Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 246 Forgot to Tell You, She Is My Woman

Chapter 246 Forgot to Tell You, She Is My Woman
"Then I'll go back first, pay attention today, don't drink too much wine just because it's your birthday.

Xinyi, help me watch Ah Wei too, don't let him drink too much." Wang Xiaoyuan only stayed for more than an hour, and Zhang Guihua arranged for Tian Ling to pick him up.

Wang Xiaoyuan saw that her future mother-in-law sent someone to pick her up. In order to maintain her ladylike style, she could only go back to Gubei No. [-] with Tian Ling obediently.

Today is Su Wei's birthday, so it is definitely impossible for her to take him away.

She can only go back alone, but there are so many temptations in today's party.

When she was here just now, Li Rui and Xiao Bai didn't move much.

But now that she's gone, who knows what will happen to them.

So she could only ask her little fan girl, Qian Xinyi, to let her watch Su Wei here.

After all, the two of them didn't know each other well, and Qian Xinyi had always listened to her before, which made her feel at ease.

"Don't worry, Sister Yuanyuan, I will definitely help you look after Brother Su.

I won't let his female assistant get too close to her." In the previous sentence, Qian Xinyi still spoke in a normal tone.

When it came to Zhang Ruoyu, she whispered it close to Wang Xiaoyuan.

She knew that Wang Xiaoyuan was wary of this beautiful female assistant beside Su Wei, because she was too.

"You little brat, just take care of yourself.

Give me a call after you go back, it's full of people now, otherwise I want to go back with you." Su Wei heard what Qian Xinyi said because of his ability to advance.

If it wasn't for Wang Xiaoyuan's presence, he would have given her a slap on her ass.

"Then I'm leaving, Ruirui, Xiaobai bye." Wang Xiaoyuan felt relieved when she saw Su Wei and Qian Xinyi bickering.

If the two of them were really in harmony, she would be worried.

The car that came to pick her up today is Su Xiaoming's Mercedes-Benz Maybach. Zhang Guihua arranged for this car because it can straighten her legs.

"Xiaoyuan, go to bed early, we will see you again tomorrow"

. . .

"Why did you come here today? It's a bit haunting." After Li Rui and the others knew that Qian Xinyi belonged to Wang Xiaoyuan, they consciously kept a distance from Su Wei on the way to the backyard.

When Su Wei saw this situation, he thought it was good. Anyway, Li Rui and the others, he was not very interested.

It just so happened that he also had something to chat with Qian Xinyi, so that no one would disturb them chatting behind.

"I'm here today. Sister Xiaoyuan asked me to come. You can talk to her if you have any opinions. By the way, you haven't explained to me yet. You said it yourself. You will contact me after you return to Shanghai." Qian Xinyi When this happened just now, she still hated Su Wei very much.

But after such a long time, she was actually a little bit off about the matter between Su Wei and her.

After all, there is no way not to look away, this thing has already happened.

"Well, they asked me to run a racing car tomorrow, you can go with me then, you said you like running the track, that's just right, you can take my car to drive, I bought a new Taiwan Super Awesome car" Li Ziwei and the others plan to go to the Zhejiang race tomorrow, and they just invited Su Wei.

Su Wei was still thinking about who to go with.

This is Qian Xinyi's delivery, after all, tomorrow is just the past, and then she will start running.

It was tantamount to sleeping there for one night, so if Su Wei gave her any explanation, just sleep with her again.

"Go tomorrow, then you don't want me to skip class, but since you invite me so sincerely, then I'll skip class for a day, by the way, what new car did you buy? I think you are short of a P1 among the three great cars , Did you buy a McLaren this time?" Su Wei bought Lafayette and 918, and now he only needs P1 to be able to assemble the three great cars.

Of course, Qian Xinyi thought that Su Wei bought the P1 this time.

"What do you care about so much, remember to dress nicely, otherwise I won't take you there"

. . .

"Xuanxuan, so you're here. I've been looking for you for a long time." Huang Qifa saw that he had started dancing, and when he was about to go with Wu Xiaoxuan, he realized that she was nowhere to be seen.

After asking a few people, he realized that Wu Xiaoxuan seemed to have come to the door.

"My best friend and I are sitting here chatting for a while, what do you want from me?" Wu Xiaoxuan and her best friend came to the swing in the side garden, just in time to see the gate.

They found out that the person who was going to leave was not Su Wei, but his girlfriend Wang Xiaoyuan.

"I think we need to have a chat, why don't we go to the living room, I can't stand the mosquito bites here." Huang Qifa came up from the swing and saw Su Wei and the others who were saying goodbye.

He understood that Wu Xiaoxuan came to Su Wei's birthday party for a purpose this time, and he was just a tool man.

