Chapter 268
"Sister, what are we doing here? How long will it take?" Li Jiawei is now sitting in the co-driver of the Rolls-Royce, while Zhang Ruoyu is sitting in the front Maybach.

No one asked her to go, she went by herself, saying that she wanted to chat with the real estate salesman.

Li Jiawei has been driving for half an hour now, and she still doesn't know what she is doing.

"It's already here, hey, now you've entered the community, you'll know when you get there." Li Jiawen didn't know the exact location, because she was not familiar with the mountain city area.

But what makes her better than Li Jiawei is that she came to the city when she was in high school.

But that happened several years ago, so she didn't know where the plate of the mountain city was.

"Oh, I see, the house you bought is here. Wow, the environment of this community is so beautiful, it feels almost the same as our countryside." There is really nothing wrong with what Li Jiawei said, because of the characteristics of the Ivy Humanities Villa District.

That is, the community environment is one of the best in the mountain city, and tall trees can be seen everywhere in the community.

Li Jiawei saw the car driving in here, and there were all villas here, of course she thought that Li Jiawen's villa was here.

"You like it here? Then you can take a good look at it later." The clothes Li Jiawei is wearing now belong to Li Jiawen.

Because the clothes she wore before were still the school uniforms of the No. [-] Middle School in their town.

Now her house was completely burned, and then the whole family followed Su Wei to the urban area.

It is definitely impossible for her to continue to wear school uniforms, she can only wear her eldest sister Li Jiawen's clothes.

Fortunately, she is only a little taller than Li Jiawen, who is 169 tall.

And her height is 171, and Li Jiawen's clothes are just right.

"It seems to be here. It should be this villa. It's so beautiful. The former owner should like flowers very much." Li Jiawen saw the car stop and looked at the villa next to him.

The yard in front of the villa is full of flowers. She probably looked at it like this, and there are more than ten kinds of flowers.

"President Su, we have arrived, you can come down now.

This house is the first one we want to see. The name of this community is Ivy Humanities Villa Community, and the address is Huixingguotang Road in Yubei, our district.

The community is divided into three types of villas: townhouses, single-family houses, and double-family houses. The total number of buildings is 50, of which the total number of houses is 300. The property management fee is 3 yuan per square meter in January." Villas are not super expensive.

Because in the phone call from the bank, it was clearly stated that she was asked to control the house price within 2000 million.

When she was in the hotel before, she thought that Su Wei was the kind of family with power, and thought it was great that he could afford a 2000 million villa.

She didn't realize how shallow she was until he sat in a Rolls-Royce Phantom and she sat in a Maybach.

After chatting with Su Wei's assistant Zhang, she knew why Su Wei bought a villa in the mountain city.

It turned out that this house was only for the girlfriend's parents.

No wonder she saw that the cars had license plates from Shanghai, and thought that Su Wei bought the house because he liked their city.

"50 buildings, 300 households? Then this community is mainly composed of townhouses, and this villa looks so small. Forget it, why don't you take us in for a tour first, and see how it is decorated.

Jiawei, we are going in to look at the house, do you want to come together? "Although Su Wei bought a renovated house this time, he definitely didn't want to live in it for a long time.

Su Wei didn't enter this house, and his family could already feel that he didn't like it very much.

Because of the flowers in this yard, although Li Jiawen and her sister like them very much.

But with so many flowers, it is impossible to plant them in one or two years.

And this house is not too big, with a single floor area of ​​at most [-].

According to Su Wei's standards, he would not even go in to see this house.

But this house was bought for Li Jiawen, and her family will live in it in the future.

So as long as they like it, Su Wei has no problem, after all, he doesn't live here.

"No need, you go in and see me, I'll take a look at these flowers first" Li Jiawei thought the house had already been bought, so she was not in a hurry to see it.

Anyway, I will live here in the future, so I can watch it every day.

And inside the house, where are the flowers outside that are so beautiful.

"President Su, we need to change the shoe covers when we enter the house here, because the owner loves his house very much, and if it wasn't for the fact that the children in the family refused to go back to the mountain city, he would not be willing to sell the house.

The current price of this house is 400 million. Its area is 412 square meters. The front and rear gardens are 800 square meters. There are two floors upstairs and one floor downstairs. Daylighting.

Because of the special geographical structure of our mountain city, the basements of our single-family villas are basically full of lighting.

Okay, after we come in, here is the porch. The painting in the porch is our homeowner's own calligraphy. You can take a look, the homeowner is a very artistic person.

