Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 250 Running Kart

Chapter 250 Running Kart

"Look at tomorrow, how my GT3RS killed your GT2RS, I want to let you know who is the Frog King of Porsche"

"My skills are not as good as yours, but I have Frog King to drive. Your skills are so good, you can only drive GT3RS"

"If the McLaren 720S I ordered hadn't arrived yet, I would definitely kill all your Porsches tomorrow."

"Sister Zhang, it's so boring, why are you going after dinner?" Qian Xinyi looked at Su Wei and the four men bragging there, she couldn't speak, and felt so bored.

She really likes to go off the track, but for specific models, she is stretched.

They found Su Wei just now, and after parking the car, they followed Su Wei to the hotel lobby to get a room.

After opening the room and putting away the things, we came to eat together.

"You can't ask me this, because I don't know. You have to ask my boss about this. I am a part-time worker. I will go wherever the boss goes." Zhang Ruoyu saw Qian Xinyi asking her, but she didn't know where to go what.

She listened here for a while, and felt that it was no wonder that these people became friends with her boss.

In addition to being rich second generation, they are all scumbags.

Because the female companions they brought with these three people were not their girlfriends.

Of course, the female companion brought by her boss this time is not his girlfriend either.

"Brother Su, do we have any activities after dinner, I'm so bored!" Qian Xinyi saw Zhang Ruoyu spread her hands and told her that there was nothing she could do.

She could only turn around and ask Su Wei to see if there were any arrangements for tonight.

The restaurant where they ate was just above the racetrack.

When she was near the window, she saw someone running on the track below, and her heart was itching for a long time.

After all, she came to Shaoxing this time to get off the track.

"Bored? That's easy. Do you know how to go karting? We can go karting together later." Li Ziwei was sitting on the other side of Su Wei. When he heard Qian Xinyi say that he was bored, he immediately suggested going karting.

Anyway, next to the Zhejiang Race, there is the karting hall.

They, the rich second generation who like to go off the track, also like to run karts very much.

After all, people who can run karting may have mediocre skills off the track.

But for those who run well on the track, their karting skills must be very good.

"There are also go-karts here? Then I'm really good at it. Brother Su, if you run a go-kart, I believe I will be faster than you." Although Qian Xinyi has never been off the track, she often ran go-karts before.

Now that she heard that she could go karting, she didn't even want to eat.

The main reason is that she doesn't eat much. There are more than ten dishes here. If she eats a few bites of each dish, she is already full.

"There are still karts here? Is it far away? Shall we drive there?" Su Wei got off the track, but never ran a kart.

Seeing the girls here, they are all eager to try, even Zhang Ruoyu is like this
Knowing them, they must all want to go karting.

"You don't need to drive. The go-kart hall is right next to the hotel. We'll walk over there after dinner so we can digest our food. But if we want to go, we need to hurry up, because it seems that they close at nine o'clock." Li Renfeng has already been there It has been several times, and he also paid for the booking of tomorrow's Zhejiang competition.

However, as a car owner who drove the 918 earlier than Su Wei, the 13 yuan for the charter can only be regarded as a small amount of money for him.

"I've already eaten, Brother Li, can you eat faster?" Qian Xinyi became a little anxious when she heard that she was leaving get off work at nine o'clock.

After looking around, I found that Li Ziwei was still eating.

"I'm full, the main thing is just the last bite, don't waste food" If this is normal, whoever reminds him, he will definitely take Joe on purpose.

But isn't this Qian Xinyi the female companion brought by Su Wei, and I heard that this female is also Wang Xiaoyuan's best friend.

Then he will definitely save face, and he will stop eating after two bites.

"Oh, everyone is done eating, let's go then"

. . .

"What? We can only run slow cars with a speed limit of 40? What's the point of slow cars? We often run go-karts in other places. Isn't that okay?" Li Ziwei and the others have run go-karts in other places before, but not in Zhejiang. Race here.

They are all newcomers here, that is, they can only drive children's cars and slow cars with a speed limit of 40.

