Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 248 Of course my son will have my last name

Chapter 248 Of course my son will have my last name
"Brother Su, we don't go the same way as you. You go to Shaoxing, we go to Qiantang. I've already called Didi, so let's go first." After getting off the plane, Qian Xinyi planned to go shopping with Zhang Ruoyu.

In fact, she asked Su Wei before if she wanted to go shopping together, but he refused.

Since Su Wei was going to Zhejiang Competition, they had to go to Qiantang to buy clothes.

Of course, when she got off the plane, she had already called Didi to wait outside the airport.

"Why are you called Didi? I have a lot of cars, you just need to drive my car." The last time Su Wei came to Qiantang, it was sneaky, so he had to ask Four Seasons Hotel to arrange a car.

Now he is coming to Qiantang openly and aboveboard, so of course he has to bring his own car with him.

"Brother Su, you also have a car here? Don't tell me you have a golden house in Qiantang?" Qian Xinyi didn't expect that Su Wei also had a car in Qiantang.

Of course she thought that Su Wei also had a home here in Qiantang.

After all, it is not impossible for Su Wei, an old hooligan, to have a home in Qiantang with so many women around him.

"Xinyi, you may have misunderstood Mr. Su. Didn't you realize that only Master Liu is by Mr. Su's side today?" Seeing that Qian Xinyi had misunderstood, Zhang Ruoyu quickly explained to her boss.

She was quite happy about coming to the car.

Even before boarding the plane, she was very happy, and asked Qian Xinyi to help her take a lot of photos with the plane.

When they got on the plane, Su Wei and Xu Liyang stayed in the small room behind and chatted until they got off the plane.

At that time, she wondered if she was useless, because Xu Liyang knew at a glance that she must have been busy with the things Su Wei explained recently.

Looking at myself again, every day I either go drinking with the boss, or accompany him to pick up girls.

Now that Qian Xinyi misunderstood Su Wei, she finally found a chance to express herself.

"That's right, where are the other bodyguards? Oh, I saw it. Why are they outside the airport? Could it be that they drove to Qiantang first?" Qian Xinyi realized belatedly at this time, In the past, there were several bodyguards behind Su Wei.

Last night when we had supper, there were still ten bodyguards, but today Liu Qiang was the only one around.

At this time, outside the glass, the bodyguards who followed Su Wei yesterday were already standing in front of the car and waiting.

"That's right, Shanghai is too close to Qiantang, so I asked them to bring the car here. Now there are Rolls-Royce Phantom and Mercedes-Benz G65, which car do you choose?" Su Wei came to Qiantang today for business, so this car The Rolls-Royce Phantom couldn't let them drive away.

They will definitely not choose the remaining Touareg, only Rolls-Royce Phantom and Mercedes-Benz G65 are left.

"Of course we want a Rolls-Royce. Sister Xu, you are going back to Shanghai now, why don't you go shopping with us first?" Girls in Shanghai, no, I should say all people in Shanghai.

Their favorite car brand is Rolls Royce.

If the budget is sufficient, their first choice must be Rolls Royce.

Only when they can't afford Rolls-Royce, they will consider buying other brands of cars.

"Forget it, I'm here to give a report to Mr. Su today. Now that the report is finished, I have to go back." Xu Liyang finished the report today, but there is nothing wrong with it.

But now that Su Wei is here, she definitely can't say, okay, okay, let's go shopping.

"Xiao Xu, I will give you a vacation this afternoon. You and Xinyi and the others can go and have fun, but until tomorrow, I hope you will start working. When this matter is over, I will give you a big gift." .

Xiaozhang, all the money you spent shopping today will go to that life card." Seeing Xu Liyang's longing eyes, Su Wei gave her a half-day vacation with a wave of his hand.

The main reason is that the plan didn't start until the 15th. Before that, Xu Liyang was really not that busy.

"Ah, really? Thank you, Mr. Su, I guarantee that it will be done beautifully for you." Xu Liyang was very happy when she heard that Su Wei gave her half a day off to go shopping.

She was even happier when she heard that the boss paid for today's consumption.

Her [-] yuan for clothes can just fall into her own pocket now.

But what she didn't understand was what was going on with the life card.

"Brother Su, let's go first, don't worry, we won't save you money"

. . . . . .

Su Wei waited for a while, saw that Qian Xinyi and the others had already left for a while, and then called Liu Qiang and the others to get in the car and headed to the Four Seasons Hotel.

He came to Qiantang today mainly to see Chen Lu.

Because Chen Lu has been pregnant for two months, she is going to have a B-ultrasound today.

Chen Lu didn't tell him about this, but her best friend Lan Ke told him a few days ago.

