Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 245 Investing in Li Ziwei's Brokerage Company

Chapter 245 Investing in Li Ziwei's Brokerage Company
When Li Ziwei fired the salute, the lights in the entire villa were lit up in an instant, as if they had received a signal.

More than a dozen people rushed towards the Rolls-Royce. They came to the side of the car, ignored Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Ruoyu, and grabbed Su Wei out of the car.

Liu Qiang and his ten bodyguards saw Su Wei being lifted up by a group of people and were about to save someone when they were stopped by Wang Xiaoyuan.

Although Wang Xiaoyuan didn't know the procedure tonight, she saw Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng and knew that it should be part of the birthday procedure now.

Su Wei was caught out by several people, and then they grabbed hands, grabbed legs, and lifted Su Wei up.

More than ten of them carried Su Wei all the way to the back garden of the villa.

The garden of this villa is very large, about the same size as the Ocean Lavie Garden that Su Wei bought in Kyoto.

I don’t know who prepared a few big spotlights to illuminate the garden as it is during the day, which is super bright.

In the middle of the lawn, there are two barbecue grills, and there is a DJ booth next to it. If you want to come later, you can play music while grilling.

If there is the most thing here, it must be wine. Su Wei glanced over and saw dozens of boxes of champagne and beer.

"It's ok, it's ok, put me down, fuck me" Su Wei was on top, really flustered.

Because of these people, they actually stopped by the swimming pool.

In this weather, the water is still a bit cold, especially at night.

"Viagra has already spoken, and we want us to put him down, then let's, 1, 2, 3, let's go." Li Ziwei and the others shouted a slogan, and then threw him on the mattress next to him.

In this weather, they couldn't have thrown Su Weizhen into the water, they just scared him.

"I'm stupid, I was scared to death. I really thought I was going to be thrown into the water." Su Wei was really scared just now, after all, they really threw it.

It's just that they laid out a lot of mats beside the swimming pool and threw him on the mats.

"Viagra, how is it? Does this venue tonight surprise you?" Li Ziwei was stunned when he saw Su Wei, and he knew that their event today was a success.

For Su Wei's birthday party, Wang Xiaoyuan provided the event expenses.

This venue was found by Li Renfeng, and the planning of the event was made by his sister Li Rui.

And he was responsible for buying all the wine, and by the way, he also found a female DJ to come over to help the fun.

"Stop chatting, Ah Wei, hurry up, we've been waiting for you for so long, and now I'm starving to death, hurry up and cut the cake." Li Rui and the others came here early today because there were so many things to do.

There were more than a dozen of them, and they were busy from one o'clock at noon until after seven o'clock in the evening.

It was past eight o'clock when Su Wei came out of the restaurant, and it was already nine o'clock now.

The group of them, together with the twenty or so people who came behind, hadn't had dinner yet.

"Yeah, let's share the cake quickly. I, a person who doesn't eat cake, feel like I can eat a layer of cake by myself." Qian Xinyi also came today. After all, she is playing the role of the neighbor of Su Wei's family, or Wang Xiaoyuan's little fan girl.

Wang Xiaoyuan called her today, and she decided to come over as soon as she found out.

But no one knew that Su Wei would come so late today.

They wanted to surprise Su Wei.So after a group of people fixed the equipment, they hid in the living room and chatted.

Fearing that Su Wei would bump into those delivering food, none of them ordered food.

"Before cutting, make a wish, who will turn off the light?" Today's cake was ordered by Wang Xiaoyuan.

She ordered two cakes today, one was delivered to the restaurant and the other was delivered here.

"I, let me make a wish first, you have to bear with your hunger." Su Wei turned to look at Li Rui and the others, as if they were really hungry, he almost laughed out loud.

At this time, he found that many people he didn't know came today.

One of them made him feel very confused, and he didn't know how she came here.

When Su Wei made a wish, all the lights were turned off, only the candle light.

Someone tickled him behind him while everyone was out of sight.

Su Wei knew who it was, so he could only hold back forcibly.

"Okay, I've made my wish, you can turn on the light." Seeing Su Wei start blowing out the candles, Wang Xiaoyuan knew that he had made his wish.

When the lights were turned on, Wang Xiaoyuan began to help Su Wei cut the big five-layer cake, as if she was a hostess.

There are quite a lot of people who came here today, more than 30 people who came here, those who I know and those who don’t, and most of them are girls.

