Chapter 266
"Uncle, have you ever thought about moving the whole family to the urban area?" Su Wei didn't have this idea at first. When he came from Shanghai, he only planned to renovate Li Jiawen's old house. .

After all, Li Jiawen's parents are old, and they think the countryside is more suitable for them.

But today when he went to Li Jiawei's school, he saw that the study environment in this town was really bad.

Li Jiawei and her two sisters were able to resist all kinds of temptations before because their family was too poor.

But now that Li Jiawen is with Su Wei, their family will be rich.

At that time, whether the two of them can resist all kinds of temptations like now, then no one can say.

If the two sisters looked the same, Su Wei might not care, after all, he was just their brother-in-law.

But Li Jiawei looks better than Li Jiawen, and Li Jiaxin looks not much worse than her sister.

Of course, Su Wei couldn't worry about such two sister-in-laws.

It is said that half of each sister-in-law's butt belongs to her brother-in-law, and Li Jiawei and the others happen to be two sister-in-laws, which can just make up a complete one.

Another very important point is that the house of Li Shuyi's family will be burned down.

To a large extent, it has something to do with Su Wei, because he is the one who must punish those little kids severely.

Only then did the yellow-haired parents come to the door, and then the arson incident happened.

So although Li Shuyi and the others didn't say anything, Su Wei still wanted to change them to a better environment.

Since the environment is going to be changed, their county will of course not be considered.

Because I want to know the environment there, it must be better than the town.

In this case, it is better to take one step and move directly to the urban area.

"Move to the urban area? No, no, it's not suitable for country people like us to live there." Li Shuyi never thought in his life that he could still live in the urban area.

At that time Li Jiawen told him that he wanted to buy a house in the county, although he agreed.

But that was just for Li Jiawei and Li Jiahang and the others, so that they could get married better in the future.

Li Shuyi was a carpenter when he was young, and he used to help others make furniture.

But later on, everyone liked to buy furniture instead of playing furniture. After that, he has been working in a furniture factory in the county seat.

After he injured his foot before, the leader of the furniture factory visited him.

When I left, I gave him 2 yuan, and then terminated the labor contract with him.

So Li Shuyi's idea now is to raise some chickens and ducks and grow some side dishes in the countryside.

Anyway, if you have fields and mountains in your family, although you can't make money, you won't starve to death.

But it’s different if you go to the urban area, where you need to spend money to buy some peppers and green onions.

So how could it be possible for Li Shuyi to live in the urban area, after all, he had no source of income now.

"Old man, I think you should move to the urban area. After all, you have to go to the doctor every once in a while for your feet. If you live in the urban area, it is convenient to go to the hospital, and the doctors there are better.

The most important thing is that my younger brother's grades are not good, and the seventh middle school will soon move to the county seat, so it will definitely be inconvenient for him to go back and forth to study in the county seat.

And didn't you also agree to move to the county seat? Since you agreed to go to the county seat, why didn't you agree to move to the urban area? "Before Li Jiawen spoke, he took a special look at Li Jiawei and the others.

I found that they are not chatting now, and they are all listening to the conversation here attentively.

After all, the conversation between Li Shuyi and Su Wei probably decided whether their family would move to the city or not.

Although Shancheng is one of the four major cities directly under it, and it is developing very well now, with a high GDP.

But that has nothing to do with the countryside below the county seat, because it takes two or three hours for them to go to the urban area.

If they can really move to the urban area, then their lives will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

"It's only a few tens of kilometers from the county seat to the village, and I can go back and forth by driving this high-speed train at a slower pace.

But if you go to the urban area, it will be different. It will take two or three hours to drive to the village.

Besides, your mother and I are used to living in the house in our hometown. We are not used to living in buildings in the city, and if we go to the city, Wangcai can't follow us, so we should just live in the village.

As for the younger brother's studies, he can choose to live on campus when he is in high school. "Li Shuyi asked himself if he wanted to move to the city, of course he did.

But if he really wants to move to the urban area, he will be very scared and confused.

