Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 281 Bugatti Chiron

Chapter 281 Bugatti Chiron

"So what do you mean, in such a short time after we separated from you, you spent nearly 500 million to buy a Lamborghini convertible Maverick?" Wei bought a car for Wu Xiaoxuan.

He felt that it was a pity, because if he had broadcast live just now.

It is certain that the popularity of the live broadcast room can reach a new height.

Before Su Wei spent more than 500 million to buy Q7, his popularity reached 120 million.

If he had just photographed buying the Mavericks, he believed that the popularity would never be lower than 150 million.

In Huya Outdoor, other people's popularity has not exceeded 100 million yet.

Apart from this thought, he felt that Su Wei and the others were cheated on the price.

"I am not an ordinary Maverick, this is the Huracan performante spyder, and it is the only one in China." Wu Xiaoxuan felt like crying when she heard Li Ziwei say this.

Because if she doesn't justify it, people will think that spending so much money to buy a Maverick is a disease of the brain.

After all, the current price of the Mavericks 580 convertible is 150 million cheaper than her car, no problem at all.

"This car is actually not a loss. It is the only one in China. It is a Lamborghini National VI car. It is worth buying because of this." Su Wei really does not feel that it is a loss. After all, Wu Xiaoxuan likes it, and this car It is still the only one in the country.

Su Wei couldn't think of a reason not to buy it, after all, he was not short of money.

"You didn't see it just now. My husband was so handsome at the time. He directly told the Lamborghini salesman that if the car can be picked up today, I will swipe the card. If I can't pick it up, then I won't buy it.

The salesman saw that the duck with its beak was about to fly, so he hurried to ask their manager for instructions, and finally their manager came forward and promised to deliver the car after today's auto show." When Wu Xiaoxuan saw Su Wei paying the money, her eyes were really full. worship.

Originally, she thought that this car would be placed under Su Wei's name.

It's just that the car was given to her casually, but she didn't expect to give it to her directly.

When she signed, she was very excited.

Unexpectedly, she also had the opportunity to own a 500 million sports car.

"Wow, that means, I can get in Xuanxuan's car tonight? Then I must take a few more photos to pretend to be aggressive. After all, my girlfriend is driving a Lamborghini." Duoduozhen The envy of Wu Xiaoxuan, the envy to the point of crying.

But compared to envy, she actually admired this best friend more.

Because when they met Su Wei for the first time, the first person to strike up a conversation with Su Wei was Liuliu.

But Xuanxuan was able to attack decisively and cut off Su Wei halfway.

At that time, she was still thinking that it would not be possible for a man.

But only now did I understand what kind of man was being robbed.

What they are robbing is a good life, and what they are robbing is food and clothing.

Now Xuanxuan drives a Lamborghini supercar, but what about Liuliu?
Since she broke off contact with Xuanxuan, she is still living the same life as before.

"Brother Viagra, if you say that, it's really worth it.

Sister-in-law, can I live broadcast when you pick up the car tonight? "When Li Ziwei came over for dinner, he had already turned off the live broadcast.

After all, with a live broadcast, everyone feels uncomfortable when eating.


Duoduo, when you take pictures, take some pictures for me too, I will post them on Moments and Douyin." Wu Xiaoxuan was in a good mood when she heard Li Ziwei call her sister-in-law.

She was actually very worried before, afraid that Su Wei would not want her.

But after Su Wei bought her a car today, she immediately felt that the world was different.

And Su Wei's friends also started calling her sister-in-law.

"Awei, have you gone to see Bugatti?" Li Renfeng and Jin Gaode added at least a few WeChat messages at the auto show today.

There is no way, their inventory is not much, so they can only develop new recipes.

"I haven't seen it yet, I'm planning to go after dinner." Su Wei still heard from the dick from the lighthouse country that he knew that Bugatti was closed at noon.

He originally meant that after buying Lamborghini, he went directly to buy Bugatti.

But now that the library is closed, he can only wait until the afternoon to talk.

"As far as I know this time, several big bosses have said that they want to buy this car. Among them, the Emperor of the Demon City seems to be coming too. If you really want to buy it, there are quite a few opponents this time." Li Renfeng added to the group There are many, and several of them are gangsters.

Most of the people who spoke, Li Renfeng regarded them as polite.

