Chapter 277
The next day.

ding, ding, ding

"Hey, who are you?" Su Wei opened his eyes in a daze, and took the mobile phone by the bed.

I saw that the caller was from an unfamiliar number, and he called several times.

He originally planned to hang up directly, but later saw that the number was a five-company leopard number.

I thought it might be a call from an acquaintance, so I answered it.

Although he answered the phone, his tone was not very good.

After all, it would be strange if he could still have a good temper if he was woken up while sleeping.

"Su Wei, you bastard, I thought you didn't dare to answer the phone anymore." Seeing that the call was answered, Yangyang immediately began to scold Su Wei.

No way, she was too angry.

She has called Su Wei more than ten times this morning.

No one answered before, she thought it was because Su Wei didn't dare to answer her call.

"Who are you? Are you that sheep last night? Are you sick? What's the matter with calling me so early?" Su Wei didn't recognize who it was at first, but later felt that the voice was a bit like yesterday that woman.

He slept soundly at first, but he was already very irritable when he was woken up by her.

He also heard that she was furious all the time there, so he wouldn't spoil her.

After all, the two of them only slept once, so they were better than strangers.

"You still ask me what I want from you? Didn't you say that you are very trustworthy? As long as I drink three glasses of cocktails, you will let Yang Jiale go. Why do you backtrack?" When Yangyang thought of this, she hated Tooth itching.

Drank three cocktails and ended up getting myself into it.

The most annoying thing is that Su Wei put her to sleep that day.

Yang Jiale's family affairs were still exposed the next day, which made her really angry.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand what you're saying? Speak well, or I'll hang up." After listening for a long time, Su Wei didn't know what the sheep was trying to say.

All I know is that he said on the phone that he was going back on his word.

"You said you wouldn't trouble Yang Jiale, but now on TV and on the Internet, it's all about the arrest of his father and brother. Didn't you promise me that it wouldn't be exposed?" Yang Yang was arrested yesterday After Su Wei fell asleep, instead of going home, he opened a room next to the bar to sleep.

It's really because the fight with Su Wei was so hearty.

When she walked to the door of the bar, her feet were already weak.

In the hotel today, she was woken up by a phone call. It turned out to be a call from her best friend.

Her best friend called, mainly to tell her that the affairs of Yang Jiale's father and brother had been exposed.

After Yangyang hung up the phone, he went to watch it online immediately.

As a result, she found that this matter had already become a hot topic.

"Please figure it out, you can rely on me for breaking the news on the Internet, what does the breaking news on TV have to do with me.

After yesterday's incident, I have stopped the person who broke the news. Since I slept with you, I won't make trouble behind your back, okay?" Su Wei finally understood that the news broke.

Of course, this news was not made by Su Wei. He has no ability to intervene in this kind of national news.

When he left the bar yesterday, he had asked Xu Liyang to arrange for the people she had found to stop breaking the news.

Then she called Xu Liyang 500 million and asked her to arrange for them to hang out.

In the past one or two months, don't appear in the magic capital.

"It's really not you? Then why doesn't Jiale even answer my phone?" Yangyang called Yang Jiale before she called Su Wei.

It turned out that she had called to shut down her phone, and he had blocked her WeChat account.

At this time, she still didn't realize why she couldn't contact Yang Jiale.

He thought Kong Xueer didn't like her, so he asked Yang Jiale to delete her contact information.

After all, something like this happened before, but Yang Jiale still added her back later.

The reason why she was so angry in the morning was because she couldn't contact Yang Jiale.

"It's none of my business if he doesn't answer your calls, your business has nothing to do with me"

. . . . . .

"President Su, are we here to pick up someone?" Zhang Ruoyu got up late, and arrived at Gubei No. 10 by [-] am.

At that time, she was still thinking that her boss should get up in the afternoon.

But she didn't expect to see his boss eating breakfast with Wang Xiaoyuan when she entered the door, but the expression on her face was very stinky.

At that time, she was startled, thinking that she was the one who made him angry.

I found out later that it was because he got up too early.

Just after breakfast, she followed the boss to watch the auto show, and for some reason, she turned to Changning.

She knew that the exhibition center was only a few kilometers away from Gubei No. [-].

"Yes, and you know this person too." The person Su Wei came to pick up today is Wu Xiaoxuan.

Because he promised her yesterday that he would bring her to the auto show.

In such a big city, it is impossible for Su Wei to pick them up all the time.

Buy them a car, and if it's too far, they can drive here by themselves.

"Awei, you woke up so early today, I thought you would contact me in the afternoon, and you haven't done much makeup yet.