Among the 9 people, only Li Renfeng has a record of running here, so if he wants to run fast, he can only run alone.

Of course Li Ziwei didn't agree, if he hadn't run a slow train before, then running a slow train didn't matter.

But after running the 80 express train, now the 60 express train can't run, so what's the point?

"Sir, I know that most of you may have run karting, and your skills are still very good, but we have regulations here. If you have not run in our place, you can only start with a slow car at 40 mph.

But if you have good skills, I believe you can change from a slow train to a fast train soon." In the karting hall of Zhesai, guests from the hotel often come to play.

Everyone's skills are different. Many people have never played before, and they want to play 80 express from the beginning.

Then your speed is too slow, or your technique is too poor. For those customers with good technique, you are an obstacle on the road.

So later they have a rule here, unless you have played here and your grades are up to standard, otherwise you can't play the express car.

"That's very simple. It's 07:30 now. If I reserve the venue for two hours, then the problems you mentioned don't exist. You should have no problem booking the venue here." Su Wei can also understand them. There must be their reasons for this rule.

But what he wants to play must be at least 60 fast cars.

The 40-mile slow train, he looked at the photos on the wall, and they were basically the wonderful moments of the children.

Although he is a novice, he doesn't want to compete lap times with children.

"It is possible to book a session. The price of one session here is 180 yuan, and each session lasts 10 minutes. If you book a session, it costs 1 yuan for an hour. We get off work at nine o'clock here, so we may not be able to book two. "Hours" can of course be reserved, especially now that it is night.

If Su Wei and the others really booked the venue for two hours, the staff would definitely not want it. After all, the boss paid for the booking, and their employees got a fixed salary.

"That's [-], we'll reserve the venue until nine o'clock, then we'll reserve the venue, so it shouldn't be a problem to drive fast.

Ah Wei, in fact, one and a half hours is enough. Playing three quarters by one person is basically very tiring. If it takes two hours, there must be more than one hour wasted." Li Renfeng knew that Su Wei wanted to speak when he saw Su Wei I want to throw money at it.

But he didn't think it was necessary, because karting puts too much pressure on the body, and no one can play for more than six consecutive quarters.

So one and a half hours is really enough, and it may not be possible to play for such a long time.

"For private use, the three grades of cars are all available, but we don't have so many 80-mile express cars here." Here, the main ones are 40 and 60 miles.

Generally, many people who play 80 miles buy their own cars and put them here. When they want to play, they come here to play once.

"It's enough for us to drive 40 miles and 60 miles, Xiao Zhang, you go and pay the money." Because Su Wei had never run before, he felt at the beginning that only one and a half hours would be enough for fun. Time is gone.

But Li Renfeng, a semi-professional driver, has talked, and he really knows a little better than Su Wei in this regard.

Then Su Wei must have been admonishing like a stream, and the one-and-a-half hour reservation is only one and a half hours.

If you really feel that you haven't enjoyed the game, you can spend money on it when the time comes.

. . .

After paying the money, nine people can go to change clothes.

If you don't wear professional clothes, they will not let you go to the track.

"To play karting, you still need to bring such professional things. The visor, gloves, helmet, and neck guard here are almost the same as sports cars." Su Wei thought before that this karting should be something that children like to play more.

But seeing the equipment that needs to be worn, I feel that this kart is like the pre-stage of training a racer.

"Okay, everyone has changed their clothes. Maybe everyone is not familiar with the track now, so let's drive a slow train first." Li Renfeng could tell that there were quite a few novices among the nine people.

For example, the woman Li Ziwei brought, the girl she brought, and Su Wei.

Yes, he was the first to find out, Su Wei is a complete novice.

"This is fine, I don't know how to play, you guys take me for a run first and I should be able to do it." Seeing the go-kart that started, it was like a simple F1 car, so he decided to tell the truth.

Anyway, no one stipulated that he must be able to run karting.

"Brother Su, so you don't know how to play? Then, do you want to go tandem karting with me?" Qian Xinyi has no interest in the slow car that is waiting to be played.

