Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 271 is too high

Chapter 271 is too high
"President Su, the person in charge of the Yang Group has been arrested." The caller was none other than Fan Wenqi.

The arrest of Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu has not been made public yet.

Except for the second generation who has interests involved like her, basically no one has received this news.

After all, it was only after 9 o'clock in the morning, and Yang Ye and the others were arrested after 7 o'clock in the morning.

Before Yang Ye and his son entered the case, Fan Wenqi's channel had already transmitted the information.

After she got the news, she didn't call Su Wei immediately.

Instead, he had to understand everything clearly before calling Su Wei.

"Really? So fast? What about Yang Jiale?" Su Wei didn't expect that the head of the Yang Group was actually arrested this time.

Because they ran away in their previous life, and they were still talking nonsense over the Lighthouse Country.

At that time, they ran away on the third day. When they ran to the Lighthouse Country, the Law Enforcement Bureau here hadn't reacted yet.

But it's normal for Su Wei to think about it. The reason why he was able to do so quickly this time is because Su Wei handed in the evidence from the beginning.

"Of course it's true. It is said that the people from the operation team had already ambushed around his house yesterday. They didn't intend to move him now, but who knew that the two of them had already bought the plane tickets and planned to run away, so The action team closed the net ahead of schedule.

I asked Yang Jiale for you. He didn't run away with his father and brother, but was still sleeping at home. He probably didn't know anything about his father and brother being arrested, and he didn't know that he was pitiful. It's lucky, after all, his brother and his father are going abroad, and they didn't plan to take him with them." Fan Wenqi specifically asked about the details, after all, she was going to swallow the Yang Group this time.

Yang Jiale was the key person who was able to recruit Su Wei this time, and it was impossible for Fan Wenqi to forget anyone.

"It turns out that this guy is just an abandoned child, it's a pity that I have spent so much effort.

When will your lawyer come over? I still have something to do in the morning." Su Wei had something to do this morning, of course he went to accompany Li Jiawen to transfer ownership of the villa.

In this house in Shancheng, Su Wei intends to write it directly under Li Jiawen's name.

Because the houses here in the mountain city are only suitable for living, not for investment.

Su Wei's lawyer flew over early yesterday morning, and he should still be sleeping in the hotel.

"My lawyer will be there before noon, so let's meet you at the hotel in the afternoon." Fan Wenqi's lawyer is their family's lawyer consultant.

She was able to come here this time because the amount involved was too high, otherwise she wouldn't have come here.


-------Dividing line--------

The next day.

"What's going on today? You took the initiative to perform sword swallowing for me early in the morning?" Su Wei was woken up by urination, but only found out when he woke up.

It turned out that Li Jiawen was swallowing the sword instead of wanting to go to the toilet.

Su Wei first accompanied Li Jiawen to the real estate bureau to transfer ownership yesterday morning, and signed a contract with Fan Wenqi in the afternoon.

Because there were not many points of disagreement, the discussion was over in just over three hours.

Originally, Su Wei wanted to keep Fan Wenqi for dinner, after all, she was so pretty, and she was also a good secretary.

But for this cooperation, Su Wei is only responsible for paying the money, and Fan Wenqi is the one who contributes.

Now she just feels that time is running out, where can she still eat.

So after negotiating the contract, she flew back to Kyoto immediately.

After all, it is not such a simple matter to swallow a company.

"Don't you like it? If I don't like it, I won't perform." Li Jiawen originally came to wake up Su Wei, and saw that he was full of energy in the morning.

She just planned to tease Su Wei, who knew that she couldn't help swallowing a bit during the teasing.

When Su Wei woke up, he saw the previous scene.

"Why don't you like it, but you ate meat, and I haven't eaten it yet"

. . .

"Are we really not going to stay in the mountain city today? But I haven't lived in that villa yet." Li Jiawen lay on the bed like a big character, feeling like he was going to fall apart, with no strength left in his body.

Just now Su Wei told her that he was going back to Shanghai this afternoon.

She was 1 reluctant in her heart, after all, she had never lived in that villa for a day.

"I can't wait, you know, the Yang Group is down now, and if you want to eat meat, you can only race against time. Now a bunch of people are relying on me to eat, and I can't ignore them. After all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility Well.

But you can stay here for a few more days to be with your family, and when you want to go back to Shanghai, I'll call a plane to pick you up." If Li Jiawen really wanted to stay for a few days, Su Wei would be very happy.

Because she has been saying for the past two days that she wants to accompany Su Wei to the auto show.

But Su Wei didn't really want her to go, because Li Ziwei and the others would also go tomorrow.

He has already let Li Ziwei and the others meet him too many women.

"Then I will stay with them for a few more days, and then I will fly back to Shanghai by myself. I have never been on a big plane at my age.

Oops, I forgot, I came to invite you to lunch, but we stayed in the room for so long, what should we do when we go out later? At this moment, Li Jiawen suddenly remembered that she came to the room to wake Su Wei up.

