Chapter 263

"Sister, are you really not sleeping at home tonight? My bed has been made for you." Mother Li, Li Jiawen and the others were sitting at another table.

Today, there are four tables in her house.

When she was shopping for vegetables in the morning, fortunately, she bought several thousand yuan worth of vegetables.

When she came back, her relatives were still saying that she would have to eat for many days after buying so many vegetables.

When Su Wei's bodyguards appeared, they cooked all the dishes.

Su Wei's bodyguards, plus assistants, plus him and Li Jiawen himself, there are 13 people.

On Li Shuyi's side, some relatives and helpers came.

There are five people in their family, so the four tables can barely sit down.

Fortunately, it didn't rain today, so it could be placed in the living room, otherwise there would be no room for this table.

"Ma'am, forget it, I'll go to the hotel to stay, and besides, it's not like we won't be able to come tomorrow." Li Jiawen logically said that she should be sleeping at home today.

After all, she and Su Wei are not married yet, and they are just boyfriend and girlfriend.

But Su Wei repaid her family's foreign debts and bought so many things.

That's why Mother Li and the others didn't care about this matter, they just thought that Li Jiawen could chat at home at night.

In fact, they didn't know Su Wei at all. Their previous impression was that he was a little rich.

When I saw the real person today, I realized that Su Wei was so young and rich.

After all, the worst of the five cars outside is a Volkswagen Touareg.

And that car, they just learned from Li Jiawen, was still driven by the bodyguards.

The richest person in their village also owns a Porsche Cayenne.

And that person doesn't go back to the village very often, and he doesn't come back during the Chinese New Year, that is, he will come back during Qingming.

"Sister-in-law, Jiawen can't get used to sleeping on your hard bed anymore. I told you that you won't listen to me asking you to buy a Simmons." Li Jiawen's aunt felt that she had guessed why Li Jiawen refused to sleep at home.

It must be that Li Jiawen is used to living a good life now, and if she is asked to sleep on a hard bed, she will definitely not want to.

"Didn't I think that this house would definitely have to be demolished and rebuilt, and we wouldn't know where to sleep at that time. I was afraid of the trouble of moving, so I didn't buy it" because Li Jiawen told her that it was too much It will be time to renovate the house.

So she felt that anyway, Li Jiawen and the others only came back for two days, so it didn't matter if they slept for a while.

It wasn't until Su Wei brought back more than a dozen people that she realized that she had simplified things.

"I don't want to sleep at home because of the bed. It's mainly because Ah Wei drank alcohol at night. If he doesn't feel well at night, I can take care of him." Li Jiawen really didn't refuse to sleep at home because of the bed. After all, she hasn't lived such a good life for even a month.

It was because Su Wei was drunk, if she didn't go to the hotel to accompany her.

She was afraid what would happen if Zhang Ruoyu entered Su Wei's room at night, after all, she was so beautiful.

And when eating, even she is at the women's table, and Zhang Ruoyu is.

She was still sitting next to Su Wei, and naturally stopped Su Wei from drinking.

It can be seen that this is not the first time she has done this, because she is too skilled.

As long as it wasn't for her father to toast Su Wei, most of them were stopped by Zhang Ruoyu.

"Sister, can I go to live in the county with you at night, I have never stayed in a hotel at my age." Li Jiaxin has never stayed in a hotel before, and she has never stayed in a hotel.

After all, her family's conditions are poor, and she has never traveled out since she was so old.

The farthest place I have been to is the county town of my hometown.

Although their place is a mountain city, she hasn't been to the mountain city area yet.

"Why are you going to the county seat? You went to the county seat, and your brother-in-law will open a room for you, and you won't be going to school tomorrow?" Mother Li saw that Li Jiaxin wanted to go to the county seat, and immediately stopped her.

Because she knows Li Jiaxin too well, although she has good grades, she is too playful.

If it weren't for her and her old man's strict control, Li Jiaxin's grades would never have been so good.

