Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 261 Why Is He So Young?

Chapter 261 Why Is He So Young?

"Boss, how do you teach them?" Liu Qiang saw that the group of people on the opposite side were still students, so he felt that he had to ask for instructions.

After all, you can tell from their appearance that they are probably not even 18 years old.

Liu Qiang didn't have any affection for this kind of bad student.

Because he came from a small city, he knows the virtues of these people too well.

These people rely on their young age and poor families, so the law cannot control them.

So these people either fight at school or bully other students every day.

They would even steal money from the lower grades, or they would make money by petty theft.

Liu Qiang also has children, how could he not hate seeing such a person.

"How to teach them a lesson? It is definitely not possible to hand them over to the police station in this way, and they will be released after a few days at most.

I know what to do, old Liu, you first ask people to surround them, don't let them run away." Su Wei didn't want to let them go so easily, but they were under 18 years old.

Send him to the police station, and he will be released after a few days at most.

Moreover, the car is still here and has not been taken away, and Li Jiahang only suffered a skin trauma.

So he has already thought about how to give them an unforgettable coming-of-age ceremony.

"Ah..." Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that Su Wei would smash his own watch.

If she remembers this watch correctly, it costs more than 100 million.

Now that she was smashed by her boss like this, she was in a daze, not knowing what Su Wei was going to do.

"Shut up." When Su Wei smashed his watch, he saw Zhang Ruoyu yelling, and quickly covered her mouth.

Su Wei did this, of course, not because he had a lot of money, just to waste it.

Seeing that Zhang Ruoyu stopped barking, he continued to hold the stone and hit Richard Mille twice.

Now the case and movement of the watch have been smashed and deformed, and then the watch was worn in Li Jiahang's hands.

"Ah Wei, are you going too far? I think a lesson should be enough. If they do this, their lives will be over." Li Jiawen didn't understand why Su Wei smashed his watch at first.

When Su Wei took the smashed watch and put it on Li Jiahang's hand, she immediately understood.

Li Jiahang's car was robbed and he was beaten up, but they caught him.

Even if it is sent to the police station, it may come back in a few days, and there will be no criminal record.

But the nature is different now, because Su Wei's watch was bought for more than 100 million yuan, and now it was smashed by "they".

"Jiawen, you must not be soft-hearted when dealing with people like this. If it's just a lesson, do you think people like them will reform themselves? Impossible, after all, dogs can't change and eat shit.

And think about it, your younger brother and younger sister are all studying in the town, and in a few days we will pat our ass and leave, and they can't find us when they come out, do you think they will find your home or go to school to find your sister?" The reason why these people are so lawless is because they cause trouble every time.

The school and the Education Bureau are always making big things small and small things small.

After all, if things get serious, it will affect the reputation of the school and make it difficult for the Education Bureau.

But now that Su Wei's more than 100 million watch has been smashed, the Education Bureau and the school dare not cover it up.

After all, this is more than 100 million, how could they pay for Yang Xiandong and his group.

"Brother, this watch was given to you by your brother-in-law. When they robbed your car, they saw that your watch was expensive and came to rob your watch. This watch was broken during the robbing process." , do you understand?" Hearing what Su Wei said, Li Jiawen knew that he had simplified things.

Indeed, her family belongs to Xiangshan Village.

And some of these people can wear the school uniforms of the No. [-] Middle School in the town.

My younger brother and sister are studying here, they are bastards, if I really do something to them.

That price might not be acceptable to her.

And the guy with the yellow hair on his head just now, she could clearly hear what he said to Li Jiahang.

"Sister, but I didn't wear a watch, they just grabbed my electric car and beat me." Li Jiahang was only a third-year student, and he thought his sister and the others hadn't figured out what happened.

After all, he couldn't understand what he was doing when his brother-in-law dropped his watch.

"Jiahang, you don't have to worry about anything else, you just need to know that these people robbed your electric car, and then they saw your watch looks good, so they came to grab your watch again, but you refused to give it to them, so you got beaten up.

