Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 240 Three People Going to the Movies

Chapter 240 Three People Going to the Movies

"What are you doing, you can't strike up a conversation and you want to hit someone, right? You wait, I'll call someone to fix you, I hope you'll still be as crazy as you are now after a while.

Hey, Su Wei, don't hide and watch the show, someone is going to hit your girlfriend." Qian Xinyi didn't expect that the guy who hit up a conversation would hit her just because she taunted him a few words.

At this time, she just happened to be watching the play outside the crowd with Su Wei and his bodyguards.

This made her so angry that she was about to be beaten, and he was still watching the play there.

But looking at the appearance of this person in front of him, I feel that he is very impulsive and easily angered.

She could only summon Su Wei, after all, she couldn't suffer from this immediate loss.

"I'm not hiding to watch a show, I just came here, so I plan to see what's going on." Su Wei came to have dinner with Liu Jing today, but Qian Xinyi was also there.

He immediately felt a little guilty, because he had promised Qian Xinyi that he would look for her as soon as possible after returning from the capital.

But because so many days have passed, I have already forgotten about that matter.

After all, there are so many women around him. Although Qian Xinyi is very beautiful, she is not so beautiful as the only one.

So after he came, he didn't come out directly, but waited and said what to say.

"You are Qian Xinyi's boyfriend? I thought she had a lot of backing.

Now after you came, I found out that you are such a bird, so I can tell you that you can't settle this matter today.

If you want me, forget it, there is a way, that is to ask your girlfriend to apologize to me now, and then add Liu Jing and me as friends, if you don’t agree, I promise you will regret it later.” When classmate C was talking, he still As if showing off, he pressed the knuckles on his fingers until they creaked.

After all, with his height of 188 and playing basketball frequently, he really looks very strong.

"Forget it, old C, she is a girl after all, Liu Jing, you add a WeChat with him, and I will persuade him to leave, otherwise he will get angry, and no one here can stop him." Classmate B did not expect to strike up a conversation before , classmate C with a high success rate.

Today, the car overturned, even if it overturned, and even quarreled with Qian Xinyi.

When he saw Qian Xinyi's boyfriend coming, he was afraid of causing trouble, so he pretended to be a good guy, but he was actually his wingman.

"You must have played this trick many times. If you can't strike up a conversation, just use this kind of intimidation. Since you are such social scum, then I have nothing to say. Liu Qiang, say hello to the two classmates." Su Wei saw the two Personally, I feel so bored as if I just added a friend and let it go today.

He came to look for Liu Jing today, just to take her to the hotel to vent.

After all, he hasn't even gotten angry about what happened this afternoon.

Now meeting such two children, playing this kind of routine in front of him, he immediately became angry.

"Who are you, what are you doing, what are you doing, don't come here, if you come here again, I'll be rude." Classmate C was still praising his roommate in his heart, but what he said today was really beautiful.

Unexpectedly, Qian Xinyi's boyfriend wanted to use force even at this time.

When he was about to show it, four big men in suits came out from the crowd next to them, and they were walking towards the two of them in a circle.

"This matter is a misunderstanding. My friend came to talk to Liu Jing and had a quarrel with your girlfriend. We can apologize." Classmate B saw Liu Qiang and the others surrounded him, and then saw classmate A running away. He panicked all at once.

Adhering to the principle that a hero does not suffer immediate losses, he began to give in to Su Wei, wanting him to let them go.

"That's right, that's right, it's Liu Jing I've struck up a conversation with, and I've never struck up a conversation with Qian Xinyi." Classmate C is also a bullying person.

He usually only bullies those who can't beat him, and he always stays away from those who really fight hard.

In the school basketball team, his height and weight are considered relatively good.

But he has been keeping a low profile in it, because there are those who are particularly good at fighting.

Seeing that Su Wei was carrying bodyguards with him, he immediately explained that it was Liu Jing who struck up a conversation, not Qian Xinyi.

"Who told you that my girlfriend is Qian Xinyi's, you're a motherfucker, Liu Jing is my girlfriend." It's okay not to mention this, but when he mentioned this, Su Wei became even more angry.

When Liu Jing returned to school at that time, his school had reported him out.

At least those who know Liu Jing must know that she has a boyfriend.