On the left after entering the entrance is the living room with an empty space. The landlord’s decoration has been installed in 12 years. He has lived here for five years and it has been vacant for half a year. But Mr. Su, you can take a look, these leather sofas are very well maintained .

On the right hand side of the entrance is our kitchen. These dining tables are all made of solid wood. Beyond that is our garage, which can park two cars inside and two cars outside. A total of four cars can be parked.

There are two bedrooms on the first floor, one of which is a suite, and the other was converted into a study by the owner.

This is our staircase, and there are two suites above it." Fang Jing had some thoughts about Su Wei at the beginning.

After all, he has a relationship with the bank, if he can curry favor with him.

Then she will directly come out and set up her own business at that time, opening a real estate agency.

But when she saw Li Jiawei later, she dismissed the idea because she was so pretty.

Except that her skin is not that white, she feels that Li Jiawei has no shortcomings.

"Wait a minute, we don't need to go upstairs to continue looking, I don't think this house is good.

Although the owner of the house is well protected, the decoration is too old-fashioned, and the house is too small, and there is no elevator, let's get another one." Su Wei has bought so many houses, how could he not know that Fang Jing threw them out for a try water.

He looked at this floor and had no expectations for this house, so how could he continue to waste time.

"That's right, this villa is more than 1000 million, and there is no elevator? We definitely don't consider a house without an elevator.

Ah Wei, thank you, you are still thoughtful." Li Jiawen just went to look at his first house, and only remembered after Su Wei's reminder that there is no elevator in this house.

When she came out, she put her arms around Su Wei's arm and whispered her thanks in his ear.

After all, although this house was bought for her, her parents will basically live in it in the future.

Now her old man's feet are not easy to walk, so he must buy one with an elevator.

Otherwise, climbing up and down every day would be torture to her old man.

"It would be too extravagant to say thank you to me. If you really want to thank me, just work harder at night." Su Wei didn't think about Li Shuyi just now, he just simply felt that the villa didn't have an elevator.

But he didn't remember it until Li Jiawen thanked him quietly.

"This house has a little problem because it was renovated too early, but it doesn't matter, because the two villas at the back are equipped with elevators.

Why don't we go and see the villa in Palm Springs now. After the villa was renovated in 17 years, no one has lived in it until now. The furniture and other things are brand new." Elimination, she is not surprised.

After all, although this villa is very good, the decoration is indeed a bit old-fashioned.

But wait for the 1800 million Palm Springs villa, she believes that she will not disappoint Su Wei.

"Then let's go, the two neighborhoods are not far apart, right?" At first Su Wei just thought that the mountain city was big, but only this afternoon did he realize that the urban area of ​​the mountain city is also big.

Not to mention anything else, the area of ​​Yubei seems to be about the same size as the urban areas of many cities.

But in a mountain city as large as Yubei, there are still several.

"Not far away, that villa is also in the Auto Expo section." The Auto Expo section in Yubei has the most villas in the mountain city.

Fang Jing would recommend the nearby villas because the occupancy rate of the villas here is high.

Moreover, transportation, shopping malls and schools are relatively well-equipped.

"Jiawei, stop taking pictures, we have to go, we didn't like the villa here, now we are going to look at other houses." After Li Jiawen came out, he saw that Li Jiawei was still looking at the flowers.

And she is still taking pictures of those flowers with her mobile phone, as if she wants to record them one by one.

"This villa is not fancy? Didn't you guys already bought it? Then you told the old man that you have already bought the house, oh, I see, so you are lying, don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you, after all It's a white lie"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Fan, just got the news that the place where Su Wei lived last night was in a small county below the mountain city. Shall we go there?" Zhou Xiaoyu waited until she got off the plane before the news from the capital reached her mobile phone. .

After all, the person they want to investigate is not in the capital, but in the mountain city.

"We've come here, of course we have to go." Fan Wenqi didn't sleep well on the plane just now, and vowed that she would buy a private jet if she had money.

If you want to be rich, you have a chance now, and that is to find Su Wei and persuade him to cooperate with you.

As long as Yang's group is swallowed up, she can get a lot of money, which may be more than the money planned by Snake Tunxiang.

"Mr. Fan, Su Wei, a rich man, what is he doing in the county below the mountain city? I remember his hometown is in southern Hunan, right?" Zhou Xiaoyu was puzzled, after all, Su Wei's hometown was close to the mountain city.

But the county where he is now is close to the west of Sichuan, hundreds of kilometers away from his hometown.

"Of course his hometown is not here, but her girlfriend's hometown is here. I really didn't expect that he would come to this girlfriend's place. It seems that this waiter has some tricks." Fan Wenqi wants to cooperate with Su Wei, of course he will Investigate him.