"Jiaxin can go if she wants to. I can drive her to school tomorrow morning. Anyway, if I drive from the county to the town, it should take about half an hour." Li Jiawen hasn't seen these two sisters for a long time. She has a lot to say to them.

In the past, she was too busy with work and the phone bill was quite expensive, so she didn't talk to them much.

Now that she has money and time, she still wants to care about their recent situation.

After all, the two of them are about to take the college entrance examination, especially Li Jiawei, who is not many days away.

"Isn't that good? If you bring Yaomei there, Su Wei won't have any objections?" Li's mother softened her attitude when she heard what Li Jiawen said.

But she was afraid that Su Wei would have an opinion. After all, their family's life is better now, and it's all because of Su Wei.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Ah Wei doesn't care about such a small amount of money, you just need to know that he has a lot of money.

You see, this watch in my hand was given by Ah Wei, you can guess how much it cost to buy it." Hearing her mother say this, Li Jiawen knew that they still knew nothing about Su Wei's wealth.

The main thing is this kind of thing beyond cognition, which is completely incomprehensible.

So she took out the watch in her hand and asked them to guess the price.

"This watch is a gift from Su Wei. It's so beautiful. What brand is it? Do you want 10 yuan?" Several relatives of Li Jiawen looked at the watch and guessed the price from 20 to [-] yuan.

After all, they have never even heard of the brand of this watch.

If it wasn't for the fact that this watch was given by Su Wei, they all planned to guess tens of thousands of dollars.

"This watch is called Richard Mille. It cost 180 million when I bought it. How about it? It looks good." The watch in Li Jiawen's hand was bought while shopping with Su Wei at that time.

I remember that Su Wei offended the son of the Yang Group in order to buy a watch.

"Wow, this watch is so expensive? Sister-in-law, Jiawen has found such a son-in-law who can make money, and you can just wait and enjoy the blessings in the future." Li Jiawen's aunt was stunned when she heard the price, and her pupils were even more so. Involuntarily widened.

What is the concept of 180 million yuan? If you use this money to buy a house in the urban area of ​​Shancheng, you can buy a three-bedroom, two-living room, two-bathroom furnished house with all the money, and you can buy a cheap car with the rest of the money.

Now they just bought a watch, how could this not surprise them.

"My lady, can I go to the county to stay in a hotel?" Li Jiaxin doesn't have such a big concept of money now, she only knows that after her mother heard what her elder sister said, she no longer stops her from going to the county.

She plans to bring a camera and take some photos of herself going to the hotel.

"Yaomei, you can go, but after you go to the county seat, remember to go to bed early at night, don't go to bed too late, or your eldest sister won't get up tomorrow, and you will be late for school, then I will teach you a lesson." Mother Li doesn't stop Li Jiaxin anymore, after all, Li Jiawen said so.

And it's actually a good thing that the relationship between their sisters is better.

The people in their life are just because they didn't have a good relationship when they were young, and now they often have conflicts.

"Jiawei, do you want to go to the county town tonight?" Since Li Jiawen called Li Jiaxin, of course it is impossible to forget Li Jiawei.

After all, both are her younger sisters, and Li Jiawei is about to take the college entrance examination soon.

"I'm going"

. . .

"Xiao Su, tell your driver to drive slowly, there are no street lights in this village at night." Li Shuyi just finished drinking with Su Wei, and he is really satisfied with Su Wei, his future son-in-law .

Because Su Wei told him when he was drinking just now.

The family's house has a long history, and it is still a wooden house, so there may be hidden dangers for them to live in.

So what Su Wei meant was that he paid for him to build a big house made of steel and concrete.

When Li Shuyi was drinking just now, he drank several glasses of wine because he was so happy.

"It's okay, we have a road-finding car at the front, uncles and aunts, you don't have to give it away." Su Wei didn't drink Moutai just now, and he and Zhang Ruoyu drank rice wine.

Because he doesn't like to drink baijiu, he prefers to drink rice wine than baijiu.

