Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 267 Don't worry, brother-in-law, I have a strict mouth

Chapter 267 Don't worry, brother-in-law, I have a strict mouth

"Awei, why did you say that you bought a villa in the mountain city? After all, we will not live in the mountain city in the future, so we can just buy an ordinary building." Since Su Wei said that he bought a villa for Li Jiawen, then Li Jiawen Of course, I believed that he would really buy it for her.

But Li Jiawen was not happy at all, because she was worried about one thing.

That is, after Su Wei bought her a villa in the mountain city, he stopped buying her a house in Shanghai.

Compared with villas in mountain cities, she still prefers houses in Shanghai.

So when she asked Su Wei, she had given Su Wei a hint in words.

"If you are from Shancheng, you should know that buying a building in such a big city is the most meaningless.

I don't like villas very much, but when I buy a house in a mountain city, I don't even consider buying a building, I only buy villas here.

Xiao Zhang, please contact ICBC and ask them if there is any reliable real estate sales here, and ask them to recommend one. I want to buy a villa that I can move in with my bags.” Su Wei would want to buy a villa, mainly because he drove from Shancheng came out.

Being able to see the densely packed villas in the mountain city proves that there are many people who think the same as him.

After all, the most indispensable thing in a mountain city is land, if too many buildings are built.

If everyone is going to buy a building, it is impossible for the housing price in this place to rise, because there is too much vacant land.

"Okay, Mr. Su, is it arranged to inspect the house tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon?" Zhang Ruoyu is very used to it now, and whenever there is something that cannot be resolved, she will go to ICBC.

When she first came into contact with Chen Lihua before, she was a little embarrassed, thinking that she was bothering him too much.

But after a few times of contact, she knew that Chen Lihua's side was actually hoping that her boss would often find them to solve things.

Because she also knows now that Su Wei has deposited a large amount of cash in ICBC.

Only by constantly troubling ICBC can they have a sense of presence with her boss.

Otherwise, when Su Wei transfers all the money when the time comes, many people will be demoted.

"Let them arrange it until this afternoon. We'll go to look at the house after lunch. Anyway, there's nothing to do in the afternoon." Su Wei planned to make a quick decision, and didn't plan to delay it for too long, because he felt that Shancheng was too boring.

It's not that there are no entertainment venues, in fact, there are quite a lot of entertainment venues here.

But Li Jiawen was by his side, and she basically followed him wherever he went these two days, which too affected him to go out and have fun.

So he can only finish the matter quickly, and then go back to Shanghai.

"Going to see the house in the afternoon? Is it too late? Besides, Ah Wei, what price of villa are you planning to buy this time? I just checked, and a few million in the urban area can buy a nice small villa "Li Jiawen still wanted to persuade Su Wei not to buy an expensive house in the mountain city.

After all, if this villa is too expensive, what if Su Wei doesn't want to buy her a house in Shanghai.

So her idea is to buy a small villa in the mountain city, just a few million.

"A few million villas? What website are you looking at? Let me take a look, oh, no wonder it's so cheap. These are all townhouses. This kind of villa is not good. If you want to buy a detached one, the price is less than 1000 Wan's villa, there is no need to look at it." In Su Wei's understanding, townhouses are really not villas.

After all, a batch of past, every household is close together.

What kind of villa is this called? Isn't this a bungalow?

"Awei, do you want to keep me in the mountain city when you buy a villa?" Li Jiawen put on a grievance expression when he heard what Su Wei said.

Because she didn't want to come back to the mountain city, even if Su Wei bought her a villa here.

What she fears the most is that Su Wei is afraid that the family will know her existence.

So raise her in a city far away from the magic capital, such as her hometown mountain city.

"Oh, don't be wronged. I don't have this idea. The house I want to buy for you has already been contacted. On the 400th of this month, the second phase of Yunjin Dongfang in Xuhui Binjiang will be pushed this time. After the approval of the houses, the units are all more than [-] square meters, and I plan to buy them for you."

. . . . . .

"Master, you are Xiaosu's driver, right?" Li Shuyi was very bored in the car, so he started chatting with the driver.

The car he took this time was Su Wei's father's Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Li Jiawei and the others were sitting in this car before, but now they have switched to the Maybach car by themselves.

The only one that has not been changed is Li Jiahang, because he thinks this car is more atmospheric.

"Mr. Li, we are not drivers, we are all the bodyguards of Mr. Su, but sometimes we will work part-time as drivers." Su Wei's previous bodyguards drove the car, and this time Su Wei expanded his bodyguards.

The wages of these old employees have increased by 5000 yuan.

These people all know how romantic their boss is and how many women he has.

But when they faced Li Shuyi, they were still very polite.

Not only because he was the first parent Su Wei met, but also because he also had two beautiful daughters.

"Ah, you are all bodyguards, so how much do you charge a month? Can we talk about this? If you can't talk about it, then forget it." This is the first time Li Shuyi has had close contact with bodyguards, and he met them on TV before. Pass.

He thought that all the drivers were drivers.

