Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 270 The Head of the Yang Group Was Arrested

Chapter 270 The Head of the Yang Group Was Arrested
"Beauty, we came here after 10 o'clock in the evening, and it's already 12 o'clock, are you still pressing? And you are doing this technique for the second time, right?" Su Wei is not a fool, these technicians have gone out After a trip.

The technique is much more professional than before, but the speed has slowed down.

Don't think about it, someone must have ordered them to do this.

"Hey, ah, have we already clocked the second time? Oops, we really have the second clock.

Boss, how about this, we will give you another press, but this time we will not charge you money.

The main reason is that if we go out now, we will definitely be scolded by the boss, saying that we are lazy, so we pay for this time by ourselves, so that you can enjoy it for a while." How could such a good thing happen, the technicians would do it like this.

That's because the boss just told them that he must hold them back.

And there is a reward for their success in delaying the time, that is, counting from 10.30, add [-] for half an hour.

Now they have successfully extended the time to 12 o'clock.

If there was another clock, it would be at least one o'clock in the morning.

That's 5000 yuan, which is worth half a month's salary.

"No need, just now you have pressed it very comfortably. When you go out, count two hours for us." Su Wei checked the time, it was already 12 o'clock.

He just asked the technicians to delay the time because it was not yet twelve o'clock.

But now that the time in his heart has come, how could these technicians continue to procrastinate.

His time is precious, how could he keep wasting it here.

"Are you leaving? The person you were waiting for hasn't come yet?" Li Jiawen and the others fell asleep just now, because these female technicians are really good at their craft.

They didn't wake up until the technician stopped and Su Wei came over and patted them.

"I gave her an hour and a half. Since she can't make it, forget it. After all, if you want to cooperate with me, you must at least have a certain level of strength." Su Wei put on his shoes and planned to take a few women back to the hotel.

After all, it's getting late now, Li Jiawen and Zhang Ruoyu are fine.

But Li Jiawei and Li Jiaxin could tell that the drowsiness had already come.

After all, the two of them used to go to bed before 10 o'clock.

They came out with Su Wei today, and they didn't have to go to class tomorrow, so they stayed up so late.

"Boss Su is right. Cooperation is to find someone with strength. I don't know if I came here before you left the bathing center, Boss Su. Is it considered a bit of strength?" Fan Wenqi walked to Su Wei and the others' box, I just heard him say that, so I asked a question.

It was really not easy for Fan Wenqi to come here at 12 o'clock today.

Because she knew that it was impossible to get there by conventional means of driving.

After all, after walking into the urban area, even if you run through the red lights all the way, you can't get there within two or three hours.

So Fan Wenqi called her father directly and told him the current situation.

Her father was also a ruthless person, so he directly called a relative in the army.

In less than 10 minutes, a helicopter came to pick her up and sent her and her secretary to the police station near the city.

Then they drove again, ran through 7 traffic lights, and finally sent her here at 12 o'clock.

"Jiawen, take Jiawei and the others back to sleep. Since Fan Meimei has come here, of course I have to keep my promise and have a good talk with her."

. . . . . .

"President Fan, is this the deal?" Zhou Xiaoyu still didn't dare to imagine when he followed Fan Wenqi out of the food stall.

The cooperation with Su Wei this time reached an agreement so smoothly.

And when two people talk, the profit is also very casual.

If you want this industry, then I want this industry.

There is no such haggling as in normal negotiations, just like playing house.

"Then what else do you want? Don't you understand? Su Wei is planning to use our hands to deal with Yang Jiale.

You call a lawyer tomorrow and come on the first flight." Fan Wenqi wanted to laugh when she thought of this incident, this Yang Jiale is really an assist.

Originally, Su Wei probably didn't want to interfere in the later affairs, but after Yang Jiale scolded him on the Internet.

Su Wei had a bad temper in the first place, but now he will definitely clean up the Yang Group.

After all, Yang Jiale was able to be so arrogant, but it was all due to the support of the Yang Group.

"Since this is the case, why did he set such a condition for us? What if we don't arrive?" Zhou Xiaoyu thought about what happened just now, and wondered if Su Wei was deliberately messing with them.

If her boss didn't have a strong relationship at home, he could call the army.

Then it is impossible for them to arrive at this time no matter what.

And since he was going to teach Yang Jiale a lesson, why did he make things difficult for him with this condition.

