Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 239 Someone Wants to Beat Your Girlfriend

Chapter 239 Someone Wants to Beat Your Girlfriend
"What? Your family wants to invite me to dinner? Why?" After Su Wei returned to Gubei No. [-] from the hospital today, he hasn't left the house until now.

It's not that he doesn't want to go out, it's because he's busy with a lot of things today.

Yang Jiale forced the car to stop today, after he got home, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Then he locked himself in his study and called the contact of AC Investigation Company to ask how their investigation was going.

When he recruited Xu Liyang as an assistant, he also contacted an investigation company through ICBC's relationship.

Moreover, he was afraid that the domestic investigation company would be inextricably linked to the Yang Group, so he didn't consider any of the domestic investigation companies, and specially invited foreign investigation companies.

Yang's Group is not that kind of multinational company, it is just a small company for such a first-class research company in the world.

Of course, the price is definitely incomparable with domestic survey companies, and their prices are more than ten times more expensive.

Although Su Wei did not intend to find them in China, he also knew the price. Because Su Wei has a clear goal, the price is about 300 million RMB.

When we talked about the price with AC, they also quoted 300 million, but it was not 300 million RMB, but 300 million knives.

Of course, Su Wei was not the headquarters of the Beacon Country, but the domestic branch.

They just reported back to Su Wei that all the materials have been sorted out. Whenever President Su needs them, they can send someone to pass over the materials, and they can also bring the materials over in the form of a U disk.

Now on AC's side, it has been found that there are at least three inescapable responsibilities in the Yang Group.

One is to use false bank documents to inflate deposits, the second is to falsify income by forging business documents, and the third is to transfer part of the funds to related party accounts to buy and sell the company's stocks.

As long as this charge is proven, the Yang Group will basically be finished.

It was possible to find out so quickly, of course, because Su Wei already knew the weakness of the Yang Group, and this weakness cannot be repaired, at least not in a short time.

AC Investigation Company followed this piece to find evidence, of course it was easy.

After calling AC, Su Wei also called Xu Liyang who was sleeping.

In addition to asking her if the plane is ready, when will she come back, and how many of her former colleagues have arrived.

In order to accommodate them, Su Wei specially asked Zuo Qing to rent a large villa as an office space.

After all, when this matter gets busy, it may last for a long time, so Su Wei rented the villa directly and let Xu Liyang's former colleagues live in it.

But Su Wei has never been there, so he doesn't know how many people came from them.

After this group of people has completed this task, he plans to include them and let them become knowledge-sharing bloggers on Douyin.

It's not that no one is looking for Su Wei today, it's just that he is really too busy, and many people hang up the phone without talking to each other.

When Zhang Ruoyu called him, he happened to have finished all the calls.

"I'm not a newcomer in the workplace, but I can find such a good job, so my parents would like to thank you, the boss." Zhang Ruoyu's phone call was forced by her parents.

If it were her own, she would never dare to make this call, after all, she was actually a little afraid of Su Wei.

This time her parents wanted to invite Su Wei to dinner. One reason was that Zhang Ruoyu had never been to work before, so they expressed their gratitude to her for finding such a good job.

The second reason is that I want Su Wei to be kinder to her at work in the future.

The third most important reason is that they wanted to see if Su Wei, the boss, really liked their Zhang Ruoyu, otherwise how could he treat her so well.

He also bought luxury clothes, drove her a car with millions of dollars, and gave her a bank card to manage the money.

"Want to thank me? But I don't have time recently, as you know, the Yang Group has been looking for trouble for me recently, and the Snake Tunxiang Project is about to start, so I can't spare the time.

In this way, it's better to wait until next month. At that time, the Yang Group and the Shetunxiang Project should have nothing to do with me, and I should have time by then." How could Su Wei not have time? It's just his time. To accompany a woman.

Liu Jing invited him to dinner tonight, and Li Jiawen asked him for supper.

Tomorrow, Wang Xiaoyuan and the others will celebrate his birthday, so how can he have time to go to Zhang Ruoyu's house for dinner.

And what's the point of going to Zhang Ruoyu's house now, and I went there as the boss.

When did he eat Zhang Ruoyu, then he was going to go to her house for dinner, but at that time he came to her house as a son-in-law.

"Oh yes, I forgot about those things, then I won't bother you, President Su." After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ruoyu only felt her face flushed red.

Originally, she had no idea about Su Wei, and the two of them got along quite normally.

But now that her parents said that, she also began to feel that Su Wei is actually quite good.

"How is Yuyu, how is it? Has your boss agreed to come?" Zhang's mother is the most active one. After all, her daughter will turn 24 this year.

She was very worried about Zhang Ruoyu's life, and the person she liked was Zhang Ruoyu's childhood sweetheart Xu Shipeng.

But after what happened last time, she no longer thinks about Xu Shipeng at all.

And can Xu Shipeng compare with Su Wei? The two of them are completely different from heaven to earth.

Su Wei is younger than him and richer than him. In Zhang's mother's heart, Su Wei is the best candidate for a son-in-law.

