Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 247 Action date confirmed

Chapter 247 Action date confirmed
"What you said to Huang Qifa just now, is it true?" Wu Xiaoxuan waited until Su Wei led her out, and she directly changed holding hands to holding arms.

Completely treating her best friend Duoduo and Zhang Ruoyu as if they didn't exist.

There is no way, she is so happy, she thought that today she could only return in vain.

Who knew that Huang Qifa would come up with a magical assist, making Su Wei make a brilliant debut.

"I never lie. If you don't want to, then take what I just said as a joke." Su Wei said that just now, but it's actually very simple.

It was because Wu Xiaoxuan was indeed beautiful, and she didn't compromise when Huang Qifa said that.

The most important thing is that Su Wei has checked her admission records and medical records, which are very clean.

"No, I am willing, whoever is unwilling is a fool.

But will Huang Qifa tell us about our relationship?" How could Wu Xiaoxuan not be willing, she and Su Wei played so many tricks, and they were just waiting for this moment.

Looking at her, she seemed to be afraid that Huang Qifa would expose their relationship, but in fact, she wished that Huang Qifa would talk loudly once.

Wu Xiaoxuan also knew that she was recognized by Su Wei now, but she was definitely not the rightful owner.

But if Huang Qiqi told about her and Su Wei, then her identity would come from the shadows to the sun.

"You're all my girlfriend, so he can talk about it if he likes." Su Wei said that, but he knew that Huang Qifa would definitely not tell the story.

He is a rich second generation, shameless.

The girl I had been chasing for so long was finally dealt with by Su Wei in one night.

Then he spent money on it, but the girl didn't let go, instead she broke up with him. If this was said, he would really become LOW.

After this incident happened today, Huang Qifa and Su Wei were basically on the road, and they went their separate ways.

But Su Wei is not a pity, after all, the only ones he really knows are Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng.

Huang Qifa and Jin Gaode are the two of them, and when Su Wei is just a group of people, he will play with them.

He never called them alone, nor did they look for Su Wei alone.

"What time is your birthday party going? It feels so boring." Of course Wu Xiaoxuan felt bored, because the people here didn't know her, but they all knew Wang Xiaoyuan.

This also means that she cannot expose her relationship with Su Wei here.

"It's 11 o'clock now, we'll leave when it's 12 o'clock, and then we'll have supper together.

Xiaozhang, find a supper shop with a high rating, and we'll go there to eat later." There are too many restrictions today, if it wasn't for the party arranged by Wang Xiaoyuan, Su Wei must have left early.

Because this party, compared to Su Wei, is indeed too dull.

His original plan was to invite a bunch of girls to create an atmosphere with Li Ziwei and the others, and play some exciting games with them after he was drunk.

It's not like now, just drinking and dancing, what's the point of that.

And most of the girls here, or he has slept with them.

If he knew Wang Xiaoyuan, he couldn't mess around.

"Okay, I see." Zhang Ruoyu looked at Wu Xiaoxuan and Su Wei, feeling really speechless.

What's the matter? Why is there another woman next to her boss?

She still doesn't know how many girlfriends her boss has around her now.

. . .

The next day.

"Wake up, Ah Wei, it's time to get up, Assistant Zhang has been here for a long time." Wang Xiaoyuan checked the time, and it was almost 12 noon.

Now that Wang Xiaoyuan is pregnant, she sleeps a lot, but very lightly.

When Su Wei opened the door this morning, she woke up immediately.

I checked the time by the bedside lamp, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

When Su Wei undressed and went to bed, she hugged his head and smelled it, only to find that he didn't smell of cigarettes or alcohol.

It's normal that there is no smell of smoke, because Su Wei doesn't smoke, so other people rarely smoke in front of him.

But it's not normal to not smell of alcohol, because he just came back from a carnival.

And he didn't take a bath when he came back. Instead, he washed up a bit and went to bed.

Wang Xiaoyuan knew that something she didn't know must have happened, but she didn't expose him, because she knew that a real quarrel would hurt the relationship between the two of them.

On the contrary, if she knew everything, with Su Wei's personality, it would be better for her.

"What time is it? It's almost 12 o'clock. I'm flying at one o'clock today, but I'm so tired, Xiaoyuan. I need a kiss before I can get up." Su Wei flew to Qiantang so early because he had to Go see Chen Lu.

After all, getting off the track was tomorrow, and Li Ziwei and the others only drove there in the afternoon.

