Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 264 I Will Definitely Find You Today

Chapter 264 I Will Definitely Find You Today

"Boss Su, you made the Yang Group's online revelations, right?" Fan Wenqi has been paying attention to Yang Group's news during this time.

Because when she investigated Su Wei, she found that he had a conflict with Yang Jiale of the Yang Group.

At first she also thought it was a small conflict, but when Su Wei returned to the magic capital this time, the two had another dispute on the elevated road.

Fan Wenqi has had close contact with Su Wei and found out that he is not a good-tempered person.

Yang Jiale has provoked him so much, and according to his temper, it is definitely impossible to let it go like this.

And she knew about Su Wei's background, because Huang Xingzhang of Modu was her own uncle.

So Su Wei, who has so many assets in his hand, can't face Yang Jiale's provocation and not fight back.

When Yang Group's black material appeared on the Internet today, she went to read it immediately.

Sure enough, a lot of sailors were found, following the rhythm of the Yang Group.

Fan Wenqi roughly looked at the exposed issues. It said that there was a debt problem in the Yang Group, and it was messing with the relationship between men and women. It also said that the houses they built cut corners and materials.

This obvious naval behavior made Fan Wenqi feel very nonsensical.

Because these are not evidence at all, at most they are just speculation.

At most, it can disgust the Yang Group, but it doesn't hurt them at all.

Fan Wenqi's first reaction after seeing it was that Su Wei might have done this.

"What are you talking about? I made the news on the Internet. What happened to the Yang Group, what does it have to do with me?" Su Wei didn't expect it, so he warmed up the news at night.

This woman, Fan Wenqi, could smell it.

The revelations he asked people to release today are basically half-truths and half-false.

And it's not fatal news, the main purpose is to let these netizens have a better understanding of the Yang Group.

At most, the Yang Group thought that their enemy bought so many sailors on purpose to disgust them.

What Su Wei wants is for the Yang Group to be careless and wait until the early hours of tomorrow morning.

These sailors are spreading the news on a large scale. What will be revealed at this time is not the half-truth and half-false news now.

When the time comes, the news will be revealed that the Yang Group's financial fraud, tax evasion and tax evasion, and the sale of state assets.

And it's not empty talk, but investigations, evidence, and solid facts.

At that time, even if there are leaders who want to help the Yang Group cover up, it will be too late.

Because by that time, everything that should be seen and what should not be seen has been seen.

Especially in order to ensure that this matter can be fermented smoothly, Su Wei spent tens of millions in it.

If others do this, it may be driven by profit.

As long as the Yang Group can divide enough profits, those people will let him go.

But Su Wei is different. Now that he has made a move, he intends to bring down the Yang Group directly.

After all, if you don't die by beating a snake, you will suffer from it.

"Those revelations on the Internet now? Didn't you arrange someone to reveal them?
I told you last time that if you really want to deal with the Yang Group, the two of us can cooperate.

The information you are releasing now has no effect on the Yang Group." When Fan Wenqi heard what Su Wei said, she was a little unsure if it was him.

So she decided to test it out to see if he did it.

Because she really has black material about the Yang Group in her hands, if it comes out, it will give them a headache.

She would want to help Su Wei, of course not because she admired him.

And compared to swallowing Xu Jinhui, she wanted to swallow Yang's group more.

If she was in the past, she would not have dared to think so, but if she had Su Wei's help, her hopes would be greatly increased.

When she swallows the Yang Group, she will be truly full.

Although Xu Jinhui's company is also very big, compared to Yang's group, he is not enough.

The most important thing is that in Xu Jinhui's plan, there are too many people sharing the profits.

Fan Wenqi has a big appetite, and she feels that she can't get enough to share with so many people.

"Don't blame me, okay, it's just a small conflict between me and the Yang Group, why should I expose his information, I'm not idle.

As for your help, I don't need it here, I'll hang up if it's okay." Su Wei and Fan Wenqi are not familiar with each other, and although they cooperated with her in the Snake Tunxiang Project, Fatty Huang also played a role in it.

But the Yang Group he wants to run is not at all the same as Xu Jinhui's.

First of all, Xu Jinhui's company is in Kyoto, and his network is also there.

The Yang Group is different, they are local companies in Shanghai.

Their network is in Shanghai, and Fatty Huang is the president of ICBC in Shanghai.

Who knows whether he will help Su Wei or the Yang Group.

Su Wei is definitely not willing to gamble on this juncture. Anyway, when everything is exposed tomorrow, the Yang Group must be dead.

"Don't hang up, I have something to tell you, hey, hey, Su Wei, you bastard, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so mad." Fan Wenqi looked at the phone that was hung up by Su Wei with a really serious look on her face unbelievable.

