Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 269 Is this the second time you press it?

Chapter 269 Is this the second time you press it?

"Mr. Fan, we're here." Zhou Xiaoyu took this bus, and her back was sore and her legs were sore.

Her family is a native of Kyoto, and the conditions are considered to be very good.

My mother is a civil servant, and my father owns a small company.

When she was in college, I bought her an Audi A4 for transportation, and later went to work at Fan Wenqi's place.

When I go out, I always take an Alpha, or a Mercedes-Benz S-Class or above.

But today, taking this Didi car turned out to be a domestic car worth less than 10 yuan.

If her boss hadn't had any objections while sitting, she would definitely not have taken this car.

"This is the hotel where Su Wei stayed? It doesn't look good." After getting out of the car, Fan Wenqi stood at the door of the hotel and looked around.

She stayed in a hotel before, at least she stayed in a Hilton or Sheraton.

But the hotel in front of me, it can be seen that it should not meet the four-star standard.

And the most outrageous thing is that this hotel has no connecting staff.

She and the secretary had been standing at the door of the hotel for a long time, but no hotel staff came to welcome them.

"When I came here by car just now, I've already seen it. It seems that this hotel is already the best here. If you don't feel comfortable staying there, Mr. Fan, why don't we go to Shancheng city to stay at night after we finish talking today?" Zhou Xiaoyu saw that her boss didn't seem to want to live here very much, that was exactly what she wanted.

After all, she heard that the mountain city is very interesting, and Hongya Cave is very beautiful, so she still wants to see it.

She didn't want to come to the mountain city, just stay in this county for one night, and then go back to Kyoto.

"Forget it, Su Wei is so rich, everyone can live here, and of course we can live here too." Does Fan Wenqi want to live here? Of course she doesn't.

But isn't she here to talk to Su Wei about cooperation? Su Wei doesn't dislike this place.

If she showed dislike, what if Su Wei had a problem with her.

"Mr. Fan, after the room is ready, shall we go out for dinner?" Zhou Xiaoyu heard the boss say that, so she understood.

This is a person under the eaves, who has to bow his head.

Now that I am rushing to find someone to cooperate with, of course I have to give the other party a good impression.

"You don't need to go out to eat, you order something to eat, we will eat in the hall later while waiting for Su Wei to come back, I have already seen it, this location is just right to see the car entering and exiting the underground garage.

By the way, Xiaoyu, why don't you share a room with me tonight, you know, now all my money is invested in the plan of Shetunxiang, can I save a little bit?" Fan Wenqi likes it very much Zhou Xiaoyu's assistant, because her skin is particularly fair.

When the light was turned on, her body didn't look like flesh, but white jade, and it was very comfortable to touch.

But it's a pity, after touching it once, I won't touch it again.

"Mr. Fan, you know, I'm not that kind of person, why don't I pay for the room opening tonight?" Zhou Xiaoyu didn't know her boss's sexual orientation before, until the two of them slept together once.

Her boss actually did that to her in bed, and that time she cooperated in a daze.

When she woke up the next day, she felt that this kind of thing could not continue.

Later, Fan Wenqi asked her to sleep with her again, but she refused like today.

"You are really getting more and more boring now"

. . . . . .

"Brother Feng, you know, it's spreading outside now that the Yang Group's online revelations were made by Viagra." Li Ziwei used to be an ordinary rich second generation in Shanghai, but since he came into contact with the live broadcast.

His social circle has really expanded a lot, the kind of circle that he had no access to before, and now he has started to associate with him.

This time, because they couldn't find Su Wei, many people inquired about the news, after knowing that he and Su Wei were very close.

He made a special call to ask him if Su Wei broke the news about the Yang Group.

Of course Li Ziwei couldn't tell the truth, and even if he knew, he couldn't tell them.

"I know about this matter. Since this afternoon, a bunch of people have called me to ask me, not to mention others, but my dad. During dinner at night, they are all asking me if Ah Wei did this." The Yang Group is a big group, and it is a local company in Shanghai.

This kind of group has such a big thing, basically everyone in Shanghai is eating melons.

At the beginning, no one doubted Su Wei, after all, the two sides are irrelevant.

But at noon, something happened that turned everyone's attention to Su Wei.

That's Yang Jiale on the scarf @苏威, and then scolded him like writing a composition.

At this time, many people knew that there was such a deep conflict between Su Wei and Yang Jiale.

And after an afternoon of digging, the melon eaters even dug the melons onto the star Kong Xueer.

Originally, this matter was only paid attention to by the people of Shanghai, but after the matter was dug into Kong Xueer, it was different. The number of melon-eating people increased exponentially.

