Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 255 Do You Want To Leave Before You Finish This Wine?

Chapter 255 Do You Want To Leave Before You Finish This Wine?

"Ah Wei, what's the matter? Is something wrong?" When Chen Lu saw Su Wei coming in, he had a dumbfounding expression on his face.

She didn't know if something happened, because Su Wei's expression was so weird.

"It's nothing, it's just my friends. Something happened in Qiantang, I have to go there first." Su Wei was really speechless. Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng met the wine trustee in Qiantang.

Logically speaking, the two of them are also battle-tested.

Why was she caught by a wine girl?

Su Wei can't laugh or cry because he really can't figure it out.

"Ah, is it serious? Are you going to come back to live after finishing your work tonight?" Chen Lu was not worried about Su Wei's safety, because he was always accompanied by bodyguards.

Her main worry is that Su Wei won't be able to come back tonight.

After all, she drove her best friend back because of Su Wei sleeping here today.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that my friend met a bartender, and he asked me to take someone there to help him strengthen his courage.

Of course I'll be back later, don't worry.

Xiaozhang, you can stay here with Lulu, anyway, it's not suitable for you to go there anyway." Actually, Su Wei didn't know the specific situation there, all he knew was that Li Ziwei asked him to bring some people there.

He didn't let Zhang Ruoyu pass because he was afraid that there would be a fight if he passed.

After all, Su Wei knew that he had a bad temper, and he was afraid that the boss would smash that black shop down.

"Oh, it's just a wine request? Then you should take Ms. Zhang with you. It's nine o'clock, and I'm going to bed. Now that I'm pregnant, I doze off more." Chen Lu told Zhang Ruoyu to follow Su Wei, not because of anything else.

It's that he knows that Su Wei is easy to get ahead, and if he gets ahead later.

Zhang Ruoyu is beside Su Wei, and she can still hold him a little bit.

"Is that so? That's fine, Xiao Zhang, just follow me."

. . . . . .

"President Su, the Pine Cone Bar is here." After Su Wei and the others came, they discovered that Li Ziwei had opened several bars here.

Later, I called again, only to find out that they were in a bar called Pine Cone.

Zhang Ruoyu was really speechless, wondering how Li Ziwei and the others would meet the wine trustee so well.

After all, they agreed to go to OT tonight, so why did it become this tavern.

And it can be seen from the front of the door that the inside of this bar is definitely not big.

As for the OT in Qiantang, although she has never been to Zhang Ruoyu, she has been to the OT in Kyoto.

Compared with the scale of Kyoto, Qiantang will definitely not be a small bar.

"Xiao Zhang, you wait for me outside first, Liu Qiang and I will take a look first, and see what's going on inside." Su Wei came here, it is definitely impossible to directly ask Liu Qiang and the others to rescue him.

After all, it is not what it used to be, let alone Qiantang here.

If you don't pay, at most you will be restricted from going out, and it is impossible to injure or kill people.

And anyway, there are so many bodyguards outside, and there is also a personal bodyguard, Liu Qiang.

If there is any danger, with a signal, the five bodyguards outside can come in immediately.

"Okay, Mr. Su..." Zhang Ruoyu wasn't too worried about Su Wei, after all, Liu Qiang also went in with him.

For a personal bodyguard like Liu Qiang to beat ordinary people, it is very common and normal for one to beat a few.

After Su Wei explained to Zhang Ruoyu, he turned and walked to the bar.

When he was walking, he took a look at the street and found that there were quite a lot of such pubs.

After entering the gate, on the stage inside, there is another girl singing Xinbuqingqing.

It can be seen that the inside of this bar is quite stylish.

It's just that there are no customers in this bar, except for Li Renfeng's table, there is only one table of guests.

"Ziwei, Lao Liu, what's the situation with you two?" Su Wei looked at the woman opposite Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng, and found that they had changed.

It's not the old model ladies anymore, but two other girls I don't know.

These two girls are indeed good-looking, no wonder they both took the bait.

"It's nothing, it's just that we are being slaughtered here as fat pigs." Li Ziwei saw Su Wei coming, and Liu Qiang was behind him, which made him feel at ease.

Today's incident is actually funny.

Jin Gaode went home for dinner, so he left Li Ziwei and the two of them behind.

At that time, he and Li Renfeng were planning to go out for dinner. They passed by a milk tea shop on the way and went to buy a cup of milk tea.

When queuing up, I found that there were two pretty girls in front of me.

Li Ziwei saw that her girl was pretty, so he ran up to strike up a conversation.

Unexpectedly, these two girls are very friendly, so they added their WeChat very readily.

Then he suggested whether to go to the bar for a drink at night.

At that time, what Li Ziwei thought was that if he wanted to find a woman at night anyway, he could definitely find these two women.

And the two of them had a lot of fun chatting.

Then the girl asked which bar they were going to, and he went to OT honestly.

The two girls said that it's still early, and it's not interesting to go to OT, and the two of them haven't eaten yet.

They can go to OT to find them after they have finished their meal.

Of course, Li Ziwei didn't expect the duck in his hand to fly away, and it happened that the two of them hadn't eaten yet, so everyone can go eat together.