After all, in a city made of steel and concrete, everything needs money.

Besides, Wangcai is a dirt dog. If you lock him with a chain, he may go crazy in a month or two.

When Yang Depeng was arrested, Wangcai made great efforts.

He was reluctant to tie it up with a chain, let alone give it away.

"Old man, I want to live in the urban area, I don't want to live in the countryside, and you can ask your second sister and younger brother who would like to stay in the countryside.

Li Jiawei, would you like to move to the city?Li Jiahang, what about you?Did you choose to stay in the country? "Li Jiaxin became anxious when she heard her old man say that.

Her old man doesn't want to live in the urban area, but the few of them want to.

The girls in the urban area can go shopping everywhere during the holidays.

You can also go to those parks, zoos, or amusement parks with friends.

But they are on vacation, at most they will go to the county town to play.

As for places like zoos and amusement parks, they have only seen them on TV.

"Old man, I also want to go to the city, I want to study in the city, I don't want to continue to study in No. [-] Middle School." Before Li Jiahang spoke, he saw his second sister nodded heavily, and he had the courage to say this to the old man .

After all, if he went to the urban area, he would be able to study in the urban area, and he would no longer be a rural child.

When he first went to No. [-] Middle School to study, he remembered it clearly in the first year.

Those in the class who live in the town will discriminate against those who live in the countryside very much.

And those county students who did not get good grades in the county and transferred to the town to study would even discriminate against those in the town and those from the countryside.

So he really wanted to get out of the current environment, and now seeing that the old man refused to go to the city, he was also anxious.

"What do you three know? What's so good about living in an urban area? In a building where the neighbors don't know anyone, and you have to climb up and down every day when you get home. How can your old man's legs be so tossing?" Of course Mother Li knew that Su Wei would definitely not buy them a staircase room.

If you want to buy it, it must be an elevator room, after all, how much is the gift this time.

But the reason why the city of Shancheng is called a 3D magic city is because the city has a strong sense of three-dimensionality.

Most of the houses here are built by the mountains. When you stand at the gate of your own community, you feel that you are on the first floor.

But when I walked to the side of the community and looked down, it was probably on the 20th floor.

"If we really moved to the urban area, we would have to go to the vegetable market to buy side dishes like peppers and green onions, and then Wangcai would definitely be given away. Are you willing to give Wangcai to others?
Xiao Su, I know you are kind, but we are so old, we are really not used to living in high-rise buildings.

And you really don't want to buy us a house. We are already very embarrassed if the things you sent were burned at home this time.

If you buy us a house in the urban area this time, we will feel like we are selling our daughter.” The fire burned down everything in Li Shuyi’s house, and they didn’t even bring out their mobile phones.

The only thing left is the gold bracelet and watch that Su Wei gave.

Fortunately, these two items were too expensive, so both Mother Li and Li Shuyi wore them on their hands.

Li Shuyi is very embarrassed now, after all, Su Wei burned more than [-] things.

If Su Wei buys him another house in the urban area, he will really be ashamed to live in it.

"Uncle, how about this? I bought Jiawen a house in the downtown area of ​​Shancheng, but the two of us will not live in that house for the time being, so we want to invite you to live there temporarily. After all, if a house is often Unoccupied, it could easily fall into disrepair.

Besides, isn’t your house burned down? You also need a place to live. It just so happens that my house is a well-decorated house, and it’s also a villa. You can also bring Wangcai there when the time comes. It doesn't matter at all." Of course Li Jiawen doesn't have a house in the mountain city, so Su Wei made up the words on the spot.

But although this house was made up by Su Wei, as long as there is money, it can be realized immediately.

"Ah, that's right, I did buy a house, old man, ma'am, you can live in my villa first, and wait until the house in the village is rebuilt. If you still want to come back, then we'll talk about it later." After Li Jiawen received Su Wei's hint, he immediately started acting.

As for how Su Wei transformed this villa, Li Jiawen believes that Su Wei must have a way.