But there are a few well-known bigwigs who also said that they want to win this Bugatti.

So when he knew that Su Wei was going to buy this car, he deliberately told Su Wei not to be stolen.

"I don't care who he is. If he wants to buy this car, he will have to spend real money."

. . . . . .

"The food here is really terrible, and the drinks can't be refilled. If this is in our lighthouse." After finishing the lunch box, George planned to refill the drink cup.

As a result, he was eaten by the cafeteria aunt, and he started his daily show of superiority again.

"George, I can no longer go to the lighthouse with my tourist visa this year. Can you help me get a work visa?" Lili used a tourist visa to go to the lighthouse this year.

And she has been there more frequently recently, several times.

When she went this time, she was warned not to use a tourist visa this year.

If she still uses a tourist visa next time, there is a high probability that she will be refused and repatriated.

So if she wants to go there this year, she has to get a work visa.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to go to the lighthouse this year.

"No problem, I have already talked to my uncle about your matter, and he said he will take care of it." George's house is in the lighthouse, which is a small restaurant.

It was impossible to apply for a work visa, so he turned to his uncle.

But George didn't know whether his uncle would help or not.

Because his uncle doesn't like Lili, he wants George to marry a white girl.

"But that's what you said last time. In the end, I can only go there with a tourist visa. If you still can't figure it out this time, then I won't be able to go to the lighthouse this year." Lili didn't know what she would do after she went to the lighthouse. What does it look like.

All she knew was that she wanted to immigrate to the lighthouse.

After all, everyone lived in villas there, and there was also the freedom she had longed for.

"Don't worry, it will be fine this time.

Hey, the Bugatti booth is on display, let's go over quickly." George didn't know whether his uncle would help him.

He could only wait until he went back at night, and then call his uncle.

After all, he really likes the girl Lili and wants to marry her.

"You changed the subject again"

. . . . . .

"President Qin, I heard that you came here specially for Bugatti this time, is it true?"

"more or less"

"President Qin, will you buy a Bugatti when you come to see it this time?"

"Look at it first"

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Su Wei and Mr. Su are also at the auto show this time. If he also likes Bugatti, will you compete with him?"

"Sorry, our boss does not accept interviews"

Qin Feng, as a well-known rich second generation in Shanghai, just planned to enter the exhibition center when he was stopped by reporters who had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Later, I was escorted by friends who were traveling with me and the bodyguards around me, and I successfully entered the auto show.

"Brother Feng, your popularity is too high, you are comparable to a star." The rich second generations who came in with Qin Feng all envied Qin Feng's high popularity.

I feel that only if he becomes like him can he really have a face.

"Can you speak? What does it mean to be comparable to a star? This person is even more popular than a star." Now Qin Feng's background has already been blown away.

Although many people know his details, most of them are misled by rumors.

The rich second generations around Qin Feng today were misled by rumors.

"Okay, okay, don't be embarrassed here." Qin Feng will be interviewed today, and it's all because he revealed it himself.

And some reporters even accepted his red envelopes.

Otherwise, how could so many reporters know that he was coming to the auto show.

And it happened to be interviewing him, how could such a coincidence happen.

After all, this auto show does not only have one door, but there are three doors to enter and exit.

"Brother Feng, are you here for Bugatti today? I heard from friends that Su Wei is bound to win Bugatti today." Su Wei is interested in Bugatti, and quite a few people know about it.

And when they chat with friends, they will also use this as a talking point.

"He is bound to win, have you asked Brother Feng for his opinion? This time Brother Feng passed this time, I don't believe there is anything wrong with him." Among the rich second generation, not all are sober.

Some people feel that they have found a big backer because they are close to Qin Feng.

Now I don't pay attention to the other rich second generations in Shanghai, thinking that they are all rubbish.

"Zhao Laoliu, don't you read the news? I really thought this Su Wei was made of mud. I didn't see that he directly killed the Yang Group." Su Wei was angry again because of the news of the Yang Group today. A wave of presence.

Now really, as long as they are good at mixing, they have basically heard the name Su Wei.

And now Su Wei, like Qin Feng, is beginning to be speculated about his identity.

However, the difference between Su Wei and Qin Feng is that he is passive, while Qin Feng is active.

"Shut up, okay, I didn't say anything, you guys are all analyzed.