He was in the villa in Greentown Rose Garden yesterday, and he really stayed until 12 o'clock before leaving.

Of course, it was impossible for him to come back so early.

At that time, he took Zhang Ruoyu, Wu Xiaoxuan, Qian Xinyi and other women to have a supper.

After eating supper and sending Qian Xinyi back, he went to Wu Xiaoxuan's rented house to stay for an hour, and took a bath at her place before returning.

"Boom, all right, get up quickly, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with the plane, I really don't understand you, why do you have to take a plane so close?" Wang Xiaoyuan has no interest in racing. Did not go.

But at least she knew one thing, that is, the Zhejiang competition that Su Wei and the others went to was not in Qiantang, but in Shaoxing.

"It's not like I used to fly the plane of the airline company. The plane I'm taking today is my own. After booking it for so long, I finally arrived in China. I can't leave it in the airport to be ashes." Su Wei The plane arrived in Shanghai yesterday morning, and the inspection was completed last night.

Although Su Wei has always taken private jets before, he rarely took selfies.

It's not that he doesn't like to show off, after all, he is the one who shows off his wealth on live broadcasts.

It's because those private jets belong to the airline, not to him, and he doesn't like to act like this.

Now that his own plane has arrived in China, he must try it out as soon as possible.

"No wonder, it's Ah Wei that your Gulfstream G650 has arrived. It's time for dinner, so I'll go out to greet Miss Xiazhang first, otherwise I'm afraid she'll be bored." Wang Xiaoyuan knew that Su Wei had booked the plane, but she didn't expect to fly back to China.

This can explain why flying takes more time and less time driving, but Su Wei still chooses to go by plane.

At first, Wang Xiaoyuan thought that Su Wei had other things to do when he went to Qiantang.

Now it is certain that he should be trying to pretend.

After she got the answer she wanted, she went out contentedly.

After Wang Xiaoyuan left, Su Wei lay on the bed for another 5 minutes before getting up.

Then I had lunch with Wang Xiaoyuan, and then went to the airport in a Maybach.

The other six bodyguards were already driving Rolls-Royce Phantom, Rolls-Royce Phantom, Mercedes-Benz G65, and Volkswagen Touareg, and they were already rushing to Xiaoshan Airport.

Originally there were 9 bodyguards except Liu Qiang, but now Liu Qiang divided them into three groups, two groups were sent out each time, and one group was rested.

. . .

"President Su, are we going to get things from the big boss's house?" Zhang Ruoyu saw that Liu Qiang was driving the Maybach, instead of going to the airport, he was driving on the road to Mingyuan Villa instead. She thought Su Wei was going to Su There is Xiao Ming.

Only yesterday did she know that Su Wei's parents lived in Mingyuan Villa.

But she felt that it was really too low-key for them to live here.

Although the average price of a house here is tens of millions, it is really not particularly top-notch.

With Su Wei's financial resources, she thought his parents should live in Tan Palace.

"No, we're going to pick someone up and leave." Su Wei came to Mingyuan Villa, of course he came to pick up Qian Xinyi.

As for his parents' place, he definitely didn't want to go there today.

After all, most of his distant relatives are still in the devil.

"Oh, it turns out that the person you want to pick up, boss, is Ms. Qian." Zhang Ruoyu didn't want to say anything to her boss now.

No wonder she wanted to sit in the back row just now, but her boss drove her to the front. It turned out that there was a girl who wanted to get in the car.

But she really didn't expect that the person her boss would pick up today would be Qian Xinyi.

She remembers this girl, isn't she Wang Xiaoyuan's little fan girl?

Yesterday, she looked at Su Wei for Wang Xiaoyuan.

How did you become his girlfriend today and accompany him to the car race?
"Hi, Sister Zhang, Master Liu, good afternoon, Brother Su, where is Sister Wu today? Isn't she going to the track?" Qian Xinyi didn't wait at the entrance of her villa, but waited for Su Wei at the gate of the community. .

When Qian Xinyi got in the car and greeted everyone, her mouth was very sweet.

Of course, only Su Wei knew her true face here.

Knowing her, she is not as considerate as she appears.

Last night, when I went to eat supper, Zhang Ruoyu and Duoduo went to order food.

There was a little conflict between Qian Xinyi and Wu Xiaoxuan.

Then Qian Xinyi went beyond her capabilities to provoke Wu Xiaoxuan, but was scolded by Wu Xiaoxuan.

She was very honest during supper later, Zhang Ruoyu and Duoduo thought Qian Xinyi was a good girl.

