Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 249 Porsche 911GT2RS

Chapter 249 Porsche 911GT2RS
"Surname Chen? Impossible, my son must of course have my surname." When Su Wei heard that Lan Ke wanted his child's surname to be Chen, he directly and clearly objected.

What are you kidding, your own son, ran away with the surname Chen?Isn't that an international joke, then TM is still his son.

And to put it bluntly, if Chen Lu's child was surnamed Chen instead of Su, Su Wei would definitely treat him differently in the future.

Don't look at how powerful women are at punching now, but as long as they have no brains, they will not agree to their children to follow the woman's surname.

"That's for sure. Of course, the child must follow the father's surname. Keke was just joking, and I never thought about it." Chen Lu really thought about it when she was just pregnant.

But at that time, it was because she was pregnant, and Su Wei always avoided seeing her.

She told Lan Ke at the time that the child didn't have a father anyway, so it happened to be Chen with her own surname.

But after Su Wei knew she was pregnant and gave her money to buy a house, she never thought about it again.

After all, the child's father is so rich, if he followed her surname, he would definitely not be able to grab other brothers and sisters.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what I just said was nonsense, Su Wei, don't take it to your heart." Lan Ke really didn't expect that such a simple sentence of hers would change Su Wei's face.

In her heart, it really feels like it's just a surname, why is it necessary to make such a big fuss.

If her husband dared to talk to her like that, she would definitely be arguing for a divorce, and then her husband would kneel down and admit his mistake.

And in the final analysis, no matter whether the child's surname is Chen or Su, it's not all his son of Su Wei.

But seeing Su Wei's serious expression, she immediately apologized.

After all, Su Wei is not her husband. Although the two have slept together, he will not spoil her.

"My child can only have the surname Su, and those with other surnames are not my children." Su Wei really thought this way. If he has more women, he will definitely have more children.

If a woman thinks that Su Wei doesn't care about the child's surname, then she can only say that she is very wrong.

Su Wei didn't make excuses, he just gave a warning.

That's because he saw that this matter was brought up by Lan Ke himself, and it had nothing to do with Chen Lu.

Since it wasn't what Chen Lu meant, then Su Wei didn't plan to investigate further, after all, Lan Ke was just an outsider.

"Master Liu, please, let's go to the Blue Qianjiang"

. . .

"Ah Wei, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with this car? Or do you know the owner?" After Chen Lu got out of the car, she saw Su Wei surrounding her neighbor's Rolls-Royce and looking carefully at it.

She wondered if Su Wei knew the owner of the car, after all, the license plate of this car belonged to Demon A.

"Should be considered acquainted, this car is my neighbor's car, I just wonder why her car is parked here." Su Wei is indeed very strange, why this Rolls-Royce Phantom is parked in Qiantang.

But thinking about it carefully, there are indeed many Qiantang landmarks in the circle of friends of his female neighbor.

If she lived in Qiantang, it would make sense why she was not at home often.

"Ah, she is your neighbor in Shanghai? What a coincidence, she also met the proprietress of the cafe." Chen Lu didn't come often when she was doing renovations.

But as long as she comes here, she will go to meet the cafe, because she really wants to open a cafe.

Later, I went there a lot, and after getting acquainted with the clerk and store manager, they introduced their proprietress to her.

After chatting, she found out that the two of them were still neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

Chen Lu lived in a 715-square-meter top-floor duplex, while the proprietress who met the cafe lived in a normal 380-square-meter apartment.

"Meet the proprietress of the cafe? Then this world is really too small, but I'm not familiar with her, and I've only met her a few times. Let's go, let's go and see the house first." Su Wei heard Chen Lu call her The proprietress thought that his female neighbor was already married.

I was still complaining in my heart, no wonder I had a good chat on WeChat last time, and I didn't reply to him very much after a while.

Now that he knows that she has a partner, and Su Wei has too many women now, he doesn't want to challenge such a high difficulty.

When I got out of the elevator, I found that the previous door had been replaced, and now it was replaced with a more atmospheric copper door.

"The previous gate was given by the developer. I think every neighborhood has this kind of gate. I follow the trend, so I changed it to a thicker copper gate.

The furniture here, I choose this color is relatively simple, because I want to follow that cold style.

Although it seems that the price is not expensive, this house cost more than 400 million yuan just to buy furniture." Lan Ke kept a low profile along the way.

Because Su Wei was angry just now, it really scared her a little bit.

It wasn't until she opened the door and entered the house that she finally recovered.