"Mother, old man, we will come over at noon tomorrow, you go back quickly, or you will go to the county with us?" The car has already started, and Mother Li and the others are still following the car.

Li Jiawen could only continue to persuade, after all, it's not like they won't come tomorrow.

"I won't go to the county seat. If that's the case, then I won't give it away. Do you have any dishes you want to eat tomorrow? Is stewed beef brisket okay?" Mother Li also wants to live in the county seat, but there are still so many relatives at home.

Moreover, these relatives could not live at home because there was no place to live at home.

Now four rooms have been vacated, not for the relatives in the village, they all have a place to live at once.

"Stewed beef brisket, that's fine. Goodbye, lady, goodbye old man." Seeing that her parents stopped following her, Li Jiawen shrank back.

She not only brought out her two younger sisters today, but also her younger brother.

But the three of them are not in this car, but in the Rolls Royce behind.

"Jiajia, I see that in your village, it seems that your family has four children. Why? I don't think your father is a patriarchal family?" At the beginning, Su Wei really thought Li Jiawen's parents are very patriarchal.

After all, there are three older sisters and one younger brother. Who would say that this family just wants a son?

But after contacting him today, he found that Li Shuyi had no patriarchal thoughts.

"My father is not patriarchal at all, on the contrary, he prefers me as the eldest daughter, and what he gives me is the best within his ability.

Ah Wei, do you know that I actually had an older brother, but he passed away very early. My father had already planned not to have another child at that time, thinking that having me as a daughter was enough.

But there was one thing that changed his mind. I remember it clearly at the time. It was when I was four years old, a relative's child robbed me of my toys and beat me.

When my old man helped me snatch the toy back, he said in front of my old man that there is no son in my family, everything in this house will belong to him in the future, and this toy should also belong to him.

Because of this incident, my father continued to have children until he gave birth to Li Jiahang." Li Jiawen remembers that her family was not poor at the beginning, but it was only after the birth of a few younger brothers and sisters that the family became poor.

Because his father had to take care of his pregnant wife and hide from the family planning office.

After the child is born, he has to pay a large fine.

After so many years, their family became so poor.

"This is a must-have. How could this child know these things? They should have been taught by their adults." Su Wei knew it when he heard Li Jiawen say this.

It is a very common situation in the countryside to eat out of households.

In a family, if there is no son, it is easy to be bullied when the pillar of the family gets old.

And these people who bully him are still their closest relatives.

"It's so scary. These relatives are too disgusting. If there is such a situation in my family, my parents will definitely beat these relatives out. What kind of relatives are these, they are simply demons." There is also such a thing as eating out of the house.

No wonder many people wanted to have sons. If they didn't have sons, it would be really hard to deal with such disgusting relatives.

And their calculations have been made decades later.

"Xiao Zhang, you don't think that this phenomenon doesn't exist in your family, do you? As long as you have an only child, no matter if you are a relative or a lover, you will have this idea of ​​being out of the family." Su Wei now suddenly understands why there are patriarchal Feminine thoughts.

Experts on TV will tell everyone that it is the same to have children.

But in reality, there are absolutely no households. Basically, if you search, you can find a lot of them.

"Maybe, no wonder I feel that my relatives will be inexplicably hostile to me." Zhang Ruoyu didn't think about that before, but now that she thinks about it, it's really creepy.

Moreover, those relatives were not liked by her parents very much, and she felt that her parents made a big fuss at the time.

Thinking about it now, it may be because her parents have helped her eliminate the danger in advance.

"Jiajia, is your family still in touch with that relative?" Su Wei grabbed Li Jiawen's hand and gave her some warmth.

At this time, he also realized that it was not easy for Li Shuyi. Yes, he is not dead yet, and he still has a daughter, so some people are already thinking about his family property.

If there was any accident for him, the family would no longer have a pillar, and Li Jiawen and his mother would not know how miserable they would be bullied.

"No, since this incident happened, our family has stopped communicating with his family. By the way, this relative is my uncle, and he also lives in this village." Li Shuyi has three brothers and two sisters.