After everyone finished eating the cake, some people felt that the cake was not full, so they started to light a fire and eat meat.

The female DJ also started playing discs on stage, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

. . .

"Lao Li, why is she here today? Who brought her here? I wonder if Xiaoyuan is here today?" Su Wei had already drank several bottles of beer, so he took a chance and pulled Li Ziwei aside.

The main reason is that these people are too powerful today, if he continues to be force-fed like this, he will be carried home later.

"I don't know either, Huang Qifa brought her here in the afternoon, and I went to ask about it.

Lao Huang told me that she and her best friend came here purely to have fun, saying that they promised not to cause trouble.

You said that this old Huang was also a prodigal son before, how come he has turned into a big licking dog now?" Li Ziwei was shocked when he saw Huang Qifa today and brought Wu Xiaoxuan and her best friend over. .

After all, this Wu Xiaoxuan had already been taken down by Su Wei some time ago.

She came here tonight, Li Ziwei didn't think she would just come for fun.

But Huang Qifa has become a licking dog, and Li Ziwei has no choice but to bring her here.

"It would be strange if she just came to play, and I don't know what this old Huang thinks." Su Wei didn't believe that Wu Xiaoxuan was here to play, and the person who just turned off the light to tickle him was Wu Xiaoxuan standing behind him.

Su Wei didn't even know what she wanted to do. She took Su Wei's watch, but before Su Wei asked her to come back, she came to the door by herself.

And when she saw Su Wei looking at her just now, she even showed him the one on her hand, the one she was wearing was Su Wei's.

"What are you doing hiding here, Ziwei, did you tell Ah Wei about your plan?" Li Renfeng had been looking for Su Wei and Li Ziwei for a long time, and saw them chatting in the gazebo in the side garden.

He thought it was Li Ziwei, and told Su Wei about his plan to open the anchor union.

"Just a little bit earlier, Viagra, I plan to start a union, do you want to join in? I recently went to Huya to find out, and I found out that starting a brokerage company is really good." Li Ziwei said After time stopped broadcasting, instead of being idle, I went to major platforms for research.

After his contract with Panda ends, the current major platforms, whether it is Huya, Douyu, or YY, etc.

These live broadcast platforms have all approached him and wanted to sign him.

The operation of Huya and Douyu even blocked his whereabouts in Shanghai every day, just to sign contracts with him before other platforms.

The platform with the highest bid has already offered him an annual salary of 600 million yuan.

But Li Ziwei doesn't want to be a simple anchor now, but wants to start a labor union.

He chatted with these platforms about the trade union affairs, and several trade unions saw that he was serious, so they chatted with him for a while.

Douyu’s platform has a union, but it’s a hidden type. As long as the anchor doesn’t say anything, no one will know whether you are an individual or have a union.

The trade unions of YY and Huya are open and large, because each of their anchors must have a union, but they don't need to say which union they belong to.

Li Ziwei thought for a while, and decided to listen to Su Wei and go to Huya to hold a labor union.

"Look at you, now you really plan to make a big deal. Tell me how much you invest here." Su Wei has always been very interested in opening a brokerage company.

After all, opening a brokerage company will definitely recruit many women.

Now that he has opened a media company, he will definitely spin off a brokerage company in the future.

For this media company, he has already asked headhunters to help him find the helmsman.

However, his company and Li Ziwei's brokerage company are completely different concepts.

Li Ziwei's brokerage company recruits pure anchors.

But Su Wei's media company is different, they recruit trainees.

These trainee companies will look at their potential, form a group for them to debut, and then see which aspect they are suitable for, and push them to the field they are suitable for.

But it is pushed to become an actor, or to become a singer, or to be a variety show cafe.

But not everyone has the opportunity to be a star. Those trainees who can't become stars will be sent down to be anchors, or as anchors of star shows, or as anchors of selling goods.

For small platforms like Douyu and Huya, Su Wei would definitely not put them here.

Because small platforms cannot make big money, you earn a little money from these platforms.

These platforms will require you to invest more. When the final settlement is made, the money seems to be earned, but it is all invested in these platforms.

And because the traffic on these platforms is too small, a few dealers can control the platforms.

"My brokerage company intends to invest 1000 million in total. Brother Feng has invested 300 million now. I count myself as 300 million, and I will invest another 100 million. There are still 300 million quotas. Do you want to vote for Viagra?" Li Ziwei's current popularity It’s okay, counting 300 million for yourself is already an underestimation.

