood sweetheart when she went back.

At that time, in the dream, she was already going to wear a wedding dress, and she didn't know where the courage came from, so she kicked the groom.

The kick kicked her up and woke her up. After checking the time, it was only 07:30 in the morning.

You know, when they came out of KTV yesterday, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

One can imagine how terrifying this dream was to Zhang Ruoyu.

"Zhang Ruoyu, are you sick? I told you to book a plane ticket. Why did you book it so early for me? Next time you book me a ticket so early, you don't want it." Su Wei heard the door First, he opened his eyes in a daze, took out the mobile phone from the bedside, checked the time on the mobile phone, and found that it was only 10:[-] in the morning.

In Su Wei's life, the thing he hated the most was getting up early, because he went to bed late, and the thing he hated the most was getting up early, which reminded him of the nightmare life he used to live with his parents.

He was already angry about getting up, and after he became rich, his personality became even more irritable. He threw off the quilt and ran to open the door, intending to scold Zhang Ruoyu to calm down.

"Ahhhhh, Mr. Su, why are you acting like a hooligan?" "Bang" Zhang Ruoyu knocked on the door just now, and originally wanted Su Wei to praise her.

Because she was always complained about by Su Wei, and she always wanted to change her impression in Su Wei's mind.

At eight o'clock, she called up several design companies.

After all, she was going back to Shanghai today, so how could she still have time to discuss cooperation after they got to work.

When several company leaders received Zhang Ruoyu's call, they got up from the bed, and then called the designers one by one, asking them to send the design drawings to Zhang Ruoyu.

When Zhang Ruoyu finished everything and planned to tell Su Wei the good news.

She didn't expect that her boss was still sleeping at this point.

What was even more frightening was that Su Wei came to open the door without any clothes on, and seeing how dark his face was, it must be that the volcano was about to erupt.

Zhang Ruoyu ran back to her room and leaned against the door. She still has lingering fears.

Because she saw Su Wei's weapon just now, it was almost as thick as her forearm, who would take it to stab someone?

"Damn it..." Su Wei saw Zhang Ruoyu turned around and ran away when he saw him, calling her a hooligan while running.

Only then did he realize that he had just gone out without any clothes on.

Even though he knew that Zhang Ruoyu had watched him all, Su Wei still closed the door calmly.

After all, as a man, it doesn't matter if he is seen all over, and this is Zhang Ruoyu taking advantage of him.

Su Wei walked into the room and found that the other three women on the bed had all left.

Last night, he brought Liu Meng, Tao Xiaojun, two sisters-in-law, and Cao Yuqing back.

At the beginning, Liu Meng still couldn't let go.

After all, Tao Xiaojun and Cao Yuqing were both there, so she thought they would be as shy as she was.

After she knew that the last time Su Wei fought against seven people alone, two of them were Cao Yuqing and Tao Xiaojun, she let go of her shame and morality.

Together with them, Su Wei did anaerobic exercise for almost two hours.

As for Yang Danni, although she has the idea of ​​dedicating herself, Su Wei is not in a hurry to eat her now.

After all, if she is eaten now, she is just a singing girl.

But after her voice became popular and Su Wei slept with her again, it felt different.

At that time, she must have been the goddess of many people.

Sleeping with other people's goddesses, blaspheming and playing with other people's goddesses, really don't want to be too exciting.

Otherwise, why do so many bigwigs like to play celebrities? Is it really because they are beautiful?
This is not the case at all. Many celebrities look very ordinary, but there are still countless dog-licking masters.

It's because of the boss, what he likes is their star status, and it has nothing to do with their looks.

. . . . . .

"Mr. Su, I have confirmed the decoration style of Wanliu Academy with Ms. Wu in the morning. The style of Ocean Lavie is decided by me. Mr. Su, here are the renderings of the two houses. This time, Ocean Lavie and Wanliu Academy, they The total initial renovation cost is 3000 million." Zhang Ruoyu didn't dare to meet Su Wei's eyes when he just arrived.

Only Su Wei asked a question before she dared to answer.

The scene in the morning had too much impact on her, and it couldn't pass in such a short time.

Now it's because Su Wei specifically asked if she had anything to do in the morning.

Zhang Ruoyu took a few deep breaths before she relieved her nervousness.

"This design is not bad, by the way, you are the designer, buy me more refrigerators." Su Wei looked at it, and there is nothing wrong with the design.