But after this incident, he cut off contact with his elder brother.

And the other brother, the relationship between the two is not very good.

That is, her aunt's side, the relationship is still good.

"Uncle dear? Oh, how ironic"

. . .

"Sister, how are we going to sleep today? Are you sleeping with me and the second sister, brother-in-law and younger brother?" Li Jiaxin was not as lively as when she was at home after she came to the hotel.

After all, this place is so magnificent, she feels that the clothes on her body are so dirty.

"You sleep with Jiawei at night, my younger brother sleeps alone, and I sleep with your brother-in-law." Li Jiawen was afraid that Zhang Ruoyu would enter the room at night, so how could he sleep with Li Jiaxin and the others.

And Su Wei also knew that he would rather sleep alone than with Li Jiahang.

"Do you want to have something to eat tonight? It's still so early, let's order some barbecue." Su Wei would propose to eat barbecue because he knew that Li Jiawen still had something to ask her brothers and sisters.

Of course, he also wanted to know about Li Jiawei and Li Jiaxin.

Although Li Jiaxin is not as good-looking as Li Jiawei, she is still a first-class beauty.

It's just that the clothes she wears somewhat limit her beauty.

But Li Jiawei is different, although her clothes are also dirty, but she looks good in them.

"Eat barbecue, okay, okay" Li Jiaxin was the one who spoke, not because she was stealing, but because she was the only one among the few who was willing to talk.

Li Jiawei is that kind of introverted personality, and Li Jiahang didn't know if he was beaten today, and his overall condition is not very good.

Su Wei didn't drink much today, mainly because Zhang Ruoyu drank most of the wine.

He was fine when he arrived at the hotel, but Zhang Ruoyu was already dozed off by the wind.

When the barbecue came, she had already fallen asleep in the room.

"Jiawei, I heard from your sister that you plan to go to a university in Shanghai." Li Jiawen and Su Wei mentioned before that Li Jiawei wanted to study in a university in Shanghai.

She came to ask Su Wei's opinion, which is better, Kyoto or Shanghai.

"Ah, me? I have this idea, but I don't have much confidence, because my grades are only about 600 points. If I choose Shanghai, I don't know which university is better." Li Jiawei was eating crayfish when suddenly Su Wei Asked, she was still a little confused.

Because she doesn't like being the center of everyone, especially in front of Su Wei.

Once she was in the spotlight before, girls would come to trouble her.

So she doesn't like being noticed, and would rather remain unknown.

"Then which school is the school in your mind? Is there one you most want to go to?" Of course, Su Wei has a way to get into the school.

Whether it's spending money or going through a bank relationship, you can get in.

As long as Su Wei is willing, even the Ivy League, he can let Li Jiawei go.

"Her, her goal is of course the four 985 schools in Shanghai, but her grades are at most 211." Li Jiaxin often despises Li Jiawei and Li Jiahang because of her good grades.

After all, with her current grades, as long as there are no accidents, she should be able to enter those 985.

"What about you? What's your goal?" Li Jiawen got a second grade in the exam.

Seeing Li Jiaxin speak so loudly now, she couldn't help teasing her.

"Me, my goal is Zhejiang University, because I don't like Shanghai, and I think Qiantang is more suitable for me." Li Jiaxin doesn't like Shanghai, and a big reason is because of Xiao Si's novels.

When she saw that the people in Shanghai in Xiao Sishu were all like that, she didn't like Shanghai anymore.

"You have never been to Shanghai and Qiantang, how do you know which city is more suitable for you?" Li Jiawen smiled, Li Jiaxin has never been to these two cities.

How would she know which of the two cities is more suitable for her?

"Ding, boom boom boom"

"Keep talking, I'll answer the phone"

. . .

"What do you want from me?" Su Wei was very curious, what did Fan Wenqi want from him.

After all, it's already 11 o'clock, so she's not afraid that he won't answer her call?
"You did the thing about the Yang Group, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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