So he refused Chen Lu to come to Shanghai to spend his birthday with him, but told her that he was coming to accompany her to the hospital.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I am the housekeeper of the president's villa today, and my name is Wu Dan." The housekeeper originally belonged to Li Jiawen.

But at the back, Li Jiawen was taken away by Su Wei. Behind him was Li Jiawen's best friend, Liu Beibei, who was the housekeeper of the presidential villa.

Liu Beibei has been resting for the past few days, so she called Wu Dan over to replace her for two days.

"How is your wife's appetite recently? If she wants to eat anything, you must satisfy her, you know?" Su Wei just came in by the tram of the Four Seasons Hotel alone. The person at the front desk saw him coming, it should be Notified the housekeeper.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the butler was already waiting when he arrived.

"My wife has a good appetite, and she even praised the authentic craftsmanship of the masters in the Jinsha hall." Wu Dan knew that she would be staying in the presidential villa for a few days, and kept wondering if she would see Su Wei.

Because Li Jiawen flew on a branch and turned into a phoenix, no one in the Four Seasons Hotel knew about it.

But when she actually saw Su Wei, her heart turned cold, because Su Wei didn't seem to be interested in her.

"That's good, if the wife orders later, let the chef do the cooking.

Lulu, you're already awake, I thought you were still taking a nap." Before boarding the plane, Su Wei told Chen Lu that he would come over.

What Chen Lu told him at the time was that she happened to take a nap at this time.

"Ah, Ah Wei, why are you here? Am I ugly today? I told you not to come." When Chen Lu saw Su Wei coming, his first reaction was not to greet him, but Cover your face.

Because she is pure makeup today, when she met Su Wei before, she still had light makeup on.

After getting to know the doctor later, I realized that during pregnancy, you can't touch cosmetics at all.

Because cosmetics are not only harmful to the skin, but also the body will absorb the residual substances of cosmetics.

The body absorbs these harmful substances, and when they circulate in the body, they will be passed to the fetus in the stomach.

Chen Lu was extremely precious to this fetus. After knowing this, she immediately cut off all the cosmetics.

Now she only uses water to wash her face, and tries not to use shampoo when washing her hair.

"Let me take a look, let me take a look, isn't this pretty? Go out without makeup and kill [-]% of the people on the street, okay?" The reason why Su Wei went to Chen Lu at that time was because she was good-looking.

Although what Su Wei said just now was exaggerated, it is undeniable that Chen Lu is indeed a natural beauty.

And recently, she ate well, slept well, and her overall condition was better than before she was pregnant.

"Is it true, do you really think I look good without makeup?" After Chen Lu and Su Wei were together, they would often worry about gains and losses.

After all, Su Wei is too rich, and he is so lustful.

She can't make up when she is pregnant now, she is very afraid that Su Wei will dislike her now.

"It's really beautiful, much prettier than your best friend Lan Ke." Su Weizheng and Chen Lu were whispering in the living room, and saw a figure in the living room illuminated by the sun.

Chen Lu still had a lot of girlfriends before, but after Lao Huang's parents took all the money away.

Those girlfriends at that time thought that Chen Lu had no money, so they took the initiative to alienate her.

Now even if someone knew that Chen Lu had licked his thighs, and wanted to have a good relationship with Chen Lu, it was a pity that Chen Lu had already ignored them.

So the people who will come to this villa are basically Lan Ke.

"Su Wei, you can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth, right? What do you mean, you just came to Qiantang, and you just entertained me." Lan Ke was sleeping in the room when he heard a male voice outside.

She came out and saw that it was indeed Su Wei.

This time Chen Lu did the B-ultrasound, she and Su Wei talked about it.

At the time, Chen Lu thought it was a trivial matter, so don't bother Su Wei if it's not necessary.

Lan Ke promised well in person, and called Su Wei afterward, telling him when Chen Lu was undergoing B-ultrasound.

Because she felt that she wanted Su Wei to participate more in these matters, so that Su Wei's feelings for Chen Lu would deepen.

When she didn't come out just now, she wanted to hear if Su Wei would say anything nasty about love.

Who knew that when she heard Su Wei taunting her there, she didn't know that she had been exposed a long time ago.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, it's almost time, it's already three o'clock, if you don't go to the hospital, the doctor will be off work later." Chen Lu said that Su Wei didn't have to come, but she knew when Su Wei was coming .

I still specially transferred the time for B-ultrasound in the morning to the afternoon.

I just want Su Weineng to see the picture of the baby in the stomach for the first time.

"Then let's go, take my car later, I drove here today, after the inspection, we can go to the Blue Qianjiang to see how I have decorated the house." Lan Ke thought this This time was the same as last time, Su Wei didn't drive here either.

If you borrow the car from the Four Seasons Hotel, you might as well drive her car.

This time Chen Lu entrusted her with the decoration of the house, and she did her best.