I didn't expect that they were all bodyguards, but looking at his arm, Kong Wu was indeed powerful.

"Of course it can be said. My monthly salary is [-] a month. As for other people, I don't know." If it was a stranger's salary, he would certainly not be able to say it.

But Li Shuyi was one of Su Wei's father-in-laws, so the bodyguard decided to talk about his salary.

After all, if he didn't say anything, Li Shuyi ran to ask Li Jiawen.

Li Jiawen went to ask Su Wei again, but he still knew his salary.

But at that time Li Shuyi was likely to have an opinion on him, so he said it directly.

Of course, he didn't say anything about other people's salaries. After all, talking about his own is honesty, and talking about others' is gossip.

"Twenty-five thousand a month? Then your ten bodyguards will cost 25 a month, so wouldn't that be 300 million a year? Isn't that too expensive?" Li Shuyi really didn't expect that Su Wei hired bodyguards a year Money, it costs several million.

He was skeptical about sending Li Jiawen to the villa before.

After all, although the mountain city is incomparable to the devil, a villa is at least several million.

"Brother, my brother-in-law asks you to spend 300 million yuan a year. Is he super rich? Then he must be worth over [-] million, right? Is he a legendary billionaire?" In Li Jiahang's eyes, the richest That's worth over a billion dollars.

Now that short videos have not become popular, the way for rural children to know the world is basically the Internet and TV.

But Li Jiahang's family was so poor before, it was basically impossible for him to have a mobile phone and a computer, and there was only a TV at home.

The current TV series are quite outrageous, such as in a TV series.

A financial boyfriend embezzled 10 yuan from the company, and she went to jail for him.

Then the proprietress pointed at her nose and scolded, saying that she would never earn so much money in her life.

So in Li Jiahang's mind, such a rich brother-in-law must be worth over [-] million.

"I can't say how much Mr. Su is worth. After all, I'm just a bodyguard, but the price of Mr. Su's car is more than 1000 million, and Mr. Su's home has several cars whose prices are higher than this. Trolleys are even more expensive." The bodyguard didn't respond positively to Li Jiahang, after all, it's not good for him to guess right or wrong.

In fact, they also talked about the boss's worth. When they first came, they also thought that the boss's worth should only be in the hundreds of millions.

But as they stayed with Su Wei longer and longer, their worth to Su Wei.

It was also adjusted from hundreds of millions at the beginning to tens of billions now.

"Little master, where are we going? Isn't it going to the county seat?" Li Shuyi originally thought that the place they were going to was the hotel where Su Wei and the others stayed in the county seat yesterday.

But when the car reached the three-fork intersection, the driver turned directly to the left.

But the county seat is on the right, and the left is the road to the city.

"Mr. Li, we are not going to the county seat now, we are going to the urban area now"

. . . . . .

"Sister, why did we come to the city? Didn't you live in the county yesterday?" Li Shuyi wanted to ask in the car, but both his and Li's mother's mobile phones were burned.

The only person in the car with a phone was Li Jiahang, but his Apple phone didn't have a SIM card inserted.

He is different from Li Jiawei and Li Jiaxin, because he is too young, and he didn't even get a senior machine before.

"Anyway, I'm going to move to the urban area in a few days, so Ah Wei just asked everyone to live in the urban area." The reason why Su Wei will live in the urban area this time is because Su Wei doesn't like the hotel in the county seat.

Although the room they opened yesterday was already the most expensive in the hotel, the service was not very good, after all, the price was right there.

So after convincing Li Shuyi and the others to move to the urban area this time, he directly decided not to go to the county seat.

"In fact, it's good to live in the county seat. Now I live here, so far away from the town. The second sister and the others go to class, and they have to get up early." Li Shuyi is telling the truth. After all, Li Jiawei is about to take the college entrance examination, so we can't delay what.

And looking at this hotel, I found that this hotel is very high-end.

The price of this kind of hotel for one night must be thousands of yuan.

"Uncle, you don't have to but, that's how I arranged it.

Jiaxin and Jiahang are two people, I plan to transfer them to the city to study directly.

As for Jiawei, she has more than a month to take the college entrance examination, and moving to the urban area will not help her a lot, but if she goes to school, the teachers in the class will not be able to make her grades closer step.

So she can study by herself at home, and then I find a few teachers to give her extra lessons one-on-one every day, and try to make her get a good grade in the college entrance examination this time." Although Su Wei can help, he can also send it directly to Li Jiawei. go to college.

But he definitely wouldn't just say it so simply, because Li Jiawei would probably relax.

Ask a teacher for one-on-one tutoring. Although it can improve the score, it is impossible to improve it by several points in a month.

Su Wei planned to wait until Li Jiawei wanted to enter the school of 985, but it was almost the time.

At this time, he reappeared and helped her enter her dream university as a savior.

"This method is good, but Xiao Su, can you handle this matter in the mountain city?" Li's mother certainly knows that this method is good, but Su Wei is not from the mountain city.

