Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 254 Wine Holders

Chapter 254 Wine Holders
"Old Huang is really going to withdraw his shares? Why?" Su Wei and the others ran until after five o'clock in the afternoon, and they couldn't run anymore.

Especially Li Renfeng, after he ran Su Wei's GT2RS, he didn't want to drive his GT3RS at all.

In the car behind him, Li Ziwei, Zhang Ruoyu, and Qian Xinyi were basically driving alternately.

Li Ziwei's own Ferrari 488 doesn't last long every time he gets off the track.

There will be engine overheating protection, even if you slam on the accelerator at this time.

The car will not accelerate you, you can only wait for the engine to cool down.

As for Li Renfeng, he and Su Wei are always competing to drive this GT2RS.

In such an environment, Su Wei's technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he successfully ran to 41 minute and [-] seconds.

Now that everyone is going back, it is definitely impossible for Su Wei to drive this GT2RS back.

He could only ask a tow truck to tow it back, because he didn't buy insurance for this car, and he didn't plan to get a license plate, so he didn't even apply for a temporary license plate.

Buying insurance and obtaining a license plate is completely unnecessary for such a car that is off the track.

Because if there is an accident in the racing track, the insurance company will not pay, so why should he buy insurance in this case.

And because the comfort of this car is really bad, it is not suitable for driving in urban areas at all.

As far as the degree of difficulty to drive, Daniel said he was the first, then this car is definitely the second.

Li Renfeng drove a modified car, and of course Su Wei threw the car to him.

One is that he has a place to put it there, and the other is that he can still check the car to see if there are any parts that need to be replaced.

When the car was on the trailer, Li Renfeng called his men and told them to pick up the car instead of asking Huang Qifa to pick up the car.

After chatting for a while, Su Wei realized that Huang Qifa had withdrawn his shares.

"Yeah, he's planning to go back home, and he's planning to start making money, forget it, everyone has his own ambitions.

Awei, what I told you before, how do you think about it, I really want to buy your GT2RS, so how about I exchange my GT3RS for you, and give you another 300 million? "Li Renfeng really likes this car. After driving this car, he really doesn't like GT3RS now.

The main reason is that he thinks this car is really too powerful, even though it is turbocharged.

But when stepping on the accelerator, it really gave him the silky feeling that only naturally aspirated can have.

In addition, he broke the entire Zhejiang race with this car.

And he can also feel that if he is given more time, he can improve his grades a little bit.

Because of his technology, he has not been able to give full play to the full performance of this car.

"Gentlemen don't take what others like. If you had such a car, would you sell it?" How could Su Wei sell this car? After all, the current GT2RS is the most powerful car in the north.

And he still has to rely on this car to break Li Renfeng's record today.

After all, GT2RS cannot enter the country for at least half a year now.

As long as he is willing to take the time to run, he can drive this car to these domestic racing tracks and break all their records one by one.

After all, the current GT2RS is like a magic weapon in martial arts movies.

When everyone can only chop each other with a kitchen knife, you already have a dragon-slaying knife in your hand.

"If it were me, it would definitely be impossible to sell it if it were me. Forget it, I can only look at the 4S shop to see if they can work harder, and try to introduce this car to the country as soon as possible." Li Renfeng asked himself. After all, if he had such a car, he would definitely not sell it.

Since Su Wei refused to give up, he had no other choice.

After all, Su Wei is not short of money, on the contrary, he is a little richer than him.

We can only look at the 4S shop, whether the car can be introduced into the country as soon as possible.

"It's hard to say. After all, those who are willing to spend several million to buy a Porsche are actually just a few customers. They also know about Porsche, so they will definitely not be in a hurry." Su Wei is telling the truth, after all, GT2RS is so expensive.

It does not have the blessing of the 918 with the name of a sacred car. After thinking about it, I know that it is definitely impossible to sell well.

After all, not every supercar owner buys a supercar just to get off the track.

More people, they buy supercars because they are handsome, because they are pretentious, and because they can meet girls better.

Those who can spend 600 million to buy this car, many of them will buy a Ferrari 488 that looks like a racing track, or for a little more money, they will buy a Lamborghini.

After all, girls don't recognize car models, they only recognize brands.

For this kind of supercar born for the track, the only people who will buy it are those rich second generations who are not short of money, and those who especially love to go off the track.

