Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 276 That Only Proves You Can't See Men Well

Chapter 276 That Only Proves You Can't See Men Well
"Su Wei, can we go out and have a chat?" After Yangyang entered the box, he originally planned to toast Su Wei with a glass of wine and leave.

But when she came to the box, she changed her mind.

Because she found that Su Wei was surprisingly easy to talk to after contacting him.

"Is there anything that we can't just chat here, and you're not here to drink?" Su Wei didn't know what was going on with this woman, since they were all here, why did they ask him to go out again.

He was actually a little worried, afraid that Yang Jiale would be outside.

It wasn't because he was afraid that Yang Jiale would beat him. After all, he had so many bodyguards, and Yang Jiale might not be able to beat him.

He was afraid that this woman would ask Yang Jiale for peace, and Yang Jiale would be there to beg him to let her go.

Then Su Wei was embarrassed, because he couldn't let Yang Jiale go easily.

"I have something else to tell you. There is a box next to me, just the two of us, no one else." This box was reserved by Yang Yang before.

Because Yang Jiale's girlfriend was coming, she booked this box to play.

But Kong Xueer never came, so they booked another booth outside.

Now that there are so many people here, it's hard to talk about things.

So she thought about inviting Su Wei to that box, at least she wouldn't be disturbed.

"Just the two of us? Then you'd better talk to me about something.

Xiaoxuan, then you can play with your girlfriends here, and I will come back as soon as I go, and see what she wants to talk to me." Su Wei heard that there were two people, so he wanted to go and see.

Mainly because of this woman, he admired it quite a lot.

After all, everyone knows that the Yang family has fallen, but she can still stick to Yang Jiale.

He couldn't figure it out, such a good girl.

Why did Yang Jiale choose to be with Kong Xueer?Instead of choosing to be with her.

Although Kong Xueer is a star, this sheep is not ugly at all.

Although the height is less than 170, it still looks like 165, and the two legs are really super straight.

"Then you go, pay attention to yourself." There are nearly 10 girls in this box now.

Originally, Li Ziwei arranged for a girl himself, after all, how could he have no girls in the bar for his first show.

But there is only one high-quality one, and it is not very good-looking.

As a result, he kept brushing the next batch of bullet screens, and he couldn't find anyone who could come to the rescue for a while.

Later, Wu Xiaoxuan contacted a few of her best friends to save the scene, and now most of the people here are her best friends.

"Don't worry, who am I, it's not the first day I come to the bar to play.

Let's go, you lead the way." Su Wei played in the bar and never drank out of sight.

And every time before he entered the box, he had to let the bodyguards go to see it first.

There is no way, he is too rich, so he must be on guard.

"Go this way, my box is just two boxes away from yours." So far, Yang Yang still thinks that Su Wei is easy to talk to.

So she has more confidence in the next conversation.

"It's really just the two of us? Where's Yang Jiale's lost dog?" Su Wei followed Yang Yang to the box she mentioned.

After Liu Qiang and the others finished checking, he went in and found that there was really no one else here.

Before he entered the box, he was actually ready to meet Yang Jiale.

When she was planning to meet him, she taunted him wildly.

"It's really just the two of us, Yang Jiale has already been picked up by his girlfriend." Why did Yang Yang come back to Su Wei to toast, because Yang Jiale was taken away.

She originally thought that tonight, she and Yang Jiale should be having fun.

Who knew that Kong Xueer ran to the bar and took Yang Jiale away at one o'clock in the morning.

She is just Yang Jiale's friend, there is no way to stop her.

"It turned out to be like this, but it's impossible for us to chat and sit like this all the time, why don't we order some wine?" Su Wei saw Yang Yang's unhappiness, and he almost already knew the relationship between the two of them.

It's nothing more than Yang Yang likes Yang Jiale, but Yang Jiale doesn't like her liking Kong Xueer.

As a female licking dog, Yang Yang has been by Yang Jiale's side for the past few days.

Now that his real girlfriend is here, she can only abdicate as a dog licker.

"I drank quite a lot just now, why don't we order something with a lower alcohol content?" Yangyang didn't want to drink at first, but it really doesn't make sense not to drink.

So what she meant was that Su Wei just ordered some drinks.

When Yang Jiale was around just now, she drank a lot of wine with him.

The main reason was to get him drunk, but who knew that the duck he got flew away.

"Well, then I know what to order.

Beauty, bring us two cocktails made by Slok." The wine Su Wei ordered is not an ordinary cocktail.

