Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 262 Brother-in-law, do we have any gifts?

Chapter 262 Brother-in-law, do we have any gifts?

"Jia Jia, are people in your hometown so busy?" Su Wei was shocked when he got out of the car.

If he didn't know that this was Li Jiawen's hometown, he would have thought it was a filming scene.

Because there were probably twenty or thirty villagers sitting or standing on both sides of the driveway outside the yard of Li Jiawen's house.

When I saw him, it was as if I was looking at something strange.

"They may be more curious about you, let's go, leave them alone, let's go home first.

You also know the situation of my family. I was in debt all the time before and had no money to repair it, but the fence seems to have been refurbished. When you go in, don’t be scared by the environment." Of course Li Jiawen knows the people outside, yes What are you doing here.

There have been rumors about her in the village, although her family has never told her.

But she also grew up in the village after all, and has been studying in the town until she graduated from high school.

Add up her classmates, there should be hundreds of them.

Although most of them are no longer in contact, there are still a few good friends and classmates who play well.

So even if her family didn't tell her about it, she still knew about it.

"How come, I was not born with a golden key in my mouth, the house in my hometown was much more dilapidated than yours before it was repaired.

At that time, I will give you a sum of money to repair your old house, and then let your family in this village look good, so that they can all know that you have found a good husband." Su Wei saw Li From Jiawen's expression, one can probably guess what's going on.

After all, no one in the village wants a poor neighbor next to him who knows everything about him to suddenly become rich.

When Su Wei got rich, there were not sour lemons in his hometown village.

But the wealth revealed by his family in the back is too many levels higher than theirs.

Because the gap is too big, no one continues to acidify his family.

"My sister is back, ouch, this is Su Wei, he is really a good-looking talent, you are tired after sitting in the car for so long." Mother Li and the others saw that Li Jiahang was fine, so they hurried out to see if Li Jiawen and the others were back .

When I came out, I saw several cars parked in the yard, and those cars completely blocked the entrance to the yard.

Moreover, many people in black suits got out of the car. At first glance, they looked like professional bodyguards.

At the beginning, the co-pilot of the car in the middle got on, and a woman got off.

Mother Li thought it was Li Jiawen who had come down, but after a closer look, she realized it was not.

Seeing the woman in the co-pilot from behind, she opened the back seat of the car, and she saw her daughter get out of the car.

"Mother, old man, let me introduce you, this is Su Wei, this is his assistant, these are his bodyguards.

Ah Wei, this is my mother, this is my father, and I don’t need to introduce my brother. These people are all my neighbors, and they all watched me grow up.

Empress, what about the second sister and the others?Why didn't you see them? "After Li Jiawen introduced everyone present, he realized that his two younger sisters hadn't seen it yet.

When she came back last year, her two younger sisters were pestering her every day.

Now that she is back, the two of them should be the first to greet them.

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie." Although Su Wei has so many women, this is the first time that he has actually come to see his parents.

And with so many people today, he felt like he was being treated like an animal.

"Yao'er, go and call your sister out and tell them not to study, the eldest sister has already returned.

Xiao Su, let's go in and sit down and chat. You must be hungry after so long in the car, and the food at home has been prepared." Although Li Shuyi's family is poor, he is not relaxed about education at all. .

A big reason why he hasn't paid off his bills after working for so many years is that he spends a lot of the money he earns on education for several children.

If he hadn't attached so much importance to education, Li Jiawen wouldn't have been able to get into Qiantang in such a bad school in the town.

Li Jiawei and her sisters were also waiting for Li Jiawen to come back in the yard.

But Su Wei and the others didn't come for a long time, the two of them were driven in by Li Shuyi to study.

"Ah Wei, let's go in and talk."

. . .

"Hey, Li Jiawen's boyfriend, his identity is not simple at first glance. He has secretaries and bodyguards around him." Outside Li Shuyi's house, he was surrounded by strange folks, and this was the first time he saw a person with bodyguards in reality.

They wanted to squeeze through just now, but they were blocked by these bodyguards in suits.

"Then you need to tell me, did you just see that the trunks behind the two off-road vehicles are full of Huang Tianzi and Moutai, and the contents of those two trunks cost at least hundreds of thousands Only then can we get it done.” People in the village basically smoke and drink, and there are not many rich relatives in any family.