Now that they know that Liu Jing has a boyfriend, what do they mean when he is dead?
"Big brother, I didn't know that Liu Jing was your girlfriend. Big brother, I knew I was wrong, so I won't dare to do it again next time." Classmate C was knocked down, only to find out that this person is Liu Jing's boyfriend.

But I know it's too late, I must have offended him by saying that just now.

"What are you doing? Don't hit, don't hit, why don't you listen? If you still hit, I will call the police." When the school security rushed over, they saw classmate C and classmate B. The beaten man knelt on the ground with blood all over his face.

They were chatting at the school gate just now, and suddenly a student ran over, saying that a classmate from the school was beaten by social personnel.

They are really annoyed by such people. After all, if you are beaten, you should call the police.

Why do you come to me? I am a security guard. People in society are afraid of the police. Security guards like myself.

But they couldn't say anything, they could only find a few more colleagues and come here to see the situation together.

"Ah Wei, forget it, this appearance is fine, if you hit them again, will they be killed?" Liu Jing saw that tall and burly classmate C just now, who was kicked by Liu Qiang and immediately lost his ability to move.

Then Liu Qiang grabbed his hair and slammed it on the floor tiles. Now his forehead was covered with blood.

"Liu Qiang, it's okay, this kind of bastard can just be taught a lesson, we still have to eat." Seeing the miserable state of these two people, Su Wei's anger also dissipated most of his heart.

Although these two people were beaten badly and made Su Wei vent his anger in the afternoon, Su Wei didn't intend to just let them go.

That short man was beaten up, so Su Wei can forget it.

But for that tall man, Su Wei will definitely make him unable to read. He is also killing chickens and monkeys.

"Uncle Security, you just let them go? My roommate was beaten so badly." Classmate A didn't run away just now, but he knew he couldn't win the fight, so he ran to find the security guard in the school.

Although his relationship with classmate C was mediocre, seeing him being beaten, he still chose to help him.

"What can we do? We are the school's security guards, not the police, and this is outside the school, not inside the school." The security guards are not fools, and the four people next to the person just now knew they were bodyguards at a glance.

And when they left, what kind of car did they take, Rolls Royce.

Although I don't know which one it is, but the price of this brand of car is not cheap.

"Hello, 120? I'm here"

"Hello, 110?"

. . . . . .

"Ah Wei, it's okay, what should they do when they call the police?" A college student like Liu Jing felt that the police must enforce the law impartially in such matters.

They beat people so badly just now, will they arrest Su Wei?

Although Liu Qiang and the others beat him, it was Su Wei who instigated him.

"Ah, ah, ah, this is just a trivial matter, it doesn't matter, you really know too little about your boyfriend." Qian Xinyi said this with a pun.

In the past few days, she has become acquainted with Liu Jing.

Liu Jing really regarded her as Su Wei's neighbor, so she didn't hide many things from her.

Qian Xinyi didn't know until this time that Liu Jing actually thought that Su Wei lived in Tianxi.

It's so new there because Su Wei had been living in Mingyuan Villa with his parents before, and she didn't even know that Su Wei lived in Gubei No. [-].

"What do you mean? The two people who were beaten just now won't trouble us? But they were beaten so badly, they have to pay for the medical bills." Liu Jing feels that Qian Xinyi is always talking about something she listens to If you don't understand.

And she was particularly surprised that Su Wei lived in Tianxi.

She also especially likes to know Su Wei's hobbies. She knows that Su Wei likes to play games. During the weekends, they assembled three computers in Tianxi to play games.

"You won't come to trouble us, don't worry. After all, we hit someone, and of course we have to pay for the medical expenses. I have already asked a lawyer to go and pay [-] yuan for one person." Su Wei just said I contacted Zhiyuan and asked them to go to Liu Jing's school.

Of course, the main purpose is not to see how their injuries are, but to talk to the school leaders about the problem of classmate C dropping out of school.

Of course, if Zhiyuan's side can't figure it out, Su Wei will go to Chen Lihua, and then contact the school leaders in an official capacity.

Fortunately, Liu Jing's school is not 211, nor 985, it's just an ordinary second school.

Before Liu Jing asked him this question just now, Zhiyuan had already replied with the condition that he would donate 500 million to Liu Jing's school anonymously.