But at the beginning, she felt that Wang Xiaoyuan, Wu Fei and Chen Lu should be the ones who could take the top position.

The reason why Chen Lu was able to take the position here was, of course, because she was pregnant.

But now that Su Wei went to Li Jiawen's hometown, this woman Fan Wenqi has always regarded her as transparent.

"It's her house, but it's normal. If she has no means, how could she be accepted by Su Wei?" Zhou Xiaoyu thought it was unbelievable at first, but it was normal after thinking about it later.

After all, although a sea king like Su Wei has received many girls, more girls have passed through his hands.

If he had no means, Su Wei would not accept her obediently.

"No matter who it is, it has nothing to do with us anyway, I'm just here to discuss cooperation with him." Fan Wenqi likes women, and she doesn't care who Su Wei likes.

She just wants to find Su Wei quickly and negotiate a business deal with him.

"When Su Wei sees us running so far to find him, I believe he will be impressed by your sincerity, Mr. Fan. After all, we came from Kyoto, and the distance is only [-] kilometers." Fan Wenqi came to look for Su today. Wei, very sincere indeed.

Because she is very busy now, but in order to find Su Wei, she pushed all those things away.

"Don't overthink it. After all, we came here this time to ask for cooperation." Fan Wenqi didn't think as well as her secretary, after all, her cooperation.

Su Wei has to take a certain risk, and she is the one who has no risk.

This time she brought Zhou Xiaoyu here, but she still had other thoughts hidden.

"Mr. Fan, the Didi I took has already arrived at the door. According to the time displayed on it, we will be able to arrive at the hotel where Su Wei is staying at about six o'clock in the evening." Fan Wenqi is in Kyoto, so of course there are a lot of cars Have someone arrange to pick you up.

But now that I have left Kyoto and come to the mountain city, I can only rely on myself

"Then let's go, I have to touch up my makeup when I get in the car, I just slept on the plane, and I've lost all my makeup"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, this house is the last villa I want to recommend to you. It is Yuanyang's Lanhu County villa complex, and its address is at No. 1111, Jinkai Avenue, Yubei.

The community is also divided into three types of villas: townhouses, detached houses, and duplexes. The total number of buildings is 232, of which the total number of houses is 494. The property management fee is 3.5 yuan per square meter. "Fang Jing just brought Su Wei and the others went to see Palm Springs after watching the Ivy League.

But Li Jiawen felt that there were tall buildings near the villa, and the privacy was a bit lacking.

Fang Jing saw that Su Wei and the others didn't even like Palm Springs, she was numb.

After all, that house is really the most cost-effective within 2000 million, and the decoration is really good.

It's not that this Blue Lake County is not very good, but that the price of this house is over.

"This house feels much bigger than the one just now, and this house is still three floors." Li Jiawen just saw the villa in Palm Springs, but he actually liked it.

But when she was in the back garden, she saw a snake come out.

She is the person who is most afraid of this kind of thing. At that time, she was so scared that she didn't dare to move.

Although she grew up in the countryside, she is naturally afraid of snakes.

So at that time, she found an excuse that the privacy of this house was not good, and then came to see the villa in Blue Lake County.

Of course, if this villa is still not fancy, then she plans to go back.

After all, although the villa in Palm Springs was average in size, it was well decorated.

"Yes, this house is the largest among the three villas, with an area of ​​610 square meters, while the area of ​​the other two houses is less than 500 square meters.

The area of ​​this villa is more than 100 square meters more than theirs, and this house has the most rooms. Without the nanny room, there are 6 rooms, five of which are suites, and this house is also facing the lake. .

However, the disadvantage is that the area of ​​the back garden is relatively small, and the total area is only about 400 square meters, and the owner of this house has lived in it for a year." The decoration of these three houses is the most willing to spend money on this set of blue Lake County Cottages.

After all, it was the house that the owner lived in before, whether it is whole house water purification, air conditioning, or floor heating, it has everything.

"It doesn't matter if you have lived in it, as long as the house is good." Buying a second-hand house must have this trouble.

But it’s not too late for the decoration of the new house, otherwise, who doesn’t want to buy the rough and install it by themselves, and the style can be determined by themselves.

"This is the entrance of the house. There are shoe racks on the outside. After entering the inside, the entrance here is designed with a circular hollow, and there is a cloakroom next to it. The large space has this advantage, and waste is also a waste. not afraid.

Then come in and here is the reception room, and there is a garage on the left, which can park two cars inside and three cars outside.

On the right hand side of the living room is a public bathroom, next door is a large suite on the first floor, and then there is a large living room with a 7-meter gap, and then there are elevators and stairs.

