Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 238 Invite Your Boss Over For Dinner

Chapter 238 Invite Your Boss Over For Dinner
"Old Zhang, you can do it. You don't say anything when you get rich quietly. Is the old house demolished? How much did you pay for your 120 square meters?" Zhang Rensheng's colleague was originally in Look at the supercar in front.

He thinks that car is super handsome, especially the scissor doors.

But after seeing the man's face clearly, he had a look of disbelief, because he knew that man.

"The old house is going to be demolished? Is it true? Has your family received the news? How much did you pay?" Zhang Rensheng got off work early this afternoon, and then went to drink coffee and chat with a few colleagues from the get off work unit.

He has been messing around until now, and he came back when it was time to get off work.

Hearing the demolition from his colleague in his car today, I thought it was because his old house was about to be demolished.

He actually wanted to change the house a long time ago, but now that the house price is so high, they can't afford it.

We can only see if the old house will be demolished. If it is demolished, he can just change to a bigger house.

The house he lives in now is a small two-bedroom house of less than 80 square meters. Now he and his wife share one room, and his daughter Zhang Ruoyu shares one room.

He always wanted to have a study, but because the area was too small, his study was set up on the balcony.

So if the demolition really happens this time, he will change to a bigger house, with at least three rooms, one for him and his wife, one for his daughter Zhang Ruoyu, and one for a study. If his parents come, or the mother-in-law and the others Come, you can also turn the study into a bedroom.

"Pretend, pretend, I saw it just now, so don't be modest, the person who drove the sports car just got out of the car, I saw her face, it is your daughter Zhang Ruoyu, the car she just drove, and I It's not that I don't know Lamborghini, who doesn't know the same.

Don't worry, I'm not asking you to borrow money, I just want to inquire about how much money the community promises to give you when your old house is demolished. My family also has an old house. I'm in the same community as you. I'll talk to you later. At that time, I was afraid that I would be too quick to promise and lose money.

What is your expression?Why is it so ugly, like this, you tell me, let me treat you to a good meal, Michelin-level, okay?" Of course Zhang Rensheng's colleagues know Zhang Ruoyu, after all, most of the people in this community are colleagues.

When Zhang Ruoyu was young, he even hugged her.

It's not that he doesn't know that Zhang Ruoyu has never been to work in order to get a good unit.

He suddenly drove home a sports car with millions of dollars, and he couldn't think of anything other than the demolition of the house.

After all, even if their unit wanted to embezzle, there would be no chance for them.

Now Zhang Rensheng has made a fortune from the demolition, and his old house is not far from Zhang Rensheng's old house. If the demolition really happens, he will be able to get more money than others if he finds out the situation now.

Most of the opportunities for these locals in Shanghai to make a fortune rely on the city's dividends to start a business or do business to make a fortune. In terms of the entire Shanghai, the proportion is too small.

"What did you say? The car in front was driven by Ruoyu? Impossible? Did you admit it wrong?" Zhang Rensheng heard his colleague say that the yellow Lamborghini in front was driven by Zhang Ruoyu.

He didn't feel happy at all, he just felt like his head was going to explode.

Because he called Zhang Ruoyu yesterday morning, and she told him that she didn't know when she would return to Shanghai, and she had to listen to the boss.

I went back to Shanghai today, and I still drove a Lamborghini back, how could Comrade Lao Zhang not be frightened.

"I'm two years younger than you. Besides, I only did femtoseconds two years ago. I don't know how good my eyesight is now. Don't change the subject for me. As a friend for so many years, you should say no. Are you willing to talk?" Zhang Rensheng's colleagues actually changed the subject when they saw Zhang Rensheng.

For his own benefit, he would definitely not be fooled by Zhang Rensheng so easily.

"No demolition, no demolition, forget it, I will tell you about it tomorrow, I have to go home first." After saying this, Zhang Rensheng hurried home.

He wanted to see if his daughter really came back in a sports car.

This time he knew that his daughter had gone to work, but he didn't agree with it life or death.

Because he thinks, girls, it's good to be a civil servant with good benefits and be stable for a lifetime, so why work so hard.

Besides, I have a house and a car at home, so why bother to be someone else's cow or horse.

"Old Zhang, you said it yourself, tell me the truth tomorrow, and I will bring you breakfast tomorrow."

. . . . . .