"Where are you going? The living room is here?" Wu Xiaoxuan saw that Huang Qifa had something to talk to her, but she didn't want to talk to her at first.

But thinking that he brought her to today's party, there's no need to make the relationship so stiff.

"This is the study room, I think it's better to talk about things.

Duoduo, there is disco playing outside now, you can go and have fun, Xuanxuan and I have something to talk about." Huang Qifa waited until Wu Xiaoxuan entered the room, he blocked the door to prevent Duoduo from entering.

After closing the study door, he also locked the door from the inside.

"What are you doing? We talk about things as we talk about things. Why did you lock the door?" Wu Xiaoxuan panicked when she saw Huang Qifa refused to come in and locked the door behind her.

When he was about to open the door, Huang Qifa leaned against the door and refused to let her open it.

"Don't worry about the door, tell me, do you have other purposes for coming to this party today? Are you here for Su Wei?" Huang Qifa really likes Wu Xiaoxuan, otherwise he wouldn't be this licking dog .

Originally, he thought that Wu Xiaoxuan should end with Su Wei.

But Wu Xiaoxuan's performance on the swing just now made him feel that the two of them still had something to do.

"Who am I here for? It has nothing to do with you. Get out of the way, I'm going out." Wu Xiaoxuan is now chasing Su Wei, although this is true.

But when Huang Qiqi said it directly, she still couldn't hold back.

In addition, Huang Qifa's current state is not right, so she plans to go out first.

"Xuanxuan, listen to my advice. Su Wei is really not suitable for you. If you stay with him, at most you can get a sum of money and leave." Huang Qifa took her to Su Wei's wine bureau that day. Eye-opening.

As a result, she and Su Wei met eyes, and the two went to open a room that day.

The reason why he hasn't spoken to Su Wei yet is because he is serious about Wu Xiaoxuan.

"Ah Fa, I don't want to lie to you, I think it's better for us to be friends." Wu Xiaoxuan knew that Huang Qifa had drunk too much now, but she didn't want to lie to him.

In fact, Wu Xiaoxuan was already very upset, because she had rejected Huang Qifa several times, and it was he who wanted to be affectionate.

"Why? I'm not as good as Su Wei. Is he richer than me? So you like him.

Although I don’t have as much money as him, I’m also a rich second generation. If you like money, I can give it to you. Is 100 million enough, 100 million is not enough, and 300 million is not enough. As long as you promise to be my girlfriend today, I will give it to you. Immediately give your card 300 million, I will do what I say." When Wu Xiaoxuan and Huang Qifa said that they are only suitable for being friends, Huang Qifa's mentality collapsed immediately.

Who is he, he is Huang Qifa, he is the famous prodigal son of Modutan.

Now the girl he likes says that he is only suitable for being friends.

"Huang Qifa, I regard you as a friend, I would like to ask you to respect me." There are not 10 or 8 rich second generations who have chased after Wu Xiaoxuan.

There are still two or three people who are richer than Huang Qifa.

But she refused all of them, because she knew that if she wanted to marry into a wealthy family, she had to be firm in her goal.

"You want me to respect you? I took you to the wine shop, and you slept with someone else that night. Did you respect me then? A girl like you just likes money. Where did I go wrong?" Huang Qifa was also completely messed up, and after drinking, his speech became more and more inappropriate.

Although he likes Wu Xiaoxuan, he also looks down on her at the same time, thinking that she must have slept with many people.

"I'm a girl, but it doesn't mean I'm a casual person. Also, I'm not your girlfriend, so don't mind my business"



. . .

"Boss Su, today is your birthday, and this is my birthday present for you." When Zhang Rensheng gave the cake to Zhang Ruoyu today, he asked her if she had prepared a birthday present.

Zhang Ruoyu was by Su Wei's side every day, so he didn't have time to prepare gifts, so to be honest, he didn't.

In the end, his father actually took out his collection.

An emerald ice seed Guanyin was given to her, and she was asked to take this as a birthday present to Su Wei.

When she saw that it was this gift, she didn't want it at all.

Because this Jade Avalokitesvara has a history, although it is not too expensive, but her father has always used this thing as a warning to himself not to get hotheaded.

Almost 10 years ago, it was very hot to collect this piece.

Zhang Ruoyu's father and a few friends organized a group to go to Burma to gamble on stones.

At that time, they thought that they were in the place where jadeite was produced, and they would definitely be able to buy valuable jadeite and make a fortune.

The six people spent more than 30 yuan in total, and only his father ordered an ice jade the size of an egg.

As for the others, the cuts are full of low-end jadeite like stones.

After this incident, her father never played with rough emerald stones again.