"Really? You really bought a villa for my sister? My sister, you two didn't lie to me, did you?" Li Shuyi didn't really believe it. After all, villas in mountain cities are not cheap.

The cheapest one costs several million, which is much more expensive than the building.

But if it was true, then he wouldn't mind living in the urban area for two years.

Anyway, the house at home was burned down, so I needed to find a place to stay.

His previous idea was to stay at a relative's house.

But if Li Jiawen had a house, it would definitely be better for them to live in Li Jiawen's house than to live in a relative's house.

"Big sister, you have a villa in the urban area, so can we go and see it this afternoon?" Li Jiaxin took it seriously, because yesterday Su Wei also said that she would buy a house for her big sister in Shanghai.

A flat in the magic capital costs at least tens of millions.

And the houses here in the mountain city, even villas, are incomparable with the houses in Shanghai.

"Of course this house is real, but don't be in a hurry. Let's go back to the hotel now, because although we have paid for the villa in the urban area, we haven't done the registration yet. We have to wait until the real estate bureau completes the registration. time to move in”

. . . . . .

"Jiayu, when you go to the company, bring Jiale with you, he is 27 years old this year, and he still idles around every day.

Jiayu, Jiayu?Did you hear what I said? "Yang Ye doesn't like Yang Jiale very much, but he is his own son after all.

Thinking that he has been graduating for so many years, he would ask for money every day.

He felt that Yang Jiale could no longer live like this, and planned to put him at work to hone his skills.

"Dad, it's over, our family is over." Yang Jiayu was having breakfast just now, when his secretary sent him a few links.

He clicked in and saw that it was full of scandals about their company.

And unlike yesterday, today's revelations are all supported by evidence.

If yesterday someone smashed rotten eggs for them at most, then today they smashed durians for them.

Although rotten eggs are stinky, if you hit your body, you can take a bath and it will be clean.

But durian is different, that thing will kill you if you hit it on your body.

"What do you mean? Are those reports from yesterday? Didn't you say that those were minor problems?" Yang Ye saw his eldest son's serious expression, and knew that he must be in big trouble.

Yang Ye's brows also frowned, thinking that if the things that were exposed yesterday, if the evidence was really found.

Then he must abandon the car to keep the handsome, and he can only sell his old subordinates.

But before that, he had to have a good chat with him, in case he was caught and bitten.

"The things that broke out last night were indeed minor problems, but new scandals broke out this morning, and these scandals are all based on stone hammers." Yang Jiayu read these revelations and found that most of them were true. of.

Because he has been in charge of the company for several years, although many things in it did not happen when he was in charge, but he has also heard about it.

"What's new? Show me your phone.

Yang Group tax evasion, financial fraud, the secretary of the general manager was forced to commit suicide by jumping off a building, buying murder to kill competitors, this, this, who reported this?Hurry up and call Bureau Chen and ask him to suppress the news." After reading the news, Yang Ye lost his composure all of a sudden.

Because if these things spread, basically he and Yang Jiayu must go in.

He quickly thought of Bureau Chen, because Bureau Chen was in charge of this.

"Dad, Bureau Chen's phone can't be reached." Of course, Yang Jiayu had Bureau Chen's phone number. Hearing his father's words, he quickly called Bureau Chen.

The phone call that I was able to get through every time before, but this time I can't get through directly, it should be blocked.

"Then you call Wang Ju again, as long as he is willing to help, this matter can be suppressed." This Wang Ju is Yang Ye's biggest backer.

Yang Ye could not have such a big company today without his support.

"Dad, Bureau Wang hung up on me directly, should I call them again with another mobile phone?" Yang Jiayu didn't expect that this group of people would be so realistic.

It's just that as soon as the news was released, they couldn't wait to draw a line with their family.

"No need, don't you understand, they abandoned us collectively, this group of cannibals, luckily I was prepared.

Jiayu, go and pack your things, it seems that we have only one last way, and that is to go abroad.

It is definitely not possible to stay in the country anymore. They have found so much evidence that they are going to kill us directly, but I can't figure out who we have offended, and even spend such a large amount of money to kill us.