Zhang Ruoyu took the elevator to the door of the house, opened the anti-theft door, and saw Zhang Ruoyu secretly carrying a suitcase, preparing to go back to her room.

"Dad, you came back from get off work, what a coincidence." Zhang Ruoyu hit a bump on her head today, so Liu Qiang drove a Rolls Royce and went to the hospital first.

The doctor checked Su Wei and her condition, and they came out of the hospital after confirming that there was no problem.

When she arrived at Gubei No. [-], her boss gave her the keys to the Lamborghini and sent her away.

When Zhang Ruoyu got the key, she didn't go home immediately, but ran outside for a few laps first. After the excitement passed, she drove the car back to the community.

Fortunately, her community is an underground parking lot, and she didn't see any acquaintances along the way.

Even luckier, when she returned home, she heard the sound of chopping vegetables in the kitchen.

She knew that her mother must have left early to cook. Fortunately, she was in the kitchen. As long as she kept her voice down, she quickly returned to her room and changed her clothes, and no one would notice.

Because she went to Kyoto this time, she was wearing four sets of clothes, plus what she brought in her suitcase.

Among them, she gave Liu Meng a set. Liu Meng transferred her a red envelope yesterday, but she confiscated it. Because Liu Meng knew her mobile phone number, she found out her Alipay through searching, and then directly transferred 2000 to her. Alipay.

And the rotten clothes that she wore for three days were directly thrown into the LV trash can by her boss.

Of the remaining two sets of clothes, one set was put in the box by her for a few days because it was not dry, and it was already moldy when she opened it.

The other one was even worse. The clothes hadn't been washed at the time, and they were supposed to come back at night to wash them.

As a result, she came back after living in Bulgari for two days, and the clothes in the toilet were all smelly and smelled of alcohol, so she had to throw away the two sets of clothes.

She didn't have any of the clothes she brought to Kyoto this time, so she was wearing Dior's women's suit.

"You still know how to come back. Didn't you push this box away? Why are you carrying it away by yourself? Are you going back to your own home or are you here to be a thief?" Zhang Rensheng was still thinking, his colleague must have just watched Dazzled.

When I opened the door, I actually saw Zhang Ruoyu came back, and it seemed that he should have been in front of him for a few minutes.

The one who stepped on the gas pedal crazily in the parking garage of the community just now must be her own daughter.

"Old Zhang, Yuyu, you guys are back. Yuyu, did your father pick you up? You dead boy, why don't you say hello to me when you come back, so I can get you some good food, you and you Dad said, I didn't even know you came back.

Seeing that you have been on a business trip for the past few days, you must have not eaten. After all, the climate and diet there are different from ours.

But Yuyu, the shape of your clothes looks good, you bought them in Kyoto, isn’t it expensive?” Zhang’s mother was chopping vegetables, when she heard the door closing and her daughter The voice of talking to my husband.

She poked her head out and saw that both of them had returned. She thought it was Lao Zhang's daughter who had gone to pick them up.

Walking in front of Zhang Ruoyu, Zhang's mother looked at her daughter, wondering if it was an illusion, why did she feel that her daughter had become more beautiful after a business trip for a while.

"I didn't go to pick her up, your daughter is very powerful now, why do you need my broken car to pick her up.

And your eyes are not good, where did you see that she lost weight?I think she is all fat, what kind of clothes is better, you open your eyes wide and look at the logo on your daughter's clothes, can't you see it?Dior, you can't even recognize such a big logo? "Zhang Rensheng was also very angry, and when he spoke, he immediately started to be yin and yang.

There's no way, he just has a good temper, and he's used to moving without using hands.

Even now that he was so angry, he still didn't say anything particularly ugly.

"Zhang Rensheng, you talk as soon as you say, why are you so weird. How can I not know this Dior, but this is not A-grade. Yuyu is a person who has just started work. How can she afford such expensive clothes.

Yuyu, tell yourself whether this dress on you is genuine or A-grade, and tell your dad loudly." Zhang's mother thought Zhang Rensheng was mocking her for not understanding luxury goods when she heard Zhang Rensheng's words.

Just now, she really didn't notice that her daughter was wearing luxury clothes.

But she didn't expect the clothes to be authentic, because she knew that Yuyu spent all her lucky money for so many years to buy that second-hand motorcycle.

She also took 1 yuan from her father as living expenses, the two of them thought she didn't know, she just didn't want to point them out.