Because the six people spent 30 yuan, all the jadeites that were opened added up to about 1 yuan.

For that piece of ice jade, her father put on a safety buckle and an emerald Guanyin.

Now what he gave Zhang Ruoyu to Su Wei was the Jade Avalokitesvara.

She didn't want to take it at first, but her parents insisted on her taking it. It was useless for her to resist, so she brought it out anyway.

"Give me jade? Don't tell me, this Guanyin is quite beautiful, so please help me put it on. The material of this Guanyin is similar to the material of the safety buckle on your neck. Is it taken from a stone?" Su Wei opened the box and looked at it. Zhang Ruoyu actually gave him a jade Guanyin.

Thinking that the man wears Guanyin and the woman wears Buddha, and this jadeite is quite beautiful, I asked her to help him wear it.

Because when Zhang Ruoyu helped him wear the Emerald Avalokitesvara, the two were very close.

Su Wei saw the safety button protruding from her chest, so he asked a casual question.

"Well, it was taken from a piece of material." Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect Su Wei to observe so carefully, so she could only admit it.

Just as she was about to explain that her family asked her to give this Jade Guanyin, she was suddenly interrupted.

"Ah, Su Wei, it's great that you are here, Huang Qifa brought Xuanxuan into the room, you go and save her." After Duoduo was pushed out of the study by Huang Qifa, she wanted to open the door, but found that the door was locked .

She asked Huang Qifa to open the door outside, but it didn't open at all inside.

She had no choice but to come to Su Wei. After all, Wu Xiaoxuan came here because of Su Wei, and he couldn't ignore it.

"Huang Qifa brought Wu Xiaoxuan into the room? Aren't they two together?" Su Wei saw Huang Qifa brought Wu Xiaoxuan here today, and thought they were together.

He was a little upset, after all, he had slept with Wu Xiaoxuan.

Men always have an inexplicable possessive desire for the women they have slept with.

So Wu Xiaoxuan came to him several times tonight, but he avoided it.

"Who said that the two of them are together? Xuanxuan doesn't like Huang Qifa. She came to see you today, so don't ask me. Follow me to save her." Duoduo was speechless, what time is it now.

You keep asking such silly questions when you are in a hurry.

If they don't hurry up, her best friend may suffer later.

"Not together? They came to look for me? Then let's go quickly, and you lead the way." Su Wei heard that the two of them were not together, so he hurriedly asked Wu Xiaoxuan's best friend to lead the way.

He was also afraid that something irreversible would happen if it was too late.

. . .

"Here it is. Look, the door is locked from the inside. Su Wei, please ask Huang Qifa to open the door." Duoduo took Su Wei to the door of the study room of the villa, tried it, but the door was still locked.

She called for a long time before, but Huang Qifa didn't open the door for her. Now she can only ask Su Wei to try to see if he can open the door.

"Wait, there seems to be an argument inside, let me listen to what they say.

Get out of the way, I'll kick the door open." After hearing a few words about the quarrel between Huang Qifa and Wu Xiaoxuan, Su Wei already knew what was going on.

He called the two women aside, and kicked the door lock.

I don't know if there is a problem with the quality of the door lock. Su Wei stepped down and could clearly feel that the door lock was a little loose.

He hurriedly continued his efforts, kicked again, and directly broke the door lock.

"Huang Qifa? Get out of the way, Xuanxuan, are you okay? Did Huang Qifa treat you? Don't worry, I called Su Wei." Seeing the door being kicked open by Su Wei, Duo Duo immediately rushed go in.

After entering, she saw Huang Qifa kneeling on the ground and her best friend Wu Xiaoxuan standing by the window, both of them looked at them in surprise.

"I'm fine, Duoduo, thank you.

Hey, did you kick the door just now because you were afraid that I would be in danger?" Wu Xiaoxuan really didn't expect that Su Wei would come to kick the door to save her.

Fortunately, she took the initiative to approach him before, and when he saw that it was her who came to toast, he turned around and left.

At that time, she thought that he didn't want to see her, but now that she was in danger, she was more anxious than anyone else.

"Su Wei? Xuanxuan and I are chatting inside, why are you kicking the door?" Huang Qifa had just arrived behind the door, but Su Wei kicked the door and knocked him down too.

After he got up from the ground, although he hated his teeth itching, he still didn't dare to turn his face.

After all, Su Wei is much better than him, and he brought so many bodyguards at the door.

"Old Huang, Xuanxuan is my woman, but I forgot to tell you before, next time you want to chat with her alone, you'd better tell me. Also, I thank you for bringing her to my place today. It’s a birthday party, it’s very lively outside now, so let’s go down first.”

(End of this chapter)

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