They could see Huang Tianzi and Moutai in the trunk just now.

"Hundreds of thousands? Is it so expensive? Isn't it just some cigarettes and alcohol?" Of course, not everyone knows the price of tobacco and alcohol, and there are many elderly people in the village.

They still drink rice wine and buy their own shredded tobacco to roll and smoke.

"The price of Huang Tianzi's cigarettes is more than 900 a bottle. I just brought in two boxes. There is also that Moutai, which costs more than 2000 a bottle. I bought four boxes. There are many other things that I didn't see clearly. You said you want Don’t need so much money.” Although some people can’t afford to smoke, they can’t afford to drink.

But they just like research, and now that the Internet is developed, it provides soil for their research.

"Oh, it's so expensive. Li Shuyi's family is really about to turn around. Li Jiawen has really good eyesight. No wonder he doesn't like Zhang Bing." Those who don't understand, are known about such a popular science.

Only then did I realize that my knowledge was shallow, a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of wine were so expensive.

Recalling that before, she had said about Li Shuyi, saying that he didn't know how to enjoy life.

Zhang Bing's offer was so good that he turned it down.

Now that she thinks about it, she feels that what she said before was purely because her head was caught by the door.

"What is Zhang Bing? Did you see the car at the beginning? It's a Mercedes-Benz G. I heard that one costs more than 200 million, and the Mercedes-Benz S-Class behind it costs 200 million. It's the best. It was the two Rolls-Royces, and I heard that one cost tens of millions. Zhang Bing’s family sold their house in the county and couldn’t afford this car.” Li Jiawen didn’t bring Su Wei back before, and the villagers didn’t know He is so rich.

Basically, they are helping Zhang Bing to speak, and feel that Li Jiawen is too ignorant.

Just because he studied abroad for a few years in college, he actually disliked Zhang Bing who was in the county and refused to go on a blind date with him.

But now Li Jiawen has brought her boyfriend back, and her boyfriend is so rich and powerful.

The tone of the village changed instantly, and everyone spoke for Li Jiawen.

"It seems to be smoking in front. Oh, it's really smoking. It's so generous. There are two packs of Huang Tianzi per person, and there are also women and children. Do you want to go and get it?" Villager B hugged Li Jiawen's boyfriend's bodyguard. With a box of cigarettes in hand, I started to unpack it.

After opening, two packs per person will be distributed, regardless of men, women, young or old.

"How is it possible not to go here, even if a fool doesn't go?" Villager A wanted to see a joke at the beginning.

I want to see if Li Jiawen's boyfriend is an old man.

It turned out that the boyfriend was so young and rich.

Now seeing his bodyguard smoking, he even rushed to the front, for fear that there would be nothing behind after the smoking.

"Abo, people saw it, let's go." Zhang Bing didn't go to get cigarettes, because he could still afford two packs of Huang Tianzi himself.

He just saw Li Jiawen and found that she is more beautiful than when he saw her during the Chinese New Year.

But now he also knows the gap between him and Li Jiawen's boyfriend, and now he is so depressed that he just wants to go home and sleep.

"Bingge, don't be in a hurry to leave, people smoke, everyone will smoke." Huang Tianzi, before there was no price limit, they were all sold in hundreds of packs.

Even if the price is limited now, it still costs one hundred packs.

Where did Abo smoke this cigarette before? He basically bought dragon and phoenix cigarettes worth more than ten yuan.

"You don't want to go, right? Then I'll go." Zhang Bing couldn't bear to get the cigarettes, if he took the cigarettes.

He would feel that he would never be able to lift his head up in front of Li Jiawen for the rest of his life.

"Bingge, wait for me, I don't want cigarettes anymore"

. . . . . .

"Xiao Su, the conditions at home are limited, you can sit down and eat quickly." Seeing Su Wei's clothes, Li's mother also knew that he was a fastidious person.

I'm afraid that Su Wei will look down on his family, after all, his family's conditions are really not very good.

This old house has been repaired for more than 20 years, and it has long been in disrepair.

Knowing that Su Wei was coming this time, they specially renovated it inside and out.

Although it has been renovated, because the time is too short, it can still be seen that the house itself is very dilapidated.

