Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 282 You are not worthy

Chapter 282 You are not worthy
"Brother Feng, Su Wei is indeed here." Qin Feng and his group came to the Bugatti booth, and one of them recognized Su Wei at a glance.

Although Su Wei only started to emerge last year, he became popular very quickly.

And after the incident with the Yang Group, Su Wei's popularity is not so great now.

In addition, Su Wei often goes to bars, and many bar cafes have photos with Su Wei.

So some of them know Su Wei, that's normal.

On the contrary, it would be abnormal if no one knew Su Wei.

"Come here when you come. Everyone likes cars. This time, Bugatti only came to China after a few years. It's not surprising to meet anyone here." Qin Feng really felt very tired, because he didn't want to be with Su Great conflict.

After all, the scene in Aowan still needs rich second-generation supporters like Su Wei.

But these little brothers of his felt that Su Wei was in the limelight recently.

There are signs of suppressing his momentum, so they are all upset.

After all, the more famous he is, the easier life will be for his little brothers.

"Brother Feng is generous. Compared with you, Su Wei seems too petty." The cause of the conflict between Su Wei and the Yang Group was after Su Wei blew himself up.

Many people already know that it was caused by grabbing a watch.

This made the rich second generation who are usually arrogant and domineering feel a sense of sadness.

They were also afraid, what would happen if they met someone like Su Wei.

If I have a conflict with you, instead of dealing with you, I will turn around and deal with your family's property.

"It's really petty, and I have a little conflict with Yang Jiale, and I sent Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu in." If these people didn't have Qin Feng's support, they would definitely not dare to speak loudly to Su Wei.

When he said he was wrong and saw Su Wei, he had to smile.

But now that they have the great Buddha Qin Feng here, they are not afraid of Su Wei playing cyber warfare.

After all, Qin Feng's background is as good as the sky, and the public opinion war is a joke in the eyes of their big shots.

Set a few keywords for you, and you can't even send a word.

"Come on, let's go in and see what Su Wei can do to us." Today, this group of them has made up their minds to slap Su Wei in the face.

One is because he doesn't want him to steal Qin Feng's limelight all the time, and the other is to help Yang Jiale vent his anger.

After all, they were all rich second generations, and most of them knew Yang Jiale.

"Let's go, let's go together"

. . . . . .

"CTM, these people from the Bugatti manufacturer are really low-minded, and they don't let us go in to see the car. If this is at the lighthouse, I will definitely report them for discrimination." George came to China this time for two purposes.

The first purpose is that he wants to be with Lili.

The second purpose is that there are auto shows in all the devils in China.

He can come over and take some photos of the car show, and then sell them for money.

But now the highlight of this auto show, Bugatti can't take close-up photos.

It is difficult to sell those photos for a good price.

"Then what should we do now, why don't we take pictures through the glass?" Just now Lili was wondering whether Bugatti would let them in to take pictures because of George's status as a lighthouse country.

As a result, after the Bugatti staff knew that George was from the Lighthouse Country, they still ignored them.

If you want to go in and watch it up close, unless you are the owner of a Bugatti Veyron.

Otherwise, if you want to get in, you can only pass the capital verification.

It's not the first day Lili has been with George, and she knows that his family's conditions are also average.

It is impossible to pass the capital verification.

"Shooting through glass? No, the photos taken in this way can't be sold at any price." If a photo wants to sell for a high price, it must not be taken through glass.

What is the difference between the pictures taken through the glass and those pictures on the Internet.

And if such a picture is passed on, it may make people think that he is deceiving.

So if he has to choose, he can only give up shooting Bugatti.

"Then what should we do? They have to verify the capital here, otherwise they won't give in.

Hey, here is the solution, look who it is, Brother Su and the others, they are going in now, we can follow them in." Lili now really feels that she chose this path back then, was it wrong in the first place? .

At that time, she, Xuanxuan, Duoduo, and six or four other people were fishing for Kaizi together.

Because they are always empty-handed and white wolves, they don't make much money.

But at that time, her goal was to find a rich man to be her husband.

But at that time, after she met George from the Lighthouse Country, she wanted to immigrate to the Lighthouse Country to live a good life.

At that time, Duoduo and the others had come to persuade her, saying that she was not familiar with the place at the lighthouse.

But she still had no hesitation, and followed George to the Lighthouse Country.