After all, Kong Xueer is a second-tier celebrity, and she was involved in two rich second-generation incidents.

At this time, many marketing accounts began to take the rhythm, saying that Su Wei did not catch up with Kong Xueer, so they arranged to break the news.

Because when he pursued it, he was stopped by the Yang Group.

So Su Wei specially dug out the black material of Yang's Group to retaliate against Yang's group's horizontal intrusion last time.

But these words are believed by the people who eat melons, and even those who are a little bit more informed will not believe these words.

"Fuck, that person told me that he had first-hand information, and I really believed his lies, but did Viagra do this?" Li Ziwei was really curious, what was this about? It wasn't Su Wei who did it.

Because the time when he left the magic capital was too coincidental, he left during the day, and this happened at night.

Li Ziwei didn't believe it at first, until the news broke out.

Only then did he know that there was such a deep conflict between Su Wei and Yang Jiale.

"You don't care if Ah Wei did it or not. We'll find out if he comes back after a while." Li Renfeng was also very curious. After all, this time the incident was too big.

His father told him that the Yang Group might collapse this time.

"That's true, but if the Yang Group is really brought down, then Viagra will be awesome.

Hey, isn't that Yang Jiale? Such a big incident happened to his family, and he still comes out to hang out?Don't be afraid that Yang Ye will break his leg." Li Ziwei and the others are playing at Myst today, and the booth they are in can just see the door.

Yang Ye of the Yang Group is really well-known in Shanghai.

Li Ziwei and the others grew up hearing his name, so it was not surprising to know Yang Ye.

What surprised him was how could Yang Jiale continue to come to the bar unaffected by such a big incident in the Yang Group.

"Yang Jiale, why did he come to our side? He must have heard what you just said." Li Renfeng said this as a joke.

After all, this place was originally a bar, and the environment was very noisy, plus Li Ziwei was whispering to him.

If Yang Jiale could hear him, then basically he could be regarded as a good ear.

Li Renfeng thought that the card that Yang Jiale opened today was on the deck next to him.

"Li Renfeng, I know you and Su Wei have a good time, please tell him something for me, our family already knows that he broke the news on the Internet, let him not think that if he hides outside and doesn't come back, we can't do anything about him "Yang Jiale was woken up by a phone call at noon today, and only after answering the phone did he realize that something serious happened.

It turned out that it was his dog who called him immediately after seeing the news.

Yang Jiale turned on his phone and checked online, only to find that such a big incident happened in his company.

Then he hurriedly called his elder brother, who would have heard his elder brother say that he was downstairs.

After going downstairs, he found that not only his brother was there, but his father was also there.

Yang Jiale hurriedly asked his elder brother if the news on the Internet was true and whether it would affect their family.

His elder brother told him that some of the rumors on the Internet were true or false.

As for the impact, of course there is, but as long as you pay a little price, the family will be fine.

And his father gave him a special card later, which contained 2000 million cash.

He said that after this incident, he also understood that it might be a good thing for Yang Jiale not to go into business.

"What evidence do you have that the revelation on your family's website was made by Ah Wei? Now is the era of evidence, it's not what you say it is." Although Li Ziwei's family is not as rich as Yang Jiale's family, he can't lie to him.

After all, the Yang Group and their family are not on the same track, and it is impossible to suppress them.

"Whether Su Wei did it, he knows it in his own mind, this incident has no impact on my family at all, but you tell Su Wei, tell him to be good, don't give me a chance, or he will definitely kill him" Yang Jiale didn't plan to go out for a drink today, but his brother told him.

At times like this, he has to go out and drink more, and he has to be more lavish than before.

Otherwise, the stockholders and shareholders would have thought something had happened to their family.

So he came out to spend today. As for meeting Li Renfeng, it was really an accident.

"Brother Feng, looking at Yang Jiale like that, it can't be that Viagra did this, right?" Li Ziwei was only suspicious before, but now he said so when he saw Yang Jiale.

He felt that it was probably Su Wei who did it.

"I don't know, but let's not call Ah Wei now, who knows what Yang Jiale wants to do?" Li Renfeng didn't care if Su Wei did it or not, after all, he and Yang Jiale had no friendship.

When two people met at the racing track before, it was just a nod to each other.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid"

. . . . . .

"Isn't this Miss Fan, why don't you call me at this hour?
Oh, oh oh" Su Wei took the three sisters Li Jiawen out to watch the night scene after eating.

After wandering around Hongyadong for more than two hours, several people felt their feet were sore, and then they found a regular foot massage shop for massage.

