Chapter 260 Lawless
"Jiajia, are you sure your mountain city is just a city? I slept on the car and I haven't arrived yet." After Su Wei and the others got off the plane, they came here without having lunch.

Although there is food on the plane, they set off at [-]:[-] noon.

It was almost 4 o'clock now, and Su Wei's stomach was already empty.

Su Wei used to think that among several municipalities directly under the Central Government, Kyoto should be the largest.

But after coming to the mountain city for such a trip, he felt that he underestimated the mountain city.

Where is this a city? Isn't this clearly a province?

"After turning a corner and going a few miles, you can see our village. My home is on the mountain next to the village.

In the past, when there was no village-to-village connection, it was even more difficult for us to go out.” Li Jiawen used to walk to the national highway to take a car, and then took a minibus to the county town.

Then take the train from the county seat to the mountain city, and then take the train from the mountain city to Qiantang.

Now she is Su Wei's private jet to the mountain city, and then directly drives back to her hometown in a few cars.

This was unimaginable before her last year.

After all, everyone knows that this is more convenient, but it is too expensive, and her family just has no money.

"The mountain city is really too big. The main city of the mountain city is the one that has really developed. How far is your village from the county seat?" Su Wei looked at the scenery outside the window and found that there were relatively few people here.

Li Jiawen's village should be the kind of village in the mountains.

He was a little worried, maybe their village is also far away from the county seat.

"I don't know, it should be tens of kilometers. I used to be a minibus, and it took about an hour to go to the county town." When Li Jiawen came back from the Chinese New Year last year, he didn't feel how desolate this place was.

I feel that it is still the same as I remember several years ago, when there were people coming and going everywhere, and there was a lot of traffic.

But now it's neither the Chinese New Year nor the festival, when they came over, they only encountered a few cars in twos and threes.

It seems that the people who came back at that time should all return to their hometowns during the Chinese New Year.

"Why did you stop? Jiajia, did you go the wrong way?" The motorcade stopped suddenly when it was about to turn from the main road to the small road.

Seeing the stop, Su Wei thought he was going the wrong way.

"No, it's this way." Li Jiawen asked her when she saw Su Wei, and she looked at the environment, and it was indeed this way.

The waiting booth next to the small road, she was here when she was here, but she did not wait for the minibus to come.

"Su Wei, why don't I go down and have a look first?" Liu Qiang was driving Su Wei's Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended, and it was in the third place.

The two cars in front are the big G that opened the way, and the Mercedes-Benz Maybach S-Class.

When Liu Qiang walked in front of the big G, he realized why the Mercedes-Benz big G didn't leave.

It turned out that on the road, a group of young people were gathering together.

It can be seen from the appearance that they beat people on the road.

The big Mercedes-Benz G just honked the horn, and they were already packing up and leaving the road.

"Liu team, why are you down? It's okay. I honked the horn just now, and they are already walking away." The driver on the big G saw Liu Qiang coming, and thought it was his boss who had been waiting for a long time, so he again Honked the horn a few times.

He just came to Su Wei's side, so he was still a little uncertain about Su Wei's temper.

"You are the lead car, pay attention to the surrounding environment, I'm going back"

. . .

"Li Jiahang, I've said it all, I'll ride this bike for two days, and I'll return it to you when the time comes, why are you so stubborn?" Yang Xiandong is a sophomore in No. 7 Middle School in the town.

He is the kind of student who has no hope of going to university, and now in school, he is just dawdling.

He just waited for a diploma to come out, and then went to work with his parents.

So he often sings, clubs, and beats up gangsters in society, because he thinks he's cool that way.

This time he and some of his idle classmates came to Xiangshan to fish.

On the way back, I saw someone from their school driving a Mavericks electric car.

He went straight over and stopped the person.

He knew this person, to be precise, he knew her sister.

One of his older sisters is his age, and the other is a senior in high school.

Yang Xiandong will know because his two older sisters are both beautiful.

He also has thoughts about his two sisters, after all they are so beautiful.

"No, I can't lend you this car. I have to ride it to school tomorrow." Li Jiahang just turned around and was stopped by someone.

He knew the person who stopped him. He was the well-known devil king Yang Xiandong in No. [-] Middle School.

In the past, this person often followed his sister home.

It made his two sisters dare not go home alone, and the three of them walked home together every day.

Now Yang Xiandong stopped him and told him that he wanted to borrow the bike for two days.

How could he agree to this? If you want to get back what is in his hands, then you don't know how difficult it is.

"Your sister and I are classmates. I said borrowing is borrowing. If you don't borrow, you can borrow. In the future, I may be your brother-in-law. You'd better be sensible." Yang Xiandong saw that Li Jiahang was not familiar, and he was a little angry.

Earlier, he had other ideas about Li Jiahang's two older sisters.

At that time, I followed up a few times to see if there was a chance, but they discovered it.

Later, the three of them often went home together. He followed him a few times and found that there was no chance, so he forgot about it later.

"I won't lend it to you. If I lend it to you, you will definitely not be able to return it to me, and you can't be my brother-in-law. My eldest sister said that we will all go to big cities in the future." Although Li Jiahang is only in the third year of junior high school , but he is now nearly 170 tall.

