Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 257 Dafeili Nautilus 5980 Full Diamond

Chapter 257 Patek Philippe Nautilus 5980 Full Diamond
"Haven't you understood? You can't do without this wine today." Zhan Zhan has already understood, the rich second generation who came later.

That's really cruel, because he has so many bodyguards, if he brought someone in at that time.

The people in the bar are likely to charge only a few hundred yuan for this meal.

Because those bodyguards of him looked very difficult to mess with.

But he was insidious and insidious, he only brought one person in.

Of course, the people in the bar didn't guard against him, after all, there were about ten strong men in the store.

Then he bought ten bottles of wine at once like a young man who didn't know much about the world.

And his purpose of buying this wine was to intentionally punish the two of them.

Just now, the two of us were foolishly thinking that the opposite was a big fool.

I already knew that I was a wine trustee, and I spent more than 3 yuan to buy ten bottles of wine.

Now it has been proved that he is not a fool, but the two of us are fools who have been played around.

"Brother, woo woo, can you stop drinking? If you drink so much wine, you will really die. Just let me go. I will listen to you. Don't let me drink." Lili saw them I don't have any empathy at all, I'm really starting to get scared.

Those tears are really like the flood that opened the gate, and it can't be closed even if you want to.

"Don't delay the time with nonsense, let me tell you something, if you don't drink this wine today, the police will not come, and the 120 will not come, see them, what will happen if the ambulance arrives too late , I don't know either." Just after Su Wei took control of the scene, he asked Zhang Ruoyu to find Chen Lihua.

So now unless Su Wei took the initiative to call the police, the police station would not send police here.

Su Wei wanted to scare them once today, otherwise he would simply be locked up for a few months.

For people like them, what is the difference between vacation and vacation?

Only if they are scared, they will not continue to do such things.

As for the clerks on the ground, they were not good people in the first place.

When Liu Qiang and the others shot, they basically hit the joints.

If the hospital came late, he would not die, but it was not certain whether there would be any sequelae.

"Lili, drink it." Zhan Zhan really wanted to delay the time, but he heard Su Wei say so.

She believed it should be true, after all he didn't need to lie.

Now she is not only regretting, why did she take care of the fat guy Li Ziwei's accosting.

If he had been rejected at that time, but according to the original plan, he would have hung up on that man.

Then today, they would never meet this devil at all. They might have already danced with handsome guys in some bar by now.

She is also angry with their boss now, she was so strong before, why did she wither today.

It's been half an hour now, and I still haven't seen him bring anyone here.

Well, the two of them are now, and they still don't have any thoughts of repentance.

It's not that their boss won't come, but has been arrested at home.

"You guys have a small cup. I don't think you can finish it tomorrow morning. I'll pour it for you." Li Ziwei saw the two of them, and poured only one-fifth of the wine.

And there is so little wine in the cup, they have to drink it in several sips.

How could Li Ziwei be willing to do anything? He ran to the bar and found more than a dozen cups.

Then began to pour wine, a bottle of wine just enough to pour five glasses.

"Ziwei, find some more glasses, like us, whoever drinks ten glasses of wine first, we will let her go home, no need to continue drinking.

As for the person who drinks to the end, that person is responsible for drinking all the rest of the wine, how about it, would you two like it? "Su Wei saw them drinking here and there, and it was impossible to really pour them wine.

Don't they want to drink slowly? It depends on who finishes ten glasses of wine first and then they don't need to drink.

This bottle is a catty of wine, which is just enough to pour five glasses, and ten glasses of wine is exactly the amount of two bottles of wine.

They will drink so slowly because if they drink six bottles of wine, they will definitely die.

But if you only drink two bottles of wine, you can still fight, and they are all alcohol-tested, and they can drink better than ordinary people.

"What you said is true? The one who drank ten cups first, you let her go? Then I want to participate." Zhan Zhan didn't care about the sisterhood at this time, after all, it was more important to live on his own.

As for the sisters, their lives are gone, so what kind of sisters do they need?

And if she hadn't died, by this time next year, she would definitely have a new girlfriend.

"Sister Zhanzhan? You, me, I want to participate too." Lili didn't expect that her best girlfriend would not care about sisterhood at all.

In this case, she will show her true strength.

Every time there is a good-looking handsome guy, Zhan Zhan asks her to act as a wingman and pretend to be drunk.

She thought that she really couldn't drink enough, and she hadn't been afraid of anyone while drinking.

"Okay, I've poured ten glasses for each of you, drink your own, and whoever finishes drinking first can leave." Li Ziwei didn't expect Su Wei to break the plastic friendship between the two of them with such a play. broken.

And judging by the looks of the two of them, they will definitely drink faster than the other when they drink later.

"Come on, get ready, start" Su Wei saw that Li Ziwei's wine had already been poured, and the two women were also ready.

He didn't hesitate, and just started calling.

Because he saw it, and now these two women are already on top.

And there is no need for him to say anything, the two of them will not slow down Su Wei in order to finish drinking earlier than the other.

Sure enough, the progress of the matter was similar to Su Wei's guess. The three cups before the two were really done in one go.

