Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 274 I'm going to kill him this time

Chapter 274 I'm going to kill him this time

"Viagra, why did you agree to compete with this adventurous dream on the weekly star list? We don't know him, so there is absolutely no need to spend this money?" Li Ziwei saw that Su Wei paid him 40, and agreed to compete with the opposite party. Play the weekly star list.

He didn't even care about his live broadcast room, and went to the 488 car driven by Su Wei empty-handed.

Because it was obvious just now, this is a trap set by others.

Although Li Ziwei didn't know their specific purpose, he promised them to play on this weekly star list.

Then they just fell into the trap that those people designed for them. He understood it, and he didn't believe that Su Wei would not understand it.

So he couldn't figure out why Su Wei still accepted the move.

"I'm tired of being famous. I was the No. [-] Shenhao when I was in Panda. I went to Douyu and became the No. [-] Shenhao. Now that I'm here in Huya, they will definitely come to me. .

Now that Huya's No. [-] Shenhao has already appeared, if you want to compare with me, then it's better to compare and see who will be Huya's No. [-] Shenhao.

And this time, I plan to swipe him in place at once, so that they don't dare to challenge me again." Su Wei will not continue to swipe after this time.

He intends to regard this week's star list as his closing ceremony, because his reputation is already great.

No matter how much money is spent on live broadcasts, it doesn't make any sense.

And this adventurous dream, Su Wei just happened to know each other.

He was a person who liked to watch live broadcasts in his previous life, so of course he had an impression of such a "famous" Shenhao.

So this time he hammered this adventurous dream directly into the soil.

"Awei, you are too impulsive, you fight with the opponent, who knows if the opponent is playing for real money.

As far as I know, many platforms can directly change the data in their operations. If this is the case, Dad Ma will not be able to beat him if he moves Ant Financial.” Li Renfeng was watching the live broadcast in the car just now, come and watch When Su Wei really wanted to fight, he quickly persuaded him.

After all, the live broadcast platform is not a good person, and it is not fair.

People around them have more or less encountered that kind of routine method.

And now that Li Ziwei just came to Huya, this kind of thing happened.

How could Li Renfeng believe that there is such a coincidence in the world.

"I also don't think I'm a real player. How can there be such a coincidence? As soon as I came to Huya, an unhappy big brother came to us to play the weekly star list, and even asked you to come forward.

Is it because Huya thinks that my salary is too high, so I want to spit it out?" Li Ziwei said this as a joke.

Because he didn't believe that the platform would be so bottomless.

But if he waits a few years, he will know that Huya really eats people without spit out bones.

There is not only this kind of "big brother" that stimulates consumption, but also the kind of operation that pretends to be friends on both sides.

Their job is to provoke the anchor to play PK every day, and then come to increase Huya's turnover.

"People must have such a person, and there is really so much money. After all, he is the number one hero in Huya. However, Huya has a thing called a turnover contract. This is his confidence to challenge me." Huya is a company that is about to go public. It is definitely impossible to play the road of changing data.

Those who directly change the data are all small platforms.

The rule of Huya is that if you want to pretend to be aggressive, you have to show real money.

But because they want to go public, they need good-looking data.

So we came up with a flow-through contract, but we had to really invest money in it.

After your money comes in, the amount that should be returned to you will be returned to you.

But there is a premise, that is, you have to spend so much money first.

"Flow contract? Huya still has a flow contract? Fuck, then we're not playing the Japanese Yen with Ruanmeibi this time?
Viagra, I know you are rich, but there is no need to fight like this, then we are not being taken advantage of." When Li Ziwei heard that Huya had a turnover contract, his whole body exploded.

After all, who knows how much the money will be discounted for the flow-through contract on the other side.

If it's a 100% discount, the 1000 million on the other side can hit [-] million on my side.

"Of course I won't be taken advantage of. You can also go to the tiger toothpick for a running contract. When the time comes, we will stand on the same starting line as the opponent, and I can give them a shot." Su Wei is sure that Li Ziwei will be able to talk. Flow contract, after all, Huya is about to go public.

At this time, with the battle between Su Wei and the Kidney Cutting Group, Huya's turnover this month must have been high.

As long as Huya wants to make money and make the financial report look good, it is impossible to refuse Li Ziwei's request.

