Chapter 256
"Wait a minute, all the twelve bottles of wine on this table were opened by you, and you just tasted it, and you plan to leave before you finish drinking?" Su Wei ordered ten bottles of wine later, originally to teach them a lesson.

Seeing them opening every bottle of wine now, and then drinking it after a small taste, what can he do?
If they let them go, wouldn't he really be taken advantage of?

"Handsome guy, there are twelve bottles of wine here, how can we drink them all?" Zhan Zhan was stopped when he was about to leave.

At that time, she paid more than 4 yuan to see the unblinking area of ​​the human eye. Of course, she knew that this matter was not that simple.

But she wasn't too flustered, because the bar was full of their own people inside and out.

It is not a day or two since they have been engaged in the wine care industry.

If you are really afraid of things, how can you work here for so long.

And the owner of this bar is powerful, otherwise, how could it continue to open after so many people have been cheated.

Although there are four people on the opposite side, it is obvious that three of them are not good fighters.

But there are six waiters in the bar. Although they are not very strong, they are also ordinary people.

The real power of this bar is all in the back kitchen, and they are all big and round.

It is they who gave Zhan Zhan a lot of confidence.

"You say you can't finish drinking now? That's not what you said just now. You said how much I ordered and how much you drank. And when I ordered wine, I didn't see any objection from the two of you." Since Su Wei ordered today After drinking this wine, there is no such thing as letting them escape.

Anyway, today they have to drink if they want to drink, and if they don’t drink, they still need to pour it through a funnel.

"That's right, when we ordered ten bottles of wine before, I think you and her were very happy. Now tell us we can't drink, it's too late." Li Ziwei saw that the two women wanted to run, so he stopped In front of two people.

He wanted to leave before, but the waiter in the bar said he couldn't leave unless he paid the bill, and he swallowed his breath at that time.

Now that Su Wei is here and has a backer, he must give it up.

"It's none of my business that you want to be taken advantage of by yourself, and when did I say that I would drink all the wine, do you have evidence? And you, I tell you that you are a dog.

We don't want to drink with you now, I think you are very low, we have to go home and rest." Su Wei was swiping ten more bottles of wine at the time, how could Zhan Zhan and the others stop them, all the money they swiped were commissioned.

Now the wine has been served, and they have opened all the wine, and they cannot return it.

At this point, the money has already been obtained, so of course they will not pretend to be customers.

And they are not evil, there are more than ten bottles of wine here.

If she and Lili drank all the wine, they would basically be able to have dinner in their hometown.

Now that she had stopped pretending, seeing Li Ziwei blocking her way, of course she started to get mad.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? This is a bar, not your home. Other girls don't want to drink with you, what do you mean by stopping her from letting her go? You want to play illegal detention.

Let me tell you, don't think that you can bully two girls just because you have four big men.Since they don't want to drink with you, you'd better behave yourself, otherwise" the waiter kept staring at them, because the person who paid was too abnormal.

Sure enough, when Zhanzhan and the others were about to leave, their group stopped Zhanzhan and Lili.

He saw this happening, so of course he had to go over to rescue them.

Similar incidents have happened before, and they were the ones who set out to solve the matter.

Now that this happened again, he felt that it must be the same as before.

Seeing him coming, these big fat sheep must be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis.

After all, his coming here is already a kind of overt and covert threat.

And there are so many people in their store, when they encounter those hard stubble.

It's not that they haven't fought before, but there are so many of them, and they are all repaired on the opposite side.

In many cases, the opponent has to pay medical expenses if they lose.

It is because in the nearby police station, their bosses have acquaintances, otherwise, who would dare to do this business.

After all, there is no way out for such a profitable shop, so anyone can open it.

"I'm safe NMGB, Cao Nima's, it's really embarrassing to you, isn't it, Liu Qiang beat him to death?" Su Wei laughed angrily, and the waiter was going to threaten them.

In the current domestic environment, even a cat or a dog can educate and threaten him?
So he didn't wait for the waiter to continue talking, and kicked it directly.

It didn't count if he kicked him, he told Liu Qiang to go up, and he hid behind and planned to ask Zhang Ruoyu to call someone in.

The companions of the other waiters saw their people being beaten, how could this be tolerated.

He planned to come over to help save people and hit them casually, and one of them even called out everyone in the kitchen.

"Boss Su? Oh, it's a fight like this. Boss Su is in danger. Hurry up!" Zhang Ruoyu waited outside, but she didn't see Su Wei come out, nor did he call or send a message. .