"It's okay, uncle and aunt. I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring anything. I just picked out a bracelet for you and a watch for you. See if you like it." Su Wei said to this The house doesn't feel anything, it just feels like it's going to be pulled down and started over.

The gift he bought for Li Jiawen's parents this time was to highlight one word, Hao.

For Li Jiawen's mother, Su Wei chose a pure gold bracelet, weighing 350 grams, which cost him almost 14 yuan.

Originally, he wanted to buy a bigger one, but there are no bigger and purer bracelets, and heavy ones can only be made to order.

As for Li Jiawen's father, Su Wei chose a gold Rolex watch. The dial, case, and bracelet of the journal are all made of gold, and the dial is with diamonds. The discounted price is 23.

If this watch is bought in a few years, the price cannot be lower than 40.

So in the past few years, buying a car and buying a watch is still a blessing. Most watches and most cars basically have discounts.

Unlike a few years ago, when you buy a car, you have to increase the price, and the price increase is ridiculous.

"Oh, Xiao Su, come here as soon as you come, why do you still buy such an expensive gift?" Li Shuyi opened it and looked at it, it turned out to be a gold watch.

He wants it, of course he wants it, but he can't accept it.

After all, Li Jiawen hasn't argued with Su Wei yet, so he doesn't want his future son-in-law to feel that he is greedy.

"Mother, old man, this is a little thought from Ah Wei, so don't refuse it, wear it and see if it looks good." Li Jiawen didn't expect that Su Wei had prepared a gift in advance.

She originally thought that Su Wei was unprepared, so she brought a lot of presents in her suitcase this time.

It was used until this time, who knew that Su Wei brought it himself.

"Xiao Su, I'm really sorry, we live in this kind of mountain nest, it's not easy for you to come here once, and it even costs you money.

Ouch, this bracelet is so heavy, isn't it solid?" Li Jiawen's mother tried to put on the bracelet when she heard what Li Jiawen said.

But after she put it on, her wrist felt very uncomfortable, and she realized that the bracelet should be made of pure gold.

"Auntie, this bracelet weighs 350 grams. It may be a little uncomfortable to wear it just now, but it will be fine if you wear it more. I also brought you some bird's nest and ginseng, so you can nourish your body if you have nothing to do.

Uncle, let me check to see if your watch is big. Oh, it’s just right, and you don’t need to adjust the bracelet.

Uncle, I heard from Jiawen that you still smoke, so I bought you some cigarettes and wine." Su Wei knew that he had chosen the right gift when he saw Li's father and Li's mother.

And besides bracelets and watches, he also bought some cigarettes, alcohol, bird's nest and ginseng.

The cigarettes and alcohol were bought in a supermarket in the mountain city, two boxes of Tianzi Tobacco, and four boxes of Moutai.

The bird's nest was bought in Yanzhan, which cost [-] catties, and I bought two catties.

The ginseng is a special-grade wild ginseng bought for 3 yuan a piece, and I bought five.

Of course, this kind of ginseng is artificially sown, but the age of ginseng is more than 30 years.

"What kind of cigarette is this? Wow, Huang Tianzi? This cigarette costs a hundred packs, isn't this Moutai? It costs more than 2000 a bottle." Apo's father is also well-informed, and he recognized tobacco and alcohol at a glance. , also said the price.

After all, he often goes to weddings and weddings, and he meets a lot of rich people.

Of course he knows about the famous Huang Tianzi and Moutai.

"These cigarettes and alcohol are so expensive? Xiao Su, can you return this cigarette? Your uncle has this foot. The doctor told him to reduce his smoking. Recently, he has reduced from one pack a day to three a day. , if you buy so many cigarettes, he will definitely not be able to bear it." Li's mother took away all the gold bracelets, but she just refused to accept the cigarettes.
Because the doctor explained that Li Shuyi's foot is now in the recovery period. Although his left foot will still be lame after it is completely healed, it can improve a lot compared to now.

But if he smokes too much, he will have a lot of trouble recovering.

"It's all Xiao Su's kindness, I will smoke less." Li Shuyi smokes more than 20 packs of dragon and phoenix now, and he hasn't tasted the taste of Huang Tianzi yet.

When he was working in the past, his boss could not afford to smoke this cigarette.

Unexpectedly, his future son-in-law would give him two boxes directly.

