Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 251 First Test of Huya

Chapter 251 First Test of Huya
"No, I feel like I can fall asleep when I go back now."

"Me too, I never thought I would go to bed so early"

"This go-kart can't be played like this next time, it's too tiring"

After a go-kart ride, everyone playing is soft-handed.

Originally, they said they would have supper tonight, but now that it looks like this, no one is in the mood to eat it.

"Xiao Zhang, your skills are good." Everyone else was chatting with their girlfriends, and Su Wei was no exception.

He also walked with Zhang Ruoyu and Qian Xinyi, but what he said was not private.

"That's right, Sister Zhang runs so fast, I can't catch up with that score no matter how hard I try to catch up." Qian Xinyi was really surprised, she thought she should be the best runner among the girls.

Who knew that I met Zhang Ruoyu, her line is much better than hers.

Qian Xinyi thought about catching up with that achievement, but after she tried it, she found that she couldn't catch up at all.

"I also like playing karting. I didn't expect to be able to run so well this time." Zhang Ruoyu's condition today is indeed very good.

She also liked playing karts since she was a child, and when she was older, she started riding motorcycles again.

For Su Wei, Zhang Ruoyu enjoyed it the most.

"It really is a girl on a motorcycle, but it's a pity I didn't kill Li Renfeng." Su Wei didn't feel any regrets about running No.6.

After all, he is a pure novice, every novice to veteran, he has a process.

Results can be important, but so is the process.

"Ah, when did you know Mr. Su?" Zhang Ruoyu was stunned, she thought Su Wei didn't know.

She recently, in order not to let Su Wei know that she was the female knight at that time.

She doesn't go out by motorcycle now, but Su Wei already knew about it, and it made her worry for a long time.

"When I admitted you"

. . .

Su Wei went back to the room and after taking a bath, he lay on the bed and found that he couldn't sleep no matter what.

After all, he sleeps with a woman every night, and he is really not used to sleeping alone all of a sudden.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Seeing that he couldn't sleep, Su Wei put on a nightgown and came to the door of Qian Xinyi's room.

His idea is very simple, if she falls asleep, then he will go back to sleep obediently.

"Who is it?" Qian Xinyi usually sleeps very late, and it's only after 10 o'clock in the evening, how could she sleep.

I tossed and turned in bed for a long time, and found that I couldn't fall asleep, so I got up and started watching variety shows.

"Hi, I'm delivering food. Your order has arrived." Su Wei came to the girl's room, and it was definitely impossible to come empty-handed.

Before he came over, he had already placed an order on Meituan and ordered a gift box of 11 red roses.

"I didn't order anything, did you send it to the wrong place? Su Wei? Did you buy this?" Qian Xinyi opened the door, but didn't see who came.

I saw a person holding a gift box with red roses inside.

At the time, she wondered if someone had sent it to the wrong place.

After all, she is not familiar with this place, who will send her flowers.

And the person who can send flowers must be sleeping like a pig now.

After seeing that the person who sent the flowers was Su Wei, she was so scared that Brother Su stopped calling, and called him by his name directly.

"I didn't buy this flower. I planted this flower myself. It just bloomed today. I asked someone to pick off 11 of the best-growing roses and send them to you by air." Su Wei saw Qian Xinyi's eyes were bent into crescents.

He knew it was right to come here to deliver flowers tonight.

"Take your words to lie to the three-year-old kid, and you can just buy what you planted yourself." Qian Xinyi said so, but she still took the flowers.

Although she took the flowers, she blocked the door to prevent Su Wei from entering.

"What are you doing? Guarding against me? Do you think that I want to go in if you act like this? Then you are wrong. In fact, I don't want to go in at all." Su Wei didn't expect Qian Xinyi to be so defensive. No gaps are left for him.

And looking at her like this, it seemed that she really didn't intend to let him in.

He could only use roundabout tactics to see if Qian Xinyi would let his guard down.

"Really? I was going to get out of the way just now and invite you in for a cup of coffee, but if you don't want to come in, then forget it. I'm closing the door. Bye." After Qian Xinyi finished speaking, she closed the door.

She leaned against the door with the flowers in her arms, and couldn't help laughing.

The expression on Su Wei's face just now was the same as eating Xiang.

Seeing that Qian Xinyi had really closed the door, Su Wei knocked on the door twice more unwillingly.

This time Qian Xinyi didn't open the door, but responded to his knocking twice from the inside.

At this moment, he knew that Qian Xinyi must be looking at him through the cat's eyes, so he could only deliberately walk back to the room opposite him.

