Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 265 Have You Considered Living in the City?

Chapter 265 Have You Considered Living in the City?

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom"

"Who is it, here it is?" Although Li Shuyi slept late yesterday, he still got up early today.

Because his daughter and son-in-law are coming to eat at noon today, he will go to the market in the town to buy vegetables later.

The dishes in the town have to go early, otherwise, if you go late, all the good meat will be picked out.

When I was chatting with a few relatives, I heard someone knocking on the door vigorously.

"Open the door, Li Shuyi, quickly open the door for me." Yang Depeng was playing cards in the mahjong parlor in the city yesterday, and then received a call from his old man.

He didn't really want to answer it at first, because every time the old man called him, nothing good happened.

Either the family ran out of money, or his son beat someone up at school again.

After the old man never gave up calling, he reluctantly answered the phone.

The main reason is that he has no money recently, and the old man asked him for money, but he couldn't give it.

After answering the phone, he realized that the old man called him this time, not asking him for money.

It was his son Yang Xiandong who was arrested for robbery.

In the past, he might not have cared about it, because his son did too much of this kind of thing.

But because of his minor relationship, at most he would be released if he was criticized and educated.

But this time is different, because his son broke someone else's watch when they were robbing things.

Now if their families pay out the watch money, these children can save a few years in prison.

If you don't lose money, you may spend several years in prison.

Yang Depeng had already guessed at this time that the watch must be very expensive, so he asked the old man how much the watch was.

When he heard the old man say that the watch was more than 100 million, Yang Depeng was stunned.

After careful questioning, he found out that his son was the son of Li Shuyi who was robbed.

This made him feel like he was being blackmailed, because there was a feud between him and Li Shuyi.

And Li Shuyi's son can wear more than 100 million watches, isn't this nonsense, after all, Li Shuyi's family is notoriously poor.

When the sky was slightly bright, he called his best brother and planned to talk to Li Shuyi.

"Yang Depeng? What are you doing here?" Li Shuyi opened the door and found that there were two people knocking on the door, one of them was Yang Depeng, and the other was unknown to him.

When he saw Yang Depeng, he was impatient when he spoke.

Because Yang Depeng is shameless, in the past few years.

He ran to his house and said that he wanted to marry Li Jiawen to be his son's stepmother, and he could offer 10 yuan as a bride price.

At that time, the blue veins that gave Li Shu loyalty popped out, and he chased Yang Depeng with a kitchen knife and chopped it off.

If Yang Depeng hadn't run fast at that time, he might be two or three years old now.

"What am I here for? What do you think I'm here for? You blackmailed my son, and now he's been taken to the police station, Li Shuyi, I didn't expect that, you played really hard.

Let me tell you, you'd better ask the police station to release my son, or I'll make you regret it." Yang Depeng came to Li Shuyi's home to propose marriage because he saw how poor Li Shuyi's family was.

At that time, he happened to win tens of thousands of yuan playing cards, so he thought of going to Li Shuyi to propose marriage.

As a result, Li Shuyi didn't hang him at all, instead he chased him with a kitchen knife.

"Your son was arrested for robbery. He was taken away by the police station. What's the use of you coming to me?" Li Shuyi already knew yesterday how Li Jiahang's injuries came about.

At that time, he was really angry, Yang Xiandong and his gang of bad ruffians dared to steal cars in the street and even beat people.

Later I heard Su Wei say that they beat people up and cheated them.

After listening to Li Shuyi, he didn't feel that Su Wei did anything wrong.

I just feel that the cost of this pit is too high, and it actually cost more than 100 million watches.

"You can't talk to you, what about your son-in-law, tell him to come out, I want to see how big a boss he is, and the watches he gave to my brother-in-law are more than 100 million, I really think I have never seen the market, right?" Yang Depeng didn't believe it. , Li Shuyi's son-in-law can be so rich.

If he is really so rich, he will give his brother-in-law more than 100 million watches, so he will not repair the old house in the old man's house.