"Do you think I'll believe it? There's so much smoke here, you can't help it." Mother Li didn't want to quit completely, but there was indeed too much smoke.

Both boxes of cigarettes are [-] sticks old, and I can smoke one pack a day for three years.

"Awei, since this is the case, why don't you give back some of these cigarettes?" Li Jiawen didn't know before, it turned out that the doctor asked her to smoke less.

If she had known this, she would have stopped Su Wei when he was buying cigarettes.

"Your father wants to smoke less. It's true that I buy a little too much cigarettes here, but I didn't plan to smoke all the cigarettes here for your father. I used some of them to distribute to your fellow villagers. In this way, You just go out with more cigarettes later, and just save some for your dad." Su Wei rarely returns things when he buys things now.

Moreover, he originally had a box of cigarettes for loosening.

After all, when Li Jiawen brought him back, he was returning home after all.

"Ah, let out so much smoke? Would it be too extravagant, come back home, that's fine.

Madam, old man, Su Wei and I have decided that we will dissipate most of the cigarettes and leave a few sticks for the old man.

Auntie, you must be tired all day. This cigarette is for you. Thank you for your hard work.

Uncle, you have worked hard to make food, this cigarette is for you.

Master Liu, take out this box of cigarettes for me, and those who are watching the fun outside should also give up a few packs of cigarettes." Li Jiawen thought for a while, and indeed, she was returning home in good clothes.

Letting out the smoke can be regarded as making these folks eat people's mouths, stop spreading rumors, and help her spread the rumors.

"Big sister, you're back." Li Jiawei was reviewing in the back room. She didn't know that big sister was back until Li Jiahang came to call her.

She is about to take the college entrance examination soon, but because her English is not good enough, she is listening to English crazily and practicing her oral English.

"Sister, you are so beautiful today." Li Jiaxin was driven back to the room by her father. She was not studying, but was sleeping.

However, although she is not serious about her studies, her grades are still quite good.

Just now when Li Jiahang called her, she got up in a daze.

"Jiawei, Jiaxin, let me introduce you, this is your brother-in-law Su Wei.

Awei, this is my second younger sister Jiawei, who is now in her third year of high school, and she is going to take the exams in Shanghai or the school in Qiantang.

This is my third sister, Jiaxin, who is now a sophomore in high school. She is the one with the best grades in our family. She is always in the top three in the school. If it weren’t for the poor conditions in her family, she might have gone to study in the county.” Li Jiawen just told the family After these helping neighbors finished smoking, they heard her second sister's voice.

Looking back, it was indeed his second younger sister who came over.

"Brother-in-law is good." When Li Jiawei called Su Wei's brother-in-law, her whole face blushed from embarrassment.

She is the shyest of the three sisters in the family.

"Hello." Seeing Li Jiawei, Su Wei had an idiom in his mind.

Qiaoxiaoqianxi, beautiful eyes look forward to Xi.

Su Wei used to think that among his many women, Wu Fei was the prettiest.

But seeing Li Jiawei today, he knew that there are still people who can match Wu Fei's appearance.

"Brother-in-law, everyone has presents, do we have presents?" Li Jiaxin came out and saw that everyone had presents, so she couldn't wait to ask.

She was the liveliest one in the family and the most courageous one.

"Yes, I bought you an Apple four-piece set, see if you like it or not." Su Wei didn't know what to buy for Li Jiawen's younger siblings, so he bought three Apple four-piece sets.

Including watches, mobile phones, tablets, and computers.

"Ah, is it an apple four-piece suit? I'm not dreaming, thank you brother-in-law." When Li Jiaxin saw the apple four-piece suit, she was really happy.

Although no one in their school has bought it, they have heard of the Apple four-piece suit.

"You can't take the electronic products that your brother-in-law gave you to school, do you hear?" Li Shuyi might not have said that before, but after Li Jiahang's incident.

He knew that he couldn't show his wealth, otherwise he would be robbed if he rode an electric scooter on the road.

"We know, we won't bring these things to school." Li Jiawei and the others just now knew that Li Jiahang was robbed by Yang Xiandong.

They all knew about Yang Xiandong, after all he was a notorious bad student in the school.

"Stop standing and talking all the time, Xiao Su, you must be hungry, let's all go to the table for dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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