Although she likes women, and many people know it.

But those men who know will still be polite to her.

It is because she is indeed very beautiful, and she has a good figure and a good family background.

. . . . . .

"Dad, what's the matter? Woke me up so late? Did Jia Le get into some trouble again?" Yang Jiayu was already asleep, but the old man hurriedly called him up.

Seeing that the old man had a bad face, and seeing Yang Jiale in the study, he thought it was his younger brother Yang Jiale who made the old man angry again.

His younger brother, apart from eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, is not proficient at all.

This time he was going to deal with Su Wei. After so many days, the person his younger brother was looking for hadn't reached Su Wei's side yet.

Yang Jiayu has already decided that this time he will deal with Su Wei himself.

"Brother, it's not me. Someone hacked our house on the Internet. Dad got angry after seeing the black material." Yang Jiale is the person most afraid of in this family.

It's not his old man Yang Ye, but his elder brother Yang Jiayu.

Because his elder brother, when he treats him well, it's so nice, he asks for money for money, and for a car for a car.

But if you are not satisfied with him, you will really hit people with your hands, and it will be the kind of real punching.

He felt very wronged about this matter today, because when he came home, he saw his dad talking on the phone in the living room.

He originally wanted to go in quietly, but his father saw him.

Then the old man arrested him and went to the computer in the study to find those black materials.

"Such a big thing happened on the Internet. As the general manager of the company, you don't know at all? You can still sleep. If someone hadn't told me, I wouldn't know that such a big thing happened." Yang Yejiu After growing up, sleepiness is not as much as before.

Today he received a call from his old buddy, saying that someone online was hacking their Yang Group.

Yang's Group was not called Yang's Group back then, it was he who developed into this step by step.

Hearing that someone was blackmailing my hard work on the Internet, I wanted to go directly to Yang Jiayu.

At this time, he saw Yang Jiale coming back, so he didn't look for Yang Jiayu. After all, his eldest son really worked hard every day.

Instead, he planned to find out the situation by himself first, and if someone was really hacking his home, it would not be too late to wake him up.

After Yang Jiale finished the investigation, he found out that someone was hacking their house.

At this time, he didn't care whether Yang Jiayu was sleeping or not, and called him directly to the study.

"I thought it was a big deal, that's all? I've already seen it, and they have no evidence, at most they just disgust us, and I'll ask someone to delete all these posts by tomorrow morning.

Dad, it's already 12 o'clock in the evening, go to sleep, I'll take care of this matter." Yang Jiayu looked at the things exposed on the Internet.

It is true that most of it is true, because there are several things in it that he directed.

But he doesn't believe that the other party can find evidence, and even if he finds evidence, he can at most push his subordinates out and get it done.

These revelations can't hurt their family, at most they can make their family sick for a while.

"Before noon tomorrow, I don't want to see these revelations on the Internet again, have you heard?" Yang Ye still trusts Yang Jiayu's ability, after all, his eldest son has never let him worry about it since he was a child.

In the past few years of running the company, the company's performance has been thriving.

It's not like this youngest son, who spends money besides getting into trouble.

"Dad, don't worry, I will arrange someone to delete the post early tomorrow morning"

. . . . . .

"What's the matter, who is calling you to make you so happy?" Li Jiawen was smiling when he saw Su Wei coming over.

I thought he was so happy when he heard some good news.

"It's good news. My partner called me and told me that I might make a lot of money next month. Then I will buy you a house in Shanghai." Su Wei would be so happy only because he directly Hang up Fan Wenqi's phone call.

He knew that Fan Wenqi on the other end of the phone must be furious.

As for what he said about buying a house for Li Jiawen, it was indeed true, and it had nothing to do with making money or not.

But Li Jiawen has restrictions on buying a house, because she is not a native of Shanghai, and she does not have social security.

So her house should either be a company account or Su Wei's account.

How could Su Wei give him a luxury house worth over [-] million in the future before the woman gave birth to him.

"Brother-in-law? Are you going to give my sister a house in Shanghai? How expensive are houses in Shanghai and those in Shancheng City?" Li Jiaxin didn't expect that Su Wei would actually say that he would give his sister a house.

When Li Jiawen called back before, he said that he wanted to buy a big house for his parents in the county.

At that time, my parents brought home some real estate advertisements, and Li Jiaxin also saw them.

The houses in their county cost about several thousand yuan per square meter.

Although Li Jiaxin knew that Shanghai was the most economically developed city in China, she had never even been to a mountain city.

I really don't know how big the gap is between the housing prices in Shanghai and the mountain city.