This Bugatti, whether I buy it or not, I have to wait and see, after all, it’s too bad to buy it in China.” If there is no Su Wei, then Qin Feng will definitely win it.

But now he dare not say that, after all, it would be embarrassing if he really wanted to buy it with money later.

And he didn't want to make enemies with Su Wei, but also wanted to make friends with Su Wei.

After all, the scene in Aowan needs a rich second generation like Su Wei.

"It's really a loss to buy domestically. If I would definitely buy it abroad"

. . . . . .

"There are too many people at the Bugatti booth." Wu Xiaoxuan was really frightened when she saw the flow of people in front of Bugatti.

Although today is a media day, where have you seen a booth surrounded by so many media?

Moreover, when many reporters took pictures, they even turned on the flash to take pictures.

The middle area of ​​the Bugatti booth was illuminated in a vast expanse of whiteness.

"No way, the last time Bugatti came to participate in the domestic exhibition, it all dates back to the 2014 Yangcheng Auto Show." Li Renfeng understands this better, because he really likes cars.

In fact, Bugatti doesn't like to come to China, and Li Renfeng can fully understand it.

After all, for so many years, only two or three Bugattis have been bought in China.

If you really have the spending power to buy it, maybe Bugatti will come every year.

"Have you gone in before?" Su Wei came closer and realized that Bugatti had surrounded the car with glass for more than one meter.

All the reporters who wanted to take pictures could only take pictures through the glass.

Su Wei looked through the glass, the new Bugatti Chiron is really handsome.

But it is not the same as the Bugatti in Su Wei's impression.

The previous old Bugatti Veyron was like a fat man.

But the current Chiron, although still a bit fat.

But people who see it will basically feel that it has succeeded in losing weight.

"Brother Feng, after the capital verification, he took us in and took a look around. Viagra, you don't know that all the places you can touch on this car are all made of carbon fiber, but unfortunately, we can't let us go inside the car to see. Take a moment." Li Ziwei followed Li Renfeng to see the car up close, but the staff did not allow them to open the door.

Just let them look at the situation inside the car through the glass of the car.

After all, this car is for sale, and no one wants a car that has been ridden by many people.

"Brother He, take this car down"

"You can't go in to see a car, Brother He, can you bear it?"

"This car costs tens of millions. Can the person who bought it have a brain?"

When Li Ziwei was about to come to the Bugatti booth, he had already turned on the live broadcast again.

After all, he will come to the auto show today to attract the huge car fans.

Now his Huya popularity has already reached 120 million.

The number of real online users has exceeded [-].

And now there are still a large number of people who are frantically entering the live broadcast room.

"Can't go in? Let's go and have a look first." Su Wei felt that it was understandable to prevent people from entering the car.

After all, most of the people who are watching here are people who cannot afford a Bugatti.

And those who have passed the capital verification are less likely to be able to buy it.

"I'm sorry, sir, you can't enter inside the glass, only our prospective customers can enter." The routine of seeing the car up close after the capital verification was not initiated by Bugatti.

As long as it is a high-end car, most of them have done this.

Because if you don't do this, many grandpas and aunts will also go in and sit there.

"My boyfriend is the intended customer." Wu Xiaoxuan spoke with confidence now, because she knew that Su Wei was going to buy this car.

Others may just look at it and not buy it, but if her man is fancy, he will definitely buy it.

"Then sir, please come here, we will have a screening mechanism, don't you mind?" The staff don't know who has money and who doesn't.

The simplest is capital verification.

After all, if you don't even have 5000 million assets, no one will believe you when you say you can buy a Bugatti.

"I don't mind, you can check it." Su Wei opened a mobile bank casually, and then showed them the balance.

Most people can't play this kind of operation because they don't have that much cash.

"President Su, welcome to Bugatti, you can take your friends to have a close look at our car." Why did the staff change their attitude so quickly? Of course, it was because of the balance in Su Wei's card.

There is not a lot of money in it, just over [-] million yuan.

"Damn it, how much is it for Brother Crane? The attitude has changed too quickly."

"At least it's more than [-] million. Didn't Brother He reveal the balance of more than [-] million last time?"

"Brother He is very likely to win this car, but I heard that Qin Feng also came to the auto show, I don't know who will win this car"

(End of this chapter)

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