As a result, the two fought and stayed in the room for almost an hour.

She could already imagine the scene of going out to die later.

"That can't blame me, who asked you to perform sword swallowing for me?" Because Su Wei didn't sweat, his physical strength recovered relatively quickly.

As he spoke, he was already fully dressed.

He stayed with his two sisters-in-law these days, and felt that his mentality had become younger.

But if you can see it but can't eat it, it's better to go back to the magic capital and find something you can eat.

"It's your fault? It's not because you have been too long"

. . .

"Xiao Su, this is the house you bought, it's so beautiful." Mother Li saw the villa at a glance just now in the car that came over.

Because the facade of this villa has been completely redecorated.

The house next to it looks much older, isn't it the most conspicuous.

When Mother Li walked inside, she was even more amazed by the decoration of the villa.

The whole frame of her old house was made of wood.

When someone walks on the second floor, they can hear clearly on the first floor.

As for the furniture, it is even more outrageously old. The TV at home is still a 7-inch TV bought 32 years ago.

All the chairs and benches at home were made by Li Shuyi himself.

Where is it like here, the sofas are all leather.

The big TV, she asked the eldest daughter, it turned out to be 85 inches.

The floor is all tiles. I heard that there is floor heating inside, and all the lights here are as beautiful as crystals.

Such a house, she swears, she never dreamed of living in such a luxurious house.

"It's good that uncles and aunts like it. Everyone, change your shoes and go in to have a look. Don't stand at the door." Su Wei saw that he would not go in, and everyone refused to go in.

You can only be the first to take the lead, and quickly greet everyone to go in.

"Sister, the house you bought is so luxuriously decorated, and there is an elevator in the house? But why is there no kitchen?" Others may be reserved in front of Su Wei, but Li Jiaxin is different.

When I entered the house, I kept looking around.

It's just that she looked for a long time, but she couldn't find the kitchen on the first floor.

"The kitchen is on the first floor, let's go down and take a look, let's go to the room first." Li Jiawen went to dinner with Su Wei before, and her old man and his wife didn't say anything.

But this Yaomei has been making faces for her.

It made her very embarrassed, and she would feel better when she came to the villa.

"Third sister, come here quickly, there is a toilet in this room on the first floor.

Sister, there are so many cabinets in the room, are they for quilts? "Li Jiahang couldn't imagine why there was a toilet in the room.

Because for so many years, he always went out at night to go to the bathroom on the first floor.

Sometimes it was too late, and I even pulled it on my pants.

He was even more puzzled by the fact that there was such a large wardrobe in the room. After all, he only had a few sets of clothes.

Clothes for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, plus school uniforms, are only about ten sets in total.

"This is the cloakroom. It's only for clothes. There are several rows of cabinets on the first floor, and that's where quilts are placed." Li Jiawen didn't have much clothes before.

But after she and Su Wei got together, she bought 200 million clothes at a time last time.

As a result, the cabinets in the Maoming mansion in Kaide were too small, so she had to buy a few iron hangers and go back to hang clothes.

She can already understand why there must be a huge cloakroom in the mansion.

Because there are really too many clothes, and the cloakroom is too small to fit them.

"Ah, such a big cabinet is used to store all the clothes. Can the clothes be worn out? Why not buy as many clothes as you want?" Li Jiaxin couldn't understand why she bought so many clothes.

After all, I am alone, so I am afraid I won't be able to wear many clothes.

She is a girl, and she only has about twenty sets of clothes for the four seasons.

"I can't finish wearing it. You're thinking too much. Do you know that your brother-in-law never wears a piece of clothing for the second time? Have you seen him wearing the same piece of clothing these days?" Li Jiawen was not like this before. Yes, I was taught a lesson by Su Wei.

Because Su Wei feels that a piece of clothing will only feel cherished when it is worn for the first time.

The more times a piece of clothing is worn, the cheaper the clothes and the cheaper the people.

"It seems that I haven't worn heavy clothes, but I still can't understand." Li Jiaxin thought about it, and it is true that her brother-in-law has never worn heavy clothes.

This year is 360 and five days, and a set of clothes costs 1000 yuan. Doesn't her brother-in-law spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on clothes?

If Li Jiaxin knew, Su Wei's clothes cost tens of thousands of yuan.

The money spent on buying clothes in a year may cost tens of millions, and her three views may be shattered.

"If you can't imagine it, you can't imagine it, your brother-in-law is so rich, and there are not many in the whole country.

Let's go, let's go to the upstairs room, old man, don't climb the stairs with your legs, let's take the elevator up." At that time, Li Jiawen understood that Su Wei was so rich, and it took him a while.

At that time, she had graduated and worked for several years, so it was so difficult to understand.

Li Jiaxin is still a student, and it is even more difficult to understand how rich Su Wei is.

"It's too extravagant to take the elevator at home, I must make a video for my classmates next time.