"Lan Ke put a lot of effort into this house, and she got a lot of things at super low prices." Chen Lu likes the decoration of this house very much, because Lan Ke always asks her opinion before buying these furniture.

So although she didn't go to the mall, she was the one who made the decision.

"It really matches well. Lan Ke's interior decoration is not bad. It's a waste of being a housewife." Chen Lu lives in this house, so as long as she is satisfied, Su Wei has no objections.

After all, he might come here a few times a month, and his opinion doesn't matter at all.

"I think it's good to be a housewife, but if I really want to start a career, I won't have time to spend with Lulu.

This house is beautiful, but maybe after a few years, people's eyesight will change, and they will think that the current design is ugly." Lan Ke didn't go to work because she knew how much she weighed.

This time, the design is said to be made by her.

In fact, it was her classmate who pointed her behind her back.

Otherwise, she has been out of this industry for so long, and it is impossible for her aesthetics to be online all the time.

"It doesn't matter, the house will be enough for a few years. Maybe after a few years, Lulu will move to other places." It is impossible for a rich person to live in one place all the time, not because she wants to change places.

But buildings have a lifespan. When the buildings age or the decoration becomes outdated, the rich will be forced to change their living environment.

"I'm going to move in at the end of the month. Will you come, Ah Wei?"

"of course"

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, sister Zhang and I have already arrived at the Zhesai parking lot, why didn't we see you guys?" Qian Xinyi and Zhang Ruoyu set off at five o'clock, and saw cars overtaking along the way, and finally arrived before six o'clock To the outside of the Zhejiang competition.

But when I came here, I realized that there were only a few cars parked here and there in the parking lot, and I didn't see Su Wei at all.

"Where are you guys? I'm in the parking lot, why didn't I see you?" Su Wei was in the parking lot when he received Qian Xinyi's call.

Just now Liu Qiang walked around the parking lot because he was not familiar with the road.

If Qian Xinyi was here, he couldn't have missed her, did he miss her?
After he sent Chen Lu to the Four Seasons Hotel, he came directly.

Chen Lu wanted to stay with him overnight, but Su Wei refused, but he promised to stay with her tomorrow.

The main reason is that Su Wei called Qian Xinyi and Zhang Ruoyu to the Zhejiang competition. If he didn't go by himself, he would be a little worried.

"Impossible, there are only four cars in this parking lot plus us, are you lying to me?" Qian Xinyi was dumbfounded when she heard Su Wei say that he was also in the parking lot.

There are only four cars in this parking lot, and one of them is a truck. How could it be Su Wei's car.

"I'm in the underground parking lot, you didn't come down, did you?" Su Wei heard Qian Xinyi say that there were only three cars beside her, and looking around him, there were still hundreds of cars.

There is only one possibility, that is, they are in the ground parking lot.

"Ah, there are ground and underground ones here. It's all your fault. Who told you not to go shopping with us, which made me drive the car in the wrong place. Today we paid you 10 yuan, and the money will be treated as It's your punishment." Qian Xinyi took Su Wei's card today and swiped a total of 10 yuan for three people.

Mainly the clothes of Qiantang Building, which are too good-looking.

She has tried not to buy too expensive ones, but the three of them still spent 10 yuan.

I didn't feel it when I was brushing, but on the way here, Qian Xinyi became more and more anxious as she drove.

Now that there is some reason, the villain will start to sue first.

"You swiped so much 10 yuan? Then if you don't sleep with me at night, I'm afraid you won't be able to get through this matter." Su Wei didn't expect that Qian Xinyi only swiped 10 yuan.

He thought that if Qian Xinyi, a rich second generation, went to spend, at least he would pay him hundreds of thousands.

"Hey, I won't sleep with you, you ask sister Zhang to sleep with you"

. . .

"Brother Wei, why did you come here alone today? And where is the car you got off the track?" Su Wei couldn't find the way before, so he called Li Ziwei to get it done.

After Li Ziwei was woken up by the phone call, he came down and waited for Su Wei because he couldn't sleep.

Today, they didn't call a tow truck because they got up too late, but drove here by themselves.

After a few people arrived at the place, they couldn't do it. In addition, there were girls in the car. After the room was opened, the few of them went back to the room to sleep.

"My car should have arrived. They called me at the 4S store before. Look, isn't that my car? It's so conspicuous. Didn't you see it?" Su Wei hadn't set off at noon, so Liu Yue called Su Wei is gone.

Said that the car had been sent to the parking lot of Zhesai, and took a photo of him.