"He didn't agree, because he's too busy this month, it's all you, I said no, you forced me to make this call, hey" After being rejected by Su Wei, Zhang Ruoyu felt that just now she was Not too rash.

After all, as his assistant, I completely forgot such two big things, and I still need my boss to remind me.

She just feels that when she sees Su Wei tomorrow, she may be laughed at by him again.

"Why do you blame me, and it's just for a meal. Is your boss so busy? You don't even have time for a meal? When you said it just now, didn't you make it clear?" Zhang's mother didn't expect this invitation. It was rejected by Su Wei.

She was already thinking about what to buy for Su Wei tomorrow.

"I made it very clear, you all want to thank his boss for recruiting me as an assistant, so I want to treat him to a meal.

Mom, don't do this next time. Our boss is really busy this month. He is busy with serious business now. When these few things are done, he said he can earn billions of dollars.

Also, he promised to come to our house for dinner next month." How could Zhang Ruoyu not know what my mother thinks.

She is the kind of person who thinks very traditionally. She thinks that every family of girls wants to get married early.

"Really? Your boss is coming next month, Lao Zhang, while you have time, why don't you find a designer and redecorate the house, otherwise the house will look too shabby like this?" Zhang's mother Hearing that you can earn billions at every turn, I really can't imagine how to spend so much money.

Looking at my own home again, I feel that everything looks very petty.

I don't know if a rich man like Su Wei would be disgusted when he came to the house.

"There is no need to redecorate, if we do that, it will appear that our house is too deliberate, but there are many unnecessary things in the house, we can throw them away and buy something new.

Yuyu, your mother and I will go out first, and we will go to your Uncle Li later, you go to bed early tonight, after all, you have traveled all day." Zhang Rensheng pushed Zhang's mother, planning to go out .

Lao Li's daughter is in the design business.

They went to Lao Li's side just to talk to her daughter and see how they should make some minor changes to their house.

"Parents don't need it, just clean the house." Zhang Ruoyu saw her parents like this, she really shouldn't mention that the boss can make billions this time.

Judging by their appearance, they have confirmed that Su Wei is the son-in-law.

If Su Wei didn't mean that to her at all, then she would have to die.

"Don't worry about it, we know how to deal with this matter, you can rest your time." Zhang Rensheng heard Zhang Ruoyu's words, and went out with Zhang's mother without looking back.

"Several billion, how good would it be if this money belonged to our family?"

"You can just live your sweet dreams, whether people like Yuyu or not is something else to say."

"That's impossible. My Yuyu is so beautiful. She hasn't even dated a boyfriend yet. As long as her boss likes women, it's impossible for her to look down on my Yuyu."

"makes sense"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, I have already contacted my former colleagues. Let's see when we can get them to work. If they were here today, this situation would definitely not happen." Liu Qiang is really very comfortable today. It's his fault, because he actually let his boss bump in the face.

And let Assistant Zhang, such a delicate little girl, get hit on the head with a big bump.

So just now, while Su Wei didn't come down, he had already contacted those former colleagues who wanted to quit.

After he came back, he analyzed it, and the main reason why this happened today was because they had fewer cars.

After hitting a Touareg last time, Liu Qiang and the others only had one car to drive.

If there are two cars today, one is clearing the road in front and the other is observing behind.

When the McLaren was overtaking, the car observed behind could have called the car ahead to drive the McLaren aside.

In this way, the main car protected in the middle will have nothing to do with it.

"It's been arranged, right? Then you can let them come to work tomorrow. By the way, you can arrange the personnel yourself. After all, you have a lot of people under your hands now, so you have to start to grasp the management.

Now that you are in charge, you will definitely not be able to get the same salary as them. How about this, your salary, um, I will raise it to 5 yuan a month.” Liu Qiang’s salary, the contract he signed before was [-] yuan months.

Now that he is in charge, Su Wei mentioned 5 yuan a month to him.

After all, it is impossible to just give him a promotion and not give him a salary increase, so this is not playing hooligans.

"Thank you boss, I will work hard. But Mr. Su, we are a bit short of cars now, why don't we buy one for the roof first?" Liu Qiang was delighted when he heard that Su Wei had raised his salary.

Earlier, Su Wei had said that he would be promoted, but he had never talked with him about the salary.

He was particularly worried, worried that Su Wei would find someone else to be the supervisor, after all, he had no management experience.

Now that he has been given a direct salary increase of [-] yuan, he feels relieved at once.

"The auto show is going to be on the 19th, but we're going to Li Jiawen's hometown on the 14th, and Qiantang on the 12th. How about this, you guys drive my Mercedes-Benz G65, anyway, I don't drive this car very much" Su Wei is indeed very busy, after this birthday, he has to run out non-stop.

The main reason is that he has too many women, so he can only work hard.

But there is good news, that is, his Gulfstream G650, that is, at 11:[-] p.m. domestic time today, is ready to fly back from Lighthouse Country.

The next time he goes out to play, he can fly in his own plane.

"Good Mr. Su"

. . . . . .

"Isn't that Liu Jing, who is next to her, and she didn't drive today, she seemed to be waiting for someone at the school gate." Classmate A and the people in the dormitory planned you to eat, and when they came to the school gate, they found Liu Jing is also there.