Fortunately, I knew that such a day would come, and I have already purchased assets abroad in advance. With these assets, we can make a comeback abroad." Yang Ye really couldn't figure it out, the Yang Group has not offended anyone recently.

Whoever wants to do such a ruthless hand must kill them, and now he can only run away.

"Running to go abroad? I know, then I'll call my younger brother now, tell him not to sleep, and get up and pack up quickly." Yang Jiayu felt better when he heard that his father had already paved the road abroad.

At this time, he had guessed a little bit that the person who did something to his family should be Su Wei.

Before, I thought this person was afraid of his own family, but it turned out that he was preparing to kill him with one blow.

Fortunately, I was so stupid that I didn't realize it at all. If I knew it, I wouldn't have handed over this matter to Jia Le.

Although the loss was heavy this time, it doesn't matter. After he makes a comeback abroad, he will definitely come back with a revenge.

"Don't call Jiale, he didn't participate in the company, those departments will not embarrass him.

Let's pretend nothing happened in front of him, and let him continue to have fun outside.

He just helped us to cover our escape. After we went abroad, he could still inquire about the news in China to see who did it.

After I know who this mastermind is, I will definitely make him pay the price."

. . . . . .

"Mr. Fan, you really want to go to the mountain city to find Su Wei, but he didn't tell you the address. He is obviously avoiding you. Even if you pass by, can you find someone else?" Fan Wenqi's secretary Zhou Xiaoyu was very excited. I don't understand why my boss insists on looking for Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei has made it very clear that he doesn't want to cooperate with her boss.

Her boss was not this kind of person before. When someone gave her a cold ass, she would put her hot face on it.

"Now the collapse of the Yang Group is inevitable. If I don't cooperate with Su Wei, who else can I cooperate with? I don't want to let such a big piece of fat go away for nothing." Fan Wenqi was packing her luggage, because she I really plan to go to the mountain city to find Su Wei.

Seeing the scandals of the Yang Group this morning, she knew that the Yang Group was doomed.

She called her uncle, who confirmed her suspicions.

"There are so many rich people in China, why bother to find him? Isn't it the same for us to cooperate with others?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked very puzzled while helping Fan Wenqi pack her things.

After all, Su Wei is a rich man who suddenly appeared. In her heart, she still can't compare with those old rich men.

Mainly the names of those old rich people, she has heard of them for so many years.

And Su Wei is only 24 years old, even if he has money, where can he go with the money.

"Xiao Yu, you need to know that there are many rich people in China, but there are not many of them who can spend such a large amount of money that they can swallow up the entire Yang Group.

And those who can directly swallow the Yang Group, do you think they will cooperate with me?It is impossible for them to give the meat to me, who has no capital." Why did Fan Wenqi insist on working with Su Wei, because she has connections but no money.

And if you want to swallow the Yang Group, you need a lot of cash.

She collected enough money for the Snake Tunxiang plan, and she had already taken out all her old bottom.

As for the matter of the Yang Group, she is selling all her belongings now, and she may not even be able to make up 1000 million yuan.

But if she can cooperate with Su Wei, she will solve the problem of money.

"Mr. Fan, how can you guarantee that Su Wei will cooperate with you obediently? After all, you have already said that the person who can swallow the Yang Group does not need your cooperation." Zhou Xiaoyu reluctantly accepted her boss's statement , but if Su Wei is so strong.

Why do you want to cooperate with her boss, and you can swallow the Yang Group by yourself.

After all, all these black materials were thrown out by him.

"This is a secret, when will the flight be arranged?" Could Fan Wenqi want to tell Zhou Xiaoyu that this Su Wei's relationship is abroad and not at home?
This news is a secret among secrets, and Fan Wenqi is not a fool.

Even if Zhou Xiaoyu slept with her before, she still loves this beautiful country more than she loves beautiful women.

"It will take off at 12:30, and it will arrive at about 03:30"

 I don't know if I can post it this time, hey
(End of this chapter)

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