Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 253 Refreshing the results of Zhejiang competition

Chapter 253 Refreshing the results of Zhejiang competition
"President Su, I don't understand. You already knew that I was that female rider. Why did you recruit me as your assistant? After all, I was so shameless at the time." Zhang Ruoyu only found out yesterday, when her boss recruited her , I knew she was the female rider.

She went back to the room and lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Then, with the thought of confessing early and giving birth early, she planned to go to her boss to clarify.

Who knew that Zhang Ruoyu just opened the door and saw her boss wearing a bathrobe and holding a gift box of flowers in his hand.

This startled her, and she quickly closed the door.

From the cat's eyes, she saw that her boss was not looking for her, but Qian Xinyi, who was next door to her.

While this made her feel relieved, she also felt a little bit lost.

Later, when she saw her boss successfully tricked her into Qian Xinyi's room, she was a little curious about what the two of them would talk about.

Then I put my ears on the wall near Qian Xinyi's side, but I didn't hear much of the conversation between them because the voice was too low, so I just listened to the role-playing for half a night.

When she went out this morning, when she saw Su Wei, she didn't dare to look up into his eyes.

Now that there is no one around her boss, she feels that she has asked this question in the past.

"Why did you recruit me as an assistant? Because the few people I interviewed before, although they have work experience, their work directions are not compatible with assistants.

And although you have no work experience and are still a rookie in the workplace, you graduated from a prestigious school and happen to be a talent that can be cultivated, so I recruited you.

You are a female rider, you can understand if you are cold, you will change the screen of your mobile phone, I am dumb, it must be because there are too many people who strike up a conversation, this can be understood." The most important one that Su Wei will recruit Zhang Ruoyu The reason is because she is beautiful.

If she was not good-looking, Wang Xiaoyuan and Wu Fei would not have a big opinion on her.

"Thank you Mr. Su for your understanding, but I ignored Master Liu at the time, wouldn't he have any objections to me? And doesn't he have a wife? He still hits up little girls on the street like this?" Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei say this , finally answered the doubts in her heart.

In order not to be recognized by Su Wei, she was the female rider at that time, but she had never ridden a motorcycle recently.

Now that she knew that Su Wei didn't mind, she planned to let her dusty motorcycle come out to see the sun.

"No, you misunderstood Lao Liu. At that time, Lao Liu would strike up a conversation with you. He wanted to ask you, which series of Ducati was the motorcycle you were riding at that time, and he didn't want to ask you to add contact information. , You misunderstood, after all, you didn't show your face at the time, who knows what you look like under your helmet?" Su Wei was telling the truth, after all, Zhang Ruoyu was wearing a helmet at the time.

He's not such a horny person yet, he can't go to a woman if he can't see it, at least he needs to see his appearance.

At that time, he really wanted to buy one because Zhang Ruoyu was so handsome on that motorcycle.

"Ah, so that's the case, that's really embarrassing, it seems that I misunderstood.

Mr. Su, do you also like riding motorcycles?If you want to ride a bike, I can teach you. Although I play by myself, I have been riding for many years.

The motorcycle I bought was a second-hand Ducati SuperSport, and the price of a new bike should be around 15." When Zhang Ruoyu was riding a bike, many people really came to talk to her.

There are also many young people who drive a small BMW and small Audi, come to talk to her, and think that she will definitely add them on WeChat.

After there were more people like this, Zhang Ruoyu changed the phone screen to "I am dumb".

As long as she came up to strike up a conversation, she didn't care who it was, just showed them the screen, and the world instantly became quiet.

"Are you here to teach me? Well, yes, when the time comes, we will reserve a venue, and you spend a few days to teach me how to drive a motorcycle. What do you think?" Su Wei didn't buy a motorcycle for the purpose of driving a motorcycle. Run on the street.

One of his main motivations for buying a motorcycle is because the motorcycle looks good in photos.

But Zhang Ruoyu volunteered to teach Su Wei.

Then Su Wei can refuse, of course not.

When the time comes, book a venue and play motorcycles in the venue.

Not to mention that the danger is much less, and you can still develop a relationship with Zhang Ruoyu, why not do it.

"Mr. Su, if you want to run on the track, then I recommend you to buy a Yamaha motorcycle. If you want to go on the street, then I recommend buying Ducati's Panigale V4 and BMW's double R." Zhang Ruoyu was very happy, she The boss even likes motorcycles.

If her boss really likes her, with his financial resources, he will definitely buy a lot of motorcycles.

At that time, she will be able to drive those too. She has liked them for a long time, but she has no money to buy them.

"Isn't the Shanghai International Auto Show on the 19th? Motorcycles from big brands will definitely be exhibiting, so let's go and see them together." Su Wei is quite looking forward to the Auto Show on the 19th.

Because he wanted to buy quite a lot of cars this time, Liu Qiang actually recruited nearly 20 people this time.

But because Su Wei has no car arrangement now, there are still more than ten people who have not yet taken up their jobs.

"There is an auto show on the 19th? Then I will do my homework these few days to see which models are suitable for novices to drive."

. . .

"Xinyi, why did you come down after only five laps? I just saw that your running is getting better and better." When Qian Xinyi started, she ran very slowly.

