Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 241 Embarrassed

Chapter 241 Embarrassed

"Well, well, it's not there yet, the key point, you'll know when you look back." Qian Xinyi's answer was so staggering, it was because of Su Wei who was holding Liu Jing, his hands had been making trouble.

On the surface, it seemed that there was Liu Jing between Su Wei and Qian Xinyi.

But because Liu Jing was resting on Su Wei's left hand, and his right hand was still hugging Liu Jing.

So Su Wei's right hand can actually move in a small range, and that hand is very close to Qian Xinyi.

His right hand has been groping towards Qian Xinyi.

When Qian Xinyi was touched by Su Wei's hand, she thought it was Liu Jing's.

Until where he touched, he passed her arm and touched something that shouldn't be touched.

Only then did Qian Xinyi feel strange, and turned to look at Liu Jing, only to realize that the hand that was stretched out was actually Su Wei's.

She really didn't expect that Su Wei was so courageous that he would do such a thing next to Liu Jing.

And how could Qian Xinyi be willing to let Su Wei touch her? After all, she was still a big girl before she met him.

If he really didn't love himself that much, he wouldn't have waited until he met Su Wei before that happened.

Under the new and old hatred, she directly slapped Su Wei with her fingernails.

"Ah..." Su Wei originally planned to tease Qian Xinyi. After all, Liu Jing was by his side, so he couldn't really do anything. He just wanted to have fun with his hands.

But Qian Xinyi grabbed him directly, and the skin broke immediately.

Su Wei didn't expect her to come for real, so he couldn't hold back and called out.

"What's the matter, Ah Wei, what's the matter with you, are you okay, did my head hurt your hand?" Seeing Su Wei screaming, Liu Jing didn't know what happened.

Thinking it was his own head, he kept pressing on Su Wei, making his hand painful.

"I bumped my hand just now, and I got numb. I'll just shake it twice." Su Wei was caught with his right hand, and now Liu Jing is here.

He could only pretend that his left hand was uncomfortable, and then shook it vigorously.

While Liu Jing wasn't paying attention, she looked at her right hand and could see two broken nail marks.

"I bumped into a numbness, it must be because you moved your hand randomly. If you put your hand there honestly, it is impossible for the numbness to hit it." Seeing Su Wei's appearance, Qian Xinyi couldn't help it. Laughed out loud.

She had kept her hand just now, otherwise, there would be at least a few obvious scratches on Su Wei's hand.

Whoever wants Su Wei to dare to stretch out his hands in front of Liu Jing, really thinks he's sure of himself.

"You've known each other for so long, has your relationship always been like this? You like bickering so much" because Su Wei hadn't talked to Liu Jing before, and Qian Xinyi's deliberate guidance.

Liu Jing thought that the two of them were neighbors who had known each other for many years.

"I don't know him. I'm not familiar with him." Qian Xinyi told the truth in a joking tone.

After all, the two of them are really not very familiar, even though they have already slept.

"Aren't you familiar? I haven't seen anything about you, but you didn't remember it at the time, but I remember it all." Seeing Qian Xinyi teasing him, Su Wei also teased Qian Xinyi.

After all, that night, Qian Xinyi was drunk and had no memory, but Su Wei was sober.

Otherwise, how could two drunkards do that?It's impossible to think about it, after all, the whole person is soft when drunk.

"Su Wei, you bastard, didn't you say that you don't remember? You lied to me?" Qian Xinyi didn't quite believe the statement that both of them were drunk.

Now that Su Wei blew himself up, it proved her guess was right.

That night, she was picked up drunk by Su Wei.

"Okay, okay, it's all about my childhood, you're all so old, it's all boring." Liu Jing thought they were talking about things from their childhood.

I still feel that their childhood sweethearts are really enviable.

If she knew that these things happened not long ago, I don't know if she would collapse.

After all, one is her boyfriend, and the other one is her sister all the time.

. . .

"This movie is different from what I thought. I still think Thai movies are scary. Ah Wei, you think so." After Qian Xinyi and Su Wei had just quarreled, now she is watching alone with a quilt .

Liu Jing feels that Qian Xinyi is a bit weird now, because she is too quiet all of a sudden.