Then the two girls suggested going to Qing Bar for dinner, and they could listen to music while eating.

Li Ziwei didn't think much about it, after all, he was the one who proposed the meal.

What the other girls said at the beginning was that after they finished their meal, they would come to OT to find them.

When he got to the bar, Li Ziwei was very satisfied when he saw that the bar had such a good environment and there were people singing.

I also feel that the two girls I met today are so considerate, and a few hundred yuan for a meal can be settled.

If it was any other girl, who wouldn't go to a store with thousands per capita.

But when the meal was over, he couldn't be satisfied.

Because they found that the six dishes and two bottles of wine on the table cost 8000 yuan.

If they didn't know that they had encountered a wine trustee, then the two of them were too ignorant.

8000 yuan is really a small amount of money for the two of them, especially since Li Renfeng is here, so it is not bad.

But there is an essential difference between being willing to pay and being forced to pay.

At that time, Li Renfeng felt that it was better to do less than to do more. If he really wanted revenge, there would be opportunities in the future.

But Li Ziwei couldn't do it. He felt that such deceitful behavior could not be condoned, so he insisted on refusing to pay, and he refused to let Li Renfeng pay.

"Handsome guy, who killed you? The consumption in this bar is already high. When I ordered food, I told you that the food is a bit expensive. Should we change to another restaurant.

At that time, in order to fill up the noodles, you ordered casually, saying that the dishes only cost a few dollars. I think you are so generous.

I want to know that you can't afford this money, I must have eaten at another restaurant at that time." Lili was still a little flustered when she saw Li Ziwei go to make a phone call behind his back.

After all, it must be against the law for them to do wine holding business.

But she was relieved to see that it was just two ordinary people in ordinary clothes instead of uniforms that Li Ziwei called over.

I thought Li Ziwei had no money to pay the bill, so I just called my friend over.

Today, she and her best friend were queuing up to buy milk tea.

Li Ziwei came to strike up a conversation with them, and even pretended in front of them that he went to the track today.

He also said that he opened an A card with OT, and asked them to go to the bar for drinks at night.

She retreated to advance, saying that she would go to them after dinner.

Sure enough, they were fooled and said they were going to invite them to dinner.

She took them to the Pine Cone Bar, where the food was clearly priced but the wine was not.

The wine here may cost tens of dollars, including the price of the bottle, but they sell it for thousands of bottles.

"What kind of store are you? You know in your heart that six dishes only cost 700 yuan, and what kind of wine is yours? You dare to sell me [-] yuan for a bottle of miscellaneous brand wine. You really think I am Dude!" Li Ziwei became angry when he mentioned this matter, he dared to sell him [-] bottles of this miscellaneous brand wine.

The most exasperating thing is that the price of the food is clearly marked, but the price of the wine is not marked.

At that time, he took a sip and almost spat it out. He had never drank such a bad wine in his life.

Knowing that these two women were wine trustees, he didn't intend to pay but planned to leave directly.

At this time, the waiters in the store and several chefs in the back kitchen also came out.

He saw seven or eight strong men on the opposite side, so he had no choice but to call Su Wei.

After all, Liu Qiang and the others beside Su Wei are all professional thugs.

Why not call Jin Gaode, because he has no one to call in Qiantang.

"If you can't pay the money, just say, the four of us are AA, and your friend promised to give the money at that time. You have no money yourself, so why do you want to prevent him from paying? Handsome guy, the four of us are AA, you give me the money." 4000 yuan, we will give 4000 yuan too, do you think this is okay?" Lili was annoyed to death by this fat man named Li Ziwei, because he didn't stop him.

His friend may have already paid the money, how could it be possible that he is still wrangling here.

No wonder they are from the devil city, they are petty.

"I agreed to pay, not because the meal was worth so much, but because I had something to go.

But now that my friend is here, I don't plan to pay this money." Li Renfeng originally thought that he wouldn't bother Su Wei with 8000 yuan, after all, it was only a small amount of money.

But now that everyone from Su Wei has come, how can he pay at this time.

"Then what do you mean now? Are you not going to pay? Let us two girls pay the 8000 yuan?" Zhanzhan, who had been silent all this time, saw that Li Renfeng was unwilling to pay now, and she became anxious. up.

After all, if they didn't pay for this meal, they would have to pay for it.

This cost is several hundred yuan, of course they are not willing to pay.

"Beauty, you have misunderstood. Of course my friend doesn't mean not to pay. The money must be paid. Don't worry about that." After listening for a long time, Su Wei finally figured out what was going on.

Li Ziwei and the others fell in love with these two women. Who knew that they were wine trustees and brought them to their territory.

The price of the food here is clearly marked, but the price of the wine is not stated.

"You are their friend, are you going to help them give this money?" Zhanzhan heard Su Wei say this, and thought he was going to give them the money.

She doesn't care who pays the money, as long as the money is paid.

"After eating and drinking, it must be a matter of course to pay." Of course, Su Wei couldn't give the money so simply, after all, these two were wine trustees.

