Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 272 Just for such a small matter?You brought down the Yang Group

Chapter 272 Just for such a small matter?You brought down the Yang Group

"Xiao Su, be careful on the road. If you have time, come and stay here with Jiawen for a while. This time you came here just in time to encounter so many troubles at home, and you were asked to spend a lot of money to buy such a house. In the end, you On the contrary, they didn't live all day." Li Shuyi himself knew that without Su Wei, their family would not be able to turn around.

He still remembers the envious look in his relatives' eyes this morning when they brought him enough.

At that time, his relatives only knew that he lived in a hotel worth several thousand yuan a night, but they didn't know that he was going to move to a villa.

But that look is already so envious, if he knows that his son-in-law bought her daughter a villa worth more than 2000 million yuan.

That wouldn't drive the whole village crazy with envy.

And his son-in-law didn't look down on him at all.

When choosing a room before, they had to let the couple sleep in the big master bedroom on the third floor.

Then how could he want it, after all, this house was paid by Su Wei.

And the owner of this house is his eldest daughter, so he has no reason to sleep in this master bedroom.

Even if his eldest daughter and son-in-law don't live in the mountain city, he must show his attitude.

In the end, Li Shuyi and his wife chose the suite on the first floor, because he didn't need to take the elevator to go back to the room on the first floor, and this room was larger than the three suites on the second floor, only smaller than the master bedroom on the third floor.

As for the three rooms on the second floor, they were just reserved for Li Jiawei and her three siblings.

"It's okay, next time I come to stay for a few more days, this time if I'm too busy, I will definitely stay with him for ten days and half a month." Su Wei is actually a bit regretful now, because his relationship with Li Jiawei today, A big step forward.

When the elevator reached the first floor, it was because he was still out of the sheath.

So after the two of them got out of the elevator, they stayed on the first floor for a while.

Although Su Wei didn't accomplish anything at the time, he took Li Jiawei's hand, and she didn't object.

In fact, if it wasn't for the sound of the elevator, he might have kissed Li Jiawei.

Afterwards, he could feel that Li Jiawei had a good impression of him.

"Xiao Su, although you are very busy, you still have to remember to rest more, pay attention to your body, and eat more when you eat, you are too thin now." Mother Li always thought that Su Wei was the kind of person who was busy with business every day.

Because Su Wei she saw was either sending messages or making calls every day.

He is so rich and still so busy, as expected, money is not so easy to earn.

So Li's mother told Li Jiawen in private that she should remember to take care of Su Wei's body.

Don't have intercourse between two people too frequently, and don't do it during the day if you do it at night.

This was embarrassing to Li Jiawen, who wanted to run away at that time.

"Brother-in-law, we will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation, will you take us there?" Li Jiaxin is already thinking about going to Shanghai during the summer vacation.

After all, Su Wei told her before that he wanted them to go to Shanghai to play.

She wanted her brother-in-law to take her to see the Bund in Shanghai, and the century-old Huangpu River in Shanghai.

"Of course I will. As long as Jiaxin comes, I will definitely give you a day to play with you." Su Wei answered Li Jiaxin, but his eyes were on Li Jiawei.

After all, although Li Jiaxin is quite good-looking, her current figure is just a firewood girl.

It's not like Li Jiawei, she has almost developed.

Although the two of them are about the same age, their bodies are quite different.

One is a C while the other only has an A+.

Although Su Wei doesn't reject A+, but there are better choices, who is willing to settle for it unless they eat together.

"Brother-in-law, you are too kind, don't take Li Jiahang there then." Although Li Jiaxin dislikes her younger brother every day, the relationship between her and Li Jiahang is the best in this family.

Hearing that Su Wei promised to take her to play, although it is still a long time before the holiday, she can't wait.

"No, brother-in-law, don't take Li Jiaxin, just take us, she's too noisy." Hearing what Li Jiaxin said, Li Jiahang naturally began to refute.

After all, if he really didn't take him there, he wouldn't dare to go out in Shanghai.

He moved into this big villa today, and he hasn't left the gate until now.

It's not that he is timid, after all, children who grew up in the countryside can only be timid.

But the environment has changed, this is not their village, this is Blue Lake County, and there are big villas with tens of millions next to them.

"Okay, let's go in, the elder sister hasn't spoken yet.

Brother-in-law, safe journey, safe journey, let's go in." Since Li Jiawei came up from the first floor, she felt that she was very sorry for her elder sister.

Because Su Wei got out of the scabbard, she felt that it was all her responsibility.

If I hadn't been so close to my brother-in-law at that time, my brother-in-law wouldn't have had that idea.

You shouldn't have promised your brother-in-law that he would go to the first floor and let him hold your hand.

If the elevator hadn't rang, his brother-in-law would have almost kissed him.