Su Wei also laughed at her in the monitoring room, and by the way used his mobile phone to record a video of her running around.

But at the beginning of the third lap, Su Weineng could clearly feel that her running was getting better and better.

"Just now I saw that you got off after five laps. I thought the car couldn't keep running, so I got off after the fifth lap." When Qian Xinyi started to go up, she was quite confident.

After all, I have been playing karting since I was a child, and I can run pretty well.

But when she really drove the sports car on the track, she felt completely different from karts.

She was on the track, and she became more and more nervous as she ran.

Fortunately, she was the only car running on the track just now, otherwise she would have been even more nervous.

"Come down when you come down. After Xiaozhang runs a few laps next time, we will go to lunch. You can continue running until the afternoon." Li Ziwei and the others had already eaten just now, after all, they ate at 8 o'clock in the morning breakfast.

They also came to call Su Wei, but Su Wei was not hungry yet, and Qian Xinyi had just started on the track, so he didn't go with them.

"What are my grades, have they come out?" Qian Xinyi knew that her previous grades were not very good, because she was a little flustered at the time.

But she felt that she was running well behind, and her grades should not be bad.

"Your score has been released. The best score is 13 minutes [-] [-] seconds. I asked. Your score is not bad for novices." When Zhang Ruoyu came over, she went to get Qian Xinyi grades.

After all, those who come to the track, who doesn't want to see how their running results are.

"Ah, I was half a minute slower than Brother Su, and I still think I ran pretty well in the next few laps." Qian Xinyi's speed did not exceed a hundred in the first few laps.

In the last two laps, I started to run freely, and finally ran for two minutes and one 13 seconds.

In fact, I have never driven a sports car, and it is also the first time for a person to go off the track. It is already very good to be able to run the entire distance.

"This is your first time running, so it's normal to be slower. Skills are something that you have learned. If you like to go off the track, I will bring you to play next time.

Xiao Zhang, put on your helmet, I'll take you for a run for two laps first, and then you'll have to run by yourself." Su Wei put on his helmet and sat in the driver's seat.

Greet Zhang Ruoyu to hurry up, after all, there is no one in the racing track now.

When Li Ziwei and the others came back from dinner, Zhang Ruoyu would not have such a good chance to run on the track alone.

"Sister Zhang, come on, you and I will compare later to see who has better grades."

. . .

"You two are really hungry today, next time the track will be so delicious." Just after Zhang Ruoyu ran a few laps, they went out to eat.

The two people who usually eat a few mouthfuls of rice and vegetables are full, but today one bowl of rice is not enough, so they added another bowl.

Although the restaurant's bowls are really small, they can't finish them normally.

"It must have been sweating too much, it was too hot in the racing suit.

Aren't those three women the companions of Brother Su, your friend and the others? "When Qian Xinyi and the others walked back to the racing track, they saw Li Ziwei and the others taking pictures.

The model is the female companion that Li Ziwei and the others brought over, and she is currently posing in front of the car.

"Awei, over here, you put your GT2RS here, the weather is right now, let's take a group photo together." Li Renfeng saw that Su Wei and the others came back from dinner, and began to direct everyone to take a group photo.

Su Wei's GT2RS is of course the absolute C position.

After all, his car is the best car here, no matter in terms of price, horsepower, or performance. If he doesn't stand in the C position, which other car is suitable for the C position.

"Brother Su, where are you looking? Sister Zhang and I are two beauties next to you, do you still have the heart to look at others? They are as good-looking as us, what else is there besides the flamboyant clothes?" Qian Xinyi looked When it came to Su Wei, she looked at the three female models without blinking, which made her very angry.

Don't they just wear the three-point style, which makes the breasts look bigger and the buttocks are a little bit up.

But of the three of them, which one is more beautiful than her and Zhang Ruoyu?

"Your idea is wrong. She is a professional model and she wears it for taking pictures of cars. She is for art. Look in my eyes, it is full of respect for art." Su Wei said before I really didn't know that the three of them were models, and I thought they were simply female companions.

Li Ziwei and the others, the three old hooligans, pretended to be public servants, slept with other people, and asked them to cooperate with them in taking pictures.

When Su Wei and the others were taking a group photo, all the staff from Zhesai also surrounded them.

One is because they have reserved the venue today, and most of the staff are relatively free.

And those three female models are really good at taking pictures.

Because they are originally wearing three-point style, if the movement is a little bigger, it is inevitable that they will be exposed.

Moreover, they would not refuse to take photos or take group photos with the staff of the Zhejiang competition.

. . .

"Brother Su, you two cars look alike. If you run in a straight line, which one is faster?" Qian Xinyi looked at the GT2RS and GT3RS parked together, and felt that they were really similar.

And this kind of image is not the same as Jin Gaode's 911GTS.

These two cars really feel like twins, with only a slight difference.

"Of course my car is faster, see if you see this standard, GT2RS, his car logo is GT3RS, if you run in a straight line, I will hit him casually." Su Wei is now arrogant, thinking that his GT2RS is the best .

And some cars are good in straight lines, and some cars are good in curves.

