Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 275 Confidante

Chapter 275 Confidante
"Honey, wait a long time." When Wu Xiaoxuan came down, she saw four supercars parked by the side of the road.

She walked over and saw that Su Wei was indeed sitting on the first 488 car.

In fact, when she saw this 488, she was still very puzzled, why did Su Wei drive this car today.

Because according to her observation, Su Wei doesn't seem to like the colorful cars.

"Wow, Xiaoxuan, you look so beautiful today." Wu Xiaoxuan wore a yellow dress today, which was very eye-catching.

Anyway, since she came out of the community, those men outside the community.

Everyone stopped to look at her, and they knew that she really looked good in this dress.

"Didn't I hear you say that you want to take me to your friend's party, so I dressed up specially?" Most people can't wear this kind of clothes without temperament.

Because yellow clothes must be worn by people with fair skin to look good.

It just so happens that Wu Xiaoxuan's skin is very fair, so she looks really good in clothes.

"Hello Viagra, we meet again." Duoduo dared to gossip about Su Wei behind his back, but he definitely didn't dare to gossip about Su Wei in front of him.

She is like those keyboard warriors on the Internet, she speaks very hard behind her back.

When I really see the person involved, I really want to be as good as possible.

"Hello, we all drive sports cars today. Look at the cars behind you which one you want to sit in. They didn't call me girls today." Su Wei pointed to the cars behind and asked Wu Xiaoxuan's best friend to choose one randomly. .

Anyway, few of them have any girls, this Duoduo is pretty enough.

Now that Su Wei has a taste, such a girl is already dispensable to him.

If you can sleep as long as you can, sleep for one night, if you can't sleep, let it go, don't force it.

"Viagra, can I choose any of these three cars? Which one is more expensive?" Among these three cars, Duoduo is the most attractive.

It's Jingao De's Lamborghini, but the other two cars look fierce.

Of course Duoduo wants to choose the most expensive car, because she also wants to find a rich second-generation boyfriend.

After all, her best friend Wu Xiaoxuan is about to go ashore, but she hasn't been found yet.

"The most expensive one? Of course it's the Ferrari in the back." Su Wei pointed to his own when he heard that Duoduo wanted to take the most expensive one.

Only then did Duoduo know that the Ferrari behind is actually Rafa.

When I walked over, I was still thinking, Su Wei's friends are rich.

Not to mention that he owns a Rafa, his friend also has a Rafa.

"Husband, that Rafa seems to be yours, right? Why don't you open it yourself?" Wu Xiaoxuan knew that her best friend had misunderstood, but she was embarrassed to remind her best friend in front of Su Wei.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Su Wei's friends can't be poor.

"My brother is a live broadcaster. He wants to drive this car to act aggressively, but I don't need it." Su Wei waited for the two to sit down, and then slowly started the car.

Su Wei is now in Shanghai, and he no longer needs Kai Rafa to prove himself.

For ordinary people, Su Wei driving Li Ziwei's Ferrari 488 is enough.

After all, he is really rich, not like some people.

Not so rich but pretending to be rich, and specially invited the navy to hype what kind of prince he is.

The simplest thing is to find a man of Su Wei's worth.

It is absolutely impossible to open some barber shop, after all, no matter how profitable that thing is, it is impossible to go public.

"Husband, I heard that Rafa will sell one for 3000 million, so isn't your car worth 3000 million?" Wu Xiaoxuan knew this car because she had seen it in Su Wei's circle of friends.

At that time, she also asked others how much a Ferrari Rafa cost.

Her friend told her that this car now costs more than 3000 million.

"3000 million? How is 3000 million possible?" If Su Wei's Rafa was bought by others for 3000 million, he would definitely not sell it.

After all, I spent more than 3000 million to buy it. If I sold it for 3000 million, it would not be a big loss.

"Let me just say, the current marketing accounts will make up stories." In 2018, many people did not believe that there was such an expensive car.

After all, there was no vibrato at that time, who would take ordinary people to see the upper class every day.