But there are so many people who want to immigrate to the lighthouse. She, who has no money and no skills, has only one way, and that is to marry George.

If she had recognized Xuanxuan and the others, she might have recognized it that way.

But after getting to know Su Wei, she was a little bit unwilling again.

"I'm not going in with them, I'm going to you." How could George go to Su Wei, after all, this person seduced his girlfriend in front of him.

He had thought about that Xuanxuan at the time, though.

But he didn't directly ask for WeChat like Su Wei did.

"Are you still concerned about that matter just now? A big man like Brother Su must have a lot of adults, so he won't care about us, and if they buy this Bugatti, don't you have first-hand news? This is your best chance to become a full-time employee." Did Lili know that Su Wei was seducing her just now?Of course she knew.

And she also knew that Su Wei wanted to sleep with her tonight.

Because at that time Su Wei told her to go drinking at night, but he didn't mention her boyfriend.

If this hadn't happened, Lili might not necessarily go at night.

But now seeing Su Wei and the others, it is easy to watch Bugatti up close.

Lili has already made a decision in her heart, and is going to accept Su Wei's invitation to go to the KTV alone at night.

"Here, let me think about it." When George heard about his work, he began to hesitate again.

After all, if you can really switch to a full-time job, then your salary will be completely different from what it is now.

"What are you thinking about? Let's go." Lili realized for the first time why this George is such a mother-in-law.

In the past, I thought he was quite cheerful and sunny.

But compared with Su Wei, it's really nothing.

"Wait a minute, is there any conflict with the group of people who went in later? Why don't we have a look at the situation first?"

. . . . . .

"Wow, the tires of this Bugatti are too wide. It feels as wide as the tires of a truck." This is the first time Zhang Ruoyu has seen a real Bugatti.

Because the group of reporters outside were taking pictures with flashlights on.

She couldn't bear it when she stood up, and she felt better when she squatted down.

After squatting down, I happened to see the tires of Bugatti, and found that they were much wider than the tires of Da Niu.

"This tire is really wide, my husband, how much does this car cost?" Wu Xiaoxuan heard Zhang Ruoyu say this, and squatted down.

Sure enough, it was discovered that the tires of the Bugatti car were indeed not generally wide.

She was curious, the car was about the size of her calf.

But why is its tire so wide?

"The Bugatti's tires seem to be wider because it provides better grip.

As for the price, I don't know, but you can ask their staff.

Girl, come here, what's the price of this car now? "The person Su Wei is looking for is Xiao Tian who brought him in earlier.

Before they came in, there were already several people here.

After they came in, others came in one after another.

"Mr. Su, before introducing the price, let me introduce this car to you. This car is our latest Bugatti Chiron. It is equipped with an 8.0-liter W16 quad-turbocharged engine. It has 1500 horsepower and a top speed of It takes only 420 seconds to reach 2.5 kilometers and accelerate from zero to [-] kilometers.

Moreover, Chiron is limited to 300 units worldwide, and the starting price is 250 million euros." Oda heard Su Wei asking her to introduce the price, so of course she couldn't just say the price directly.

Instead, he explained half of the parameters of the car before telling Su Wei the price.

She would introduce so much to Su Wei because she was very optimistic about Su Wei and thought he could become the first owner of Chiron in China.

"Then how much is this car? Can it be sold?" 250 million euros, 2000 million RMB after calculation.

Su Wei didn't expect that this car could be won for only 2000 million. No wonder there are so many cars abroad.

"Of course this car can be sold, but we have added options to the car. The current price of this car is 269 million euros.

Because this car was taxed when it entered the country, so the current price of this car is 4500 million RMB." Bugatti doesn't want to sell it so expensive, but its 8.0W16 displacement tax is really too high.

When she offered quotations to several well-known rich second generations in the morning, they all directly eliminated the car.

Two of them ordered two cars from them.

However, the delivery address is not domestic, but the lighthouse country.

"Husband, this car is sold abroad for 269 million euros, why sell us 4500 million RMB? This is a profiteer." Wu Xiaoxuan couldn't sit still when she heard what Xiao Tian said.

After all, the starting price in foreign countries is less than 2000 million, and the selection is less than 2500 million.

But if you ship it to China, you will sell us 4500 million.

This is not the words of a black-hearted trader, who is a black-hearted trader.

"That's why there are so few Bugatti cars in China." Su Wei still accepts the price of 4500 million.