Hello, Ms. Zhang, we meet again." Su Wei didn't spend the night at Wu Xiaoxuan's place last night, he came back at Gubei No. [-] after three o'clock.

That's why he was so angry when he got up at nine o'clock this morning.

Wu Xiaoxuan said she didn't wear makeup, but she actually got up at [-]:[-] in the morning to put on makeup.

It's just that I didn't paint dark lipstick, but light makeup.

"Miss Wu, come take the co-pilot, I'll take the back row." Zhang Ruoyu saw that Wu Xiaoxuan was coming, and obediently ran to sit in the back row of the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

There's no way, she's just an assistant, and Wu Xiaoxuan is her boss' girlfriend.

"Awei, what car do you want to buy today?" Wu Xiaoxuan asked curiously after getting into the co-pilot.

She would ask this question, but what she cared about was not what car Su Wei bought, but Su Wei's budget for buying a car today.

Because the more expensive the car Su Wei buys, the higher the upper limit of the car she wants will be.

Today Su Wei said he was going to take her to the auto show, and any fool would know that he was going to buy her a car.

"I heard that there is a Bugatti for sale in China today. I'm quite interested." He already knew about the Bugatti at the Shanghai International Auto Show.

And this Bugatti, Su Wei is determined to get it.

No matter who comes, it is impossible for this car to be bought.

"Bugatti? Mr. Su, which one is more expensive, this car or Lafa?" Where did Zhang Ruoyu come into contact with these cars before? After all, they are not on the same level.

She knew that these two cars cost tens of millions each.

But which of the two is more expensive, she really doesn't know.

"It must be the Ferrari Lafayette. After all, Awei's car is worth 5000 million yuan, but the Bugatti Veyron is only worth more than 2000 million yuan. Brother Su, I'm right." The price of Bugatti Veyron is 2500-4300 million.

Of course, she felt that Rafa must be more expensive, after all, Su Wei spent more than 3000 million when buying Rafa.

And now the price of that Rafa has risen to 5000 million.

"I don't know, because the Bugatti brand has never been launched in China, and the Bugatti Veyron has been discontinued." If you want to buy a Bugatti in China, there are only two ways to buy it.

One is to go to a Bugatti sales outlet in Kyoto, where you can book a Bugatti.

There is also the Bugatti manufacturer who flew to Gaul Chicken by himself, where you can also book Bugatti models.

"This car has never been launched in China? Boss, you bought this car. How about its maintenance?" Zhang Ruoyu then knew that the famous Bugatti in China.

It has never been listed in the country, and there is no 4S store.

"The manufacturer has a maintenance doctor. If I buy this car and need maintenance, they will fly to China to do maintenance on my car.

Wait, someone is calling me.

Hey, what's the matter Ziwei? "There are no more than three Bugatti cars that came in through regular domestic channels.

Including those second-hand ones, there are less than ten units in China.

If Bugatti opens a 4S store in China, it may lose money in its shorts.

"Brother, are you here? I've been around the auto show for more than half a circle. If you don't show up again, my water friends will spray my live broadcast room." Li Ziwei also came to the auto show today, and it was still a live broadcast here.

Because most of the people watching the live broadcast are boys.

And what they like to see most is cars and girls.

The most indispensable thing at the auto show is female models and luxury cars.

He is so embarrassed in the live broadcast room now because Su Wei entered the live broadcast room and said something, and he will come to the auto show later.

Later, in his live broadcast room, people kept checking whether Brother He had arrived, whether Brother He had arrived.

"It's coming soon. There are too many cars on the road to the auto show. By the way, have you seen the Bugatti?" Su Wei didn't know why so many people went to the auto show today, which is the media day of the auto show. .

There are so many cars on this road, if it wasn't so crowded, he would have been there long ago.

"I see, you don't know, there is a huge difference between watching live and watching on the computer, this Bugatti is really handsome.

But I just heard from Brother Feng that there are still a lot of bosses on their way, if you don’t hurry up, this existing car will be given to someone else.” When Li Ziwei called, the live broadcast was not on around.

After all, the fact that Su Wei wanted to buy a Bugatti was an explosive news.

How could he announce it in advance? Of course, it is more likely to cause a sensation when he buys it.

And the person holding the phone for him now is Wu Xiaoxuan's best friend Duoduo.

The two of them rolled the sheets in Li Ziwei's house last night.

And the two of them are quite satisfied with each other, so today they came out to live together again.

"It's okay to buy this car, as long as they have the money"

. . .

"Awei, isn't today the media day? There are too many people here. Do we have so many media in China?" Wu Xiaoxuan was at the auto show for the first time, and she didn't expect there to be so many people.