"Hey, I'm so annoying. I feel like I've been poisoned by the GT2RS. I'm wondering if I should go to Europe to buy one and then airlift it back to China." Li Renfeng suddenly thought of a good way, which is to go to Europe now driving order.

After the manufacturer has produced the car, it will be directly airlifted back to China.

After all, if it was by boat, the car would have to float on the sea for about three months.

But if it is transported by air, it only takes more than ten hours, which can save months of time.

"Yes, you can study it. The configuration of my car is a little low. I plan to buy another one. At that time, we will build a fully equipped GT2RS, so that when I get off the track, I can exchange two cars. It's open." Hearing what Li Renfeng said, Su Wei thought it was very interesting.

After all, they bought this car and didn't plan to drive it on the street, so they could have flown it over by themselves.

"You want to airlift GT2RS to China? Brother Feng, sell me your GT3RS when the time comes. I just need it." Li Ziwei saw Su Wei and Li Renfeng, and planned to airlift the car back to China.

That's fine, he doesn't have the money for a GT2RS.

But buying a second-hand GT3RS, the problem is not too big, the big deal is to sell the 488.

Anyway, he has been driving this car for more than a year, and he is tired of driving it.

"Sell it to you? That's fine, but we have to wait for the car to arrive.

Then Ah Wei, let me study it first, and after two months, I will break the record in the Zhejiang competition again." Li Renfeng was joking, but he saw that Su Wei planned to buy another one.

He knew that this matter could be done, after all, Su Wei had much more energy than him.

And it happened that Li Ziwei wanted to buy his car, so he could give up this GT3RS.

"Okay, then you study it slowly, then I will go there first, and call me when you open the channel tonight."

. . .

"Brother Su, did you do this on purpose? Are you planning to send me away to pick up girls?" Qian Xinyi was quite happy when she got out of Zhesai by car, because Su Wei and the others were going to the bar at night happy.

She has been to KTV since she grew up, but she has never been to a bar. She is still full of curiosity about it.

At that time they set off first, while Li Renfeng and the others were still in contact with the trailer.

She thought they were going to Qiantang to find a hotel first, and they came slowly behind.

It wasn't until Rolls-Royce took her to the Qiantang high-speed railway station that she realized that Su Wei was planning to send her home.

"Why am I picking up girls, I still have Xiaozhang with me, if I want to pick up girls, you can call Xiaozhang and ask.

The main reason is that you have been absent from school for two days. If you don't go back to school, I'm afraid the counselor will call your mother.

It’s not easy for you to go to the bar. When I go back, I’ll take you to the bar in Shanghai, where there are more people and more lively.” If it’s a KTV tonight, Su Wei might not let her gone.

But now I'm going to the bar. For a child like her, it's better to go less.

Another reason is that the quality of the girls in Qiantang OT is really high.

"That's what you said, you're going to take me to a bar once this month. No, you just say that I still don't believe you, you have to hook up with me." Qian Xinyi knew that Su Wei was planning to distract herself, but She was also really afraid that the counselor would call her mother.

Because she entered this school, her family greeted the school leaders.

Ordinary students, counselors will not care about you, after all, how old you are.

Moreover, Su Wei had already agreed to accompany her to the bar in Shanghai, and she thought that the bar in Shanghai must be more fun than the one in Qiantang, so she agreed to go back.

"Then does this count as your request? If I fulfill it, will it be offset?" Of course Su Wei knew that Qian Xinyi would not be able to agree, but he mainly wanted to tease her by saying this.

Because although Qian Xinyi said she agreed to go back, she was obviously still a little unhappy.

"Of course not, this is a request you made yourself, and I didn't mention it." Qian Xinyi was anxious when she heard Su Wei say this.

After all, if you go to the bar once, you will offset the request, which is too bad.

"Okay, okay, I brought it up on my own initiative, don't be angry, I'm just teasing you." Seeing that Qian Xinyi was in a hurry, Su Wei hurriedly coaxed her.

After all, he only intended to tease her, not to really piss her off.

"The high-speed rail is coming, I'm going back to Shanghai, will you miss me?" Qian Xinyi slept with Su Wei for the first time, when she was drunk.

She was sober yesterday, and that was her real first time.

Now that she really wants to leave Su Wei, she is really reluctant.