Whenever someone asks you, you just say so, so they get punished, get it? "

. . .

"What are you doing, I'm telling you, don't come here, you outsiders, our village is very close to here, let me get out of the way quickly, we are going home." Yang Xiandong didn't expect that these five cars got off Ten burly men in suits.

And these people blocked all the ways they could leave.

I didn't run before, and now I can't run even if I want to.

"You still want to go home? Snatch my brother-in-law's car and watch, not to mention hurting people and breaking the watch. Do you think you can go home?" When Su Wei just smashed the watch, there was no Hit them in the face.

So these people don't know what will happen next.

"What evidence do you have that we robbed things? Yes, I admit that we did the beating, but we can apologize to him, and how much his watch is, we can chip in to buy a new one and return it to him" until now Yang Xiandong didn't know the seriousness of the matter yet, and he thought that an apology would be enough for him at most.

Because he hit someone before, or robbed something and didn't return it.

Being caught by those parents, most of the time he just apologized and it was over.

Now Li Jiahang's brother-in-law looks very good, and he has so many bodyguards.

He thought it would be the same as before, apologizing, and then paying Li Jiahang a watch.

This watch is the same as a children's watch, and it costs only a few tens of dollars.

"This watch is a gift from me to my brother-in-law. It is worth more than 100 million. Now that you have smashed it like this, how can you compensate me? Tell me, how can you compensate me? Ah, talk, are you dumb?" Su When Wei spoke, he just slapped him across the face.

He didn't think it was enough, he grabbed the yellow hair's hair with his left hand, and slammed down on his face with his right hand.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack"

Su Wei slapped a few times and let go only after feeling a little pain in his hand.

"You said that this watch is more than 100 million, so it is more than 100 million. Why don't you say that your watch is [-] million?" Yang Xiandong fell to the ground, feeling that his teeth were loose.

Compared to the pain on his face, what Li Jiahang's brother-in-law said made his heart jump even more.

Because if this watch is really so expensive, then his family will really sell it.

It's more than 100 million, and it costs 20 million to share among seven people.

If their family had money, how could they come to snatch Li Jiahang's electric car.

"Old Liu, they'll leave it to you, just don't kill them." When Su Wei hit someone just now, he really didn't hold back at all.

Now after beating someone, my hand hurts a bit.

He was planning to hurt them all at once, for fear of them.

And let those who intend to imitate them weigh it for themselves.

"Boss, don't worry." Liu Qiang signaled to the others that they can go on.

Since the boss has already said, as long as you don't beat him to death.

Then what scruples do they have, they are already very upset with these little bastards.

If you get the order now, you won't beat them to death.

"Fuck your mother, I fought with you, ouch, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, I won't scold you anymore." There were a few more aggressive ones, who refused to be honestly beaten at first.

But who are Liu Qiang and the others? They are all professional bodyguards.

Not to mention one hit ten, one hit three or four ordinary people is still no problem.

Not to mention such a high school student, who has already lost his combat effectiveness if he whips his legs down.

It was Liu Qiang and the others who were beating them with their hands back, and they were afraid that they would be beaten to death immediately.

"It's none of my business. It's Yang Xiandong's job to steal the car. If you step on Li Jiahang's hand, it's Li Yang's fault. It has nothing to do with me." Yang Xiandong's little friend saw that Li Jiahang's brother-in-law had so many people.

And they were beaten so badly one by one, they began to shirk responsibility from each other.

After all, this watch is more than 100 million, how can a family like theirs pay compensation.

"Yes, I remembered it too. Li Yang did it. I saw him stepping on it with my own eyes, and I stopped him. It has nothing to do with me if the watch is broken." This sentence basically confirmed the conclusion.

They can prove that the watch was indeed broken by them. As for whether one person pays or seven people pay, that is after they go in.

"I didn't step on his hand on purpose, I didn't use too much force, and when Yang Xiandong wanted to steal the car, I persuaded him, but he refused to listen, I can't afford to pay for the watch, woo woo woo"

. . . . . .