"Where's my room card, right? I didn't bring it out, shit, it's over." Su Wei pretended not to bring his room card, and started his performance.

It is definitely impossible for him to go back to his room to sleep tonight, if he goes back to sleep in his room in despair.

Then in the future, he will not be laughed to death by Qian Xinyi.

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Why are you keeping people from sleeping?" Qian Xinyi didn't open the door on purpose this time, but because her stomach hurts from laughing now.

This guy Su Wei didn't bring his room card when he went out.

Of course, the door cannot be opened at this time, because when the door is opened, Su Wei knows that she has been looking at him through the cat's eyes just now.

"I didn't bring out my room card, you open the door for me first." From Qian Xinyi's tone of voice, Su Wei knew that she must be smiling.

He is calm in his heart now, because Qian Xinyi is smiling so happily now.

Waiting for Qian Xinyi, how pitiful she will be.

"You didn't bring your room card? Then you should go to the front desk. What are you doing in my room?" Qian Xinyi felt a little better, and opened the door only after she didn't laugh as much as before.

Although she opened the door, she still blocked the door to prevent Su Wei from entering.

"I'm not wearing any clothes right now. If I go down here, people will think I'm a pervert, and my stomach suddenly feels uncomfortable. I'll borrow the bathroom in your room first. I can't help it." Su Wei saw Qian Xin Yi opened the door, and he hurriedly pretended to get a tuba.

Originally, he planned to accompany Qian Xinyi to perform, but someone came back from the corridor.

If you saw him wearing a nightgown and repeatedly pestering girls at the door, his image would be completely over.

He didn't want to be like Principal Wang, who was posted on the Internet and ridiculed by others.

"Why are you so good, woo, woo?" Qian Xinyi also noticed that someone was coming in the corridor, and hurriedly stepped aside.

Originally, he planned to continue to mock Su Wei, but he turned around and kissed whoever just said a word.

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Wake up, Su Wei, wake up, it's already past 8 o'clock in the morning." Qian Xinyi was kissed by Su Wei last night.

At the beginning, she must have resisted vigorously.

After all, although she was looking forward to this scene, when it really came, she would still be very shy and unwilling.

But after all, her strength was much weaker than that of Su Wei, and she took off all her clothes after being knocked down by him.

"Good girl, why did you call Dad so early?" Su Wei said that because of last night.

In order to punish her for not letting him in, Su Wei deliberately spun around in the ravine when he and Qian Xinyi were exercising.

A novice like Qian Xinyi is no match for Su Wei.

After being forced to call his father, Su Wei's pile driver started to start.

"Don't say it, don't say it, I'm really going to get angry if you do this again." Qian Xinyi was forced to shout for so long yesterday, but at that time it was because of her superiors.

When she wakes up, she won't be able to listen to this kind of gossip between the beds.

"Okay, okay, it's okay if I don't say anything, why did you call me so early?" Seeing that Qian Xinyi was really going to be angry, Su Wei quickly changed the subject.

Knowing that a girl like her can't accept playing like this on weekdays.

But it doesn't matter, Su Wei has plenty of time to train her.

As long as Qian Xinyi takes the lead, anyone who comes to Su Wei's moves will be welcome.

"You have to go back to your own room. When they get up, what if we are seen by them? I can't let Sister Yuanyuan know about me and you." Although Qian Xinyi felt very comfortable in bed with Su Wei, But she didn't want Wang Xiaoyuan to know about it.

Because after she woke up, she felt that she had betrayed Wang Xiaoyuan, which would make it impossible for her to face Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Okay, I see, I'll go back to sleep now, okay?" Su Wei knew that Qian Xinyi was Wang Xiaoyuan's little fan girl, and now sleeping with him, he must be full of guilt.

After he got up, he put on his clothes, took out the room card from the pocket of the bathrobe, and checked, um, it was still there.

"What are you? Room card? Didn't you say that you didn't bring this room card out? Why is it in your pocket now?" Qian Xinyi was shocked when she saw Su Wei take out the room card.

It was because Su Wei didn't bring the room card that she was attacked by Su Wei yesterday.

It turned out that he was all pretending yesterday, just to enter her room.

"Haha, this room card, why is this room card in my pocket, don't hit it, don't hit it, I will get angry if you hit it again, there is no way, you asked for it" Su Wei had already planned I went back to the room, but Qian Xinyi kept hitting him with the pillow.

He couldn't bear it anymore, he didn't wear any clothes, so he planned to teach her a lesson on the bed.

Let her know that she should be gentle with the men in her family.

"Oh, don't, don't, woo, daddy, good daddy"

. . . . . .