And for these girls now, it would be great if they could recognize a car logo.

"My car is worth at least 5000 million now, and I spent more than 3000 million when I bought it last year." Of course, Su Wei has to sell it to be worth so much money.

The convertible Lafayette can be so expensive because there are only four cars in the country.

Moreover, the owners of the cars are all super rich, so they have no intention of selling them for the time being.

But after playing for a few years, the car will not be so valuable.

"5000 million? This car is so expensive? Can you drive it for me? I haven't driven such an expensive car before." Wu Xiaoxuan didn't doubt Su Wei's words at all, because he is a billionaire.

Wu Xiaoxuan didn't think there would be any difference in Su Wei's eyes between a 5000 million car and a 3000 million car.

She wanted to drive this car, of course she wanted to pretend to be a wave.

After all, many of her friends laughed at her behind her back when they knew she had retired from the mountain.

He felt that Su Wei wanted her to be his girlfriend just for fun.

It won't be long before she will be thrown away.

So she wants to borrow this car to prove herself.

"Okay, you can drive if you want. By the way, do you have a scooter?" Su Wei didn't care if his women drove his car.

Because the car is something that needs to be owned once.

Su Wei didn't have the idea of ​​offering up the car, after all, it was just a means of transportation.

"Not yet, why, you want to send me?" Wu Xiaoxuan said half-seriously, half-jokingly.

She has been in Shanghai for a year or two, and has ridden in many luxury cars.

But she didn't have the ability to buy it herself, so of course she wanted Su Wei to give her a car.

After all, she will be with Su Wei because Su Wei is rich.

"I'm going to the car show tomorrow, you can go with me then"

. . . . . .

When Su Wei and his car arrived at the gate of M2, the salesman was already waiting there with the internal security.

It can be seen from the marketing and internal security that Li Ziwei's Huya debut today is a serious waste of money.

"Niu Pi, this is the real rich second generation of the devil city."

"What are you pretending, if my brother Dajin comes, he must be bigger than this card!"

"Don't say you Da Jin is here, even if your father Meng is here, there is still no meeting"

Because of the weekly star list in Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, the popularity is extremely high now.

Although the weekly star list won't come out until Sunday, there are so many people who can't stand it.

Moreover, few of Huya's original audience knew Li Ziwei.

It was not until this time that he made his first show about dating adventurous dreams that everyone really got to know him.

This live broadcast room is too hot and there are too many people, so the water friends are easily agitated.

As long as there are a few bullet screens that are wrong in the live broadcast room, several parties will start to spray each other.

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing, we have already arrived at the gate of M2, you were so noisy just now, the girls are all autistic." Li Ziwei also wanted to manage the live broadcast room before, but it was useless because there were too many people.

The main reason is that in today's live broadcast room, there are not only the water friends he brought over from Panda, but also the new water friends he recruited from Huya.

What's left are the fanboys of Big Jin and Meng, as well as the ones with rhythm.

Just now after Wu Xiaoxuan's best friend got into the car, she wanted to chat with Li Ziwei, but the bullet screen was full of scolding her for being a gold digger.

It made her feel like she didn't want to talk anymore, after all, the live broadcast room was just like a monitor.

As long as there is something wrong, it is easy to be magnified by the barrage.

"Oh, Mr. Su, you are free today. It's Mr. Li. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." M2's salesman knew Su Wei's Lafa, and when he saw the car coming, he immediately notified them. Director.

The director of M2 thought that Su Wei was sitting in Lafari, but when he opened the door, he realized that he had identified the wrong person.

But she also knows Li Ziwei, after all, he often comes to M2 to play.

"It's okay, your Boss Su is in that car." Li Ziwei was speechless, and originally wanted to drive Rafa to pretend.

Now he is really embarrassed by this female director of M2 doing this.

If it weren't for the handsome director, he would definitely have scolded people directly.

"Hahahaha, whoever wants the young master, you have to drive Brother He's car"

"Isn't the person who asked just now Mr. Su? What does it have to do with Brother He?"