"Su Wei, you are so disgusting, you actually answered my call at this time." Fan Wenqi waited until after 10 o'clock, but Su Wei still hadn't come back.

But when they were in the lobby, many groups came to strike up a conversation.

Fan Wenqi saw that waiting was not an option, so he could only call Su Wei.

Originally, she wanted to give Su Wei a surprise, but now she definitely can't.

Who knew that Su Wei on the other end of the phone would make that kind of voice.

Although she is the same, but her body structure is also a woman, Su Wei does not shy away from it?

"Oh, oh, less force, it hurts too much, I don't have to exert so much effort.

Fan Wenqi, are you insane, what happened to my massage and answering your phone?Where did you think of going?Hey, your thinking is too impure. If you have anything to say, hurry up.

Oh oh oh, this strength is okay." The girl who massaged Su Wei felt that she was using all her breastfeeding strength when she pressed it.

I don't know if it's because of the four in Su Wei's belt, and the four are all beauties.

"Didn't I say that I would come to the mountain city to find you? I'm already in the mountain city, and I should be only a few kilometers away from you. I'm so sincere, can we talk about the cooperation?" Fan Wenqi realized that she had misunderstood. But she didn't continue the conversation.

Instead, he changed the subject and told Su Wei about her coming to the mountain city.

"You have already arrived in the mountain city? Well, don't you want to talk about cooperation with me? I just started to click. If you can find me before I finish pressing, then I will give you a chance to have a good talk with you. "Su Wei has received a lot of calls and text messages today, basically asking about the Yang Group.

And Yang Jiale scolded him on the scarf, he also knew it.

He already wanted to end, but now that Fan Wenqi came to him, he planned to give her a chance.

"That's what you said, as long as I find you before you finish the massage, then you will discuss cooperation with me?" Fan Wenqi regained her spirits, she never thought that she would be successful just by finding Su Wei.

This county is not big, Su Wei and his team have such a big team, it is really easy to find them.

And they have a more advanced method, which can directly locate Su Wei.

"Yes, as long as you can find me"

. . .

"How is it? Did the news come?" Fan Wenqi's call to Su Wei was not easy at all.

She used some illegal means to locate Su Wei when she was talking just now.

Otherwise, how could she be so confident that she would definitely find Su Wei.

"They sent the address. The address is near Hongyadong? It's close to us, 100 kilometers away?" Zhou Xiaoyu was dumbfounded when he saw Su Wei's address.

Because the map showed that it would take them more than two hours to go to Su Wei's place.

"What? Then he is in the urban area of ​​Shancheng? He doesn't live here today?" Fan Wenqi knew why she couldn't wait for Su Wei.

He doesn't live here today, if he can wait until then he'll be damned.

Fan Wenqi and the others had wasted an afternoon here.

"Mr. Fan, what should we do, or we should give up. The time Su Wei gave us is at most one hour. This time is too fast, and it is impossible to make it." .

But let’s not say that this road is a national road, and it will pass through villages on the way.

When they came over in the afternoon, they all drove for two and a half hours.

"I can't give up. If I give up, this cooperation will be ruined. Now, I can only use this method."

. . .

"Ah Wei, who is coming to see you so late? Do you have any friends in the mountain city?" Li Jiawen had been eavesdropping on Su Wei's call just now.

The main reason is that there is a woman's voice on the phone, and the voice is quite nice.

"Why, did you hear that the girls are jealous?" Su Wei looked into the private room, and the four girls stared at him curiously.

No way, he is too popular now.

"It's so, I'm just curious, who has come all the way to see you in the mountain city at this time?" How could Li Jiawen not be curious, after all, that woman said she flew over to find him from another place.

In addition, Su Wei has no concentration, and he will never refuse any good-looking girls.

"A second generation from Kyoto wants to cooperate with me." Seeing how curious they were, Su Wei satisfied them a bit.

After all, he is interested in all these women.

"Brother-in-law, this business must be big." Li Jiaxin fell asleep on Su Wei's right side, and looked at him with admiration.

Because she already knew that the villa Su Wei bought for her sister cost 2300 million.

This price is impossible for her to earn in her life.

When she knew it at the time, she regretted it and went shopping with the old man.

"Almost, this cooperation is negotiated, and the profit is 11 figures, do you think it's big?" Su Wei quite likes Li Jiaxin's personality, which is more lively.

Li Jiawen is a little bit better, and Li Jiawei is a bit depressed.

"11 digits? One, yes, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion, ten billion? Ten billion in profit?"

. . . . . .

"Beauty, we came here after 10 o'clock in the evening, and it's already 12 o'clock, are you still pressing it? And the method you are doing now is the second time you have done it, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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