"Viagra, hurry up, help me, save the scene, I'm trying to broadcast on the Huya platform today, and the rhythm of the live broadcast room is too chaotic, I'm in a hurry to go to the bathroom, and they can't hold the live broadcast room, only you can help me.

Well, Brother Yunzhong Hehe is already here, if you have any questions, you can ask him yourself." Li Ziwei has not yet signed a contract with Tiger Toothpick, so today is just a trial broadcast.

His live broadcast room is very chaotic today, there are Panda platform, Huya platform, and even Douyu.

And because he is a newcomer in Huya, many of the former Huya outdoor water friends came to watch him in the live broadcast room.

The current Huya platform is basically an outdoor desert.

There are only two good outdoor anchors, one is Brother Da Jin who came to Huya early from Panda, and the other is Gouzi from Huya.

The conflict between the two parties is relatively serious now, and they blackmail each other in the live broadcast room every day.

Li Ziwei was originally the big outdoor anchor of Panda, and he came to Huya with his own traffic.

In addition, Huya wants to sign him, so the support is relatively large.

There were 60 people at the beginning of the broadcast, and the popularity has been rising.

As for Brother Dajin and Gouzi's live broadcast room, their current popularity has not exceeded 50.

Their water friends couldn't bear it, so they came to Li Ziwei's live broadcast room.

Originally, I wanted to see what kind of horse this new anchor is, and why he is so popular.

But the water friends on both sides saw that the water friends on the opposite side were also there.

With the intention of pulling the alliance, he began to frantically blackmail the anchor on the opposite side.

"This is Brother He, right? Brother He is so handsome after a long time no see."

"Brother He, there is my nephew who is the richest man in southern Hunan. Is Brother Da Jin rich?"

"I don't care what kind of brother you are. Huya doesn't work well when you come here. If you don't brush my dog, we will spray you to death."

Huya is now watching outdoor live broadcasts, and the barrage they post is just like that of elementary school students.

In their cognition, their anchor is very good, their family is also very good, and their relationship is even better.

"Long time no see, do you know any of my water friends? If you know, you can deduct 1." Su Wei saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, which was always in a mess.

He first let the live broadcast room know him to deduct 1. At this time, many people who know him will deduct 1, even those who don't know him will also deduct 1.

At this time, for those black people, because there are too many bullet screens with a 1 deduction, and the anchor does not respond, this is equivalent to bringing the rhythm over.

"Brother He, you came to Zhejiang Race today, did you come to get off the track?"

"Brother He, why don't you run to Tianma?"

"This Ferrari Carnival, Brother He, will you go there then?"

"There seem to be a lot of Panda friends coming here. Yes, today I came here to get off the track. I haven't played for a long time." Su Wei will help Li Ziwei maintain the live broadcast room, which is actually very simple.

Because he has already invested in Li Ziwei's brokerage company, and Li Ziwei's live broadcast room will also be signed to this brokerage company.

Li Ziwei is a big outdoor anchor, if he is around.

This brokerage company will not lack traffic, and if the brokerage company has traffic, it can attract more anchors to join.

The more anchors join, the more heavenly dishes will be.

"Brother He, Brother He, why haven't you visited Zhou Ke for a long time?"

"Brother He, what car did you drive this time when you got off the track? Is it the 488 convertible from last time?"

"Brother He, who is richer between you and Brother Dajin? I heard that his family has 20 billion yuan."

The barrage saw Su Wei answering their questions, and soon the barrage became a hundred thousand whys.

They asked him all kinds of questions, and many of them were looking for privacy.

"I bought a 911GT2RS this time to go off the track, look, this is the one, handsome or not.

Well, Ziwei has returned, so I will hand you back to him.

Ziwei, I'll return the live broadcast room to you, you can broadcast it yourself, I'm going to go up and do a couple of laps." Su Wei certainly couldn't answer all the questions, so he randomly picked two pleasing ones and answered them.

As for the others, he doesn't want to reply, because they don't understand and will argue with you if you reply.

The main reason is that Huya’s previous outdoor environment was too bad. The anchors who come here are basically street streamers and non-mainstream anchors.

Until Brother Da Jin had to come to Huya to develop because he couldn't stay in Panda.

The outdoors of Huya finally started to have sports cars.

"Fuck, isn't this a Porsche GT2RS? This is the first one in China, right?"

"Brother He is Brother He, you're so awesome, even taking such an expensive car off the track"

"Isn't this just a broken 911? My brother Dajin drives a great Lamborghini, and that car can still breathe fire."

(End of this chapter)

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