Look at how dilapidated the house is. In the nearby villages, who has money and doesn't repair the house?

"What are you doing? Your son was arrested by the police station. What's the use of looking for my son-in-law? If you want to look for it, you must look for the police station. If you don't want to leave, we will drive you out." Mother Li and the others were chatting in the backyard While cooking, I heard arguing in the front yard.

She and their relatives came to the front yard together to see what happened.

They heard the dispute between Yang Depeng and Li Shuyi before they reached the front yard.

Only then did they know that it was the parents who beat Li Jiahang yesterday.

He came here this time to find Su Wei, and asked Su Wei to release his son.

"What are you doing? You want more people to bully less people, right? For the few of you here, if I make a random call, dozens of people will come over. Believe it or not," what Yang Depeng said was basically bragging.

Because the crackdown on gangsters in the mountain city has been very strong in recent years, if he was really good, he would have been caught in this crackdown.

It is because he only knows how to brag and does not cause much harm to society, so he was only arrested and locked up for a few days before being released.

"You want to trouble my son-in-law? I hacked you to death with a knife." Li Shuyi's family can live so well now because of his son-in-law.

Hearing that Yang Depeng said he wanted to trouble Su Wei, he rushed into the kitchen and came out with a knife.

"Don't scare me with a knife. I can't stand the scare. If you come here again, I'll throw the lighter into your firewood." Yang Depeng saw Li Shuyi come out with a knife again. He ran away last time. The second is that you can't run anymore.

Because last time he came alone, he ran away as soon as he ran.

But he still brought his brother here today, if he ran away, where would he put his face.

"Brother Bird, are you really going to light his house?" The friend brought by Yang Depeng was shocked when he saw him take out a lighter.

It was all agreed, but I just came here to scare them.

How could this be playing with setting fire to the house? If the fire goes on, it will be ten years from the start.

"I'm just trying to scare him, don't worry, this kind of villager is very easy to deceive." How could Yang Depeng really set fire to him, if he had the guts, he wouldn't be like this.

But his son believed that he was a gangster, and didn't think he was bragging at all.

"Don't scare us. If you light it today, my son-in-law will break your leg." Li Shuyi didn't believe that Yang Depeng dared to light a fire. After all, arson is a serious crime.

"Hey, you thought I was scared and broke my leg, just watch.

What's the matter? "Yang Depeng originally threw it out to put on a show, because the lighter only ignites when it is pressed.

But the lighter he came along with got stuck and couldn't bounce back.

The lighter just floated on the poplar catkins, and in an instant the corner of Li Shuyi's house was on fire. The flames were more than three meters high.

"It's over, Brother Bird, run away"

. . . . . .

"Elder Sister, let us go back too, you let us go to school now, we are not in the mood to go to class." Li Jiaxin and the others clung to the car and refused to get out when they reached the school gate.

Because they now know that their home was burned to the ground.

Of course, Li Jiawen didn't tell them about this. After all, the family was fine, but the house was burned down, and there was no point in bringing them back.

Li Jiaxin and the others will know about this because they got the phone from Su Wei yesterday.

After they got their mobile phones, they logged into QQ with their mobile phones.

They slept very late last night and had been chatting with their classmates in the group.

When Li Jiawen proposed to send them to school today, they didn't notice anything unusual.

When they were bored in the car and played on their mobile phones, they saw people in the group discussing their home.

Li Jiaxin hurriedly called their classmates in the same village, and only then did she know about the burning of her home.

When the car arrived at the school, Li Jiawen gave them 200 yuan each.

Let them eat brunch at school by themselves and pick them up later in the evening.

But the three of them already knew the situation, so they refused to get out of the car no matter what, and must follow them back to check the situation at home.

"You can't do anything after you go back. Your brother-in-law and I will go back and have a look first, and I'll tell you the situation later, okay?" Li Jiawen wanted to hide it from them, but he didn't want to affect their studies.

After all, Li Jiawei is about to take the college entrance examination, if this affects her, it will delay her for the rest of her life.