"If he didn't arrive, if he didn't arrive, he would switch to someone else to cooperate. It's such a simple matter." If Fan Wenqi didn't arrive, would Su Wei change someone else?

Fan Wenqi believed that she would change, because she couldn't make it here in an hour and a half.

It can only prove that he is not strong and has no connections.

Then how could Su Wei still cooperate with her? After all, his investment amount this time is so large.

"Is there anyone else coming to see him? How did you know Mr. Fan?" Zhou Xiaoyu was surprised. Su Wei was still thinking about bringing his girlfriend and sister-in-law to massage.

If many people were looking for him, he should be very busy.

"Because there is someone next to me who called me and asked for Su Wei's phone number.

Let’s not talk about this, you arrange people to post all the evidence they have on the Internet.”

. . . . . .

"President Su, is it reliable for us to invest so much money this time?" Su Wei and Fan Wenqi reached an agreement at the dinner table just now, and the two parties formally cooperated.

Su Wei invested 100 billion by himself to fully acquire the debts of the Yang Group.

But because Su Wei doesn't have so much cash here, the ICBC in Shanghai will lend the 100 billion to Su Wei.

Yang's group includes real estate, construction engineering, pharmaceutical biology, and clothing factories.

Real estate and construction projects account for 70% of the group.

And medical biology accounted for 25% of it, and garment factories only accounted for 5.00%.

The Yang Group's assets exceed 500 billion, even if it is 5.00% of it, the value is more than 25 billion.

This time, Su Wei and Fan Wenqi cooperated, but only her boss, Su Wei, paid for it.

And after his boss succeeds, he only needs an office building of the Yang Group, a medical and biological company, and a clothing company.

For the remaining real estate and construction companies, if Fan Wenqi doesn't want them, they will all be packaged and sold and the money will be divided.

This makes her very puzzled, why doesn't her boss want real estate and construction companies?
"You don't understand, it may be very few now, but I believe that the medical industry must be a hen that can lay golden eggs." In the future, the pharmaceutical industry will be a money printing machine.

So now he has the opportunity to enter this industry, of course he will not let it go.

And he plans to invest most of the money he earned this time into the medical field.

The reason for not wanting real estate is very simple. The real estate business of the Yang Group is basically in relatively remote places.

However, that kind of small shopping malls and cultural tourism accounted for the majority.

Su Wei knew the future trend, how could he ask for this hot potato.

"Mr. Su, but we invested so much money, and that Fan Wenqi, she didn't invest a penny, and she still has 100% of the shares. It's not worth it." Zhang Ruoyu still couldn't figure it out, after all, her boss invested [-] billion .

Although calculated, it is indeed very profitable.

But this Fan Wenqi didn't invest any money, why should he take [-]% of the shares.

Zhang Ruoyu felt that his boss must be fascinated by Fan Wenqi and her secretary.

"Although we have invested 100 billion, the money is not paid by me, but by the bank.

Although Fan Wenqi didn't contribute money, what she paid was her relationship. Without her relationship, it would not be so easy to swallow the Yang Group.

And you can relax, your boss has succeeded in this business, and will take you to go shopping when the time comes."

. . . . . .

"Jiayu? Why haven't you slept yet?" Yang Ye fell asleep on the bed for a while, and dreamed of his wife who passed away several years ago.

After he was woken up by this dream, he couldn't sleep again.

When he came out, he saw that the light in the living room was still on, and his eldest son was smoking one cigarette after another in the living room.

"Dad, why are you awake? I really can't sleep, so I plan to wait until I get on the plane to sleep." Yang Jiayu booked a flight to the Lighthouse Country at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

He also tried hard to fall asleep before, but he became more and more awake in bed, and had no choice but to get up.

Yang Jiayu checked the time, it was already past 4 o'clock in the morning.

Just wait another two hours, and he and his father are about to set off.

This time they went to the Lighthouse Country without taking anyone with them.

Yang Ye is because his wife has passed away, and Yang Jiayu is because he is not married yet.

Although there is an illegitimate child, there is no need to involve him.

When he goes to the Lighthouse Country, it is entirely possible to pick him up again.

"Hey, let's go to sleep if you can't sleep. Is Jiale asleep?" Yang Ye was on the bed before, and heard the sound of Yang Jiale's sports car very clearly.

If he had scolded him before, he was worried that he would not take Yang Jiale away now.

I already felt very sorry for him, so I let him go.

"Jia Le has already fallen asleep, Dad, if we leave just the two of us, will it be too cruel to Jia Le?" Yang Jiayu still has a lot of affection for Yang Jiale.