We went up to the second floor, where we made three suites, but the area was not too small, because the house was expanded when the owner renovated it.

Then there is the third floor. The study room is on the right hand side, with a large terrace of 30 square meters. After coming out of the study room, there is a large master bedroom suite with double doors." At the beginning, Fang Jing felt that this house was over budget. Yes, it should be out of play.

But when she was introducing her, seeing Su Wei's girlfriend and sister-in-law nodding, she suddenly felt something was going on.

Because this house was bought for Su Wei and his girlfriend.

If she really likes it, go back and listen to the wind, it is very likely that the villa will be sold.

"Where is the kitchen? We have all gone up to the third floor, why haven't we seen it yet?" Li Jiawei thinks this house is very good, and the decoration feels particularly luxurious.

The handrail lights here look like they are made of gold.

But she has already climbed to the third floor, why didn't she see the kitchen?

"As for the kitchen, we have to go to the basement floor to see it, we just climbed the stairs, now we can take the elevator down to have a look.

Well, this is our basement floor. The homeowner built the kitchen here. The kitchen on the basement floor is super large. It is divided into a Chinese kitchen, a western kitchen, a breakfast room, and the living room has been converted into a 12-seat Chinese kitchen. Next to the dining room is the audio-visual room, as well as the laundry room and the nanny room.

Coming out of the restaurant, this is our back garden, with an area of ​​about 350 square meters, hey, be careful." Fang Jing thinks that the homeowner not only did a good job in the decoration, but also changed the structure very well.

He divided the dining room and living room into two floors.

Judging from the expressions of Su Wei's girlfriends and the others, it can be seen that they are very satisfied.

At this time, she saw Su Wei's sister-in-law, who was about to fall into the lake with her foot on the ground.

"Be careful" Su Wei was beside Li Jiawei and saw that she was about to fall.

He quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

It's just that when it was pulled over, Li Jiawei threw herself on the ground because of inertia, and was directly thrown to the ground by Su Wei.

"Brother-in-law, are you okay? I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Li Jiawei thought she was going to fall into the water just now, but when she recovered, she realized that she was holding Su Wei down.

This made her face flush with embarrassment. She had saved her, but she had pressed him to the ground.

"It's okay, next time you look down the road, Jiawen, help me get rid of the soil on my body." Although Li Jiawei left soon, Su Wei felt that she was so soft.

And she is so tall, she is not heavy at all.

"Jiawei, it's okay, just be careful next time when you walk, I'll take pictures of the dirt on your brother-in-law." Li Jiawen was about to pat the dirt on Su Wei's back when she saw her second sister also come to take pictures .

When she knew it must be Su Wei calling someone, Li Jiawei misheard and thought it was calling herself.

"Ah, oh..." Li Jiawei thought she was calling herself, only to see her eldest sister go to shoot the dirt.

After knowing that she had heard it wrong, now she not only blushed, but even her ears were red.

"This house is okay, what price is the owner selling now?" Su Wei saw that the house was okay, and Li Jiawen and the others were quite satisfied, so he planned to buy it.

He saw what Li Jiawen and Li Jiawei did just now.

"Now the owner's quotation is 3100 million, but in fact his reserve price is 2300 million, but he requires the full payment." That's the bad thing about the villa, it's too difficult to sell.

If this house is in a first-tier city, it will definitely be snapped up, after all, it is only 2300 million.

But it is a pity that it is in a mountain city, and the house price here is generally around [-].

"So expensive? The house in Palm Springs is only 1700 million, but this house is 600 million more expensive? Ah Wei, why don't we just buy the one in Palm Springs?" Li Jiawen accepts the 1700 million villa That's fine.

This villa is not much bigger than that one, yet it is so much more expensive.

"How much is the property tax for this house?" All single-family villas in the mountain city have to pay property tax.

As long as the first-hand house is sold to pay taxes, then the house will have to pay taxes in this life.

Even if it is sold to the next person, he has to pay taxes.

The price of single-family villas in mountain cities cannot rise because of property taxes.

"The real estate tax for this house is 3 yuan a year. Because the house in Blue Lake County was sold early, it is so cheap. If it is now at least not less than [-] yuan a year." The better single-family villas in Shancheng now sell After going out, you basically have to pay hundreds of thousands of property taxes.

Therefore, many wealthy people in mountain cities simply buy two double-packages and open them up during renovations to avoid paying property taxes.

"A property tax of 3 yuan per year? That's really not expensive. Then you should communicate with the owner. We will transfer the ownership tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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