"Then we are not losing money? There is no benefit in agreeing." Li Ziwei is here to make money this time, and his ideas are completely different from Su Wei.

After all, when Su Wei spent this money, he was using money to buy fame.

But he doesn't need this fame, because he plans to turn behind the scenes later.

After all, anchors get money fast, but they are always working part-time.

It's not that Li Ziwei's family has no money, so how could he not be his own boss.

"Who said it's not good, when the time comes, everyone will know that your union has me in charge, can you recruit female anchors better? I don't ask too much, just introduce me to Tiancai at that time."

. . . . . .

"Brother Meng, Brother Meng, the opposite side picked up your weekly star list"

"This time it's really good-looking, both sides are Shenhao, and I don't know which side can win"

"It goes without saying that the one who wins must be my brother Meng."

After seeing Su Wei on the other side saying that he had picked it up, he immediately ran back to report the letter.

Most of the people in them eat melons, and they don't care who wins, after all, they don't give them money.

A small number of fans are fans of magic, and feel that this adventurous dream is simply because they don't like the crane in the cloud.

There is also a smaller part, they are Huya Gouzi's water friends.

I have been playing rhythm on both sides, and now I see that the two sides are about to fight.

They were overjoyed and felt that the rhythm was very successful this time.

"Since the opponent has already accepted this PK, everyone should not go to the opponent's live broadcast room to take the rhythm.

You have also seen that the elder brother of the anchor on the opposite side is also very powerful. The brothers all support Brother Jin and let Brother Meng see our attitude. "Although they are the main force this time, Brother Da Jin Definitely have to pay.

After all, if he wins, he will also have a share in this honor.

And there is a cooperative relationship between them.

It is impossible for the adventurous Meng to pay his female anchors, and he has no investment on his side.

After all, when Brother Meng paid his union money, their union would continue to be popular.

In the end, Brother Meng not only earns laundering money, but also earns the money of those big brothers who run after him.

"I didn't expect that the other side would really dare to pick it up, so I will definitely let that Yunzhonghe know that Huya is not a place for him to run wild this time." The group of adventurous Meng sitting in front of the computer are already laughing. Muzzled.

Because I didn't expect this so-called Brother He to fall into the aggressive method so easily.

They have already planned this time, and they will definitely let the other party spend at least 1000 million.

In this way, their turnover contract for next month can be even higher.

"Brother Meng is awesome, the 52X100 group has a high-energy warning"

"What Brother He, Huya is here, isn't it good to keep a low profile?"

"Brother He is a real-name god, do you, Brother Meng, dare to use your real name?"

. . . . . .

"The young master is back, how are you talking with Brother He?"

"You guys are too high-profile, Brother Meng doesn't like high-profile people, now you're going to be dismissed from the Internet"

"Brother Mengmeng, can you get out of here? I really like to play tricks."

Although Li Ziwei left just now, there are still masters in this live broadcast room.

After all, Su Wei just collected 40 yuan here, and he also accepted the weekly star list of high-energy early warning from Brother Meng.

Now the popularity in the live broadcast room has reached more than 80.

"I just talked with Brother He, since the opponent wants to fight, then we are not timid people, we will see the outcome on Sunday anyway.

Those who want to eat melons in the past few days don’t need to stay here, because we have something in the middle of the day, and it’s impossible to live broadcast online 24 hours a day.” What Li Ziwei said just now is a bit of an adventurous dream.

He just finished his phone call with Huya, who initially said that there is no such thing as a turnover contract.

But after hearing that he was going to hold a labor union in Huya, he changed his tone and said that he would send the boss of operations and outdoors to come to Shanghai.

Li Ziwei understood, it was difficult for them to talk on the phone, they had to talk face to face.

Since there is a turnover contract, there is such a strong backing as Su Wei.

Then Li Ziwei must be very confident in speaking, and he is also very daring to speak.

"666, the young master is awesome"

"I really don't cry when I see the coffin. When you realize how strong Brother Meng is, you will know that you are wrong."

"Hurry up and call your brother Meng's real name, there's no end to pretending to be a ghost, right?"

In Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, he still has a lot of old fans.

They don't know Brother Meng, they only recognize the super hero Yun Zhonghe.

After all, Su Wei's strongest point is that he plays the live broadcast with his real name.