"Oh my god, there will be no one in the live broadcast room who doesn't know that Brother He's surname is Su in real life, right?"

What people in the live broadcast room like to watch the most is that the host loses face.

Especially when the anchor is embarrassed, their barrage will fly up.

Now is Li Ziwei's embarrassing and embarrassing time, and the live broadcast room is just like Chinese New Year.

"Oh, Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, I'll call the director to make amends to you later." Seeing the situation like this, the salesman was speechless.

She, the director, is too anxious. If she wants to have a good relationship with Su Wei, she needs to know who she is.

The main reason is that Su Wei hasn't been to the M2 bar since he became famous.

"That's what you said. If you don't perform well, I won't come next time." Li Ziwei saw that his salesman was so good at being a man, so he took advantage of this step to go down.

After all, it's just admitting the wrong person, it's really not a big deal.

And today is his first show, so there is no need to cause trouble.

"Go in, what are you still doing here?" Su Wei, led by the director, came to Li Ziwei's side.

Seeing that he hadn't left yet, she asked a little suspiciously.

"You go in first, I will explain something to the people in the live broadcast room." Li Ziwei really wanted to explain something to the people in the live broadcast room, after all, he went into the bar later.

The sound was too loud, and the light was not good, so it was impossible for him to keep paying attention to the live broadcast room.

So he said hello in advance, otherwise there will be new water friends coming in to spray people.

"Then President Su, let me show you the way." Today, the director of M2 basically depends on Su Wei.

After all, who doesn't know, just curry favor with Su Wei.

So as long as he goes to the bar, there will be tens of millions of drinks at one point.

The real money in every bar is the high rollers in the bar.

And Su Wei is one of these high rollers.

Another reason is that Su Wei is famous.

If he often goes to a bar, the popularity of that bar will be much better.

This is why many bars will find stars to cooperate.

"Husband, this girl wants to sleep with you." As soon as the director named Nana came over, Wu Xiaoxuan smelled a foul smell.

If she wasn't there when she was talking.

That Nana must have pounced on her.

"There are many people who want to sleep with me, it depends on whether I will give you a chance." There are too many people who want to sleep with Su Wei, including men.

So now, as long as Su Wei finds such signs, he will block and delete them directly.

One of the main reasons why he doesn't like to play with scarves is because there are too many GAYs in the scarves.

"This person seems to be Su Wei. He also came to M2 to play today?" Su Wei is now among the ordinary people, and his reputation may be a little bit worse.

But in the second generation of the rich, and in the bar circle, the reputation has really grown.

As soon as he showed up in the bar, people immediately surrounded him for a group photo.

"He didn't know that Yang Jiale was here, so he came here to find trouble?" Yang Jiale is also a celebrity in Shanghai, even more famous than Su Wei.

After all, his girlfriend is the star Kong Xueer.

Two days ago, Yang Jiale yelled at Su Wei in the bib, and many people remembered it.

"It's very possible. Hurry up and call someone. If it's late, you won't be able to eat melons."

. . . . . .

"Young Master Yang, Su Wei is here." Yang Jiale has been playing in different bars these days, bringing a bunch of younger brothers by his side.

It was one of his younger brothers who came to report the letter.

"Where is Su Wei? How dare the CTM show up in front of me?" Yang Jiale didn't know that his father and brother had been arrested, and thought they were busy dealing with matters.

He has been wandering around various bars these days, just listening to his brother's words.

Try to be as high-profile as possible to attract everyone's attention.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he came to M2 today, he would meet Su Wei by such a coincidence.

"Jia Le, don't go, the Yang family is on the cusp of the storm, you have to keep a low profile." The person who spoke was Yang Yang who went to Su Wei's house today.

Although she knew that Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu had entered the cell, she had no intention of telling Yang Jiale about it.

Now seeing that Yang Jiale was impulsively going to trouble Su Wei, he hurriedly stepped forward to hold Yang Jiale back.