After all, she never agreed to buy a motorcycle, and planned to sell Zhang Rensheng's motorcycle license.

"My clothes, this clothes are genuine." Zhang Ruoyu saw her parents arguing, and she hesitated in the middle, whether to say it or not.

After all, the dress she was wearing was not cheap when she remembered paying the bill. It cost more than 4 yuan at the checkout.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to tell the truth to my parents, and didn't plan to hide it from them, after all, she didn't do anything bad.

She just went to work in a company, and it happened that the boss of this company was very rich and generous to his subordinates.

Although it sounds the same as a TV series, this is what actually happened to her.

"Authentic? You say your Dior suit is genuine? Zhang Ruoyu, tell us honestly, where did you get the money, and why did you go to Kyoto this time? Also, the Lamborghini downstairs is What's going on, you have to tell me clearly." Zhang Rensheng is usually a kind-hearted person in his life, and he rarely blushes with others.

He was so angry just now, but he was just being angry, not angry.

But when Zhang Ruoyu said that the clothes on her were genuine Dior suits, he couldn't control his temper at once, because he was really afraid that his daughter would go on the wrong path, and she would be ruined.

"Lamborghini? Old Zhang, is the car you're talking about the car that Yuyu posted on her wall?
Yuyu, quickly tell me exactly what class you are in this time, I have never seen anyone who can wear luxury goods and drive a sports car who has just been working for a few days." I just thought that Zhang Ruoyu had a small treasury, and she rewarded herself with this dress.

But I didn't expect to hear Lao Zhang say that Zhang Ruoyu came back today in a Lamborghini.

She might not know about other sports cars, but she knows about Lamborghini.

I remember the first time I heard about this brand, it was when Zhang Ruoyu was in high school.

Just watching the news that day, she saw that her old house had been demolished not far away, and each family had lost more than 1000 million yuan.

At that time, her husband Zhang Rensheng told his daughter Zhang Ruoyu what gift she would like if her home was demolished.

I remember that Zhang Ruoyu didn't even think about it at the time, and blurted out "I want a Lamborghini sports car".

Because of this, Zhang's mother was very impressed with Lamborghini.

"Mom and Dad, I really went to work, but my boss is richer, and he is very generous to his subordinates.

I am your daughter, don't you believe in your own daughter?What do you take me for.

Last month, a classmate of mine received a recruitment notice, because she didn't plan to change jobs, so she asked me to try it, saying that the annual salary was 60.

When I saw the annual salary of 60 yuan, I went to the interview with the mentality of giving it a try.

After the interview, the company's HR didn't tell me the result, they just asked me to go home and wait for the notification.

Until ten days ago, I received a call from the HR of the company. They told me that I had passed the initial interview and asked me to prepare and go to the company on the 4th for a re-examination.
That's the situation. I showed you the inside of my suitcase. These are other clothes that the boss bought for me. They are business attire.

Because I represent his face, a rich man like him cares about this very much." Zhang Ruoyu was really sad when she saw her parents misunderstood her.

After all, I am their daughter, so they don't know what kind of character I am.

Then she talked about everything from the time she started looking for a job, to getting a job, to returning home today from a business trip.

Of course, she didn't mention anything about going to the bar, Su Wei's unspoken rules against Liu Meng, and dealing with Xu Meng and her family.

Most importantly, she also specially emphasized that her boss is not an old man, he is about the same age as her.

"Yuyu, don't blame me and your father for wronging you, we really feel that this matter is incredible.

And you said that he bought you such expensive clothes and drove you this multimillion-dollar sports car, does he have thoughts about you?" Zhang's mother didn't quite believe her daughter's words.

Because what she said is not reality, it feels like the plot in the TV series.

"When is this, and you are still concerned about this matter, you can sort it out.

Yuyu, you said that your boss’ assets are tens of billions, so what’s his name and what company he runs? Tell me, I’ll see if I can find out. Your dad and I have been civil servants in Shanghai for so many years. I have been in a high position, but I have basically heard the names of these big bosses in Shanghai." If Zhang's mother just doubted it, then Zhang Rensheng would not believe it at all.

Listen to what my daughter said, everything going to Kyoto is a chartered flight, and returning to Shanghai is a chartered flight.

She planned to buy a 15 billion courtyard house, but because the landlord wanted to increase the price temporarily, her boss turned around and bought a [-] million villa.