She felt that something was wrong, so she called everyone else and planned to go in and have a look.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Su Wei kicking someone with his feet.

All the people in the bar crowded towards Su Wei. Seeing that the boss was in danger, she hurriedly called the rest of the bodyguards to go in and rescue him.

"Oh, stop hitting, hand, hand is broken"

"Brother, I didn't want to hit anyone, I was passing by"

"Ouch, Ouch"

These people in the bar were originally rushing towards Su Wei.

But Liu Qiang was super fierce, and they couldn't get through for a while.

And soon people came from behind, and these waiters and chefs in the store were quickly beaten to the ground.

Most of Su Wei's bodyguards this time are newcomers.

Now that they see Liu Qiang's [-] a month, they are envious, and of course they want to increase their salary.

But Su Wei usually has bodyguards everywhere, who would dare to rush up to make trouble after seeing him.

Only today, just came a chance to perform.

Then what else do these bodyguards think, it's over, what if the boss takes a fancy to his skills.

So today the group of people in the bar met such a group of bodyguards vying for performance.

Not to mention the appearance of being beaten, and some people have already fallen to the ground, and there are bodyguards who have no target, and it is another beating to catch them.

"Aren't you awesome just now? Cao Nima, I'm going to leave in front of me, and I'm not letting go. It's okay now, I've become a dead dog." Li Ziwei saw Su Wei make a move just now, and he planned to Resist it first.

After all, Su Wei is the only one who can call for rescue immediately.

And Li Renfeng had the same idea as him, and he also pushed forward.

But before the group of people rushed over, Li Ziwei heard the voice of Su Wei's beautiful female assistant.

He swore it was the best sound he had ever heard.

Not long after Su Wei's female assistant spoke, all of Su Wei's bodyguards rushed in.

After hearing a sound of smashing, I saw that the waiter and chef of the Pine Cone Bar had been knocked down to the ground and could not move.

"Awei, you scared me to death just now, you called for support and said it earlier, I just rushed up to make amends." Li Renfeng really thought that the four of them would fight first, and he was already ready.

But these people in the bar, looking at the tall and burly people, were punched in the waist by Liu Qiang, and they couldn't even stand up.

Because the battle ended too quickly, he had no targets before he fought.

"You can't blame me, it's my assistant who came in by himself, look, I haven't dialed my phone yet, what the hell, why is that kid still there?
Hey, what about you, you watched a good show there for a long time, don't you plan to go out now?We will lock the door of this bar soon." Su Wei was chatting with Li Renfeng when he saw someone in the corner.

It turned out to be the male customer at the other table just now. Judging by his appearance, he had been hiding here to watch the show when the game just started.

And looking at the look of that unlucky guy, he planned to watch the rest of the fun together.

"You talk about your stuff, I promise I won't affect you here, and if the police come later, I can testify for you that they are running a black shop, and you are forced to fight back," Yang Zai added on Tantan today. When I saw a beautiful woman, I thought it was an affair.

Following the beauty to this bar, he looked at the menu and found that a meal for two could be settled for at most 500 yuan.

Then the girl said, the atmosphere is so good today, why not order a bottle of wine to add to the fun.

He saw that the girl looked so good-looking today, and the budget in his heart was actually to spend 1000 yuan on meals, so of course he didn't mind ordering wine.

And when he saw that the wine ordered by his sister was still a foreign wine, he was actually very happy in his heart.

He was even more satisfied when the wine came and found that it was not a familiar brand.

But things went wrong later, because the two male guests at the other table quarreled with the two female guests at the same table.

They said that they were wine trustees, and they wanted to sell more than 3000 bottles of miscellaneous brand wine.

Yang Zai looked at their wine, then at his own, and found that they were exactly the same.

Then he saw that they wanted to leave without paying, and in the bar where there were no waiters at all, several waiters appeared at once, and a few well-rounded chefs appeared in the back kitchen.

At this time, the two people were still not convinced, and started calling for someone to come.

Yang Zai thought they were calling the Industry and Commerce Bureau, or some law enforcement bureau.

I thought in my heart that if this was the case, he would not have to pay the bill.

So he kept eating slowly afterwards, wanting to see if the two people they called were very powerful.

It turned out that the person who came was just a friend of the two of them.

And the person who came was even more outrageous. After chatting for a few words, he spent more than 3 yuan to buy ten bottles of miscellaneous wine.

At that time, he felt that this person must be sick, and he spent so much money in vain.

At this time, he was already planning to pay, but he didn't expect that the two sides would fight.

The bartender who brought him ran away when the fight started, and he completely forgot about it.