But she really couldn't push her brother-in-law away, because his brother-in-law came back this time.

It's like Monkey King who stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds and rescued their family from the dire straits.

And she likes her brother-in-law a lot, that is, no matter how big things are, they are like small things in his eyes.

Regardless of whether their house was burned, he came to buy this 2000 million house.

It was still his business that could earn tens of billions, and he calmly led it all the way through.

How could a girl of Li Jiawei's age be able to resist such a mature man.

"What's the matter, you look unhappy?" After everyone went in, Li Jiawen walked up to Su Wei.

But when Su Wei saw Li Jiawen's appearance at this time, he found that she seemed a little unhappy.

At this time, he thought that Li Jiawen had discovered the little secret between him and Li Jiawei.

"Husband, I really don't want you to leave, why don't I go back to the magic city with you?" Li Jiawen's time back to the mountain city was really the happiest time she had been following Su Wei for so long.

Although she knew that Su Wei had many women, at this moment, Su Wei belonged to her alone.

And this time when she came back, she really realized what she said before.

For example, she said that she wanted to turn her family over in the village. Now her family is more than turning over, it has directly crossed the class.

First of all, the whole family moved to live in the city, and her younger brother and sister had to transfer to the city to study.

As for repairing the house in her hometown, it would be even easier. Su Wei gave her 300 million to repair the house.

"You have already told your parents that if you want to stay here with them for a few days, then you can live in peace for a few days. It is best to buy a car in the mountain city. The city is too big and it is inconvenient without a car.

You just need to come back before the 25th, and the 25th is the day when the community of Yunjin Dongfang will be promoted." Su Wei does not want Li Jiawen to go back with him, because he must go to Gubei No. [-] when he goes back.

And when the time comes, Li Jiawen can only go back to the Kaide Maoming mansion alone.

He knew that Li Jiawen was obsessed with him, but he belonged to her alone in the mountain city, but it was not the case when he went to Shanghai.

So Li Jiawen might as well spend a few more days in the mountain city, after all, she was so many years ago.

I came back only once, and that time I left in a hurry.

"Okay then, then I'll go back on the 24th, will you pick me up at the airport then?" Of course Li Jiawen also knew that Su Wei who went to Shanghai would definitely not belong to her alone.

What she said just now can be regarded as a small temptation.

Although it was not successful, she believed that it would get better and better.

"Of course I will come to pick you up, don't worry."

. . . . . .

"Xiao Zhang, there is a party at my house today, do you want to come to play?" Su Wei didn't know until Gubei No. [-] was about to get off the plane that there was a party.

According to Xiaoyuan, many people came to this party.

"Boss Su, I won't go to the party this time. I want to spend time with my parents tonight." Zhang Ruoyu really wanted to go back to accompany her parents, after all, she was on a business trip for several days this time.

But besides this reason, she didn't want to go to Gubei No. [-].

It's not that I don't want to go to Gubei No. [-], but I don't want to see Wang Xiaoyuan.

Zhang Ruoyu didn't know why, Wang Xiaoyuan and the others would stare at her, guarding against her, for fear that she would have an affair with Su Wei.

But those who really want to be in the top position, they have not guarded against them at all.

For example, Wu Xiaoxuan, and this time Li Jiawen.

And after she went through Li Jiawen's incident, she found herself the boss.

That's really willing to spend money on these women of hers.

And her boss has a lot of money.

"That's a pity. I wanted to take you to the bar." Su Wei hasn't been to the bar for several days, and he will definitely go tonight.

And Wu Xiaoxuan has been looking for him for a long time.

He planned to call Wu Xiaoxuan out today, let her bring some girlfriends, and then go to the bar to have fun together.

"Boss Su, I don't like going to bars. You like to go, so I go." Zhang Ruoyu was speechless, and she was in the eyes of the boss.

How did she become a person who likes to go to bars, obviously, every time she went to bars before, it was her boss who went there.

Before she came to work, she only went to the bar a few times with her little sister.

"I didn't say you love going to bars, I mean, you love going to bars with me"

. . . . . .

"Yuanyuan, I'm back.

Fuck, what's going on today, why are there so many people here?" Su Wei opened the door and went in, and saw a lot of people sitting in the living room.

Li Ziwei, Li Renfeng and the others were all there, as well as Li Rui and Xiaobai, and there were some women he didn't know.

But you don't need to guess, these people must be Wang Xiaoyuan's girlfriends.

But Su Wei took a look, and there were not many really good-looking ones.

Liu Meng was probably working on a movie with her boyfriend, so she didn't come this time.

"Brother Viagra, we know you're coming back today. This is just for dinner at your house. I don't know if you like it or not." Li Ziwei came here today because his sister asked him to come.