This is for elementary school students, and even elementary school students may not believe it. Her daughter actually wants him, who is almost 50 years old, to believe this nonsense.

"What I said is true. My boss is Su Wei, and the Pudong Twin Star Building is his property. Dad, you can check it out.

By the way, I know you don’t believe me. Have you seen my BOC card? This is given to me by my boss, because I am responsible for the expenses in his life. I will open it for you to have a look. How much.

Hey, that's not right, what's going on with this money, how could it be 3100 million? "When Zhang Ruoyu saw that her parents didn't believe what she said, she almost despaired, because what she said was true, even though it sounded false to her, it was true.

Fortunately, she remembered something to prove it, and that was the bank card that Su Wei gave her at that time.

Zhang Ruoyu took out her mobile phone, opened the mobile banking, and planned to show her parents the money in this card.

At the beginning, there was 4100 million in this card, and she transferred 1000 million to Gemini Property.

Then in the past few days, she paid almost 200 million yuan for the bill, plus she paid a 200 million decoration deposit today.

So now there should be 2700 million in this card, but now she sees that there are still 3100 million in it, will the money increase by itself?

"What's the matter, what's the matter, it can't be that the money is missing, Yuyu, how much is it, talk about it." Zhang Rensheng heard Zhang Ruoyu say that the money was not right, and he thought it was a lack of money.

Just when he heard his daughter say the name Su Wei, he already knew that all the incredible things her daughter said were true.

Because he knows Su Wei, and he also knows that he is a big boss.

When the Gemini Building was sold, people from their unit still chatted together in the cafe.

After all, the previous boss of Gemini was also a well-known figure in Shanghai in the [-]s, and he ended up committing suicide by jumping off a building at home, which is extremely embarrassing.

Those in the system had heard of Su Wei's name as early as last year.

Because when Su Wei took over Gemini, he was talked to by many people in the system.

Everyone has different opinions on his identity, but one thing everyone is sure of is that Su Wei must be very rich, otherwise he would not be able to spend billions to take down the Gemini Tower at the end of the year. After all, it is the end of the year. With the tightening of finances, most of the wealthy people in the country also began to tighten their funds.

"There is no shortage of money. It is because there is more money in it. When I just got this card before, I remember it very clearly. It contained 4100 million. In the past few days, several million have been swiped out. It is reasonable to say that It should be 2700 million, why is it still 3100 million now?
Dad, don't bother me, let me check the background first, oh, I see, the background shows that 61 yuan is transferred into this card every day, no wonder there is a lot of money.

But this turned out to be interest money, or interest money from BOC, 61 per day, how much money my boss has saved in BOC.

But it’s not right, isn’t my boss a super VIP of ICBC?” Zhang Ruoyu was puzzled, and calculated based on this interest.

Her boss has at least several billions in BOC, and all his affairs are done through ICBC. That is to say, her boss probably has tens of billions in ICBC?
When Zhang Ruoyu thought of this, she covered her mouth in horror.

No wonder her boss is so extravagant, if she has the wealth of her boss, then she may live a life even more extravagantly.

"Yuyu, as an assistant, you should never tell others about this, you know that?" Zhang Rensheng immediately understood what his daughter said.

Zhang Ruoyu's boss's core bank is ICBC, and BOC is not even ranked among his bosses.

It can be inferred that her boss must have put a larger sum of money in ICBC.

Originally, he disagreed with Zhang Ruoyu as the assistant, but now he can't say that anymore.

If what Zhang Ruoyu said is true and her boss is Su Wei, she must not resign.

After all, following Su Wei, she is likely to join the upper class.

I didn't want his daughter to work so hard before, it was because I felt that it was almost impossible for the middle class to get into the upper class.

But it's different now, her daughter is Su Wei's assistant, and in her daughter's description, Su Wei is a very generous person.

With such good conditions here, who would be foolish to be a civil servant, there are only tens of thousands of civil servants every month.

"I know, I won't tell it. Parents, you have to keep it a secret for me. You can't tell it." Zhang Ruoyu was almost moved to tears when she thought that Su Wei believed in her so much.

No wonder he didn't care whether it was Xu Jinguang or the Yang Group. With so much cash, it was really easy to destroy these two companies.

"Yuyu, when your boss has time, please invite him to your house, and I'll make him a table of home-cooked food."

(End of this chapter)

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