But after watching it for a while, he didn't worry much.

Because the two people who came behind, the younger one, seemed to be some kind of big boss.

The strong men who came in later seemed to be his bodyguards.

He can leave now and is not in a hurry, he wants to watch the next plot.

"Liu Qiang, he doesn't seem to want to leave, go over and persuade him" What Su Wei is going to do next may be a bit cruel.

How could it be seen by passers-by? Isn't this funny?

And this time he was successful in escaping the order, and he was not satisfied with getting back a few thousand dollars.

He thought it was a movie, and he needed to watch the crowd.

"Sir, our boss and the clerk need to communicate. It may be inconvenient for you to see what happens next. Please go out." Liu Qiang spoke politely, but seeing that Yang Zai didn't move, Liu Qiang grabbed his clothes directly and kicked him out.

After all, he is Su Wei's bodyguard, so please take it seriously.

"Hey, don't pull my clothes, I will go by myself.

If you don’t watch it, don’t watch it. It’s not good for me to be your witness.

Why are you here? I'm not afraid they will drag you in." Yang Zai was driven out by Liu Qiang pulling his clothes, and met a few acquaintances at the door.

One is the female bartender who lied to him before, the other is the female singer who sang in the bar, and the others are all the dishwashing aunts in the shop.

"We didn't lie to them, and we didn't beat them, so what's the point of watching a show here?" They had been out for a while, and they ran out when the fight just started.

After they ran out, they didn't go anywhere else, but came together spontaneously.

The main reason is that this place happens to be able to see everything in the bar, and they want to see how it ends.

. . . . . .

"The two of you refused to drink just now, probably because you thought they were there and could protect you, but now they have been beaten to the ground, which means that you have no backing now.

So what are you drinking?Or not to drink? "Su Wei doesn't want to do anything else now, he just wants to watch them drink up the twelve bottles of wine.

Before Su Wei's bodyguard came out just now, the two of them were very arrogant.

When Su Wei's bodyguards came out, they beat up the waiter and the chef.

The expressions of the two of them began to change at this time, but if they wanted to run again at this time, they had no chance.

Because Li Ziwei had already stopped them on the way they were going to leave, preventing them from passing.

"Brother, it's none of my business that you spend so much money. We only plan to get 8000 yuan at the beginning. In this way, I will give you all the money I can get this time. I can get the commission this time." It’s 8000 yuan, brother, don’t let me drink, the main reason is that this wine is too much.” Lili was really frightened, the waiter and the chef in the bar have already mixed in the society .

Unexpectedly, under the hands of this elder brother's bodyguard, he was beaten and lay on the ground unable to get up.

She has never seen such a posture before, after all, they were the ones who beat others before.

And seeing the way this brother's subordinates beat people, she thought Su Wei was a gangster.

"Brother, we don't drink this wine anymore, after you swept the money, it is now in our boss's account, and we can't refund it.

But we have so many people here, let us pool together the 800 yuan for you, and make up for your loss, but don’t drink this wine, okay?” Zhanzhan and Li If Li and the others make a deal, no matter how many people there are, the boss will give them 40.00% of the profit after deducting the cost.

This time Su Wei swept 5000 yuan, but the cost must not be [-] yuan.

So what Lili mentioned at the time was that she took out her share of 8000 yuan.

But seeing Su Wei's expression at that time, Zhan Zhan knew that he didn't intend to ask for such a small amount of money.

So she suggested that with so many people in the store, everyone should come together and pool the 4 yuan for him.

"Are you kidding me, do you think us people will send you 4 yuan? Have you seen the key in my hand, Ferrari, you really think I have no money, but I don't want to give it.

We don't want you to refund the money today, as long as you drink this wine for me, this matter will be over." Li Ziwei came to drink happily today, who knew that he met these two wine holders.

He hated this kind of behavior extremely, but now he saw two women saying that they wanted to refund the money.

He almost died laughing, is he short of this money?

"Okay, didn't you want us to drink it? Then we'll drink one for you to see. If we drink us to death here, I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go." Zhanzhan sat on the stool indifferently when he saw these people across from him. looked at them.

She knew it wouldn't work for them.

It seems that they are determined, they must finish the wine.

"Sister Zhanzhan, it's really drinking. There are twelve bottles of wine here. One person needs to drink six bottles. If you die, you will really die." Lili also knew that she must drink today, but six bottles per person Alcohol, if you really drink it, you may really die.

She is now starting to sell miserably, but she just squeezed for a long time, but no tears came out.

"I still don't understand, I can't drink this wine today."

(End of this chapter)

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