At the beginning of the fourth cup, their speed began to slow down unknowingly.

But when they saw each other's speed, even if the wine they drank was about to be spit out, they could only swallow it and continue drinking.

After all, there is only one person who wins, and No.2 has to drink ten bottles of wine.

"Boss Su, let's forget about it, I'm afraid that something will happen if I drink later." Zhang Ruoyu also hated such a drinker at the beginning.

But now seeing the two of them fighting for wine, she couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, if she really died, it would be unimaginable for her.

After all, she is an ordinary person, not some big shot who treats human life like nothing.

"Call 120 and tell them to send more cars over. By the way, call the police station and let them know that they can come." Su Wei originally only wanted to punish them, but didn't want to kill them.

Although the wine holder is hateful, it is not to the extent of killing him.

"Okay President Su, I think after this time, they shouldn't dare to be wine holders anymore."

. . .

"Oh, the one from the police station is here, and the one from the 120 is also here, and several cars are here." Yangzi has been here for an hour, and within this hour.

He also became friends with the bartender who had dinner with him before, a real WeChat friend.

What he added before was the trumpet for bar marketing.

Only the profile picture and the photos in it belonged to her, and the chats were all with men talking to him.

"I don't know what happened to the people inside. They probably wouldn't beat women." Shishi contacted her boss just after she couldn't get out, but her boss never came.

Called half an hour ago, her boss's cell phone was no longer available.

She is still here because she is worried about a yellow-haired waiter inside.

The waiter was her boyfriend, and he was the first one to be kicked.

Now she's still here instead of going home like everyone else in the store.

It was because she wanted to see if her boyfriend was okay.

After her boss couldn't get through, she also called 110 and 120, but nothing came of it.

"Come out, come out, wow, these people in the bar are all on stretchers, it's really scary. Hey, why are those two women also on stretchers, why don't you go over and see your colleagues?" Yang Zi didn't expect, Su Wei and his group actually beat women too.

If it were him, he would definitely not be able to hit such a beautiful girl.

After all, girls are for pain, not for beating.

"No need, I'm going back, you should go back early too, bye" Shishi saw the group who had just beaten someone, and came out together with the people from the police station.

Moreover, a leader of the police station is like a dog leg in front of him.

She knew that their boss couldn't be contacted just now, either they were arrested or they ran away.

And now she is going to hide at a friend's house, after all, she is also a wine care girl.

"Ah, well, do you have time tomorrow? I'll treat you to dinner." Seeing that the bar was taken away, Yang Zai became lustful again.

But this time he invited him to eat, he must choose the place himself.

"Let's talk about it, didn't we just add WeChat?" After this incident, Shishi also began to resist the profession of bartender.

And now that her boyfriend has been arrested, it's not too much for her to get to know a boyfriend again.

The main thing is that if she doesn't work as a bartender and does a decent job, then she can't afford where she lives now.

But if she is with Yangzai, then she can live in Yangzai's house.

When Shishi was about to hail a taxi, she saw a man and a woman in uniforms stopping her.

"Hi, you are Shishi, right? We are from the police station, please come with us."

. . .

"Brother Viagra, your move today is really great. Before sending them to prison, let them go to the hospital first." Li Ziwei really admires Su Wei. Sure enough, his move is much better than taking them away. up.

Just now, those two women drank their ten glasses of wine in order to seize the opportunity. They drank really hard.

However, the two of them didn't last until they had finished drinking ten glasses of wine, and they couldn't drink anymore.

In the bar just now, one drank until he was unconscious, and the other rolled his eyes after drinking.

"I think after what happened this time, they probably won't be drink holders anymore, but I don't know if there is still a chance." Su Wei thought it was just pretending at first, but when the 120 doctor came, he realized that they were really drinking. Overdose.

But Su Wei doesn't sympathize with them at all, after all there are so many jobs that make money.

They just make money in such crooked ways, and this incident can be regarded as a lesson for them.

"It's nothing, I've seen a lot of people drinking like this, but it's true that I'm going to lie down in the hospital for a while.

Now that this matter is settled, you guys still go to OT, and Jin Gaode has reserved a place for us." Li Renfeng has seen people who died of drinking, so he knows it's not like this.

Jin Gaode had already sent a WeChat message, saying that he had opened the deck.

Ask Li Renfeng when they and his sister will arrive, but Li Renfeng hasn't answered him yet.

"You guys should go, I'm not going, I was so disgusted by their vomiting just now, I'm afraid I don't have the mood to drink these two days."

. . . . . .

The next day.

Today Su Wei woke up very early. After getting up, he moved a reclining chair to bask in the sun in the yard.

There is no way to get up so early, because there are only two women, Chen Lu and Zhang Ruoyu, in this villa.

Chen Lu was just pregnant and couldn't have violent movements.

As for Zhang Ruoyu, it was Su Wei who deliberately didn't sleep with her.

After all, he is so busy now that he needs more assistants than women.

However, Lan Ke was kicked out of the house by Chen Lu, so Su Wei had a good night's sleep last night.

"President Su, the news came from the hospital just now, saying that the two girls are fine, and they can be sent to the police station after a few days in the hospital." Zhang Ruoyu was still a little scared when he thought of what happened last night.