The school guarantees that even if Liu Jing fails all subjects, she will be allowed to graduate smoothly, and classmate B will be given probation and classmate C will be expelled from school.

Seeing that the price was not high, Su Wei agreed directly.

"Twenty thousand? That's almost enough." Liu Jing thought it was Su Wei, and sealed the mouths of the two of them with the money.

She will know tomorrow that Su Wei's methods are completely different from what she imagined.

"It's really cheap for them. They got 2 yuan after being beaten." Qian Xinyi could see that, although the beating was miserable just now, it basically hurt the skin but not the bones.

The medical expenses are several thousand at most, and out of the 2 yuan, I can get more than 1 yuan.

"After dinner, Xinyi, are you going home? Are you driving? Do you want me to ask Lao Liu to see you off?" Su Wei just ordered Lao Liu to beat someone up, but he still had a fire in his heart. vent.

So seeing that the meal was almost finished, he started to chase people away.

"I'm not going back. My mom is arguing with my dad at home every day after she died because of that teddy, saying that she wanted him to catch the dog thief. Brother Su, do you have any news?" Qian Of course Xinyi knew that Su Wei was driving her away, but that's how she left.

She is not a fool, how could she not know what Su Wei was up to.

Now that she mentions that dog, she wants Su Wei not to forget that he ordered someone to catch her dog.

And that night, a story happened between them.

"If Xinyi doesn't leave, let's go, Ah Wei, how about the three of us go to the movies?" Liu Jing also wanted to be with Su Wei, but Qian Xinyi didn't want to leave.

She is not like Su Wei, who can drive people away so naturally, so she can only keep Qian Xinyi.

At the beginning, Liu Jing's plan was that when she and Su Wei went to the movies, they could go to the shopping mall to catch dolls.

Last time Wu Fei and her boyfriend went to grab the doll, and then posted the doll on Moments, which made her envious.

She already knew that Wu Fei was in a relationship, and she heard that that person was a rich second generation, but she had never seen a picture of him, and it looked quite mysterious.

Of course Wu Fei couldn't tell Liu Jing, after all her boyfriend was Su Wei.

"Going to the cinema to watch movies is so boring, why don't we go to a private theater to watch movies?" Qian Xinyi heard about watching movies, so what's so good about watching movies in cinemas.

It's better to find a better private theater, and three people can watch enough in it.

"Private theaters are fine, then it's decided, let's go to private theaters to watch movies.

Are you full? If you are full, let's go." Su Wei really regretted that he shouldn't have offered Qian Xinyi at that time.

Who knew that her ghost would linger, seeing that he was busy, she still relied on her.

"Private theater, okay, then I'll book a box." Liu Jing never thought that Qian Xinyi would want to go to a private theater to watch a movie. That place was very emotional.

I remember that when she and Su Wei established a relationship, it was in the private theater in her hometown.

At that time, because it was her first time, Su Wei also paid for the redecoration of the box in the store.

. . . . . .

"Sister Jingjing, are you sure you want to watch this movie? I heard that this movie is very scary." Qian Xinyi originally planned to watch horror movies, but she planned to watch the old corpse in the mountain village.

But unexpectedly, Liu Jing actually chose a Shining.

This movie is famous, how could she have never seen it, but she thinks the old corpse in the mountain village is more terrifying, and Su Wei and the two are more likely to be scared.

"I think it has been watched a lot. Don't we just watch horror movies?" The movie The Shining was randomly selected by Liu Jing.

Anyway, as long as she is with Su Wei, it doesn't matter what movie she watches.

"Then look at this Shining spirit. If it doesn't look good, just change it." Su Wei has already checked, and there is no camera in the box.

He would agree to come to a private theater to watch a movie, of course because his heart is not pure.

. . .

"Xinyi, this movie doesn't feel scary, is it not there yet?" Liu Jing lay in the middle, Qian Xinyi and Su Wei lay on both sides of her.

Even if Qian Xinyi was Su Wei's neighbor, they knew each other very well.

But they are so old, she still knows whether men and women can kiss each other.

Lying in Su Wei's arms, she didn't feel scary at all.

"Well, well, it's not there yet, the key point, you'll know when you look back"

(End of this chapter)

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