Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 244 Why Is She Here?

Chapter 244 Why Is She Here?

"Awei, Xiao Zhang just told us that you participated in some kind of Snake Tunxiang Project. Is this project reliable? You have to invest so much money in it all at once, what if you lose money?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't go into details just now, I just briefly talked about the cause and effect of this courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong.

After hearing this, Su Xiaoming found out that the landlord of this courtyard house deliberately refused to sell the courtyard house because of [-] million yuan.

This made him very angry, until Zhang Ruoyu told him that the landlord didn't sell the house, and now he begged his son to buy the courtyard house, which made Su Xiaoming feel better.

But his only worry now is whether the Snake Tunxiang project that Su Wei joined is reliable.

After all, according to Zhang Ruoyu, Su Wei and the others have collected more than 20 billion yuan.

And the group of courtyard house landlords has a volume of tens of billions.

He felt how such a simple thing could happen. Could this plan be specially made by someone else to trap his son's [-] million yuan.

"Dad, although the [-] million is a lot, it's not a lot of money for me. Don't worry, I didn't invest in this plan because I wanted to earn so much money. I voted What I want is favors, even if I lose everything, I still make money.

Let's not talk about this, mom, I heard that many relatives are here today, how do they know that my birthday is today? "Su Wei invested in this project, not for making money, he invested in Lao Huang.

Because even if this plan is successful, it will only earn billions at most.

Su Wei already has so much money now, it is impossible to spend it all casually.

So when he joined the plan this time, he felt bad for it, and he made a good relationship with Lao Huang by the way.

"I don't know who revealed your birthday today. Those relatives have already come, and I'm so annoyed." Why Zhang Guihua came to Gubei No. [-] today is because of hiding from those relatives .

Their family is really close relatives, not many acquaintances.

If these relatives need help, Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua have already helped them.

And most of these relatives who came this time were of the kind of kinship.

Some of them came to Shanghai a few days ago, and were arranged by Su Xiaoming at the nearby Marriott Hotel.

Over the past few days, they have come one after another. As of today, there are more than 30 people in total.

Zhang Guihua was dizzy from their noise at home, so she had no choice but to hide.

"I thought it was a big deal, Xiao Zhang, you can contact a nearby restaurant later, and then take over the entire store. Tonight, I will invite my relatives to dinner and ask the boss to prepare more good things.

Mom, if people are willing to come to wish me a birthday, what does that mean? It means that your son and I are already a well-known figure in my hometown. Are we short of that money? Let them open their mouths to eat, how much can they eat? Money." Su Wei's idea was very simple, if these relatives wanted to congratulate him on his birthday, there was no problem with that, on the contrary, he welcomed it very much.

After all, how much would it cost them to come to Shanghai to eat and drink.

The money Su Wei spent at the bar in one night is enough for them to live in Shanghai for a year.

But he definitely can't be beaten all the time. The rooms he plans to give them will not be opened until a week later.

If they don't leave, they don't care about Su Wei's family affairs.

"When I had no money, how could there be such things? Now that I have money, so many relatives who can't get through, and those who are officials in their hometown, just call every once in a while to express their condolences. This world is still Money works.

Xiaoyuan, what's wrong with you, why did you come out of the room, and you stopped talking, did Su Wei bully you, tell me, I will help you back up" Zhang Guihua was really emotional, this society is too much like money .

After sighing, she realized that Wang Xiaoyuan, who just came out of the room, was a little silent, thinking that Zhang Ruoyu had a conflict with Su Wei in the room.

Zhang Guihua said from the bottom of her heart that she really likes Wang Xiaoyuan.

I think she is a lady of every family, and she is graceful and considerate.

If her son wasn't so scumbag, then he and Wang Xiaoyuan would really be a natural match.

"No, Ah Wei won't bully me, don't worry, Auntie.

I was just thinking, should I change the address to a restaurant for the cake I ordered?" Wang Xiaoyuan was in the room just now, and she told Su Wei about her pregnancy with a very nervous mood.

She was actually a little worried, worried that Su Wei felt that he was still very young and didn't want to have a child so early.

But Su Wei was very happy, and even picked her up and turned her around a few times.

He even said that he would buy a super big house for her and the child.

But about marriage, he didn't mention a word at all.

She also knew that the two of them had only been together for a few months.

Besides, Su Wei is still so young and loves to play.

If you want him to get married now, he is definitely not willing.

And his money is much, much more than she imagined.

"The cake you sent hasn't arrived yet, so who owns the cake on the table?" Su Wei felt strange, Wang Xiaoyuan's cake didn't arrive, so who bought the cake on the table?