Although the car that Su Wei ordered this time is not a limited edition, it is the only one in the whole country now.

If other people want it, they can only wait until the end of the year, when the 4S store has more inventory before mentioning the car.

"Viagra, you drove your 911 today, but I remember that your 911 is not yellow? Why is it changed to white and black now? Are you wearing a film?

Doesn't seem right?Damn, isn't it, this is the 911GT2 RS?Is it available in the country now? "Li Ziwei knew that Su Wei had a yellow 911TS, but the car Su Wei was referring to now, why was it a white and black 911?

He waited until he walked in and took a look. The rear wing of this car was much bigger than that of TS.

Looking at the rear of the car, it turned out to be a 911GT2 RS.

The 911GT2 RS is now Porsche's Frog King.

The race track can easily beat the existence of 918, but Su Wei has already won it.

If someone else was the owner of the car, Li Ziwei might suspect that the letters on the rear of the car were pasted by himself.

But for Su Wei, that's totally impossible, after all, that's a man with Rafa and 918.

"Is it true? Just look inside and you'll know. This is the key. You open the door and have a look yourself." Su Wei found the key from the 4S store on the tire at the back of the car.

Su Wei also spent a lot of money to buy the first Frog King in China.

The GT2RS has a guide price of 389 million, with optional accessories of 30, plus the luxury car tax, the total is 450 million.

But because it is the first one in the whole country, it is now even rarer than Rafa.

So in order to win this car, he added 50 yuan, and the total was 500 million yuan.

"It's really a 911GT2 RS, but why is there no roll cage in this car, no, I have to make a phone call.

Hey, Brother Feng, you are still sleeping, come down quickly, I will show you something good, here is your elder brother, it is in the parking lot on the side of Zhesai, not on the hotel side." This time Li Renfeng wanted to run the race He said, but he also bought a good car.

He bought either another car or a 911GT3 RS.

Su Wei's car is a GT2RS, so Li Ziwei said that it was his elder brother who came, and there was nothing wrong with it.

When he came here today, Li Renfeng was very arrogant, thinking that his newly bought GT3RS is now invincible.

Li Ziwei just wanted to see the expressions of Li Renfeng and others when he saw GT2RS, it must be very exciting.

After waiting for a while, Li Renfeng and Jin Gaode came down.

Su Wei looked at it, but there was no Huang Qifa.

"Fuck, Ah Wei, how did you buy this car? When I went to buy it, the salesman told me that the only one in the country had been sold. It turned out to be bought by you." Li Renfeng bought a 911GT3RS , because GT2 was bought away.

At that time, he was quite regretful. After all, this car is now the strongest king in Germany.

It will take until the end of this year or early next year for this car to go on the market in large quantities.

"That can't be helped, who told me that I am a big customer, by the way, Lao Huang didn't come today?" Su Wei's name is now a relatively well-known car tycoon anyway.

An ordinary rich second generation, and a car tycoon, a fool would know who to sell the car to.

No one will pay attention to what kind of car the rich second generation drives.

However, what kind of car does the car tycoon drive, will be noticed by all kinds of people, this is considered as a free advertisement.

Don't you see, after the Canadian Cannon King bought the Porsche 911GT3RS, the used car GT3 has increased by hundreds of thousands in just one month, so you know how powerful the celebrity effect is.

"He refused to come, saying that he didn't plan to play with cars now, but wanted to work hard to make money.

Ah Feng, you will have an opponent tomorrow." Jin Gaode only knew a little bit of the inside story, and it was said that Huang Qifa became like this because of a woman.

But he didn't know that it was Su Wei who robbed Huang Qifa of the woman.

Mainly, this is not something glorious, and of course Huang Qifa will not go around talking about it.

"This car is in Ah Wei's hands, it's a complete waste, I'm going to use my brother to teach my brother tomorrow.

By the way, Ah Wei, is your room ready? I’m hungry. After you have your room ready, we’re going to eat." Li Renfeng needs to know more details than Jin Gaode.

But for Su Wei and Huang Qiqi, he didn't want to stand on anyone's side.

Because Huang Qifa would bring Xuanxuan to the wine bureau at that time, and he brought her because he couldn't figure it out.

That woman met Su Wei's eyes from behind, which only meant that she didn't like Huang Qifa, but liked Su Wei.

And after going through this incident, Huang Qifa is now willing to make money, which may not be a good thing for him.

"Wait a little longer, my female companions are still behind"

(End of this chapter)

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