Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 278 The Beginning

Chapter 278 The Beginning

"Next to the Honda booth in front, there is the Audi booth. When you see them, you will know that I am not lying." Seeing that Su Wei didn't believe his eyes, Li Ziwei felt like crying.

Because those girls last night were indeed a bit off the mark.

If it wasn't for Wu Xiaoxuan's rescue, he would have been sprayed to death by the people in the live broadcast room yesterday.

But I really can't blame him yesterday, because he was looking for the most beautiful girl.

The woman heard that he needed someone here, so she said that she could bring her best friend.

Then he showed him their photos, and Li Ziwei looked really pretty.

I gave them a price of 2000 yuan each, and asked the girl's girlfriends to come and play together.

Who knew that when the girl's girlfriends came, they realized that they were all a bunch of cheating.

After he went back, he was so angry that he blocked that woman.

"It's so beautiful? Then I really want to see it." Su Wei didn't believe in Li Ziwei, but he believed in the people in the live broadcast room.

After all, there are tens of thousands of people online at the same time in the live broadcast room, since most people say it looks good.

Then those two female models must not be bad looking.

"Hi, beauty, I'm here again, and I brought you a big customer from Audi." Li Ziwei was at the Audi booth just now, but he stayed there for a long time.

Although I didn't add my sister's WeChat, it's just because there are so many.

If he was really asked to add them on WeChat, basically he would not object.

After all, he is engaged in live broadcast, which can bring them some traffic.

For their models, having traffic means that the price on your platform can be quoted higher.

Like their ordinary models, just stand on the booth for a day.

The remuneration is only 1000 yuan, and the most is to arrange a standard hotel room for you to live with others.

If you are from other places, you have to pay for the air ticket you come over by yourself.

But if you are very famous, then the price of standing for one day may be tens of thousands or tens of thousands.

Not to mention the round-trip air tickets, the place where you live will also arrange a five-star hotel suite for you.

Of course, models have other hidden incomes, so I won’t go into details here.

"You're here again? Do you need me to pose to suit you? Ah, do you really want to buy a car?

If you want to buy a car, you must still find their professional sales, but they seem to be a little busy now, you may have to wait a while." The girl Li Ziwei picked up was standing at the front of the R8.

She was wearing a black low-cut dress, which showed off her good figure.

And when she spoke, her eyes turned into crescent moons.

Her impression of Li Ziwei is not bad, because Li Ziwei's photos are not very vulgar.

In the past, many media and live broadcasters came over. When they took pictures, they only took three shots in the whole process.

When Li Ziwei took pictures, he just interacted with them normally.

I didn't shoot their sensitive parts all the time, and I didn't focus on the thighs.

"It's okay, we just chat when they're not here.

By the way, what about the white-clothed model in front of the A8?Why haven't I seen her?" Audi has two models with good looks, and the one in black is one of them.

The other one is wearing a white dress. Her figure is not as good as hers, but her face is better looking.

"Hey, Mr. Su? What a coincidence, are you here to visit the auto show today?" Xu Xiaoqian just went for an interview. After all, she is the most beautiful model in the venue today.

When I came back, I found that Su Wei was also at the Audi booth, and I thought he was just passing by.

She never thought that Su Wei came to Audi to buy a car. After all, he has a driver, and he usually drives a Rolls-Royce when he goes out.

"Xu Xiaoqian? What a coincidence that I saw you here." Su Wei turned around and saw that it was Xu Xiaoqian.

Only then did I remember that Xu Xiaoqian had said that she was a model.

Look at her clothes again, she is wearing a white dress.

He knew at this moment that what Li Ziwei just said should be Xu Xiaoqian.

"Brother He, do you two know each other? Beauty, my brother came here for you today. The first time he came, he told me that he wanted to see Audi. All the friends in my live broadcast room can testify "Li Ziwei chatted with the girl in the black dress for a few words, and was about to introduce Su Wei.

Looking back, I saw that Su Wei had already chatted with the girl in the white dress, and they seemed to be quite familiar with each other.

"I certify that Brother He is here for you."

"Really, Brother He came here just for you."

"Girl, just give it to Brother He once."

The water friends in the live broadcast room have already forgotten Wu Xiaoxuan's existence at this time.

He started to say good things to Su Wei indiscriminately, thinking that the two of them could be together.

As for what to do when Wu Xiaoxuan came, that's none of their business.

"Boss Su, last time I said that we will invite you to dinner when we meet again. I wonder if you are free tonight?" Xu Xiaoqian looked at the bullet screens in the live broadcast room, and they all came here just for you.