Seeing that Su Wei couldn't, she just happened to be able to see how Su Wei was running up close.

"I want to run alone. Seeing how complacent you are, let's make a bet." Seeing Qian Xinyi's appearance, Su Wei knew that she must play often.

But when it comes to playing this kart, he doesn't believe that if he has been off the track alone, he will lose to Qian Xinyi after a few rounds.

"What do you want to bet? Tell me first." Seeing Su Wei's appearance, Qian Xinyi knew that he must be uneasy and well-intentioned.

But she is very sure about her karting skills.

So she planned to see how Su Wei wanted to bet first, and what kind of lottery he wanted to bet.

"In this way, we will compare who has a faster lap time until nine o'clock in the evening.

If I win, you will sleep with me in my room tonight.

But if I lose, I'll sleep with you in your room, how about that? "Since Su Wei called Qian Xinyi here, he didn't intend to become a monk.

And he didn't believe it, Qian Xinyi didn't know what he was thinking at all.

Generally, the first time for a girl is more difficult to overcome.

But after the first time, girls are not so difficult to get.

"Hey, if you run faster than me before nine o'clock, then I will sleep with you tonight, but if you are not as fast as me, just promise me one thing." Qian Xinyi heard Su Wei's words If the conditions are met, you will know that you are being tricked.

But she is very confident in her skills, so she wants Su Wei to agree to her request.

"Tell me what the request is first. If the request is for me to marry you, then I will definitely not be able to do it." Su Wei saw that Qian Xinyi actually asked him to agree to something, so how dare he agree indiscriminately.

He must have asked clearly, otherwise he would be foolish if he couldn't do it.

"Certainly it can't be about this, okay, what do you mean, I'm not nobody wants me, there are so many boys chasing me.

I haven't made up my mind about this request yet, do you dare to bet or not, if you don't dare, forget it." Qian Xinyi really didn't think about what request Su Wei should agree to her.

It's just that she is very confident in her own strength.

"Okay, I agree, I will run a slow car first, and when I am familiar with the venue, I will definitely be able to tyrannize you on the track"

. . .

"Let's run a slow section first to find out how it feels. When the next section is over and I wave the flag, you have to slow down and enter the station. Because running for too long is not good for your health, you must properly Just take a break." The staff began to explain the rules to Su Wei and the others. After all, there are nine people here, and there must be novices.

Su Wei ranked third. When he first went out, he was really in a hurry.

Qian Xinyi was on the fourth bat, in order not to capsize in the gutter later.

She always hit Su Wei's car buttocks when he was about to turn a corner.

Su Wei's technique was not good in the first place. After being hit like this, the car made a 180-degree turn.

"Qian Xinyi, you're finished, I'll catch up with you and knock you out." Su Wei's determination to win was instantly aroused.

But the gap in technology cannot be made up in a few minutes.

"Slightly slightly slightly, if you want to bump into me, you have to be able to chase me." Qian Xinyi is not afraid of Su Wei, she really thinks that all these years of karting are for nothing.

. . .

After playing karting for an hour and a half, Su Wei only felt that his hands were shaking.

Just like a Parkinson's patient, I can't even hold water steadily.

The others are similar to him, mainly because the one and a half hours of booking the venue was a bit too hard.

"Brother Su, admit defeat this time, you have to remember, you owe me a request." Qian Xinyi's lap time was 55 seconds, while Su Wei's lap time was 67 seconds.

Su Wei also tried his best, but he really couldn't beat Qian Xinyi.

"What are you proud of? People who don't know think you won the first place. You didn't even win Xiao Zhang." What surprised Su Wei the most this time was that Zhang Ruoyu ran so well.

She ran 54 seconds, the second best among Su Wei and the others.

The best result was Li Renfeng. After all, he is known as a semi-professional player, and he did have two brushes. He ran for 51 minutes and 26 seconds and entered the top five in the April 2018 amateur list.

Su Wei's grades, ranked No.6 among the nine, were a little better than the other three women's grades.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I run better than you, that's enough."

(End of this chapter)

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