Originally, he had an appointment with Su Wei and met at the bar at night.

But when his elder sister called him, he could only come too.

But when he came, he also called Li Renfeng and Jin Gaode.

"Of course you are welcome, if you, Young Master Li, are here, I can still drive you away.

You guys chat first, I'll go in and put my luggage away." Su Wei couldn't believe that so many people came here for dinner.

They must have come to ask about the Yang Group, after all, although he is in the mountain city.

But the news from the devil's capital has been coming in a steady stream.

"Did we make it too obvious that he guessed it?" Although Li Rui and the others are women, they are also very concerned about the Yang Group.

After all, they are all rich second generations, and they have always heard the name Yang Ye since they were young.

This time they heard that the person who broke the news of the Yang Group might be Su Wei, so they must have come to ask for first-hand information.

"You have so many people here today, how could Ah Wei not know what you want to ask?" When Su Wei called Wang Xiaoyuan today, she was having afternoon tea with Li Rui and the others.

As a result, after Li Rui and the others heard the news, it quickly spread throughout the circle of friends.

The relationship with Wang Xiaoyuan is okay, and even sent a message asking if I can have a meal.

The dozen or so people in the living room are the result of Wang Xiaoyuan's streamlining several times.

"I don't want to know anything else now. I just want to know where Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu went? Why haven't we heard from them for two days?" Li Renfeng hugged Aya and sat on the blanket on the ground.

During this period of time, his family was basically discussing the Yang Group.

After all, Yang Ye is the godfather of Shanghai, and many people want to know if something will happen to him this time.

And if something happened to the two of them, then the Yang Group would be a big piece of fat.

As long as you have the strength and ability, you can go in and have a full meal.

"It goes without saying that he must have been arrested."

"How is it possible? Who do you think Yang Ye is? His network is fake."

"The two of them should be hiding there, or they may have gone abroad"

"The two of them, the two of them have already gone in." Su Wei put down his things, washed his face and came out.

When I came out, I found that everyone had already discussed it, and expressed their own opinions on the whereabouts of Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu.

But they are really just people who eat melons. After all, if you want to eat meat, you need money.

They are just a group of rich second generations, and now it is difficult for them to collect 500 million.

"Isn't it? Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu have already gone in? Viagra, you really broke the news about the Yang Group, right?" Li Ziwei didn't know that Su Wei did it when he heard what Su Wei said. what.

He was really sweating for Su Wei, because if Yang Ye was fine, he would definitely have revenge.

Although he also knew that Su Wei was rich and powerful, Yang Ye was not easy to mess with.

Moreover, he has been rooted in Mordu for decades, and he has acquaintances in all aspects.

If it really tripped Su Wei, Su Wei couldn't escape all the black hands.

"Then you and Yang Jiale, have you really chased after Kong Xueer together?" Although Xiaoya is Wang Xiaoyuan's best friend, she is also Li Renfeng's girlfriend.

But the relationship between her and Su Wei can only be said to be average, mainly due to the fact that she rarely sees her.

If it was this question, even if other people wanted to ask it, they would not ask it in public.

"Kong Xueer? I don't even know who Kong Xueer is, and I even rob women with Yang Jiale, who came up with this?" Su Wei really didn't know Kong Xueer before, but after turning over his scarf.

After seeing Kong Xueer's photo, he realized that this woman was the girl who had been with Yang Jiale in Richard Mille's shop.

When he saw the photo of Kong Xueer, he felt it was a pity.

Because Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu are about to go to prison, Yang Jiale's life will definitely not be easy.

If Kong Xueer chooses not to break up with Yang Jiale, then she will have to bear the living expenses of the two of them in the future.

After all, Su Wei's plan this time is to explode the Yang Group's foreign debt.

Then through the routine of forced bankruptcy, the Yang Group was obtained at a low price.

At that time, as long as Yang Jiale obtained assets through Yang Ye, most of them would be recovered.

And now that Su Wei dared to tell the news that Yang Ye had entered, it was because the game had already begun.

Even if he doesn't say it, it will be broadcast on the news tomorrow.

"Then you and Yang Jiale, how did you two know each other?" Li Rui believed in the marketing account, because Su Wei was so perverted.

As long as it's a good-looking woman, Su Wei doesn't care about that woman's identity at all.

Just like her, or Xiaobai.

When Su Wei went to them, he didn't hesitate at all.

"Didn't Richard Mille become the [-]th anniversary watch king at that time? Yang Jiale and I fell in love with that watch at the same time, and then I didn't give him face, so I directly bid higher than him to win the watch." Su Weihui To explain this matter, it was because Wang Xiaoyuan wanted to hear it.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan is different now, she is the mother of Su Wei's child.

"Just for such a small matter? You brought down the Yang Group?"

(End of this chapter)

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