Like Long Island Iced Tea, it is also a kind of wine that is lost.

But it's not as famous as Long Island Iced Tea, so people won't know what you want as soon as they hear it.

"I haven't thanked you yet. I didn't tell Jiale about his father and his brother before." Yangyang had never drank Srock, and she didn't care too much when she heard that it wasn't Long Island Iced Tea.

When the wine came, she tasted a little bit first.

She found that it tasted sweet when she drank it, and thought it was Su Wei taking care of her.

She specially ordered non-alcoholic drinks, so she put down her defenses.

"There's one thing I haven't understood. Anyway, he will know about it sooner or later. Why do you have to hide it from him? Come and go first." Su Weicai didn't care why she didn't tell Yang Jiale, he just wanted to get her drunk now .

Anyway, it was so noisy outside that the two of them had to stay very close to each other when talking in the box.

If you really do something here, it will be too exciting.

Su Wei has played in the toilet of the bar, but he has not played in the box of the bar.

"Wow, this wine seems to contain alcohol?

In fact, it’s not that I can’t tell him, I just want to tell him about it later, and I’m afraid he won’t be able to accept it if I tell him now.” Yangyang took a big sip before he could taste the alcohol in the cocktail.

At the beginning, she thought it was a pure drink.

But even if there is a little alcohol, she is not afraid.

After all, the number of times she came to the bar was not once or twice.

"I see, are you going to wait until you are with him before talking to him about it?

Hey, whose wallet is this? "When Su Wei leaned back, he felt something pressing against him.

I touched it and found it was a wallet.

Su Wei's wallet belongs to LV, but this one belongs to Dior.

Since it wasn't his, it could only belong to Yangyang and the others.

"Let me see, this wallet belongs to Jiale, thank you for finding it.

Su Wei, I found out after I got in touch with you that you are not a mean person, can I ask you something? "Yangyang took the wallet and took a look, it turned out to be the wallet she gave to Yang Jiale.

Seeing that Su Wei returned the wallet to herself without hesitation, she was even more convinced that Su Wei was a good person.

And what's even better is that Yang Jiale has been using the wallet she gave her all the time.

"What's the matter? If I can help you, I can try it." Su Wei had already drank half a glass of cocktail when he saw this sheep.

But he wasn't drunk yet, and he looked like he could at least have another drink.

Su Wei was already cursing secretly in his heart, and felt that it would be better to start serving Long Island iced tea directly.

"That is, can you stop making trouble for Jiale in the future, after all, his father and elder brother have already gone to prison.

I will also persuade Jiale to forget about this matter, and I will definitely not come to trouble you in the future." Now that Yang Jiale does not have the support of the Yang Group, it is really too easy for Su Wei to deal with Yang Jiale.

And her family members will not help Yang Jiale either.

In fact, she was with Yang Jiale these few days, and her family already had a lot of opinions.

After all, Yang Jiale has a girlfriend and doesn't like her.

But there's no way, she just likes Yang Jiale.

"I won't trouble Yang Jiale in the future? It's not impossible, but if I just let him go like this, people will treat me like a fool.

How about this, if you drink three glasses of this cocktail, you will make an apology to me instead of him, and then I will pretend that the previous incident never happened." If this woman is really willing to drink three glasses of wine, then Su Wei will definitely let Yang Jiale go.

Anyway, Yang Jiale, who lost the Yang Group, is almost like a stray dog ​​in Su Wei's eyes.

"Really? As long as I drink three glasses of wine, you won't target Jiale anymore?" Yangyang didn't expect Su Wei's request to be so simple.

Before, she thought that Su Wei would make a very difficult condition.

"I've always been a person who can't follow what I say. As long as you finish drinking, I won't bother Yang Jiale anymore." If Yang Jiale doesn't come to trouble Su Wei, Su Wei can indeed let him go.

It's just that Yang Jiale nearly crashed his car at the time, so the sheep had to be hit instead of Yang Jiale.

"Okay, I'll ask the waiter to serve two more glasses. What's the name of this wine? Sorry, I've been sitting for a long time, and I'm a little dizzy." Yangyang was about to get up, but his head was a little dizzy.

He fell directly into Su Wei's arms and stood up quickly.

She thought it was because she had been sitting for a long time, but she didn't expect that she had drunk too much.

"It's okay, let me call for you."

. . . . . .