Seeing that Wu Xiaoxuan was not here today, Qian Xinyi started talking again.

"It's enough for one to warm me up, two people are too hot, so there's no need." It's not that Wu Xiaoxuan didn't want to go, but Su Wei didn't tell her about it.

After all, tonight, who knows if Huang Qifa will also go to the Zhejiang competition.

Su Wei has already won the numbness with Huang Qifa, there is no need to provoke him anymore.

"You think so beautifully. I'm going to sleep with Sister Zhang tonight. Brother Su, why don't you give Sister Zhang a half-day off in the afternoon. I thought I'd come back today, so I didn't bring any clothes. It just so happens that the two of us can go Go shopping." Qian Xinyi first looked at Su Wei's bag when she was not coming back today.

But she thought, if she was sued by Zhang Ruoyu for wearing Su Wei's clothes, then she would be finished.

He could only plan to get Zhang Ruoyu to go shopping with her.

Qian Xinyi didn't care about being absent from school for two days. Anyway, she was one of the idlers in school.

The main reason is that she has no idea of ​​taking a postgraduate entrance examination, and she has no plans to study abroad.

So her college life is very comfortable, and she lives at home every day.

"Okay, Xiao Zhang, then you can go shopping with Xinyi in the afternoon, and use that daily card if you swipe your card." Su Wei was originally thinking about how to pay Qian Xinyi.

Unexpectedly, she found a reason by herself and pushed herself away.

"Thank you Brother Su, then I will not be polite."

. . .

"Wow, Sister Zhang, this Gulfstream G650 belongs to Brother Su? It's so beautiful. The image on the outside is a killer whale." Qian Xinyi knew that Su Wei used a private jet when he went out, but she knew that it was him before. rental.

Today, when she arrived at the airport in Coaster, she saw a circle of people at the boarding gate.

She asked Zhang Ruoyu and found out that this brand new Gulfstream G650 belonged to Su Wei.

"Yes, this black and white pattern is indeed the pattern of a killer whale. Xinyi, why don't you stand at the boarding gate and I'll take some pictures for you. You can take some pictures for me later." You know what it means to be super rich.

It wasn't until she saw this flying gold-swallowing beast that she realized that those who could buy a private jet in their own name were called super rich.

Because it costs at least 3000 million a year to maintain this aircraft.

"Xiao Xu, welcome back to China." Su Wei and the leader of Golden Deer Airlines both met each other.

When the plane flew to Qiantang, Su Wei had time to chat with Xu Liyang alone.

Su Wei felt like he hadn't seen him for a while. Xu Liyang, who had a little baby fat on her face before, had lost a lot of weight.

"Boss Su, my assistant is really too busy, can you let me rest for a few days?" Xu Liyang began to complain when she saw Su Wei, because she was really too busy.

Su Wei opened a media company and was looking for her. The media company has no person in charge, so she was the one who contacted headhunters.

They want to set up a navy to deal with Yang's group, and she is the one responsible for poaching her old colleagues.

While she was so busy, she recently contacted Azimut because her boss had to order a yacht.

"It won't work recently, and you know it, but when the work this time is over, I promise to give you a big bonus, and I will give you a few days off, and when you come back from the rest, I will give you a few more An assistant." What Su Wei said was the Yang Group.

This Sunday, Xu Liyang's former colleagues will begin to expose the Yang Group's financial fraud.

Why do you choose Sunday this time, because you want to take advantage of the holiday.

When the administrators of each platform let down their vigilance, they quickly spread the matter.

After a night of fermenting, by Monday, the leaders above and the stockholders in the stock market will all know about the financial fraud of the Yang Group.

By that time, it would be too late for the Yang Group to cover up.

Especially Su Wei invested tens of millions in this operation.

And when he was on the 15th, he would leave Shanghai, so that Yang Jiale and the others could relax their vigilance.

"Boss Su, after this matter is done this time, should I arrange for my colleagues to go out to avoid the limelight?" At the beginning, Xu Liyang didn't know Su Wei's strength, and thought it shouldn't be a big deal.

When I know the strength of my boss, I feel that it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

Her boss is suddenly going to attack the Yang Group. This Yang Group is a large group worth tens of billions.

If this brings it down, how can the iron fist of the system easily let them go.

After all, with the size of the Yang Group, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a big taxpayer.

"At that time, I will approve a sum of money for you, you can arrange it, and I will not come forward in person."

(End of this chapter)

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