But Liu Jing didn't take it seriously, thinking that Qian Xinyi was obsessed with the plot of the movie.

At this time, she felt that Su Wei's hand was originally outside the clothes, but now it was going to start to stretch in from the sleeves of her clothes.

"Me, I think it's quite scary. This movie almost scared me to death. I want to hide under the quilt." Su Wei saw Qian Xinyi divided the quilt, and now she was alone on the side.

Seeing this dark environment, Su Wei had an immature idea.

"Don't be like this, Xinyi is still here." Liu Jing hasn't exercised with Su Wei for a long time, and she must really miss it.

After all, people who have exercised have completely different thoughts from those who have not.

Today Su Wei told her that when he was coming to find her.

She didn't want to eat at that time, so she wanted to exercise.

But at that time, she and Qian Xinyi made an appointment to have dinner together, but she had no choice but to bring her along.

The original plan was to take Qian Xinyi to dinner and then send her back to school.

But who knew that Qian Xinyi, a light bulb, refused to leave after eating.

Now that Su Wei teased her, she suddenly felt that she couldn't help it.

But she had to endure it, after all, Qian Xinyi was right next to her.

If this is discovered, unless she never sees Qian Xinyi in the future, it will be so embarrassing.

"It's okay, it's so dark here, if I move a little slower, she won't be able to notice." Su Wei's words were just to comfort Liu Jing.

After all, the box is only so big, and the three of them are so close to each other. If Qian Xinyi can't find it, then she is no different from a blind man.

But Su Wei was excited because of this.

"Is it true that she won't be able to find out? Then you should be careful, don't take off my pants, this won't work." Liu Jing actually knew that it would be impossible to hide it, but she really had no resistance to Su Wei.

In other words, she resisted, but the degree was too small for Su Wei to feel it.

Su Wei took off Liu Jing's trousers after three strokes.

Later, he became more and more daring, and directly covered Liu Jing's head with the quilt, and used a trick to cover his ears and steal the bell.

"Cough, cough cough" Qian Xinyi, who was sleeping alone on a quilt, became more and more excessive when she saw the two people next to her.

She couldn't help coughing twice, wanting to remind Su Wei and Liu Jing that there are still people here.

But I don't know if it was her coughing that was too quiet, or the two of them just pretended not to hear it, anyway, they were not affected at all.

. . .

"You guys are too bold, I'm still in the box." Qian Xinyi was in the box just now, she really looked red in the face.

After all, the last time she was by herself, she was drunk and didn't feel anything.

Seeing Su Wei's tricks today, the impact on her is really the same as subverting the three views.

Especially when she was rising and falling from the quilt, she saw some clips, which made her unable to understand those postures.

For example, Su Wei was lying on his stomach, while Liu Jing was holding him and floating in the air.

"You are here, why, I didn't bring you, are you angry?" Su Wei sweated just now, and now he feels sticky all over his body.

But he said this to Qian Xinyi because Liu Jing had already gone to the toilet in the private room.

If Liu Jing was here, Qian Xinyi wouldn't dare to ask such a question, and Su Wei would definitely not answer like that.

"I'm so angry, I was just thinking, if you do this, won't you be afraid that Liu Jing will get pregnant? She is still studying now." Qian Xinyi was really curious about this matter.

After all, Liu Jing is only a sophomore now. If she becomes pregnant, will she really not go to school?

Moreover, Su Wei also has a girlfriend named Wang Xiaoyuan, so Qian Xinyi didn't believe that he would break up with Wang Xiaoyuan.

Is he the kind of scum who asks his girlfriend to have an abortion when she is pregnant?
"Why should I be afraid that she will become pregnant? If she becomes pregnant, she will be born. It's not that I can't afford it." Su Wei and his girlfriends didn't take any measures.

He only takes safety measures when playing outside.

As for their pregnancy, Su Wei will definitely not let them be aborted, of course they will all be born.

"What about Sister Xiaoyuan? Do you want to break up with her?" Qian Xinyi didn't expect Su Wei to be so daring about this matter.

She thought Su Wei would avoid it, after all, he has been avoiding problems since he slept with her last time.

"No, I'm a non-marriage advocate. By the way, I also sweated while exercising inside." Su Wei was not joking. At that time, he and Qian Xinyi were exercising and really sweated.