His parents can directly rule it out, because they are not the ones who will buy him cakes.

Su Wei thought for a long time, then turned his eyes to Zhang Ruoyu's face.

"Boss Su, I bought this cake." Seeing Su Wei looking at her, Zhang Ruoyu could only admit in embarrassment.

She regrets it very much now, why did she listen to her parents and bring this cake to Gubei No. [-].

If she had known that she would die like this, when she was driving, she should not have driven slowly, but had come directly at a normal speed.

If the cake is broken halfway, she can just throw the cake directly into the trash can.

"You bought this cake. It looks pretty good, but don't buy it next time. I don't like cakes." Seeing Zhang Ruoyu admitting that this cake was given by her, Su Wei didn't know what to do with it.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan just told him that she was pregnant.

Su Wei quickly changed the subject and stopped talking.

I'm afraid that Wang Xiaoyuan will mention the matter of getting married to him.

Now that Zhang Ruoyu came to deliver cakes to him again, if this made Wang Xiaoyuan feel a sense of crisis, then he would be ready to kill Zhang Ruoyu.

"Yes, Ah Wei doesn't like eating cakes at all, so his father and I never bought him a serious cake." Zhang Ruoyu brought this cake today, and Zhang Osmanthus and the others knew about it.

But I never talked to Wang Xiaoyuan because I was afraid that she would think too much.

"Auntie, you can't do this. Whether you like cake or not is a birthday ritual, which is a must.

I think this cake is very good. You see, this afternoon is a gathering of relatives, and this evening is a gathering of friends. Then we will celebrate Ah Wei’s birthday at noon.” Wang Xiaoyuan can tell that Su Wei didn’t Eat up Zhang Ruoyu.

If Zhang Ruoyu was eaten, she would definitely not be like this now, but like Li Rui.

Although Wang Xiaoyuan didn't get Su Wei's guarantee, she still regarded herself as the hostess now.

Because the child in her belly is the source of her confidence.

She didn't believe that as long as she gave birth to a son, she wouldn't be able to take the position of the young mistress of the Su family.

"What my wife said makes sense, mom, did you hear that, life should have a sense of ritual.

Xiaozhang, you call Liu Qiang and ask him to come up to have a meal together. As for the others, let them find a restaurant to eat by themselves." Su Wei will call Liu Qiang to come up to eat, because he was Su Wei from the beginning My personal bodyguard is a little different from others.

In addition, in the bodyguard team, the first batch of 6 new members arrived today, plus ten of the old members, there are too many people, and the restaurant in Gubei No. [-] cannot accommodate them at all.

"Okay, President Su, then I'll call them directly to eat at the restaurant I just reserved." Zhang Ruoyu just accepted the fact that her boss has two girlfriends in Beijing.

As a result, on the second day after she came back, she found out that her boss was in Shanghai and had a girlfriend.

And her girlfriend, at first glance, is the kind of lady who is loved by her boss's parents.

Wu Fei, who she thought was the main palace at first, has now become a mistress.

And Zhang Xuewei is even more ridiculous, no matter how she is ranked, she will be a junior four.

"Then I'll call the head chef of my restaurant and tell them to come over with the ingredients.

Auntie, the chef in my family seldom does it himself now, and I will let him show you his skills today." Wang Xiaoyuan's family owns a hotel, and the chef inside is even hired with a high salary.

Unless it is the main banquet, this chef will not do it himself at all, and his apprentice basically does it for him.

Now that Su Wei is celebrating his birthday, as his girlfriend and even as the mother of his child, of course she has to show her hand.

"Su Wei, Xiaoyuan and your assistant are not here now, tell me the truth, what did you talk about inside just now, why do I feel that Xiaoyuan is out of control?" Zhang Guihua went to call when she saw Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Ruoyu .

She hurried to Su Wei, wanting to ask his son what was going on.

"It's nothing, but Xiaoyuan is pregnant." Su Wei didn't expect to hide it from his parents, after all, it was a good thing.

And she is his real girlfriend, even if she is pregnant, it is normal.

Her situation was completely different from Chen Lu's. Chen Lu's situation was completely accidental.

"It's not a big deal, then what's the big deal, you're such a bastard" Su Xiaoming often saw grandparents playing with their grandchildren in the community, he was so envious.

After all, now that wealth is free, others are particularly empty, because there is nothing to pursue.

"Really? In the past few days, I have had a vague feeling that Xiaoyuan might be pregnant, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Ah Wei, shall we sit down with Xiaoyuan and her parents, after all, we haven't seen each other before?" Zhang Guihua often vomits when she sees Wang Xiaoyuan in the past few days.