Because after 120 people were sent to the hospital, they said that the two women had alcoholism and stomach bleeding.

According to the doctor, if it was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage half an hour later, the person would basically be gone.

The main reason is that the bar owner mixed low-quality alcohol into the foreign wine.

It's no big deal to drink a little bit, the body will slowly excrete it.

But yesterday, both of them wanted to drink ten glasses of wine early, so they poured themselves hard, and finally sent themselves to the hospital.

"Tell the police station, don't let them go easily just because they are hospitalized, they won't repent if they don't educate them well.

By the way, you can contact Golden Deer Airlines later, we will return to Shanghai tonight, and fly to the mountain city at noon tomorrow." Su Weicai didn't believe it, just because he was admitted to the hospital because of drinking, the female bartender would wake up.

Only when they really lose their freedom for a few years will they know the value of freedom.

As for Su Wei going to Shancheng tomorrow, that's because Li Jiawen's hometown is there.

But he went there this time, except because he promised to help Li Jiawen go back to save face.

There is another reason, that is, tomorrow night, those sailors he found will start to expose the Yang Group.

For the success of this operation, he has already invested more than 2000 million.

I believe that by the time he returns from the mountain city, the Yang Group must have fallen apart.

At that time, without Yang Jiale from the Yang Group, he could kill him with one finger.

"Going to the mountain city tomorrow? Mr. Su, are we going to the mountain city this time for something? Will we stay there for a few days?" Zhang Ruoyu had never heard of Su Wei's business in the mountain city before. I don't know if my boss is going there for fun or Go there for business.

She mainly thought about whether she should bring some casual clothes if the time was long.

Because she wears this kind of business attire every day, she hasn't worn a skirt for a long time.

"It's a private matter to go there. I don't know how many days I will stay there, but it should be soon. I will definitely be back before the 19th." Su Wei really doesn't know when he will come back, because he has to wait for the Yang Group to collapse. He will come back.

But it should not exceed the 19th, because it was the third day when I reported this matter in my previous life.

At that time, the incident broke out on the first day, and then the chairman of the Yang Group fled the next day.

On the third day, everyone knew about the matter, and the Yang Group was soon acquired by other groups.

And in this life, because of his relationship, Yang Jiale's family will definitely not be able to escape.

"Alright Mr. Su, then I'll make arrangements now." Zhang Ruoyu made up his mind, and this time he was going for another three days.

She returned to Shanghai this time and slept in her own home for two days.

Then I went to Zhesai to sleep for a night, and then came to Qiantang to sleep for a night.

"Awei, are you going back to the magic capital tonight? I was thinking of you staying with me for a few more days.

Blue Qianjiang's furniture is almost sold out now.I also wanted to buy some clothes for you, and when you come over, you can also change clothes." Just now, Chen Lu went up to get Su Wei's birthday things, and when she came down, she heard Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu talk about the upcoming itinerary.

She thought Su Wei was going to the mountain city to discuss business, so she just complained a little.

"I can't help it. Didn't I want to earn more property for my son? Let's do this. When Blue Qianjiang can live, I will spare time to come and accompany you for a few days." Su Wei also knew that Chen Lu cared too little, but there was nothing he could do.

Now that Chen Lu is pregnant, she can't touch her.

However, Su Wei has a great need in that regard.

He slept alone in his hometown for one night, and he had to call someone from the airborne team the next day.

"Just enough money to spend, don't work too hard.

By the way, I didn't come for your birthday the day before yesterday, and you came here in a hurry these two days, so I haven't had time to give you your birthday present, open it and see if you like it." Every time Chen Lu saw Su Wei , will see that his watch has been changed.

So the gift she prepared this time was a watch.

"It's a Patek Philippe watch. Which model is it?" Su Wei didn't expect that Chen Lu would give him a watch too. He thought she had forgotten her birthday.

When I got it in my hand, it turned out to be a Patek Philippe sports watch.

He knew it was a Nautilus, but not the exact model.

"This is Patek Philippe's Nautilus, 5980's Gypsophila, because I don't think you have many sports watches of this kind, so I prepared this sports watch for you.

How about it, do you like this watch?" Chen Lu originally wanted to buy Audemars Piguet's Royal Oak, because the rich second generation bought a lot of that watch.

But she was stopped by Lan Ke, because her husband was wearing an Audemars Piguet watch, and she felt that the quality control was mediocre.

And if Chen Lu bought the Royal Oak, why didn't she buy the Patek Philippe Nautilus?

After all, the Nautilus watch needs to be famous and famous, and it needs quality control and quality control.

Taking it out is no more face-saving than taking the Royal Oak.

And Su Wei is so rich, there must be a lot of watches. The brand of Audemars Piguet is still a little short of his many watches.

Chen Lu heard this, so she specifically searched for the watch she got from her relationship.

"This watch is definitely not cheap, how much did you spend?" Su Wei took the watch in his hand and looked at it carefully, it turned out to be full of diamonds.

You must know that there is a big difference in price between watches with diamonds and without diamonds.


(End of this chapter)

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