He didn't intend to say it at first, but seeing that she cared so much about this issue, he told her.

"What? You sweated that time? Then what if I get pregnant? Why are you like this?" Qian Xinyi's heart collapsed when she heard this.

Originally, she was still worried about what would happen if Liu Jing became pregnant after a while.

Who knew that Su Wei told her at this time that he didn't take any safety measures when he was with her last time.

Now she just wants to know if her parents will break her legs if she gets pregnant.

And if she was really pregnant, how would she face Liu Jing and Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Although I was clear-headed at the time, my body was out of my control at that time.

By the time I found out, it was too late, but don't worry, if you are really pregnant and give birth, I will take care of you." Su Wei already has a child now, and he doesn't care if there are more.

In that case, exactly 18 years later, he will take his sons with him, and then the father and son will go pick up girls together.

"Awei, the faucet in the toilet is broken, and it made my pants wet. Anyway, we've finished watching the movie, so why don't we just go back?" Liu Jing just entered the toilet, and has been sitting on the toilet to rest for 5 In a few minutes, the whole talent recovered.

When she was about to wash her hands, she found that the faucet was broken and wet her pants.

"It's okay, let me see, ouch, this faucet is really broken, your calves are all wet, then forget it, I will send you back to school now"

. . .

"What were you chatting with Xinyi just now? I heard your voices were quite loud inside." Liu Jing couldn't hear clearly inside, but she could tell that Qian Xinyi was a little angry at that time.

At that time, she suggested going back to school because she was afraid that Su Wei and Qian Xinyi would quarrel.

She didn't dare to ask just now, but now that Qian Xinyi was sent to her school dormitory, she finally asked.

"I didn't ask anything, just asked me, what if you are pregnant?" Su Wei didn't know how much Liu Jing knew, so he just confessed directly.

Anyway, he felt that there was no problem with his answer.

"Ah, you guys are so boring, you actually asked this question, then how did you answer her?" When Qian Xinyi was in the car just now, Liu Jing didn't dare to face her.

After all, she was so bold today, and started exercising with Su Wei in front of Qian Xinyi.

Seeing Qian Xinyi ask this question now, I feel so shy.

But she was also curious about how Su Wei answered.

"I, I told her, if you are pregnant, then give birth, anyway, our family has plenty of money." Su Wei is sure that at this time, you can't say that you will get married after the child is born.

What if the woman takes it seriously and forces him to get married? After all, he has so many girlfriends.

"This gift is for you. I originally planned to give it to you after 12 o'clock, but it's like this tonight, so I'll give it first." Liu Jing gave this gift last Saturday. She and Qian Xin When Yi and Wu Jiajia were shopping, they saw activities in the Tiffany store.

Qian Xinyi dragged her in to have a look, but when she saw this necklace, she thought it was very suitable for Su Wei, so she bought it.

If Qian Xinyi wasn't here today, she would definitely spend 12 o'clock with Su Wei.

"It's okay, it's only half an hour away from 12 o'clock, so let's wait here at your school, and I think this necklace is pretty good, I want to wait until [-] o'clock, you bring it to me personally "Su Wei originally planned to send Liu Jing off, and then followed to Li Jiawen's place.

But looking at the time, it was only half an hour before 12 o'clock. Even if we went to Li Jiawen's place now, we still couldn't make it before 12 o'clock.

"Awei, you are so kind to me"

. . . . . .

"President Su, what a coincidence." Xu Xiaoqian happened to meet Su Wei while walking the dog.

She just came back from out of town today, and she was a little unhappy to see her family's Huanhuan when she opened the door.

She has kept this dog for several years, and of course she knows that she has kept it at home all the time, and she is a little depressed.

This time, she and her roommate went to Pengcheng together, and stayed there for almost 10 days before returning.

Because she missed the family dog, she came back alone, and her best friend would not come back until two days later.

"Yeah, we haven't seen each other for a long time. By the way, the injury on your dog should be healed by now." When Su Wei got out of the car, he saw someone greeting him.

He really didn't recognize this woman for a while, until he saw the dog beside him, he didn't remember how they knew each other.

"You said it was injured by you kicking it, it's already healed."

(End of this chapter)

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