"The price of a better house in Shancheng should be around [-] to [-].

And the price of a better house in Shanghai is more than 20 and [-], and the price gap between the two places is huge." Li Jiawen was really happy when he heard that Su Wei wanted to buy her a house.

Because if Su Wei bought her a house in Shanghai, then she would no longer be a duckweed, but would have her own roots.

"The gap between the two cities is so big? The difference in housing prices is almost ten times, no wonder everyone is running to Shanghai." Li Jiaxin was really frightened when he heard that it cost more than 20 square meters.

Because if calculated in this way, a house of 100 square meters would cost 2000 million.

She still doesn't know that the Rolls Royce she sat in yesterday is worth more than 1000 million.

"You can come to Magic City this summer, and when the time comes, ask your sister to take you around, and you can also go to Disneyland." When Su Wei was speaking, he looked at Li Jiawei who didn't talk much.

It was found that the genes of their family really look good.

Li Jiawen and the other three sisters, none of them are bad looking.

Even Li Jiahang, if he wasn't injured, he should be a handsome guy.

"Really? Can we go to Disney? Then I must come." Li Jiahang had been eating before, and he came to his senses when he heard Disney.

Li Jiahang's deskmate went to Happy Valley last year.

When I came back, I brought a lot of photos, including rotating swings, big pendulums, pirate ships and so on.

This made Li Jiahang envious. At that time, he wanted to go to Happy Valley in his dreams.

But later someone in the class told Li Jiahang after going to Disney that Disney was more fun than Happy Valley.

So later, Li Jiahang changed his trip to Happy Valley to Disney in Shanghai.

"Then when you are on summer vacation, you can all come to Shanghai. You can also bring your wife and the old man with you. They have never been to Shanghai before."

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Hey, what's the matter? What? How did this happen? Is that person okay? Okay, then we'll be right back." Li Jiawen was in his sleep when he was woken up by the phone call.

When she got up, she saw that it was her aunt calling.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Su Wei was also woken up by Li Jiawen's call, and he was dumbfounded to see Li Jiawen answering the call.

He knew that something must have happened.

"Awei, my house was doused with gasoline this morning, and it burned down." Li Jiawen's aunt called her in such a hurry because something serious happened this morning.

The wooden house of Li Jiawen's family was actually set on fire.

Although people are fine, the home is gone.

Li Jiawen was scared to death at first, but she didn't recover until her aunt told her that the family was fine.

"Then how are your parents? Are you okay? Do you know who burned it?" Su Wei was also shocked when he heard it.

Fortunately, I didn't sleep there, otherwise I would be in danger.

"My parents are fine, but the whole house was burnt down. The person who lit the fire has also been arrested. It was Yang Xiandong who took the lead in beating my brother yesterday. It was his family who lit the fire. People in our village controlled him at the scene. "Li Jiawen started to get up and get dressed at this point, because she is going back now.

After all, she can only hear about the current situation at home.

Only when you get home can you know the specific situation.

This time the villagers were able to help so much, I really want to thank Su Wei.

If he hadn't driven a convoy when he went to Xiangshan Village yesterday.

And when I went back, I gave everyone smoke, otherwise there would be so many people who came to help.

At most, it is to help put out the fire. Such a dangerous matter of arresting people will definitely be handed over to the police station.

"What, is that the yellow hair that took the lead? It's so lawless, let's go, let's go back and see what's going on"

. . . . . .

"Hey, Fan Wenqi, what's the matter with you? I'm very busy today." Su Weicai just left the hotel when he received another call from Fan Wenqi.

He really didn't have time to talk to Fan Wenqi now, because Li Jiawen's house was burned, and he had to go over to check the situation.

This time, the yellow-haired family member will make trouble, and the big reason is that he sent him to the police station.

"Where are you? I need you urgently." Fan Wenqi was still unsure whether the person who broke the news was Su Wei.

But at 07:30 this morning, after she read the news, she was sure that the person who broke the news was Su Wei.

Because as long as this news is confirmed, the Yang Group will definitely be over.

So she has to find Su Wei quickly and talk to him about a big cooperation.

"You want to find me, right? I'm in the mountain city, so let's talk about it if you can find me." Su Wei knew what Fan Wenqi was looking for him for, and it must be the Yang Group's business.

Su Wei has already posted all the dirty information about the Yang Group on the Internet.

Fan Wenqi wanted to swallow the Yang Group, but Su Wei didn't want to talk to her.

Because Yang's group is not so easy to swallow, after all, he is very big.

But he didn't say anything to death. If Fan Wenqi could find him, he would talk to her.

"Then wait for me, I will definitely find you today"

(End of this chapter)

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