It’s just that there are too few refrigerators. There are only two in the entire villa. How can this work? In this villa, there must be at least ten or eight large-capacity refrigerators.

Otherwise, when he couldn't go out, relying on the things in the refrigerator, he could resist not going out for several months.

"Boss Su, do all other refrigerators also buy this famous brand?" Zhang Ruoyu was really shocked when she saw the plan this morning.

After all, the hard decoration of these two houses has already been completed, and now they only need to wait for the soft decoration to come in, and they still need so much money.

Not to mention a TV that costs hundreds of thousands, a refrigerator costs hundreds of thousands, and a sofa in the living room is even more outrageous, the price is almost 200 million.

She is not a person who is easy to believe. She even went to check the prices of these things. Except for the price of the sofa, the other prices are all right, and some of the prices can be even cheaper.

Two of the design companies were found by herself, and one was found by Cao Yuqing.

After comparing three design companies, she still chose the company recommended by Cao Yuqing.

Because they are obviously more prepared and more targeted.

Now Su Wei has to buy several refrigerators. If he buys all of them from this brand, the price will be at least 100 million more.

"You can do this kind of trivial matter, don't ask me, by the way, you can help me find a few nannies to live in the villa, and find someone with better cooking skills.

Also, my plane will arrive in China for a long time, has Xu Liyang picked it up? "Su Wei's Gulfstream G650 has been in Laomei's place for a while.

He told Xu Liyang the last time, and he didn't know if she had settled it.

He still prefers to fly his own plane instead of taking other people's plane every day.

"President Su, your Gulfstream G650 should be able to fly to China in a few days. It's not that Miss Xu doesn't want to bring the plane back early. It's mainly the people from Gulfstream. The people from Shenlu Airlines must check it out. Only after the test can the plane be brought back." Although Zhang Ruoyu has never met Xu Liyang, she has always been in touch with Xu Liyang.

Of the two of them, Xu Liyang was trying to curry favor with her, after all, she was Su Wei's personal assistant.

And Zhang Ruoyu regards Xu Liyang as a senior in the workplace, and wants to learn something about the workplace from her.

She didn't want to be scolded by Su Wei. After all, she also had self-esteem, and she felt uncomfortable being treated as a vase that held her back.

So I have always wanted to change the status quo and impress Su Wei.

"A few days later, so let's say, today is the last time I sleep on this G550. I feel that this plane is about to become my private plane." Shenlu Airlines only has two G550s, and the level above Gulfstream G600 is completely low. No.

Every time Su Wei takes a plane, he always takes the G550, so it happens to be this plane every time.

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, can I go back earlier today? I haven't told my family about my business trip this time." Zhang Ruoyu said so calmly, but the problem is actually much more serious than what she said.

Her parents saw that she had been on a business trip for almost a week. If Zhang Ruoyu's phone wasn't available, they both planned to call the police.

After all, what kind of job is it? On the first day of work, I went on a business trip with the boss, and the boss was a male boss.

Although there are more sky eyes in China now, it has a deterrent effect on the bad guys.

But Zhang's father and Zhang's mother don't want their daughter to be hurt even a little bit.

Even if he could catch the bad guys, it would be a lifetime shadow for his daughter.

"Then after Lao Liu sends us to Gubei No. [-], you can go home in a big cow. This business trip is actually a bit long, but you have to get used to it. After all, I may fly around the world." Since Su Wei gave so much money to recruit an assistant, he must take her away every day.

After all, he is so rich, and there are so many interesting places, it is impossible for beautiful women to be in one place in Shanghai.

"Fuck, how do you drive, you want to die, don't you?" Liu Qiang drove the car well, at this time, suddenly a McLaren in front drove in front of the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Liu Qiang slammed on the brakes and knocked Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu into the front seat.

The current Liu Qiang is no longer the Liu Qiang who just came to Su Wei's side. At that time, he didn't know Su Wei's strength. When he beat Su Wei's classmate, he didn't dare to do it himself for fear of entering the police station.

But the longer he stays with Su Wei now, the more he knows how strong Su Wei is.

So when he saw this situation, he didn't care if it was the owner of the McLaren, so he scolded it directly.

"Fuck you, your little bodyguard dares to scold me, even if your master saw me, he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant." The young man who got out of the McLaren was actually Yang Jiale.