Although she is already with Su Wei, she still doesn't know how capable she is as a man.

"Sister, how about this, you send Yaomei and younger brother to school, and I still have a month to go to the college entrance examination, and now I go to school and the teacher let us review by ourselves, just let me go, I will go now I can't read the contents of the books at all." Li Jiawei is usually a very weak and weak person, but in this matter, her attitude is very firm.

After all, it was their own home that was burned, and they didn't know what their parents were like now.

They also called her father's mobile phone, but there was only a transmission from the mobile phone, which could not be connected.

This made them even more worried, so they must go back and see it with their own eyes.

"No, I want to go too. My grades are good. I have already learned all the content the teacher is teaching in class. My younger brother has the worst grades. Let him stay in school alone." Li Jiaxin called her classmate , Her classmate did not explain clearly what happened.

All he knew was that people from other villages came to make trouble, and then they ordered her house.

She didn't know what happened later, because she came to school at that time.

"Why did you let me stay? I don't want to get out of the car. I have to go home and check the situation. Besides, with my current state, I should just take a day off." Li Jiahang was beaten up yesterday, although it was all skin trauma.

But the pain is still very painful, and many places are still covered with gauze.

He didn't want to come to school today, after all, if he went to school with his current appearance, it would be too eye-catching.

"Jiawen, forget it, let them go back together, anyway, it's only one day, it won't delay their studies." Su Wei looked at the school's environment and found that it was really not that good.

Not far from the school, a group of students smoked together.

There are not only men, but also a lot of girls.

But Su Wei didn't say much, after all, this is just a high school in a small town.

If you really want a good environment, you basically have to go to a key high school.

The school will be more strict about this aspect, and students don't have so much free time to do bad things.

"Although you don't have to go to school today, remember to make up for today's lessons tomorrow, do you hear?" Li Jiawen's initial plan was to settle his parents down first.

Bring the three of them back in the evening, but they refuse to get off the car now, so she can only take them back together.

"Sister, don't worry, I'm pretty sure about grades."

. . . . . .

"President Su, we have arrived, but the car can't get up now. There are too many people in front, and it seems that the police station has also come." Li Shuyi's family lives on the hillside, but the mountain is not high, only tens of meters high.

The convoy went up easily last time, but today it seems that most of the people in the village who did not go out to work came here.

The road ahead was not blocked by cars on both sides, but was completely occupied by people.

In this short tens of meters, there are at least one or two hundred people standing.

From the foot of the mountain, you could see several police cars parked outside the courtyard of Li Jiawen's house.

"The car stops here, let's go up." Su Wei looked at it, and the car really couldn't go up.

And the road is full of people, so there is no need to drive the car hard.

He's just lazy, not with a broken leg.

"Jiawen, you and your boyfriend are back, hurry up and go to see your house, ouch, it was so badly burned." Many villagers were coming down from the mountain when they saw Su Wei's car parked by the side of the road, and Li Jiawen Familiar people have come to chat.

Su Wei smoked so much yesterday that basically everyone in the village knew Su Wei.

After all, it's too generous. One person gets two packages of Huang Tianzi, and more than half of the village's people are sent.

"Auntie, are my mother and the old man okay?" Li Jiawen didn't care about the house, after all, the house will be demolished in the future.

What she cares most about is how her parents are and whether there is anything wrong.

"That's right, aunt, are my mother and the old man all right?" Li Jiaxin and the others called this aunt, not her own aunt.

After all, most of the people in Xiangshan Village are related to relatives.

"Your mother and the old man are fine. Fortunately, they were set on fire when they got up. If they set fire while they were sleeping, the consequences would be unimaginable. This old house burned too fast." The aunt next to her People, took the topic smoothly.

Basically everyone in the village knew about this matter, after all, the crime of arson was too great.

After the accident happened, the villagers immediately arrested the person who set the fire, and then notified Li Jiawen and the police station to come over.

"Elder Sister, let's hurry up, I see that there is a commotion from above." Li Jiawei and the others are not far from her yard, and they can faintly hear the voices from above.