She believed it, and thought that Su Wei came here just for her.

Just remembered that she said that she would invite Su Wei to dinner when we saw each other again.

"Tonight? I'm afraid not tonight, because I have something to do, but we have a party tonight, do you want to come?" Su Wei didn't want to have any relationship with Xu Xiaoqian, he just wanted to sleep with her.

After all, he has too many women now, and it would be too much for them to be together.

"We're going to Myst to open wine today, at least hundreds of thousands of wine, you can call more of your friends." When Li Ziwei heard that Su Wei asked her to drink, he understood the meaning.

As for who this girl is taking, of course it is best to be the young lady in the black dress.

"Night? But I don't know if I'm busy at night. How about it? I'll give you an answer after I get off work.

I can't continue talking with you, I'm going to the platform, or my manager will come over later." Xu Xiaoqian saw that Su Wei didn't ask her for dinner at night, but asked her to go to the bar.

She didn't explicitly say yes, nor did she directly say no.

After all, she didn't know what Su Wei was thinking, whether she really didn't have time at night or just wanted to play with her.

She also knows that modeling is a youth meal, and it is impossible to eat it for a lifetime.

So if there is a chance, of course she would like to find a long-term meal ticket.

"Brother He, the girls all hinted that you asked you to invite her to dinner, didn't you hear it?" Li Ziwei thought that Su Wei didn't hear the girl's implication.

At that time, if the girl asked him, he would definitely make an appointment directly.

After all, compared with Duoduo, this girl is obviously more capable of making a move.

"I can hear it, but now I only want to worry about my kidneys, not my relationship.

And I have full confidence in me, she will definitely bring her girlfriends tonight, don't worry
Okay, let's not talk about this, what about the sales here?I want to buy a car, why is there no one? "Su Wei is very sure that Xu Xiaoqian will agree to come at night.

Because he was about to use his money ability, and he hadn't seen any woman who could resist this trick so far.

"You really want to buy a car? I thought you just lied to that girl.

Then wait a minute, I just saw them over there, I'll call them"

. . .

"Qianqian, the guy in LV just now, is he planning to chase you?" It's not easy for a car show model to stand for a whole day.

Only when I have lunch at noon can I rest a little longer.

And they stand in front of the car and cannot walk around.

They can walk if they want, but they can only pose around the car.

Yan Yuting just saw Su Wei and Xu Xiaoqian chatting there, and her gossip soul was burning.

But she couldn't go there, she could only guess what they were talking about.

"Chasing you, this man is our neighbor. Last time Huanhuan was injured, he took me to the pet hospital." Xu Xiaoqian's co-tenant is Yan Yuting.

The two of them are in the same company and the same broker.

Therefore, most of the activities received by their agents will be arranged for two people to participate.

It was because of this relationship that after the two got acquainted, they rented a house together in Shanghai.

"It's him? But didn't you say that Huanhuan was kicked by him?" Yan Yuting recalled that she had seen Su Wei in the surveillance.

It's just that it was under surveillance at the time, and it was winter, so he was wearing a windbreaker.

But now that summer is about to enter, he is wearing short clothes and long trousers.

"I thought it was him before, but after I talked with him, I don't think he is such a person." Xu Xiaoqian doesn't want to pursue now whether Su Wei kicked her dog.

She is more troubled now, whether to go to his bar tonight.

After all, she didn't want to miss a high-quality man like Su Wei.

"Oh, so that's the case. Then what were you talking about with him just now? Did you have dinner with you tonight?" Yan Yuting understood immediately, her best friend didn't intend to pursue the matter of the dog.

She was a little curious, is a boy visiting the Audi booth so attractive?
"No, he said they had a party tonight and asked me if I wanted to go. I'm a little confused now." Xu Xiaoqian told Yan Yuting about this, just wanting her to give her some advice.

After all, the two are good girlfriends, and there is nothing wrong with sharing such things.

"Didn't he want to buy a car? Let's see what kind of car he bought later."

. . .

"Hi Mr. Su, I'm Zhou Yunyun, Audi's salesman, you can just call me Xiao Zhou.

We took a group photo there just now, so there is no one here, so I’m sorry.” The reason why Zhou Yunyun and the others are so careless is because today is the media day.

The people who came were basically from the media circle, and they mainly took pictures of cars and car models.

Even if there are people who want to buy a car today, they all go for the ultra-luxury brand.

Few people would spend hundreds of thousands of scalper tickets to come in a few days in advance in order to buy a car like BBA.

"You have several versions of Q7 here, and I'm quite interested in Q7." Su Wei's current bodyguards are 10 people, and a few more people will join in later.