When Yang Jiale came over, he just heard Liu Qiang swearing. He is not a good-tempered person, but when he saw Liu Qiang coming down, he kicked him.

After all, in his mind, he was just a bodyguard. If he dared to resist, he would kill him directly.

"I thought who hit me. It turned out to be Young Master Yang. Why, is this life enough to extort money?" Su Wei was in the back row just now. When Liu Qiang braked suddenly, he bumped into front seats.

The car was quite stable. He checked himself and found that there was nothing serious about him, except that his face hurt a little.

Just as he was about to see who the bastard was, he saw Yang Jiale get off the McLaren P1.

This bastard caused Su Wei to almost crash his car. When he came over, he planned to kick Liu Qiang, but Liu Qiang avoided him.

"Su Wei, you're finally back. I thought you wouldn't come back until the end of the year." Yang Jiale had nothing to do with Su Wei, but his brother somehow found out about the relationship between him and Su Wei. There are contradictions.

His brother told him that he wanted Su Wei's Gemini Tower, so this time his brother planned to help him and meet Su Wei together.

Since he wanted to deal with Su Wei, there was only one way, and that was to find his lifeblood.

But the two brothers searched for a long time, only to find out that the property under Su Wei's name is a Gemini building.

His brother wanted this building, so he definitely didn't intend to make a fuss about it, so they focused their attention on Su Wei.

When they were planning to blame He Shengfan on Su Wei, they found that they couldn't find Su Wei's person. Only after this investigation did they find out that Su Wei had gone to the capital.

Yang Jiale was originally here to see off his girlfriend, but when he came back and saw Su Wei's Rolls-Royce Phantom in front, he was overwhelmed by hatred, so he drove the car directly in front of Su Wei's car, trying to stop Su Wei car.

If it wasn't for Liu Qiang's quick response, Yang Jiale would have basically confessed.

"Hiding? Who am I hiding? Are you saying I'm hiding from you? Do you think you deserve it? For a small character like you, do you think I'll look at you? While I can still control myself, Hurry up, or I don't know what I will do to you." Su Wei wanted to laugh when he heard Yang Jiale's words.

Who does this Yang Jiale think he is? Does he regard himself as the head of the Yang Group?

The Yang Group is now worth tens of billions. Although it is not as rich as Su Wei, his power is not comparable to Su Wei.

If his father said this, then Su Wei might still be a little nervous, but forget about him as a prodigal son, he is not worthy.

After he got out of the car, he looked at Liu Qiang first, and found that he had not been kicked by him.

"Su Wei, you have a lot of people today, I don't care about you, but you won't be too arrogant for long." After seeing Su Wei get off the car, Yang Jiale first looked at his driver, and then together with several of his bodyguards, took Yang Jiale away. surrounded.

Seeing so many people, Yang Jiale was also afraid that Su Wei would really ask someone to beat him up, so he left a harsh word, and then drove away in his McLaren P1.

This time, Yang Jiale and his brother have discussed it. Doesn't Su Wei like to go to bars and KTV?

They planned to take the Heshengfen to Su Wei's box.

Then find a woman with a criminal record to seduce Su Wei, preferably in the private room.

At that time, they will ask the arranged police to come to check, and the woman will accuse him of being a peddler of cornstarch powder. At that time, all the stolen goods will be found, and Su Wei will have yellow mud in his crotch.

"President Su, I'm so sorry, I hit your face with a sudden brake just now." Liu Qiang saw that Su Wei was rubbing his face after Yang Jiale left.

He knew that Su Wei must have been hurt just now, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"It's okay, your car is driving very well." In the situation just now, Liu Qiang stepped on the brakes immediately, then held the steering wheel tightly, waiting for the ABS to intervene.

Except that Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu bumped into each other because they were not wearing seat belts, nothing else happened.

Su Wei let Yang Jiale go just now, not because he was afraid of him, but because he planned to advance the plan.

Originally, he planned to deal with their house at the end of the month, but since he came here today, Su Wei definitely didn't intend to let him go.

"Boss Su, are you okay, who is this person?" Just now Su Wei just bumped his face, but Zhang Ruoyu was miserable, she hit the seat with her head first, then bounced her, and hit the door, Pick up a bag.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Su Wei confronting a person with bodyguards.

And that person saw that there were many people on Su Wei's side, so he ran away in a hurry.

"It's okay, that person just now, his father is the chairman of the Yang Group"

(End of this chapter)

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