And the owner of this store is not a good person.

Now several male shop assistants in his shop have blocked the door.

It seems that they are settled, and they don't want to leave without paying.

The guests at the other table were terrified to see the male guest.

Needless to say, he must have been brought here by an affair.

Looking at the wine on his table, it was exactly the same as the wine on Li Ziwei's table. Needless to say, it must have cost thousands of dollars for a meal.

"Brother Viagra, I can't give you this money. They are wine trustees. If we give the money, doesn't it mean that we are counseled?" Li Ziwei didn't know what Su Wei meant, he only knew that this money must not be given.

If he were Su Wei, he would just call the bodyguards over, and they would be able to leave in a big way. He didn't believe that they dared to stop the waiters in this store, why bother.

"Who is the wine trustee? Who is the wine trustee? Do you have evidence for what you said? Be careful, I will sue you for defamation." Lili saw that Su Wei was already about to pay, and Li Ziwei was there to sabotage again.

Still saying that they are wine trustees, it's no wonder they don't get angry from embarrassment.

"Ziwei, Lao Li, I'll take care of this matter, you just watch it.

It doesn't matter to me whether you are wine trustees or not.

But you ordered these two bottles of wine, three thousand six hundred and eighty-one bottles, there is no problem, but you can't just order the wine and not drink it." Su Wei sniffed that the two bottles of wine were indeed foreign wine.

It's just that kind of low-end foreign wine, maybe a few hundred yuan for a big barrel.

"We've already drank these two bottles of wine. What do you mean you want us to finish it? Then you pay the bill after we finish drinking, right? No problem, as long as you pay, I can drink as many bottles of wine as you want "Zhan Zhan thought that Su Wei meant that he would pay the bill after finishing the two bottles of wine.

Although this wine is bad, they have deceived so many people, and now they are used to drinking it.

"Then you have said that, I must support your work.

Waiter, come here." Su Wei originally wanted to watch such persuasion, but heard this woman say so.

He really wanted to laugh, he didn't know if it was a sleepy offer of a pillow.

"What are you calling me for? Are you planning to pay?" Seeing Su Wei calling him, the waiter thought it was because they were finally ready to pay.

He felt that, as expected, every time he tried this trick, he tried it repeatedly.

As long as a few of them sit at the door, basically these fat sheep will be slaughtered obediently.

"Order 10 more bottles of this foreign wine for me." Didn't you say you can drink it, then Su Wei will order a few more bottles.

Su Wei is going to teach them a lesson today, let them drink as much as they want, and see if they will be afraid when they see this wine in the future.

"Do you have the money to order so much wine? This wine is [-] bottles." The waiter didn't expect that Su Wei didn't pay the bill, but also ordered wine.

And he had to order ten bottles at a time, how could he order them.

I haven't settled the bill for the 8000 yuan I ordered before.

"I know, isn't it just 8000 bottles? The price of ten bottles of this wine, plus the previous [-] yuan wine price, calculate how much it is, and I will pay you through WeChat." Su Wei looked Seeing that the waiter didn't take the wine, I knew he was afraid that he wouldn't pay.

He opened WeChat on his mobile phone, and then opened the scan.

"The price of ten bottles of wine is 800 yuan, plus the previous [-] yuan, the total is [-] yuan. If you really want it, you can just scan here." The waiter didn't know what Su Wei said The truth is still the price, but seeing what he said is so true, let him calculate the price.

After he calculated the price, he pointed to the QR code for Su Wei, but unexpectedly, Su Wei actually scanned 800 yuan.

The waiter saw that Su Wei had really swept the money, so he brought up ten bottles of wine.

"The wine is here, two beauties, let's drink. You don't want us to treat you?" Li Ziwei didn't understand Su Wei at first, but later he heard that he wanted ten bottles of wine.

Then how could he still not understand that Su Wei is going to have a big game.

"Just drink it, Lili, let's give the boss a drink and let the boss see if he is satisfied." After Zhan Zhan finished speaking, he put the previous two bottles of wine aside.

She directly opened a new bottle of wine, poured half a glass into her glass, and drank it down after two mouthfuls of food.

After resting for a while, I took a new bottle of wine.

After looking at Su Wei and the four of them, he found that they just looked at them like this, regardless of how they drank.

Taking advantage of the fluff they were being looked at, but thinking, with so many people on her side, she has nothing to be afraid of.

Then he opened the new bottle of wine, and poured another half glass into his glass.

She and Lili were very quick, and opened all the ten new bottles of wine.

At the beginning, they still poured half a cup and half a cup. Later, seeing that Su Wei and the others didn't respond, they just poured only one-third of the cup, and then poured one-fifth of it.

"Boss, we've already drank all these ten bottles of wine. Thank you for your hospitality today, then let's go first." Zhan Zhan opened all ten bottles of wine and drank a little, and then planned to leave with her best friend.

She was also afraid that Su Wei and the others would become angry. After all, this meal cost more than 4 of them.

"Wait a minute, all twelve bottles of wine on this table were opened by you, and you just tasted it, are you going to leave without finishing it?"

(End of this chapter)

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