Su Wei felt that his car was powerful in straight lines and curves.

"Brother Feng, can you bear what Viagra says? If I were you, I would definitely run 02 with him." Li Ziwei is currently live broadcasting, wishing that two cars would run once.

After all, one is a turbocharged Porsche Frogger and the other is a naturally aspirated Porsche Frogger.

Now compare in his live broadcast room, who is the real frog king of Porsche.

"Will Lao Li come or not? I'll give you a position. Whoever loses will be treated to OT tonight." If Su Wei ran laps, his skills were not good enough.

But running 02 does not require skills, as long as you are brave.

"Fuck, this can't be tolerated anymore, just come here, I don't believe I can still lose if I have a position." Li Renfeng heard Su Wei say that he wanted to give him a position.

It's only 100 meters, and he doesn't believe that he will lose more than one position.

"Brother Su, come on, surpass him by two positions"

"Come on boss"

"Brother Feng, come on, don't be overtaken by someone."

Amid the sound of everyone cheering, the two had already parked the car at the end of the straight road.

"Brother He is too arrogant, he wants to give up a position"

"Comparing GT2RS with GT3RS, GT2RS must win"

"Winning is definitely no problem, but it is too risky to run 200 meters in one position"

Li Ziwei's female companion, standing between the two cars, came to be the countdown girl.

"3, 2, 1, go"

Su Wei and Li Renfeng, both of whom are Porsche 911s, started the ejection start almost at the same time.

In the first 10 meters, Li Renfeng's GT3RS was even faster.

But within 30 meters, the turbo of Su Wei's GT2RS began to intervene.

In less than 40 meters, Su Wei has completed the overtake, and his speed is getting faster and faster.

"There is no suspense, Brother He won"

"This is more than one parking space, the gap is too big"

"You don't need skills to run in a straight line. Mr. Li's skills are so good, there is no use for them."

By the time the two of them reached the finish line, Su Wei had passed Li Renfeng by two parking spaces.

"We won, we won." Seeing that Su Wei had won, Qian Xinyi hurried to Su Wei.

After all, a meal of wine this evening is worth at least 10 yuan.

"Nice, it's really awesome." Li Ziwei thought that Su Wei would win, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

And it can be felt that if he runs 04, Li Renfeng will be surpassed even more.

"How about it, you have nothing to say about the treat tonight." When Su Wei just started the ejection, he really felt a little dizzy.

Because the speed was really too fast, especially when it reached more than 200 yards, he felt that the car could continue to accelerate.

"Nothing to say, really nothing to say, your GT2RS car is really too powerful. When I first started it, I thought it was a bit misleading.

When it was not halfway there, I saw you overtaking my car. I almost stepped on the gas pedal to the fuel tank, and I still couldn't catch up.

Give me your car for a run, I want to try your car and see how far it can go in laps." Li Renfeng saw that GT2RS performed so well, he wanted to see how abnormal this car would be in laps.

After all, his GT3RS ran for a whole day today, and only managed to reach 40 minute and [-] seconds.

"Then why don't you drive it? I also want to see how good this car will be in the hands of skilled people." Su Wei was really curious. After all, a novice like him can run within 44 minute and [-] seconds.

If it were in the hands of Li Renfeng, the results should be even more terrifying, and the record is likely to be broken.

. . .

"Lao Li's first lap is quite satisfactory." Su Wei looked into the monitor. Li Renfeng's first lap did not show his skills or the performance of the car.

He thought that when Li Renfeng went up, he would run fiercely from the beginning.

"Brother Feng is like this. He is a relatively stable person." Jin Gaode and the others have known Li Renfeng for many years, and they know that he has never been impatient.

Now that he is not familiar with the car, he will definitely not start a fierce posture.

"The water friends in the live broadcast room, everyone can guess what kind of results Brother Feng will achieve." Li Ziwei turned the live broadcast room to the monitor, wanting to let the water friends in the live broadcast room also participate.

"I blindly guessed a wave of 38 minute and 3 seconds, at least better than GT[-]RS's score."

"How could it be one minute and 40 seconds, at least one minute and 36 seconds"

"I guess one minute and thirty seconds"

In the live broadcast room, there are still many rational people.

After all, a car is fast in a straight line, not necessarily fast in laps.

Just like the Nissan GTR, it's so fast in a straight line, but I haven't seen how fast it runs around.

"Damn it, did Brother Feng feel like he's coming on this lap? It feels so fast." Jin Gaode saw that when Li Renfeng ran to the third lap, it was obvious that the entire driving track was different.

He knew that this was Li Renfeng's seriousness.

"What is the fastest record in the Zhejiang competition this year?" Li Ziwei asked the staff around him. After all, their staff knows best about the results.

"The current record is 38 minute and 570 seconds, and it was run by a professional driver with an LP2." Seeing Li Renfeng running with a GT[-]RS, the staff knew that the record would definitely be broken today.

After all, that GT3RS ran to 40 seconds, and the stronger GT2RS should have no problem breaking the record.

. . .

"The score is out? How much is it? One minute and 36 seconds? Is this two seconds faster? That's a record? Fuck, bum, bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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