"Hey, Abo, is anyone here? We've already waited until it was dark. Will Li Jiawen and her husband come?" Zhang Bing and Abo had already called people to stay in his yard. hour.

In the past few hours, he played cards and output more than 1000 yuan.

So when he talked to Apo, his attitude was relatively bad.

"I just asked my dad. He said that Li Jiawen and her husband were delayed by something on the small road into the village. They should be coming soon. Would you like to come here now?" Abo didn't tell his dad. , Zhang Bing wants to give Li Shuyi some color.

He just told his father that he wanted to see what Li Jiawen's husband looked like.

His father wasn't suspicious either, after all he was also very curious about Li Jiawen's husband.

He told his son Apo what he heard when he was chatting just now.

"Let me think about it, you remember to tell me the latest news at any time" Zhang Bing is a little confused now, should he go now.

In fact, what he wanted most was to wait until Li Jiawen and the others had dinner.

When the time comes, he will take people with him, and when he goes in, he will throw away all the food.

Then, after scolding Li Jiawen and her husband, she swaggered home.

"Bingge, is someone here? Then let's go directly." The four people Ah Po called this time were just unemployed youths on the street.

These people are just here to fill up the number of people, and they are not responsible for fighting.

"Zhang Bing, don't wait any longer. Let's go there when they are eating. It will be dark by then." Ai Zhixin and the others were able to wait here for so long because each of them took 100 yuan for the performance.

But when he just played cards, his 100 yuan was won away.

So he is in a bad mood now, and wants to finish this matter early and go home early.

"Then let's go, do you want to get some weapons?" Zhang Bing thought about it, and he could still pretend to be aggressive now that it was dark.

When it was dark, no one was around, and no one could see him pretending to be aggressive.

Then his thousand and 400 yuan today is not a waste.

"Don't take weapons, we are going to scare people, not to the police station"

. . . . . .

"You guys are free enough, there are so many people watching the fun." Villager A's house is not far from Li Shuyi's house.

After he finished his meal, he planned to see what kind of person Li Jiawen's husband was.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived near Li Shuyi's house, I saw a group of people already sitting there.

It seems that everyone is very curious about Li Shuyi's son-in-law. After all, everyone is saying that Li Jiawen's husband is an old man.

"Isn't this curious? Didn't you come here too?" Villager B's house is at the foot of the mountain. This time, he specially moved a bench up to watch the excitement.

But because there are too many people, he can sit in a corner with this stool.

"I haven't come yet, it's not because we are afraid to come because we have so many people." Villager A is the one who dislikes Li Shuyi's family getting rich the most, and speaks in a strange way.

The other villagers waited for a long time without speaking, and he, a newcomer, spoke loudly at the door of Li Shuyi's house.

As if he was afraid that Li Shuyi would not be able to hear him, his expression was extremely exaggerated when he spoke.

"Here we come, hey, it turns out that Li Jiahang is back, what the hell, are there so many cars behind?" Villager B kept staring at the uphill turn, when suddenly he saw a figure appearing.

He thought it was someone coming, but when he took a closer look, it turned out to be Li Jiahang.

When I was disappointed, a convoy drove out directly from behind.

"Bingge, my mother is still in the hospital in the county. I've forgotten about it. I'm leaving first." The people Zhang Bing called over were almost frightened to death when they saw the convoy behind Li Jiahang.

What kind of cars are these, Mercedes-Benz Big G, Mercedes-Benz S, two Rolls-Royces, and Volkswagen.

Even if he is a fool, he knows that Li Jiawen's husband is definitely not simple.

"Zhang Bing, my mother said that she introduced me to someone. It's too late to check the time. I have to leave quickly. You should go home quickly." When Ai Zhixin saw the convoy, he also just wanted to run away .

After all, if you don't walk faster, if Zhang Bing is stupid, it will hurt them.