After all, today is the media day, and the auto show is not yet open.

If it is pushed by today's number of people, the auto show will open on the day.

I don't know how many people will squeeze in yet, and it is very likely that it will become a crowd by then.

"If you're not from the media circle, you can't buy it with money." If you want to come in today, you must be from the media circle.

Or it is the VIP of the car company, with the pass they give you.

If neither of these two is true and you still want to come in, then spend a few hundred dollars to buy scalper tickets.

Li Renfeng was given the pass by Porsche, while Li Ziwei and the three of them bought the tickets with money.

In fact, there are tickets for Huya, but Li Ziwei did not report to Huya's operation this time.

That's why Huya didn't prepare a ticket for him, so he could only buy scalper tickets like Duoduo and Jingaode.

As for Su Wei, he was given a pass by Rolls-Royce, and he gave several of them.

"Master, Brother He is here"

"Master, look behind you, Brother He and the girl from yesterday are behind you"

"The girls around Brother He are just good-looking, there is basically no time when there is no girl around you."

Li Ziwei was waiting for Su Wei at the door, but he hadn't seen Su Wei yet.

The people in the live broadcast room had already seen Su Wei first, and kept swiping the screen in the live broadcast room to tell Li Ziwei.

"Brother He, you're finally here. Hey, the two beauties meet again." After Li Ziwei reminded him, he realized that Su Wei and the others were already behind them.

He and Duoduo just now have been wandering around the door for a long time like two headless chickens.

"Boss Su, I want to go to the bathroom." Zhang Ruoyu actually wanted to go a long time ago, but at that time the road was always blocked.

Now that she entered the auto show, she really couldn't bear it anymore.

"Duoduo, why don't you take her there, she might not be able to find the toilet for a while." Li Ziwei took Duoduo out today, and it felt much more convenient.

He planned to observe again to see if Duoduo was suitable to be his girlfriend.

"Ah Wei, I'm going too, I think that's coming." Wu Xiaoxuan's stomach reaction in the past two days was that her aunt was coming.

She doesn't want to do anything else now, but she wants to put on a pad.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if it suddenly leaked out while walking around.

"Duoduo, you know the Audi booth, right? You take them there later, and I'll buy some cars from Audi later." Su Wei took a look, and there are mainly small brands near the door.

He definitely couldn't wait for them here, after all, they weren't going there for a while.

It happened that I was going to Audi to buy a car for the bodyguards, so they could wait to find him at the Audi booth.

"I know, the last thing we saw was the Audi stand.

Xiaoxuan, Miss Zhang, the toilet is here." Duoduo already knew that Li Ziwei didn't have a girlfriend after contacting yesterday.

Although Li Ziwei is a bit chubby, he is indeed a genuine rich second generation.

And his family is richer than Huang Qifa's family.

Her target was originally Li Renfeng's before, but Li Renfeng has a girlfriend.

These things were all told to her by her best friend Wu Xiaoxuan.

"Ziwei, yes, we won it so quickly, by the way, what about Li Renfeng and the others?" Su Wei lightly punched Li Ziwei, teasing him.

Only then did he realize that he hadn't seen Li Renfeng.

"He and Lao Jin went to look at the car, and said they didn't want to make light bulbs for me, and I don't mind this thing.

But who disclosed the news to you so quickly, brother Feng is still Lao Jin? "Li Ziwei used to be Li Renfeng and Xiaoya's light bulb, and now he is eager to return it.

Just now, he was with Duoduo on purpose, to make the two of them angry that they didn't bring a girl out.

"What news? I went to Audi to buy a car." Su Wei looked at Li Ziwei, did something happen to the Audi booth?
In a few years, when Mercedes-Benz leaked oil, BMW did not have a bumper, but it made a lot of noise.

So he chose Audi specifically because nothing happened to Audi.

"Don't pretend, who doesn't know that Audi has two models this time, they are super good-looking, and they are all on the news." When Li Ziwei saw it at the time, he really wanted to strike up a conversation.

But because Duoduo is here, plus it is still live broadcasting.

Anyway, Li Renfeng and the others added it to WeChat, just push it to him.

"Really? Is it so good-looking?" Su Wei didn't believe Li Ziwei at all after passing by last night.

His vision was okay before, but what were those women yesterday.

If Wu Xiaoxuan hadn't called her best friend over, the atmosphere would be so awkward.

"Brother He, you are really super beautiful, tall and long-legged"

"It's over, it's over, once Brother He passes by, the young master will lose his share"

"Brother He must be going to the Audi booth to show off his money-making ability, everyone hurry up and get someone to come"

(End of this chapter)

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