Liu Jing is in their school, so he is really a proper figure in the school.

Of course, she is so famous not because of how well she studies or how outstanding her talent is.

It's because she's pretty, has found a rich boyfriend, and now even drives a Ferrari 488 to school.

"The one next to her seems to be Qian Xinyi from the school next door. This woman is a native of Shanghai, and I heard that her family is also super rich." Classmate A's roommate, classmate B, took a look and found that the other woman was Qian Xinyi .

The several universities in their university city have many things in common because they are very close to each other.

This is the case with Liu Jing and Qian Xinyi. They are not only famous in their own school, but also in the school next door.

"These two girls are beautiful. If you can't get in, I can't get in." Classmate C saw his two roommates and kept discussing them, but didn't take any action.

He is on the school basketball team, and for him, chasing girls couldn't be easier.

"Are you really going to fuck? Who are you going to chase after? Li Jing or Qian Xinyi?" When classmate B saw that roommate classmate C was going to fuck, he thought it was normal.

Because classmate C is on the school basketball team, many girls like athletic boys like him.

So classmate C has been in school for three years. As far as he knows, he has changed at least 6 girlfriends, and they are all pretty good-looking.

"Of course it's Liu Jing. I like her Ferrari 488. When I catch up with her, I'll take you for a drive. Just watch my performance." Classmate C just finished playing basketball in school. It's all sweaty.

But he didn't feel that this would scare away girls, on the contrary he felt that he was very manly.

After all, his girlfriends all met on the basketball court.

And although Liu Jing has a boyfriend, he feels that her boyfriend is not around.

Even if he knew, so what, with his height and weight, wouldn't he still be afraid?

. . .

"Why hasn't Su Wei come yet? I'm starving to death." Qian Xinyi made an appointment with Liu Jing for dinner today, and both of them had already arrived at the cafeteria.

Who knew that Liu Jing received a call from Su Wei, saying that he was looking for her for dinner tonight.

Of course Liu Jing didn't eat in the cafeteria, and invited her too, planning to ask her to have dinner with her at night.

Qian Xinyi didn't know that it was Liu Jing who was looking for Su Wei first, and thought it was Su Wei who was looking for Liu Jing first, so she didn't come to her.

After all, when Su Wei went to Kyoto, he had agreed with her on the plane, and he would look for her as soon as he came back.

"Hello, Liu Jing, I'm from the Department of Physical Education. Are you two planning to go to dinner? Or share a table with us?" Classmate C had never seen Liu Jing up close before, but only now did he realize that she really It's so beautiful.

Compared with her former girlfriend, she is really no match at all.

This strengthened his determination to chase Liu Jing. One is that she is beautiful, and the other is that she has a sports car.

"No need, I'm waiting for my boyfriend." Liu Jing has met too many boys who strike up a conversation like this, after all, she is so beautiful.

But she was not interested in them at all, because compared with Su Wei, these people were childish and terrifying.

So for these boys who came to strike up a conversation, she refused without hesitation.

"Then why don't we add a friend? Are you interested in basketball? I'm on the school basketball team. When there's a game, I can send you a message to watch me play." Classmate C chases girls a lot. The invitation to eat was rejected, so he immediately changed his routine and wanted to add a WeChat first.

After all, few girls nowadays would directly refuse boys to add them to WeChat. (except the really ugly ones)
Classmate C believes that as long as she has been stalking her after adding WeChat, then this Liu Jing will definitely not be able to escape his Wuzhishan.

After all, a strong girl is afraid of pestering her husband, so as long as she has a thick skin, there is nothing she can't get rid of.

"No need, I have a boyfriend, I don't want him to misunderstand" Liu Jing saw that classmate C was sweating all over, she wanted to hold her nose and move away.

I don't know what happened recently. After she drove the Ferrari 488, there were a lot of people who were overwhelmed.

Just like this classmate C in front of him, where did he get the courage to come to talk to her.

"It's just adding WeChat. If your boyfriend is jealous, then he is too stingy." Classmate C didn't expect that even adding WeChat was rejected by Liu Jing.

If he was rejected usually, then he would definitely leave, after all, stalking is very embarrassing in reality.

But now the people in the dormitory are watching, if he just goes back in such a dismal manner, then he will definitely be laughed to death in the dormitory from now on.

"We don't want to know you. Do you not understand people's words? Where did you get the confidence to strike up a conversation with us?" Liu Jing has a good temper, but that doesn't mean Qian Xinyi is also like that.

Seeing this person who struck up a conversation, he has been stalking here.

She was in a bad mood today, but now that the person who struck up a conversation happened to bump into her, her young lady lost her temper immediately.

"I didn't strike up a conversation with you. What does it have to do with you? I think you're looking for smoke." When Qian Xinyi said this to classmate C, he couldn't hold back.

He is not a good-tempered person either, as long as Qian Xinyi provokes him again, he doesn't mind giving her some color.

After all, he is a second-level athlete, and the school will basically punish him for fighting, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone.

"Su Wei, someone here wants to beat your girlfriend"

(End of this chapter)

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