"Okay, don't argue with the other side, it's not their fault that they haven't seen the wider sky.

I came to Huya this time to change their perception of rich people.”

. . . . . .

"Xuanxuan, don't you, really calm down? I thought you lied to Huang Qifa last time.

Hey, this yellow dress looks pretty." Duoduo looked at his best friend, from the time after dinner until now.

She had been in front of the mirror, preening for more than three hours.

There were several clothes just now that she thought were good-looking enough, but who knew that her best friend said it was still a little bit worse.

This made her dare not imagine, after all, the previous Wu Xiaoxuan was not what she is now.

The former Wu Xiaoxuan was full of confidence.

Most of the time, I just pack myself up casually, and then go out.

But now Wu Xiaoxuan is struggling with what clothes to look good when she goes out.

"Huang Qifa? How could I be with my dear in order to lie to him? I am with him entirely because he is really my ideal type.

This one is right, I think it looks pretty too, so I'll wear it tonight." Since Wu Xiaoxuan has found Su Wei, she doesn't plan to go back to being a fisherman.

She has been a prostitute for the past two years, because she just hangs those men and doesn't give them any sweetness.

So she doesn't make much money, she can only say that she doesn't have to worry about food and drink.

But it is far from buying a house or a car in a big city like Shanghai.

Up to now, the money in her card has never exceeded 20.

"Have you really thought about it? But Su Wei has a girlfriend." Su Wei's official girlfriend, Duoduo and Wu Xiaoxuan, both met.

Although Duoduo felt that her best friend's appearance was no worse than Wang Xiaoyuan's, other people's temperament was indeed much better than Wu Xiaoxuan's.

At first glance, it looks like a child of a rich family, not the kind who dare not chase after hundreds of millions of dollars.

"So what, it's not that he's not married yet, don't worry, I know it." Wu Xiaoxuan felt very satisfied when she saw herself in the mirror.

Then he took out the Richard Mille watch and put it on his hand.

After she got this watch, she thought it looked good, so she wore it every day.

The last time Su Wei came to her house, he saw that she was wearing a pretty dress, so he didn't ask her if she wanted to come back.

"You can just think about it, but I heard that Su Wei offended Yang Jiale of the Yang Group. You must know that the Yang Group is a local snake in the capital. If you offend them, Su Wei will have a hard time in the future." "Yang's Group is a local company in Shanghai, with a market value of tens of billions.

Although the Yang's Group made a lot of trouble this time, no one believed that the Yang's Group would collapse.

After all, the number of employees under Yang's Group is tens of thousands.

If the Yang Group collapsed, there would be tens of thousands of unemployed people.

And among the tens of thousands of people, most of them have families.

So this time, most of the people in Shanghai did not believe that the Yang Group would go bankrupt.

They thought that Yang Ye and his son would be fine if at most they arrested a few youngsters to take the blame.

"Oh, Yang's Group, don't worry, if you offend Yang's Group, you will be offended, and nothing will happen. Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone.

hello honey, are you here already?OK, then I'll come down right away.

Duo Duo, let's go, my guy is already here." As Su Wei's girlfriend, Wu Xiaoxuan already knew that Yang Jiale's brother and father were already in prison.

But she didn't know if she could talk about it, so even if Duoduo was her best friend, she didn't tell her.

So her best friend asked why she would take it easy, it was because if even high-quality stocks like Su Wei were given up.

Then they might as well be single for the rest of their lives. She didn't believe that she could find a better one.

"Are you still the one who is late every day? I feel like I don't know you anymore." Duoduo was really not used to Wu Xiaoxuan like this, and even planned to go down without any delay.

In the past, a boy chased her and agreed to have dinner together.

The boy waited down there from 5 pm until [-] pm before eating together.

And Wu Xiaoxuan brought her light bulb with her, and the two of them came back after eating.

I made that man's teeth itchy with anger, but he didn't dare to delete Wu Xiaoxuan's WeChat.

"My guy doesn't like others being late, let's go, let me introduce his friends to you." Wu Xiaoxuan used to do this because she can handle those guys.

But this is different now, Su Wei can't handle it.

"That's what you said. I want a rich family and a good-looking one. Otherwise, you're just perfunctory."

(End of this chapter)

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