Although Yang Xiandong is a sophomore in high school, his height is only about 160.

Of course Li Jiahang didn't think that Yang Xiandong would be his brother-in-law, let alone that his sister would fall in love with such a bad guy like Yang Xiandong.

"Brother Dong, what's the point of talking to him, just grab the key over here." Yang Xiandong's little friend was in a hurry, what's there to say, it's much faster to grab it.

As he said that, he went to grab the key directly. If one person can't do it, just a few people go together.

"Help, grab something, help!" Li Jiahang saw that they were serious, he could only hold the key tightly in his hand.

But they were originally in the upper grades, and now there are only a few of them, and they quickly put Li Jiahang on the ground.

Li Jiahang didn't dare to fight back, so he could only shout for help.

Their village was a few kilometers away, and he wanted to see if anyone could hear him calling for help.

"Cao Nima, you still dare to shout, hit me!" Yang Xiandong heard Li Jiahang calling for help, afraid of being overheard, he took the lead and slapped him across the face.

They are gangsters. Although they are lawless, they also know that Li Jiahang and his Xiangshan Village are nearby.

I was afraid that Li Jiahang's cry would attract the adults of their village.

"Brother Dong, I got the key." After Li Jiahang was punched and kicked, the key was of course taken away.

Yang Xiandong's partner saw that Li Jiahang would not let go just now, but stepped heavily on his hands a few times.

"drip, drip"

"A car is coming, drag him to the side." Yang Xiandong got the keys and planned to ride away.

At this time, a car came over, and the leader was a square Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle.

He was taken aback at first, thinking it was someone from Xiangshan Village who had come back, but when he looked carefully, it turned out that they were taking pictures from other places.

"You can't steal my car. My elder sister bought this car for me to go to school. Yang Xiandong, you can return it to me. This car cost 7000 yuan, woo woo woo!" is blood.

But he didn't care about these, he just wanted to get the car keys back.

Because this car was bought for 7000 yuan.

He knew that their family had no money, and his father's foot was limped by himself.

If it weren't for the rich brother-in-law her elder sister found, they might still have to walk to school in the morning.

Now the 7000 yuan car was taken away, and he couldn't win, so he could only beg Yang Xiandong to return the car to him.

"Li Jiahang, it's very easy for you to get this car back. As long as you call your sisters, any one of them will sleep with me, and I will return this car to you."

. . .

"Old Liu, what's the matter? Why did I hear crying?" Seeing that Liu Qiang came back soon, Su Wei wanted to ask what happened.

After all, he was behind here, and he could hear crying.

"Boss, it's some students who are fighting, and they have already given way to the road." Liu Qiang returned to the car and briefly explained what he saw.

Although he could see it, it was a frequent bullying just now.

But he is at work now, and the boss doesn't speak, so it's hard for him to stop him.

"Master Liu, when you pass by that group of students, please drive slowly. I'll see if there's anyone I know inside. If you can persuade me, please persuade me." When Li Jiawen heard that the students were fighting, did he think too much about it?

After all, the people in the mountain city are hot-tempered, and it's normal for students to fight among themselves.

At the gate of their school, students often fight.

Moreover, not only boys but also girls were involved in the fights.

But if she knew her, she would definitely persuade her.

"Then old Liu, please drive slowly, Jia Jia, let's see if she is someone you know." Su Wei didn't take students' fights to heart either, because that's how he fought all the way when he was studying.

For the students in southern Shonan, if they say they haven't fought a few times a year, it feels like they haven't studied.

"Li Jiahang, it's very easy for you to get this car back. As long as you call your sisters, any one of them will sleep with me, and I will return this car to you."

"Awei, I seem to have heard my brother's name, Master Liu, stop by the crowd." Before Rolls-Royce arrived at the student crowd, Li Jiawen heard a very familiar name.

She wanted to make sure if that person was talking about her brother.

Li Jiawen asked Liu Qiang to bring the car closer to the group of students. She wanted to see if the person who was beaten was her brother or she had heard it wrong.

"Your brother, my brother-in-law? Impossible, Jiajia, please take a closer look." Su Wei thought to himself, it couldn't be such a coincidence.

But maybe, because entering from here is Li Jiawen's village.

"My brother, is that you? My brother?" Li Jiawen didn't go down directly, but lowered the glass first, intending to see if it was her brother.

She yelled a few times to the crowd in their local accent.

I saw the crying man on the ground with his nose and tears, and when he saw her, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Sister? Eldest sister, it's me, it's me, Jiahang, woohoo" Li Jiahang gritted his teeth angrily when he heard Yang Xiandong say this.

But he couldn't beat them. After all, there were so many of them, and they didn't know what to do.

One of the cars stopped not far from him.

He looked back and saw that it was his elder sister who had returned.

Although my whole body hurts now, I still struggled to get up.

Yang Xiandong and the others didn't stop Li Jiahang from leaving in the first place, but even if Li Jiahang was beaten before, they had to ask for the car keys back.