At that time, she wondered if she was pregnant, but she couldn't ask.

I originally planned to ask Su Wei today and ask him to remind Wang Xiaoyuan to have a test.

It turns out that people have already experienced it, so she doesn't need to worry about it at all.

"It's okay to meet, but I'm too busy this month, let's wait until next month." Su Wei is not in a hurry to meet the two families now, because if they do meet now.

What should I do if the two sides keep forcing him to get married, so Su Wei's plan is to delay it first.

. . .

Su Wei is the absolute protagonist because it is his birthday today.

After eating at Gubei No. [-], several people drove back to Mingyuan Villa.

When a large group of unfamiliar relatives saw Su Wei coming, they felt that their eyes were going to shine.

When they were in their hometown before, they felt that Su Wei might have a swollen face to pretend to be fat.

It was only after they came to Shanghai that they realized that they had greatly underestimated Su Wei's strength.

Take a look at the place where Su Xiaoming lives. It is next to the Modu State Hotel. There is a villa in such a place where every inch of land is expensive, and there are several nannies at home.

Look at the garage in the front yard, besides a Mercedes-Benz Maybach, there is also a Rolls-Royce.

Su Xiaoming lived so extravagantly that they couldn't even imagine how rich Su Wei would be.

Sure enough, when he saw Su Wei, he did not disappoint them.

Su Wei took them directly to a restaurant, and they were the only ones in the restaurant without any outsiders. Only then did they know that Su Wei had already reserved the restaurant today.

When they started eating, there were big lobsters, big crabs, over ten catties of king crabs, black gold abalone bigger than a fist, and Pipi shrimp with long forearms.

As long as they order, the restaurant will make it for them, and they don't ask you what to do if you can't finish it.

There are so many people inside, they definitely don't just want to come to eat.

There are many people who came here this time to find Su Weila to invest.

For such cases, Su Wei directly asked them to go to Su Xiaoming.

Because Su Wei didn't know them well, if they had a good relationship with Su Wei's family.

Then Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua will definitely help them. If the relationship is not good, there is no way to refuse you.

"Mom, I've already said hello here, I still have something to do over there, Xiaoyuan and I will go there first." Su Wei accompanied these relatives, chatted for a while, bragged for a while, and planned to leave up.

The main reason is that he is not familiar with these relatives, so it is already very good to be here for a while.

"Su Wei, after you pass, you have to remember to take good care of Xiaoyuan and don't let her drink.

Xiaoyuan, I will ask Tian Ling to pick you up in a car later, you are different now, please be careful." After Zhang Guihua knew that Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant, it really felt like she would fall when she walked.

Originally, she didn't plan to let Wang Xiaoyuan go to the party tonight.

Knowing that they weren't going to the bar today, she reluctantly agreed to Wang Xiaoyuan's going, but she didn't intend to let her stay too long.

"Auntie, with Awei here, don't worry, let's go first." Wang Xiaoyuan didn't dislike Zhang Guihua's meddling. If Zhang Guihua didn't care about her, she might panic.

No matter how much she took care of, it proved that they paid enough attention to the child in her womb.

"Oh, Miss Osmanthus, your daughter-in-law is really beautiful, isn't something good going to happen soon?"

"That's right, the girlfriend Su Wei found is really knowledgeable and reasonable. You can tell at a glance that she must be a lady of everyone."

. . . . . .

"Who chose this place? Are you sure? Why is it so dark?" Su Wei didn't know anything about the arrangements for tonight.

He originally planned to spend this evening at a bar or KTV.

But unexpectedly, Wang Xiaoyuan took him to the Greentown Rose Garden.

The car drove for a long time in the community before finally arriving at the destination, the entrance of a large villa with no lights on.

"Here, this is the place that Li Rui and the others chose. I have never been here before. Press the horn, if they are inside, they should come to open the door." Wang Xiaoyuan has never been here before, after all, she is pregnant, no Maybe still running around like before.

Seeing the pitch-dark villa now, she felt a little thumping in her heart.

"Di, di, di" Liu Qiang heard that he was being asked to honk the horn, and he pressed it several times, for fear that the people inside would not hear him.




"Happy Birthday Viagra." Li Ziwei jumped out from the shadow of the wall when he heard the horn.

When he jumped out, he was still holding fireworks in his hand.

"Happy birthday"

"Happy birthday"

In the shadow of the wall, not only Li Ziwei was hiding, but there were dozens of other people inside.

Soon they opened the door of the villa and rushed to the back seat of the Rolls-Royce.

"Why is she here too?"

(End of this chapter)

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