"It's just a wallet, I can look for it tomorrow, why do I have to come back now?" Kong Xueer was going to drive to her house, but Yang Jiale called her back.

Said that one of his wallets was missing, and he wanted to go back and find it.

Kong Xueer couldn't screw him, so she could only come back with her.

In fact, during this period of time, she also listened to the gossip outside.

Knowing that the current Yang Group is in a precarious state.

So her attitude towards Yang Jiale is not as good as before.

"That wallet is very important to me, I must find it" That wallet was given to him by Yang Yang, and now he understands his intentions, of course he doesn't want to miss her again.

Moreover, Kong Xueer's attitude towards him, he knew very well, had changed.

How could Kong Xueer dare to talk to him like that in the past.

Now he only hopes that his family can quickly get through this crisis, because this incident has made him see many people clearly.

Only then did Yang Jiale realize that among so many people, only Yangyang was really kind to him.

"Then do you know where that wallet is? It's the busiest time in the bar right now, so you might not be able to find it." Seeing Yang Jiale's tough tone, Kong Xueer quickly eased the atmosphere.

After all, if there is nothing wrong with Yang's group, then she will be out of luck.

She actually didn't like Yang Jiale, and she only wanted to find a backer to marry into a wealthy family when she came to him.

As for the reason for not breaking up with Yang Jiale now, it is also very simple, because she dare not.

"It should be in the box. Let's go in through the back door. It can be faster, and no one can see you. Just follow me." Going from the front door of the box, you have to pass by the booth.

It's the happiest time of the night, and it's basically crowded.

But go through the back door, because it is an employee passageway, basically there is no one blocking the way.

"This is it? Then go in? Why don't you leave?" When she reached the back door of the box, Kong Xueer saw that Yang Jiale was not leaving.

And Yang Jiale's expression was very wrong, very angry and pitiful.

It's as if it's my own thing, being snatched away by someone.

"No need to take it, let's go, we're going back." Yang Jiale was about to go in, but heard a different voice at the door.

He thought it was a pair of wild mandarin ducks that had come to the box he reserved.

I was planning to open the door to scare them, to improve their memory, so don't mess into the box next time.

From the crack of the undrawn curtain, he saw two people that he had never expected.

That's the man, that's Su Wei who he can't wait to be ashes now.

As for that woman, she was the sheep he was going to chase after breaking up with Kong Xueer.

I saw Su Wei standing on the edge of the sofa, and then holding the sheep in his arms.

Yang Jiale only felt that every impact they made gave him the feeling of hitting his head with a hammer.

He wanted to open the door and go in to scold them, but he found that he couldn't move his limbs.

"You're really weird today. Let me see what's inside. What? It's the two of them?" Kong Xueer also heard the voice from inside and knew that someone was fighting inside.

She walked to Yang Jiale's position, and sure enough, she saw two people fighting inside.

And these two people really surprised her, because she knew both of them.

That woman is the female licking dog who has been pestering her boyfriend, called Yang Yang.

And that man is Su Wei who exposed the Yang Group scandal this time.

She really couldn't figure it out, how did the two of them get together?

"Don't look, I told you we're going home, don't you understand? Let's go"

. . . . . .

"I didn't expect you to be such a person. Fortunately, I thought you were a good person before." Yang Yang drank three glasses of cocktails before, and then knew nothing.

When she woke up again, she was being hugged and bumped by Su Wei.

She wanted to resist, but she didn't have any strength in her body.

It turned out that her body betrayed her, unwilling to follow her to resist.

Although Su Wei didn't conquer her as a person, he conquered her body.

"That only proves that you can't see men well." After the fight, Su Wei took a break, then got up and began to get dressed.

Not to mention, this girl looks like a flower, but she is still quite tender.

But the downside is that she wets her pants too easily.

"After tonight, we don't know each other, so today I think I was crushed by a ghost.

Also, you said it yourself, you will let Jiale go in the future, I hope you will do what you say." Yangyang really hates himself, and thought Su Wei was a good person before.

To add insult to injury, she had just woken up and been singing.

And she was halfway there, wet her pants twice.

"Don't worry, since you've finished three glasses of wine, I'll let Yang Jiale go.

I really didn't expect that you are so good, next time we have a chance, we will go on two more dates." Su Wei was still very reluctant to part with her, because this lamb is really tender.

Of course, he didn't want to have a relationship with her as a boyfriend and girlfriend, but he just wanted to have a friendly match with her when he was free.

"Go away, I never want to see you again"

(End of this chapter)

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