So this time he planned to do it in one step and buy a few more bodyguard cars directly.

After all, there is a limited number here in Shanghai, so you must have a spare vehicle.

In order to accommodate them, Su Wei specially rented a villa in the Mingyuan villa community to accommodate these bodyguards.


After all, the Audi brand is here, and it is relatively easy for her to sell more than ten units a month.

And Q7 is considered a mass-market model, unless there are decorations, insurance and mortgages.

Otherwise, there is really not much money in hand.

As for buying a Q7 for sale, you will be treated differently, that is purely overthinking.


After all, power is something that can be used without, but it cannot be without.

"Okay, this is our configuration table. The 3.0T is 78.78 technical models, 84.60 sports models, and 97.40 premium models." Zhou Yunyun took a Q7 brochure from the counter and handed it To Su Wei.

She doesn't care which model Su Wei buys, she cares more about whether Su Wei will get a mortgage.

Because buying a car only requires a mortgage, so insurance and registration are definitely indispensable.

And the mortgage will also install a GPS, which also charges money, and there is also a warehouse fee, which they all have a commission.

Even if there is no decoration, she can get a few thousand by mortgaging a car.

"This 78.78 technology model, can I get the seven-seater version?" Su Wei doesn't drive this car, and he doesn't sit in it, so he definitely won't buy the highest configuration.

As for whether those cars have seat heating or seat ventilation, it has nothing to do with him.

"The seven-seater version is available, and if you want it now, we have a ready-made car in the store in Shanghai, and you can transfer it directly." The old Audi Q7 does not have seven seats.

After the 2018 model, you can choose 5-seater or 7-seater by yourself.

"Old Liu, how about you go up and try this car?" Liu Qiang was the only bodyguard who entered the auto show with Su Wei today.

This car was driven by Liu Qiang and the others, so of course Su Wei let Liu Qiang experience it.

"President Su, don't you go up and sit down and feel it yourself?" Zhou Yunyun was surprised. Didn't this President Su even go up and feel it when he bought a car?
After all, the Q7 is not cheap, but it costs hundreds of thousands more.

"No need, anyway, I'm not the one to ride in this car." What's Su Wei doing in it?

After all, he is not a bodyguard, and he will not consider issues from the perspective of a bodyguard.

He asked Liu Qiang to go up, mainly to let him see if this car was suitable as a bodyguard car.

"Come on, let's start"

"I've already moved the small bench, and I'm just waiting to see Brother He pretending to be aggressive."

"This salesperson looks good too, why don't Brother He take her down together?"

People who watch the live broadcast are generally young, and their favorite plot is the protagonist pretending to be aggressive.

As for pretending to be successful or not, they don't care, it's fun to succeed or fail anyway.

Therefore, when many anchors live broadcast, they will deliberately arrange some very pretentious plots to make the water friends in the live broadcast room enjoyable.

"Boss, I think this car is okay, there is no problem." Liu Qiang sat in and felt it. The space of this Q7 is no problem.

If it is used as a bodyguard car, it is really a luxury for them.

"Since you said yes, then buy Q7.

Xiao Zhou, this technical Q7, I want four five-seaters and three seven-seaters, please help me figure out the price." The six cars here are driven by Su Wei and his bodyguards.

The remaining one is for Tian Ling and the others.

"7 cars? Mr. Su, are you sure? If it's true, I'll give you the group price directly." Buying a Q7 is indeed not very rare for Zhou Yunyun.

But if you buy 7 Q7s, it will be completely different.

Because manufacturers have targets for many cars, the more 4S stores sell.

Then they can get more popular cars in their store.

It just so happens that the Q7 is a car that needs to be sold as much as possible.

"What's uncertain about this? I will pay the full price for these seven cars, and the insurance will be bought at your 4S shop. Calculate the total amount." Actually, Su Wei could have left the company for these seven cars.

But he was too lazy to bother, so he just paid for it himself.

And although he didn't look at Xu Xiaoqian and the others, he knew that they must be paying attention to this side.

"The technical version of the Q7 is 78.78. Now there is a discount of 69 at the auto show, and then a discount of 76 through group purchases. The calculated price is 7. One car plus insurance and purchase tax, the landing is 530, 500 units As for the car, the price is [-] million and more than [-] million, which attracts other idle Audi sales.

After all, they haven't opened their doors yet, but just because Zhou Yunyun took a quick step, they picked up such a big leak.

"Swipe the card, tomorrow I will arrange someone to pick up the car from your store"

 Dragon Boat Festival I wish everyone good health.

  Irregular updates will start tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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