"Of course I would. In fact, you haven't left yet, and I've already begun to think that you can't do what you want." Su Wei now just wants her to leave quickly, because he has something to do later.

He has already promised Chen Lu that he will have dinner with her later.

"Liar, if you really miss me, how can you let me go. Forget it, you are not my boyfriend anyway, the headache is sister Yuanyuan, not me." Of course Qian Xinyi knew that what Su Wei said was a lie , after all, he is not an honest person.

And he was indeed not her boyfriend, the two of them slept twice, and Su Wei didn't ask her to be his girlfriend.

Of course she didn't mention it, because she felt that she was still young and there was no need to think about it.

And who knows what will happen in the future, maybe I will meet better people and say it differently.

"Remember to call me when you arrive in Shanghai." Su Wei watched Qian Xinyi check in the ticket and enter the station, and he pretended to be affectionate outside.

There's no way, he can't give these women names, so let's put on a little bit of pretense.

"Boss Su, where are we going now? Are we going to meet Li Shao and the others?" Zhang Ruoyu actually didn't understand why Su Wei didn't send Qian Xinyi back after dinner.

After all, Qiantang is so busy and close to Shanghai, there is still time for a meal.

"I'm not going to meet them anymore, let's go to the Four Seasons Hotel, I've already reserved a seat in the Jinsha Hall today.

Old Liu, go to Four Seasons." Su Wei and Chen Lu made an appointment for dinner, and it's already seven o'clock.

If the adults don't eat, how can the children in the belly not eat.

"Ah?" Chen Lu was of course surprised, because since she came to Su Wei's side.

Su Wei has already left it to her to go to eat and open the room.

She hadn't been told anything about the Jinsha hall today.

. . .

"Lulu, wait for a long time, are you hungry?" When Su Wei arrived at Jinsha Hall, Chen Lu had already arrived.

She was alone today, and her best friend Lan Ke was not here.

"Fortunately, I often buy snacks now, but I seldom have serious meals. Ah Wei, who is this?" Chen Lu first saw Su Wei with Zhang Ruoyu, and thought that Su Wei was going to have a showdown with her.

Wang Xiaoyuan was brought here, but after looking carefully, she found that it was not.

Because she has met Wang Xiaoyuan, this woman is beautiful, but she is not as confident as Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Snacks should be eaten less, I will find you a nutritionist in a while.

Let me introduce you, this is my life assistant, Zhang Ruoyu.

Xiaozhang, this is Chen Lu." Su Wei heard that Chen Lu often ate snacks, so what should I do.

But he himself didn't understand this, so he planned to invite a nutritionist to come.

"Miss Zhang turned out to be Ah Wei's assistant. Hello, we haven't met before. You are coming here today, and Ah Wei didn't say a word. I thought he was the only one. When he just went out, he didn't even dress himself up." After all, if you are pregnant, you cannot use cosmetics." When Chen Lu said this, she was directly telling Zhang Ruoyu that she was pregnant.

Because since Zhang Ruoyu is Su Wei's assistant, he must be someone close to him.

She definitely wanted to tell other people around Su Wei through Zhang Ruoyu's mouth that the child in her belly belonged to Su Wei.

"It doesn't matter, Ms. Chen doesn't have makeup, but why do you look better than me with makeup? That can only prove one thing, you are really beautiful by nature." Only then did Zhang Ruoyu know that the woman in front of her, She was pregnant with Su Wei's child.

But what she knew was that Wang Xiaoyuan was also pregnant.

And this woman is pregnant, why does it seem that Su Wei's parents don't know anything about it?

"You two, don't be polite, the dishes are here, let's eat quickly." The reason why Su Wei brought Zhang Ruoyu here was very simple, to let her know about Chen Lu's existence.

Sometimes he can't make it through, so he can send Zhang Ruoyu over.

. . .

"Hey, what's the matter with Ziwei?" Su Wei and Chen Lu returned to the villa to chat after eating.

Just now he was chatting with Chen Lu and Zhang Ruoyu in the living room, but the topic was basically Chen Lu and Zhang Ruoyu talking, and he was only responsible for listening.

Just when I was feeling a little bored, I saw Li Ziwei calling, and he seemed a little out of breath.

"Brother Viagra, hurry up and bring someone over here, Brother Feng and I seem to have met a drinker."

(End of this chapter)

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