In fact, he is not short of money. After all, 1000 million is still easy for his family to come up with.

But he also knew that doing business must not be done alone.

He invited Li Renfeng to join because he and Li Renfeng had a good relationship and Li Renfeng's family was rich.

It would be easier to invite Su Wei to join.

It is also because he is rich, has a luxury car, and is famous.

During the live broadcast, a luxury car and some false names can easily set a live broadcast room on fire.

"300 million, right? I voted." Su Wei himself did not plan to invest in these small platforms, but Li Ziwei wanted to open a brokerage company, so he agreed with both hands.

He didn't invest money in Li Ziwei to make money, but simply wanted to get to know more female anchors.

"It's been so hard for us to find you, Su Wei, you are the leading actor today, how can you hide here? They are still looking for you to drink." Ever since Li Rui found out that Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant, she had already turned off her lights. The idea of ​​the young lady of the Su family.

After all, she also wanted to understand that Su Wei didn't love her, even if he did, he only liked her body.

In addition, Wang Xiaoyuan is still her best friend, so she has chosen to let go now.

"Li Rui, if you don't save face for men, be careful that you won't get married.

Xiaoyuan, it's a bit dark here, be careful, I'll help you." Seeing Wang Xiaoyuan coming, Su Wei hurried over to help her.

After all, only a little peripheral light can be seen here, and it is still easy to wrestle.

"Our Li Rui is so pretty, how could he not get married? You just like to talk nonsense." Wang Xiaoyuan slapped Su Wei and told him not to talk nonsense.

She still knows a little about Li Rui and Su Wei.

The Rolls-Royce that Li Rui bought this time, she heard from herself that she sold California, and after adding all her savings for so many years, she reluctantly bought this car.

But Wang Xiaoyuan didn't believe it at all. After all, her car cost about 600 million to get off the ground.

And her California is only worth a lot, but it can be sold for more than 100 million.

However, Wang Xiaoyuan didn't expose her. She just told Li Rui and Xiaobai, two good friends, the good news as soon as she knew she was pregnant.

"Okay, stop chatting, let's go out for a drink"

. . .

"Xuanxuan, are you still not giving up? This Su Wei has a girlfriend." Wu Xiaoxuan insisted on coming to Su Wei's birthday party today, and as her only best friend, Duoduo could only follow her.

After the incident last time, Liuliu had already turned against Wu Xiaoxuan.

"So what if he has a girlfriend, isn't he cheating?" Wu Xiaoxuan came to this party today just for Su Wei.

She hasn't been in touch with Su Wei recently, because she thinks that with this watch worth 1000 million in her hand, Su Wei will definitely not be able to resist contacting her.

But a few days later, she found out from Huang Qifa.

Su Wei actually spent more than 2000 million yuan to win a Richard Mille watch king.

Now the McLaren co-branded model in her hand is not as important as she thought.

And she thought that Su Wei would not be able to resist contacting her, but Su Wei hadn't contacted her for more than a week.

This time she knew that Huang inspired them to hold a birthday party for Su Wei.

She inadvertently revealed that she has been so boring recently, and there are no good parties in Shanghai.

After Huang Qifa found out, he told her that they were going to have a party soon and they wanted to invite her to be their girlfriend.

Wu Xiaoxuan readily agreed, and when Huang Qifa came to pick her up at noon today, she brought her best friend Duoduo with her.

"What on earth are you thinking? I know Su Wei is rich, but Modu has a lot more money, so why hang himself on this tree?" Duoduo couldn't figure out why Wu Xiaoxuan was so stupid.

There were so many rich second generations chasing after her, but she rejected them all, and instead ran after Su Wei.

"Why don't you still understand? It's a shame I've told you so much." When Wu Xiaoxuan started, her goal was very clear, and that was to find a super rich long-term meal ticket.

Among so many people she met, Su Wei was the richest one.

She would throw her arms around him that night because she had already regarded him as a long-term meal ticket.

"Yes, what you said is very reasonable, but it's not like you haven't married into a rich family yet." Wu Xiaoxuan often told her and Liuliu that women must keep themselves clean.

Only in this way can one marry into a wealthy family.

But as for herself, she slept with Su Wei the first night she saw him.

"You'll find out later, hey, Su Wei won't be going back, will he?"

(End of this chapter)

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