"Bingge, we're leaving too. It's not that we don't show loyalty, it's because the opposing forces are too strong." They didn't know Li Jiawen at first, so they took 100 yuan to fill up their number this time.

Now look at the people who got on and off the Mercedes-Benz big G, how could they still stay here.

"Brother Bing, why don't you stop making trouble, Li Jiawen is from our village after all?" Abo said this, just giving Zhang Bing a step down.

After all, the loss was too miserable, and the people who called here didn't even see the true master's face.

Just because he was afraid that Zhang Bing would make trouble and hurt them, he said hello and ran away.

"Forget it, the gap between me and him is too big, no wonder Li Jiawen didn't choose me, except that I am older than him..." Zhang Bing is not a fool, and it is definitely impossible for him to make trouble in this situation.

After all, there were so many strong men in suits getting out of the car, and they could be identified as bodyguards at a glance.

He originally wanted to say that although this person is rich, he is younger than him.

But when he saw Li Jiawen's husband, he was really shocked.

"Why are you so young, don't you mean an old man?"

"I just said, Li Jiawen, how could he find an old man to marry?"

"She is really a man and a woman, and they are really a good match when they stand together."

. . .

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." After Li Jiahang rode his electric scooter into the house, he parked his scooter next to the other Mavericks scooter.

When they bought an electric car, their family didn't buy one.

Instead, they bought four at a time, and three for their siblings to use in school.

"Oh, what's wrong with your face, Hanghang? Why is your hand hurt? Old man, come over and see, your son seems to have been beaten." When Li Jiahang came in just now, it was like a gust of wind. Mother Li hadn't seen Li Jiahang's face yet. look.

It wasn't until he stopped the car that she saw the bandaging marks on her son's face.

And not only his face, but even his hands were covered with bandages.

"Hanghang, what's the matter with you, who beat you?" Li Shuyi was talking with the villagers outside, and he couldn't wait for so many people to come this time.

After all, the rumor spread was too powerful.

Many of his relatives have come to insinuate about this matter.

Now that there are so many people, you can see the true face of his son-in-law later.

At this time, I heard his wife calling him and saying that his son had been beaten.

He hurried over and found that Li Jiahang was really beaten.

"I was robbed by Yang Xiandong from our school when I entered the small road in the village. Then I refused to give them the car, so they beat me up. Then I met my sister and brother-in-law." Li Jiahang said What happened just now, I told the neighbors who came over.

When his father came over just now, not only he came by himself, but also those villagers who were eating melons in his house.

"Yang Xiandong? I know that little bastard. No. [-] Middle School is famous for being a thorn in the head. If the principal of No. [-] Middle School is from their village, he wouldn't even be able to go to high school. Jiahang, what about your sister and your brother-in-law? Why are you alone? People come back first." Apo's father is often invited to weddings and weddings because of his cooking skills.

His sources of news are really varied.

"I'm fine, these are skin traumas, which have been bandaged by the doctor.

As for Yang Xiandong, my brother-in-law reported him to 110 and he was arrested. According to the police station, Yang Xiandong and the others have not been together for a few years, so it is impossible for him to come out.

My brother-in-law?My brother-in-law and the others were behind me just now, and they should have reached the door by now." Li Jiahang then talked about the development of the matter.

Of course, he didn't say anything about the watch. After all, he was just a little innocent and not stupid.

At that time, Yang Xiandong was first beaten up by the group of bodyguards like a zongzi.

Then when the police station came, they handcuffed him and took him away.

Among the people who came, there were 120 ambulances in case of accidents.

At that time, those doctors helped him to see if there was anything wrong, and after the examination, the conclusion was the same as that of the head of the bodyguard, it was all skin trauma.

When he was about to come back, his sister let him sit in the little golden car behind, saying that the car would cost tens of millions.

He was so scared that he didn't even dare to sit in the car, so he found an excuse that he was showing them the way, and then came back on the Mavericks electric scooter.

"Ah, your brother-in-law and the others are already here. Since you have nothing to do, let's go see your brother-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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