"Oh, it's really my brother, what's wrong with you, brother, why have you been beaten like this, your forehead is bleeding, and your hands are bleeding too.

Ah Wei, he is really my younger brother Li Jiahang." Li Jiawen, who was lying on the ground, turned around and found that it was really her younger brother.

She felt like getting out of the car and wanted to see how her brother's injury was doing.

After careful consideration of such a large number, I found that her brother is really miserable.

He should have been punched and kicked on the ground because there were footprints all over his body.

In addition to footprints, his face was bleeding, and his right hand was full of wounds.

Seeing Li Jiahang like this, Li Jiawen couldn't help crying.

If they hadn't met her, they wouldn't know how her brother would be beaten up.

. . .

"Dongzi, what should I do? This person seems to be Li Jiahang and his eldest sister, Li Jiawen." The one who just participated in the beating was a little flustered now.

Because they bully others, that is also when the other party has no adults.

Now that the adults saw them, they couldn't help feeling guilty.

After all, they all lived nearby, so if Li Jiawen found their house, it would be difficult.

"What are you afraid of? Maybe they still dare to beat us. At worst, return the car to Li Jiahang later. Why, do you know her?" Yang Xiandong was only 17 years old this year, and he didn't believe that these people dared to beat him.

And they, outsiders, think that driving a Mercedes-Benz can scare him.

Well, he doesn't know the brand Rolls-Royce.

"Of course I know her. You forgot, our village is next to Xiangshan Village. She came back last year, and I met her at that time." Yang Xiandong and the others are basically nearby.

After all, No.[-] Middle School is in the town, if it is too far away, it is impossible for people from other places to come here to study.

"I know about Li Jiawen. I heard that she found an old man who paid off all her family's foreign debts." Li Shuyi is quite famous in these ten miles and eight towns.

Because when he was young, he was also a handsome guy.

In addition, his family was defined as a typical by the town because of the overbirth.

As long as it is doing publicity, his name will be carried.

So there are quite a lot of people who know Li Shuyi.

"It turns out that she is a gold digger. It should be said or not. This Li Jiawen is really beautiful. As expected of staying in a big city, she looks even more beautiful than Li Jiawei." Although Yang Xiandong was flustered, he still pretended to be calm.

However, he found that as long as he shifted his attention, he was not as flustered as before.

"I think Li Jiawei looks better, her skin is too fair"

"The woman who got off the co-pilot is also pretty, Li Jiawen's husband is indeed a rich man."

. . .

"Boss, Ms. Li and her younger brother have all skin injuries. There is a first aid kit in the car. I'll just bandage him up." Liu Qiang has learned first aid knowledge, after all, they are often injured when they are soldiers.

He looked at Li Jiahang and found that although he looked miserable, fortunately he didn't hurt any bones or tendons.

"Okay, hurry up and bandage him.

Your name is Li Jiahang, hello, I’m Su Wei, you should know me, we have talked on the phone, why did you get beaten, tell your brother-in-law, I will make the decision for you.” Su Wei saw his brother-in-law being beaten so badly , he was already very angry in his heart.

And the guy with the yellow hair on his head before, he heard everything he said.

He has already decided that no matter whether his brother-in-law takes advantage or not, he will teach them a lesson.

"My brother, tell your brother-in-law why they beat you. Don't worry, your brother-in-law will avenge you." Li Jiawen took the tissue from Zhang Ruoyu, and after a while, she had already held back her tears.

But she desperately wanted to know why her brother was beaten.

"Sister, I was riding my bike home today. I was stopped by them as soon as I entered the small road. The man insisted on riding my bike, saying that I would lend it to them to drive for two days. If I refused, they would beat me up." Li Jiahang didn't say anything later, but just said what happened before.

After all, he felt disgusted when he said the words that followed.

"This is too lawless, Ah Wei, what do you think we should do?" Li Jiawen trembled with anger when she heard Li Jiahang say this.

Because her younger brother didn't provoke them, and because she rode a Maverick electric scooter, they were going to grab it.

Seeing that her brother refused to obediently hand over the electric car, he even beat him.

"It's okay, you leave this matter to me, I know what to do.

Old Liu, call everyone down, and later everyone can move their muscles and bones."

. . .

"Brother Dong, something seems wrong. Why are these cars blocking the road? Then how can our car get out? And who is that man? Didn't you say that Li Jiawen's husband is an old man?" Today they came I took seven people to go fishing and rode three cars in total.

They want to snatch Li Jiahang's car because they have three people riding on one electric car.

Coupled with the fact that Mavericks are so expensive, they thought it would be cool to drive out.

"Whether he's right or wrong, if this foreigner dares to beat me, then Li Jiahang won't be in No. [-] Middle School." Although Yang Xiandong was a little panicked, he wasn't very scared.

After all, Li Jiahang and his three siblings were studying in No. [-] Middle School. If they really hit him, he would definitely come back with revenge.

"I think, they must have heard what you said just now, Brother Dong." What Yang Xiandong said was their real thought.

After all, Li Jiahang's two older sisters are both famous beauties in their seven schools.

"Fuck, everyone in the car got off, Brother Dong, why don't we run uphill?"

(End of this chapter)

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