Now that Su Wei is here, of course she wants him to see her results.

"No need, I came here by car today, and you all go in my car later." Su Wei came here in a Rolls-Royce Phantom, just waiting to pick up Chen Lu.

Otherwise, it is enough to drive a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

"Then let's see what kind of car you drove here this time. I wonder if it is as comfortable as my cls." Lan Ke knew that Su Wei was rich, but most of the cars he bought were sports cars.

If the car was not comfortable when she got out of the car, she definitely couldn't ask Chen Lu to sit in it.

"Don't worry, you are absolutely satisfied with this car"

. . .

"Su Wei, no wonder you are so confident. So you are driving a Rolls-Royce. Lulu, is this a new model or an old model? What is the approximate price?" Lan Ke was shocked by Su Wei when he arrived at the parking lot.

Not because of the car, but because of the addition of bodyguards that Su Wei brought over.

Although Lan Ke is an old driver, she can't tell the difference in the car.

But Chen Lu was different. She used to sell second-hand luxury cars.

She knows this car better than many owners of this car.

"This is the latest model of the Rolls-Royce Phantom. The total price is 300 million. How about it? Can this car be more comfortable than your car?" Lan Ke's Mercedes-Benz CLS has no purchase tax for Su Wei expensive.

He has taken so many cars, the seat of the Mercedes-Benz Maybach S680 is the most comfortable.

The second most comfortable car is this Rolls-Royce Phantom.

The third most comfortable car is his father's Mercedes-Benz Maybach S560.

Although the two Mercedes-Benz Maybachs came from the same platform, the S680 feels more comfortable when sitting than the S560.

"Of course this car is fine, but after you leave, Lulu can only take my car." Lan Ke said that he had no other ideas, but wanted Su Wei to buy a car for Chen Lu.

After all, she was telling the truth, this Rolls-Royce Phantom is comfortable to sit on, but Su Wei is gone, so it's not impossible to sit on it.

"Who said that, I've already ordered an Alpha, and I'll take that car." Chen Lu has been busy in Lanke for the past few days, and she has not been idle. She has already found two nannies. The nanny can also drive.

Now she just waits for the blue Qianjiang to leave for a period of time to taste, and then move in with the nanny.

After all, with such a big house, she couldn't clean it by herself.

When she was with Lao Huang in the past, she never touched the spring water with her fingers.

It is impossible to be with Su Wei, who is richer, and also lower his quality of life.

When she was looking for a nanny this time, the nanny before her knew the news and planned to come to her to apply for the job, but she ruthlessly rejected it.

Because the last time her ex-parents-in-law ran away with money, she couldn't have heard nothing about it, but she wasn't pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Now he still wants to come to Chen Lu's side, how could Chen Lu still accept her.

"You ordered an Alpha? How about this? I'll give you another car after a few days. Then you can switch between the two cars."

. . .

"Mr. Su, there is nothing wrong with your wife's health, and the fetus in her stomach is quite stable. She feels sick and want to vomit during this period. This is a normal phenomenon. If she can't eat, she can eat some fruit to supplement her nutrition." Originally, Chen What Lu found was a general gynecologist.

Later, Su Wei called Chen Lihua, and when they arrived at the hospital, the hospital's receptionist had already become the chief physician.

"Thank you, Dr. Hu, my wife may have to trouble you for the next few months." The director Su Wei is looking for this time is already the most skilled chief physician in this hospital.

If it wasn't for ICBC's support, it would really not be a simple matter to get her account.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Mrs. Su does what I say, everything will be smooth. This is the B-ultrasound sheet. If you don't understand anything, you can call me at any time." Dr. Hu told Su Wei that it was indeed very Do your best.

After all, she was supposed to be resting today, but was called back by the dean.

She knew that this Mr. Su must be the kind of rich and powerful person.

"The B-ultrasound order is out, show it to me, I want to see how old the baby is." Chen Lu saw that Su Wei didn't show it to her for a long time, and she was also anxious because she wanted to see it too.

It wasn't until the parking lot that Su Wei gave her the B-ultrasound sheet with a smile on his face.

"It's really amazing. My son is two months old now, and he is only two centimeters, not as big as a grain of rice." Su Wei said so, but anyone can see the way he just read the B-ultrasound list out.

There was that kind of, heartfelt joy on his face.

"Su Wei, this child should be born with the surname Chen. After all, Chen Lu and her relatives are gone, this child can help their family and continue the blood." Lan Ke really thought this way, after all, Chen Lu's parents passed away one after another.

If the child's surname was Chen, Chen Lu's parents would be very pleased if they knew about it.

In addition to this child, Chen Lu must be raising it by herself in the future, and she thinks it doesn't matter if the surname is Chen.

"Surname Chen? Impossible, of course my son has to be my surname."

(End of this chapter)

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