After all, if Su Wei told about Yang Ye in public, she was afraid that Yang Jiale would not be able to bear the blow.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to say a few words, I won't beat him." Yang Jiale thought that Yang Yang was afraid of fighting, so he comforted her.

In fact, he knew that Yangyang had always liked him. After so many things, he also began to like Yangyang a little bit.

Especially this time when something happened to his family, Kong Xueer's attitude towards him changed a bit.

So he is planning to find an opportunity to break up with Kong Xueer, and then go after Yangyang.

"She looks so beautiful and has such a good figure, wouldn't you be interested?" Wu Xiaoxuan looked at Nana who was walking in front, and didn't believe what Su Wei said at all.

After all, Director Nana in front has a really hot figure.

She walked in front, her butt twisted, which made Wu Xiaoxuan feel ashamed.

"Then you underestimate your husband too much. She is naked and sleeping next to me. Should I be interested or not?" Su Wei just listened to what Su Wei said. If he really lay next to him, he would definitely sleep with her.

After all, she doesn't look bad, she has a good figure, and it looks like she looks.

He must be someone who has experienced many battles, maybe he can teach Su Wei some moves.

"Su Wei, you're finally willing to show up. I thought you'd never dare to show up in the magic capital." Su Wei was on his way to the private room under Nana's leadership.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jiale appeared and blocked the way.

"It turned out to be you little bastard. I didn't go looking for you, but you came to me instead." Seeing Nana stop, Su Wei looked forward. Isn't this the outcast of the Yang family?

Su Wei must have settled with Yang Jiale, after all, he nearly crashed his car last time.

But he didn't plan to look for Yang Jiale today, after all, he just came back and he had to relax first.

But he didn't expect Yang Jiale to be unable to contact his brother and father.

It's fine to just hang out in the bar every day, but he dares to come to make trouble for himself.

"Let me tell you, don't think I don't know. You are the one who exposed my family on the Internet. You just wait for me. If you don't get killed, it's not over." Yang Jiale was really not joking.

It's just that he didn't know that his father and brother were both involved in the case.

What he thought in his heart was that when this turmoil passed, he would directly ask his brother to kill Su Wei from all aspects.

"Jia Le, didn't we agree to keep a low profile? If you do this, Uncle and the others will be very passive. Can you bear it for a while? I know Su Wei, and I will come back after a few words.

Su Wei is sorry, can you not tell him about Yang Jiale's father and brother, I beg you." Yang Yang went to appease Yang Jiale first, and then turned to beg Su Wei.

After all, if Su Wei really broke out that incident in front of the public, then Yang Jiale would be finished in the magic capital.

For those who went to Gubei No. [-] this afternoon, she asked them to keep it a secret.

Although she also knew that this matter would spread out sooner or later, she still wanted to keep it a secret for a day.

"You come to beg me? That's fine, then just remember to come and have a few drinks with me later." Su Wei saw such an arrogant girl in the afternoon, but now he begged him in a low voice.

Then he definitely couldn't just let her go so easily, after all, she was pretty.

Su Wei doesn't need to expose this matter, it will be on the news tomorrow anyway.

He could just use this matter to blackmail the purple-haired girl.

"Yangyang, what do you have to say to him, let's go.

Su Wei, you are lucky today, just in time for me to keep a low profile, otherwise I will ask someone to kill you today." If he didn't care about it before, he would indeed have this ability.

After all, in China, although money is great, it can't be done without power.

And Yang's group is rich and powerful, so he can really kill Su Wei.

"This person is Yang Jiale? He doesn't know what happened to his family, does he?

By the way, what did that woman tell you just now? "Just now, Yangyang and Su Wei were talking very close together, so Wu Xiaoxuan didn't hear what they said.

But she knew that Su Wei must have done nothing good.

After all, Yang Jiale, the lost dog, came before him, and Su Wei was still not angry.

It must be this woman who did Su Wei any favors.

"I'll tell you slowly when I go back tonight, I didn't expect Yang Jiale to have such a confidante."

. . . . . .

"Su Wei, can we come out and have a chat?"

(End of this chapter)

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