But it is true that I am a bit aggrieved about the domestic car playing environment.

"If you think it's too expensive, there is actually another way, that is to re-order a Bugatti, and then put the delivery location in Harbor or Aogang. That way the price will be much cheaper, and you can drive it back if you want. Just get a license from two places." Li Renfeng also thought it was too expensive when he heard the price.

Buying this car at the auto show is better than ordering a new one.

At that time, if you apply for a two-region license, you will not be able to open it in China.

"No need, if that's the case, what's the difference from the group of people who play cars abroad, because they can't afford amazing cars in China, so they can only go abroad to play?" Su Wei actually despises this kind of car play People who feel that they have no strength have to pretend to be aggressive.

After all, if you are really capable, then you will show it.

Instead of going abroad to play with cheap cars, and then promote what kind of amazing cars you have.

That kind of car is not at the same level as the ones with divine cars in China.

. . .

"Why are you crowded? Didn't you see anyone here?" Li Ziwei was squatting on the ground to take a picture of the ground clearance of the car, when he felt someone stepped on his foot.

Looking back, I found that a newcomer was watching the car next to him.

Li Ziwei is upset, you stepped on someone, and you didn't even apologize?

He didn't believe that he wouldn't know if this person stepped on someone.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't see it, but whoever asked you to block the way here, I haven't heard a word, a good dog doesn't block the way." Since Zhao Laoliu followed Qin Feng, he simply didn't think that Modu Others take it seriously.

And he stepped on Li Ziwei just now, he did it on purpose.

Because he saw Li Ziwei holding a mobile phone, he knew he was an anchor.

And he doesn't particularly like anchors, because he thinks they are like clowns.

Now Bugatti can let the anchors come in to shoot the car, which makes him feel a bit lowered.

"Someone in your family is going to have a funeral today, right? You have such a cheap mouth. What you sell here is a Bugatti, not a tractor from your village." After Li Ziwei was scolded by Zhao Laoliu, he immediately scolded back.

After all, Li Ziwei also has a bad temper, so who would spoil who?

What's more, he is live broadcasting now, so it is impossible for him to admit cowardice.

And Su Wei and Li Renfeng were also there, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"The anchor scolded well, where did this evil thing come from?"

"This person has the nerve to start swearing when he's crowded into others. He's really unqualified."

"Who did I see? Is the person behind Qin Feng?"

The people in Li Ziwei's live broadcast room are basically his fans.

Let alone his fans, they must all be helping him.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was scolding Zhao Laoliu. Fortunately, he couldn't see him, otherwise he would definitely be pissed off.

"You're swearing, right? What about the staff? What's the situation with you? Is it some kind of rubbish that can be put in to see Bugatti?" Zhao Lao Liu dared to fight back when he saw Li Ziwei, planning to ask the security guards to frame Li Ziwei go out.

After all, if you scold Li Ziwei, you won't feel comfortable if you win or lose.

He thought that Li Ziwei was a mess, after all, how powerful an anchor can be.

"You can come to see Bugatti for trash like you, why can't my brother come?" Li Renfeng had been watching the car with Jin Gaode just now, when he heard Li Ziwei swearing, he hurried over.

Just hearing Zhao Laoliu's words made him upset.

If his brother is trash, then he is also trash.

"Li Renfeng? Is this your brother? So you brought him here. How about this? If he scolds me, you ask him to apologize. I'll forget about it." Zhao Laoliu knew Li Renfeng and knew that his family strength.

He might not have offended him before, but it's different now, he has a big brother now.

With Qin Feng as his backer, he is really worthy of Li Renfeng.

"He scolded you, why don't you say that you squeezed him first, it's impossible for him to apologize." Li Renfeng spoke so politely because he saw Qin Feng behind this person.

Although he doesn't know the strength of Qin Feng's family, people have been telling him that Qin Feng's family is very good.

So he didn't want to offend Qin Feng, it would be difficult if his family was really powerful.

"My friend just squeezed your brother, but your brother scolded too viciously. If he sincerely apologizes, I will pretend that this incident never happened. Otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you Li Renfeng face." Qin Feng knew about Li Renfeng, because a shareholder of his company went to play at his family's venue in Aowan.

At that time, in his family's field, he lost 2 small goals before getting out.

"Apologize? Why does my brother have to apologize? It's up to you? You don't deserve it"

(End of this chapter)

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