After all, this is his younger brother. Because his father was very busy when he was a child, he often played with Yang Jiale.

This time they went abroad, although Yang Jiale would not be in danger.

But the family property must be gone, and even the money in the card given today must be confiscated.

After they stabilized in the Lighthouse country, and then took him out of the country, he would definitely have a miserable life.

"I also want to take him away, but he is too conspicuous, and his popularity is almost catching up with starlets. It would be too risky to take him along." How could Yang Ye not want to take Yang Jiale with him, after all, he is his Dear son.

But if they brought Yang Jiale with them, they might be recognized.

It is definitely not possible to stay in the country now, if he cannot go out, he and Yang Jiayu must go in.

At that time, there will be many things involved, and it may be difficult not to die.

"Okay then, Dad, can we come back in the future?" Yang Jiayu looked greedily at everything at home, after all, they have lived here for more than ten years.

This time I'm going to the Lighthouse Country, and I don't know how long it will take to come back.

And even if he could come back by then, the house would probably have changed owners.

"As long as we can make a comeback, I believe we will definitely be able to come back, and we will come back in a swaggering manner."

. . .

"The airport is ahead. I must get a good night's sleep when I get on the plane." Yang Jiayu and Yang Ye drove out by themselves.

And in order to catch the eye, they even spruced up their attire.

During the drive from home to the airport, Yang Jiayu really dozed off.

Before, he wanted to sleep but couldn't sleep, but now he fell asleep when he didn't want to sleep.

"When I get on the plane, I also want to have a good sleep." Although Yang Ye is so old, he is more nervous than Yang Jiayu.

After all, if Yang Jiayu has no term for those bad things, he is basically a death sentence.

Although he has lived for so many years, he has not lived enough.

"Dad, why are there so many policemen in front? They couldn't be arresting us?" Yang Jiayu saw policemen before, but he didn't take them seriously at all.

But it's different now, it's not like it used to be.

When he saw the police checking the post, he was terrified, afraid that they were here to arrest him.

"It can't be that they came to arrest us, you just need to calm down." Yang Ye and the others went out so early, he didn't believe that the police were arresting them again.

After all, the news on the Internet is even a stone hammer, but it will take time to prove that it is a stone hammer.

He was typing the time difference of this proof, otherwise he might have sailed to the high seas yesterday morning.

"Hello, the car is pulled over for routine inspection"

"I know your Wang Suo, we are going to pick up people at the airport now." Yang Jiayu relaxed when he heard that the police were conducting a routine inspection.

Since it was a routine inspection, it was definitely not here to arrest him.

At this time, Yang Jiayu started to be arrogant again, after all, he has always come here like this.

"Sorry, please cooperate with our work and turn off the car, it will only delay your time for a few minutes."

"It's really unlucky, so hurry up." Yang Jiayu saw that the police couldn't get in, so he could only turn off the engine and stop the car obediently.

After all, with his current state, if he really called their leader, it would be embarrassing if the other party didn't answer.

"Mr. Yang in Yangjiayu, Mr. Yang in Yangye, hello, we are from the Shanghai Investigation Bureau, please come back to the bureau with us to assist in the investigation." The policeman, who had just been pleasant, waited until Yangjiayu relaxed his vigilance.

Open the car door directly, and then control Yang Jiayu.

Following the other policemen, they rushed forward and controlled Yang Ye who was in the back row.

"You guys, is this trip specially arranged for us?" Yang Ye was originally sitting in the back row with his eyes closed, until the car door was opened from the outside.

Then someone quickly pulled him out of the car, pinned him down and handcuffed him.

He didn't understand at this time, this was not a routine inspection at all, it was completely aimed at them.

"Yes, when the two of you came out of your home, we have already sent colleagues to follow you. Now that you are planning to abscond and go abroad, we can only start collecting the net."

"Can you let me go, I will give you money, a lot of money, five of you, I will give you 1000 million each, no, 2000 million, how about it?" Yang Ye is in the lighthouse country, but transferred 20 billion .

If you can use [-] million, just buy them off, that would be a great deal.

After all, if they were caught, it would be useless to have more money from the Beacon Country.

"Mr. Yang, every word you say now will be your evidence in court. My law enforcement recorder is on all the time."

. . . . . .

"Drip, drip"

"President Su, the person in charge of the Yang Group has been arrested"

(End of this chapter)

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