She could hear that someone above was scolding her as an old man.

"Then let's go faster"

. . .

"Li Shuyi, I am Cao Nima, if there is Moutai in your house, why don't you say that you have millions of cash in your house?" After Yang Depeng set the fire, he and his brother ran away.

But Li Shuyi's family happened to have relatives, and there were a lot of people in the village.

He was quickly blocked. After beating the two of them on the spot, they were tied up with ropes.

"There is really Moutai. My son-in-law bought it for me. He bought four boxes yesterday. We drank two bottles. There should be 22 bottles in it. By the way, there are more than half a box of Huang Tianzi in it. They were all burned." Li Shuyi's old house burned very fast because it was all made of wood.

He went to fetch a basin of water to put out the fire, but the fire had already burned over.

They didn't take anything from the house, and everything was completely burned by a fire.

"Don't just talk nonsense here just because your home was burned. You said that 22 bottles of Moutai and half a box of Huang Tianxia were burned. Do you have evidence?" The police saw Li Shuyi's home and looked at his clothes. Believe in what he said.

After all, 22 bottles of Moutai, plus half a box of Huang Tianzi, would cost tens of thousands more.

How could someone with such financial resources still live in such a dilapidated house.

"I have evidence, because I bought Maotai and Huang Tianxia." When Su Wei came over, he just heard that the policeman did not believe Li Shuyi.

Su Wei wasn't angry at all, after all, Li Shuyi's attire was really bad.

"Oh, so it's Mr. Su. What's your relationship?" The policeman saw that it was Su Wei, so he believed Li Shuyi.

This President Su doesn't talk about his own financial resources, but that he can receive calls from above in this remote village. This is enough to prove that this President Su has all-hands.

"This is my girlfriend's father. I bought the cigarettes and alcohol in the supermarket yesterday. Besides these things, I also bought two catties of bird's nest. This bird's nest is a [-] catty bird's nest.

There is also a special-grade wild ginseng worth 3 yuan. I bought five, and I have invoices for all of them.

If you still don't believe me, you can ask the people in the village. When I came here yesterday, I sent out a box and a half of Huang Tianzi." Su Wei didn't say the price of bird's nest and ginseng yesterday, because he was afraid that Li Jiawen's parents would be too expensive. I can not eat it.

It's all right now, it was burnt to the ground.

"It's impossible for President Su to lie. We must believe it. This person set the fire maliciously. We know what to do." After the investigation, the police station planned to take Yang Depeng and the others back to the station.

If it is someone else, of course it is not so simple.

But this person is Su Wei, so of course one must pay attention to efficiency.

"They not only set the fire maliciously, they are also relatives of the robbery gang yesterday." Some of the villagers knew Yang Depeng's identity, so they directly pointed it out to him.

After all, Su Wei is here now, and they have already seen it clearly.

This Su Wei is not only rich, but also powerful. Otherwise, how could the people in the police station be so polite to him.

"Don't worry, folks, we will investigate these things clearly, and we will definitely not be perfunctory." The police station said this, speaking to the villagers and also to Su Wei.

After all, who doesn't want to make progress, who doesn't want to go to the county town or even the urban police station.

"What do you mean? You believe what he said? Don't drag me away, I will go by myself." Yang Depeng is now heartbroken, and he did not expect that he would fall on a lighter.

He knew that it was useless to say that he didn't mean it now.

Because arson is a serious crime, and now hundreds of thousands of things have been burned, and he has no money to pay.

"Madam, old man, how are you? Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Li Jiawen saw the police car leaving, and saw her parents sitting listlessly on the side of the road.

She thought the two were frightened and planned to take them to the hospital to have a look.

"We're fine, but the house was burned down, and all the good things that Xiaosu brought were also burned." The one that was burned was their home.

After such a fire, there must be nothing left in it.

"When those things burn, they burn, as long as people are fine.

Uncle, have you ever thought about moving your family to the city? "

(End of this chapter)

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