Oh, I seem to be overweight, baby, you can go up the stairs." Li Jiaxin's personality is a bit similar to Li Jiawen.

Li Jiawen is the kind of person who likes to show off. After buying something, she immediately took a picture and posted it in Moments.

And when Li Jiaxin saw the elevator in the villa, the first thing she thought of was to show it to her classmates.

"Li Jiaxin, why don't you know how to go on? It's like this every time. This road is not as fast as I can walk by myself." In this family, Li Jiaxin basically bullied him.

Because Li Jiawei is an introverted sister, and she speaks softly.

Only Li Jiaxin, relying on being the elder sister, would yell at him every time.

But even though he said so, he went down immediately.

Because he was afraid that if he didn't go down, Li Jiaxin would kick him down.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, or I'll go out." Su Wei was waiting for them at the elevator entrance, but was squeezed inside by a swarm of bees.

Li Jiawei stood in front of him, and because it was too crowded, the two of them were very close.

The most embarrassing thing was that Su Wei's position was facing Li Jiawen's ass.

When Li Jiawen approached, Su Wei reacted immediately.

He was wearing slacks, which were super elastic and didn't hold them down at all.

Su Weineng could feel that Li Jiawei desperately wanted to squeeze forward.

But there are really too many people on this elevator, and it can't move at all.

And every movement is too stimulating for Su Wei.

"It's okay Xiao Su, anyone can go down today, but you can't go down." Li Shuyi heard Su Wei said that he wanted to go down, and thought Su Wei was going to climb the stairs.

This villa was bought by Su Wei, how could he be allowed to climb the stairs.

So Li Shuyi didn't agree at all, he would rather go down by himself.

"Okay, okay, brother, the elevator is moving, none of us need to go down." After Li Jiaxin drove Li Jiahang down, the elevator stopped dripping.

This elevator is a home elevator, not a hotel engineering elevator.

Its ideal number is actually 4-5 people.

"Why don't we look at the third floor first, and then look at it like this later." Li Jiawen wanted to look at the third floor first, because the third floor is the master bedroom.

She planned to live in this room for her old man, after all, she didn't come back often.

"Alright, then let's look at the third floor first." Li Jiawen had finished speaking, and of course the others had no objections.

It's just that Su Wei and Li Jiawei suffer, and the two people are squeezed more and more wrong.

"The third floor is here, wow, this door is so grand." Li Jiaxin was standing behind her old man, but was the first to step out of the elevator door.

After all, it is really uncomfortable for six people to squeeze into a small elevator.

"Third sister, open the door quickly and look inside, wow, this room is bigger than the one on the first floor." Li Jiahang originally ran to the second floor just now, but found that the elevator went to the third floor.

He hurried to the third floor again, when Li Jiaxin was just about to open the door of the room.

"Come and see, there is a bathtub in the toilet where you can take a bath." Li Jiaxin went to the toilet first, and found that there was a round bathtub.

In their countryside, there are wooden barrels that can be used for bathing, but every time they take a bath, they are exhausted.

Because fetching water is not a simple project. After taking a shower, I have to pour the water myself, and I am tired and sweaty.

So the wooden barrel at home is of no use at all.

When she shouted, most of the people were called over.

"Second sister, brother-in-law, why don't you go see it? And second sister, you are so blushing, did you get squeezed?" Li Jiahang saw his second sister dawdling, and her face was still flushed.

I thought it was just squeezed and I couldn't breathe.

"No, my feet are a little numb. Brother, you go first. I'll just stand there for a while." Li Jiawei was asked by Li Jiahang, and quickly stopped him from approaching.

After all, if Li Jiahang came over, she would be finished.

"Then I'll take a look first, brother-in-law, hurry up." Li Jiahang didn't think much about it, after all, his second sister blushed easily.

Now that he knew there was nothing wrong, he went in first.

"I'll reply a text message, I'll be here right away, you go first." It's not that Su Wei doesn't want to leave, it's just that he has no choice.

His knife had just been sharpened by Li Jiawei's whetstone, and it was extremely sharp now.

If they got out of the elevator, everyone would know what happened to him and Li Jiawei.

Fortunately, Li Jiawei is a kind sister-in-law who knew his situation and blocked him with her body.

"Brother-in-law, are you alright? If we don't go out, they will be suspicious." Li Jiawei's face is bleeding now.

She is still a big girl with yellow flowers, where has she ever encountered such a thing.

And the person who pulled out the sharp knife to her was her brother-in-law.

It's impossible to make her angry, because she knows her brother-in-law didn't mean it.

"Why don't we go to the lower floor first, and we'll come up after we calm down?" Li Jiawei was so close to Su Wei just now, he could smell the virgin smell on her body.

That smell was already very annoying to him, and Li Jiawei was still squeezed together with him just now.

He knew his situation, and it would definitely not go away for a while.

We can only go to the negative floor first, and wait until there is nothing else to go up.

"Ah, okay, okay"

(End of this chapter)

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