He is indeed rich, and of course he has great energy.

But after all, this is not a magic capital, but a mountain city.

It's hard to say whether Su Wei's energy can radiate to the mountain city.

"Don't worry about this matter, this is not a difficult matter for Ah Wei." Li Jiawen was in the car just now, and he had already heard Su Wei's call.

In fact, he had already arranged everything, and Li Jiaxin and the others could go to the school in the urban area next week.

And the best thing about Su Wei is that all the schools in the mountain city have opened the door to him.

"That means we can study in the urban area, thank you big sister, thank you brother-in-law"

. . . . . .

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Fang Jing, I was introduced by ICBC." Fang Jing has been working in real estate in the mountain city for more than ten years.

Today's Monday, as the director of the company, she is holding a meeting with her subordinates.

At this time, her apprentice told her that the bank had called her.

She didn't even open the meeting at the time, and ran to the office to answer the call.

The person who called was a branch manager of ICBC, and asked her to prepare several affordable houses with no problem of property rights. The houses should preferably be villas that have never been lived in.

After Fang Jing hung up the phone, she immediately launched the company's sales without customers, asking them to come and find a house with her.

The reason why she is so active is certainly not because of how much money the house can make.

It's because this house was given by the bank.

Fang Jing and the others work in second-hand housing, of course they often deal with people from the bank.

After all, most people buy a house with a mortgage.

And sometimes there are good houses in the bank, and they will be disclosed to them to make a deal.

So Fang Jing and the others must do well what the bank asked them to do.

Fang Jing didn't come to Lijing Hotel until she found a few houses that she was particularly satisfied with.

"Hello, the person who contacted you should have told you all my requirements." Su Wei's requirements are not complicated. It is best to live in a community with a high occupancy rate and a school nearby. , there must be a shopping mall nearby.

If it was normal sales, Su Wei would certainly not make such a request.

But it's different if the other party is a bank. They have too many real estate resources.

It is not very difficult to choose Su Wei's ideal house.

"They told me that Mr. Su wants to buy a single-family villa in a pure villa community, not too far from the city center, there must be schools and shopping malls nearby, and finally he needs to move in with his bags. I'm right. Bar.

In response to your request, Mr. Su, I have prepared three houses here, one is a single house in Ivy, one is a single house in Palm Springs, and the other is a single house in Blue Lake County.

These three villa complexes just meet your requirements, Mr. Su." After Fang Jing became the director, she seldom brought people to see houses in person.

What she does most every day is to help her salesmen, landlords and owners to successfully negotiate prices.

But today's list was introduced to her by the bank, so she must come in person.

At first, she thought that the person who was so flattering at the bank should be an old man.

But it was only after I came here that I realized that I was so young.

When shaking hands with Su Wei, he used his index finger to pick Su Wei's palm intentionally or unintentionally.

"Sister, brother-in-law, so you are here, I went to your room to look for you just now, but there was no one, so I ran down.

Are you going out now, can you take me with you? "Su Wei and the others left a Rolls-Royce Phantom for Li Shuyi and the others because they were going to see the house.

Just now Su Wei received a call from Fang Jing, and he came down with Li Jiawen not long after.

Li Shuyi and the others also finished eating, and planned to go out for a walk.

The main reason is that Li Shuyi's mobile phone was burnt out, and now he and Li's mother urgently need to buy two mobile phones.

Otherwise, the two of them would not even be able to communicate with the outside world.

After Li Jiaxin and Li Jiahang found out, they also clamored to go.

Li Shuyi had no choice but to bring them along, but even though the Rolls Royce was a standard version, the armrests could be added.

But the back row can seat three people, and the co-pilot is a total of four people.

Just like that, Li Jiawei was left behind.

The main reason is that her personality is like this, she is relatively introverted and does not fight or grab.

Just now she came back to the room alone, she was a little scared after staying in the room for a while, and wanted to find Li Jiawen.

But after knocking for a long time, she found no one, so she came down to the hall, unexpectedly seeing Su Wei and the others in the hall.

"Ah, Jiawei, are you going too? Where are Li Jiaxin and the others?" Of course Li Jiawen didn't want Li Jiawei to go, because they were going to see the villa right now.

If Li Jiawei went here, wouldn't they know they were lying.

"Sister Yao and younger brother went to buy a mobile phone with the old man. Sister, you can take me there. I'm scared in the room alone." Li Jiawei lived in the family suite with Li Jiaxin and Li Jiahang. It was a suite. Two rooms.

She was inside alone just now, but she was quite frightened.

"Jiawei, you can go if you want, but you can't talk about what's going on later." Su Wei thought it was okay to bring Li Jiawei along, and he didn't believe that Li Jiawei was a broken-mouthed person.

And Li Jiawei is so pretty, while looking at the scenery, you can also look at her.

"Don't worry brother-in-law, I'm very strict with my mouth"

 This is the bad thing about the city. If you say a little about the above things, it is easy to fail to post. You can only change a lot of plots. Forgive me, big brothers

(End of this chapter)

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