Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 283 Take down Bugatti Chirou

Chapter 283 Take down Bugatti Chirou
"Apologize? Why should my brother apologize? Based on your words, I'm afraid you are not worthy." Of course Su Wei knew Qin Feng, after all, he was so popular on the Internet in his previous life.

Qin Feng can be regarded as the most hyped person among the rich second generation.

He took that father who could only hang out in the harbor and dare not go back to the mainland.

He insisted on packaging and became the major shareholder of China Merchants, and often let the self-media break the news that he has a great background.

I don't know why he dared to boast so much, the key is that pure netizens still foolishly believed it.

He first got angry because he crashed into a Porsche 918, and within two years he crashed into a Ferrari.

But at that time, there was no fire out of the circle, that is, a small number of people knew who hit the car.

Later, he was able to get out of the circle because of Principal Wang's bib incident.

At that time, Wang Jianning became the new richest man in China, and Principal Wang sent a sentence

"When you make friends, you don't look at whether the other person has money, anyway, you don't have money like yourself"

Not long after that, Principal Wang's scarf was deleted.

Many people said that it was because Principal Wang was slapped in the face, because Qin Feng replied at the time, "What about me?"

So many people got to know this mysterious and low-key Demon Capital Emperor because of this incident.

But in fact, this sentence is from PS, Qin Feng never said this sentence at all.

And if he is really low-key, can he have the nickname of the Emperor of the Demon City? .

"Su Wei? Why, you also know this person?" Qin Feng really didn't expect that this anchor not only knew Li Renfeng, but also knew Su Wei.

It seems that the person in front of him is not just an ordinary anchor.

But he was also a little upset in his heart, even if this Su Wei spoke too much, he didn't give him face.

After all, anyone who sees him now must not call him Brother Feng.

Originally, he was just an ordinary rich second generation, and because his family was rich, he had always kept a low profile.

But since crashing that 918, he has been exposed to the public eye.

After the car was hit by that woman, he was actually mad. After all, more than 1000 million cars were hit like that.

But later he found out that he was popular on the Internet, and he was given various awesome identities.

And at this time, many rich second generations began to be proud of knowing him.

He tasted the benefits of fame, and began to actively find people to hype himself.

By hyping more rich second generations to start contacting him, he will often organize these people to go to Australia and Bay to play a few games.

In his father's place, these rich second generations are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Many rich second generations finally ran out of money, and gave away their expensive luxury goods.

And their luxury cars, all mortgaged to him.

So this is why Qin Feng has so many luxury cars.

He has made a lot of money by using this identity in the past few years.

"Who are you? Do I know you very well?" Su Wei said this, which was deliberately disgusting.

After all, he and Qin Feng both live in Modu.

Even if you are not familiar with it, it is impossible not to know it completely.

Moreover, they are all relatively well-known people in Shanghai, and they are all about the same age.

What's more, in order to hype himself, Qin Feng specially hired a follow-up team.

After so many years, it cost tens of millions to say the least.

Su Wei said that he didn't know Qin Feng, which was obviously deliberately pretending to be stupid and insulting.

"Su Wei, are you pretending to be stupid or are you really stupid? How could you not know my elder brother Qin Feng?" Qin Feng's younger brother was surprisingly angry when he heard Su Wei say this.

After all, his backer was so ignored by Su Wei.

I've heard that Su Wei is crazy before, but I didn't expect him to be so crazy.

He didn't even notice his elder brother, Qin Feng at all.

But that's okay, they were worried that Qin Feng would make friends with Su Wei before.

Now that Su Wei ignores Qin Feng so much, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Feng to make friends with him.

"Why should I know Qin Feng, Qin Yu's, is he better than me, or richer than me?" Su Wei has more than 1000 billion, which is indeed much richer than Qin Feng's family.

Qin Feng's family just opened a business in Aowan, and his family is only a small shareholder in the business.

Su Wei's interest money for a year may be more than all the assets of Qin Feng's family.

So he has no reason to talk politely to Qin Feng.

"666, Brother He is a real bull!"

"How old is Brother He's background? Are you not even afraid of Qin Feng?"

"Brother He, you are just a stunned young man, you don't even know the Emperor of the Demon City"

Li Ziwei never turned off the broadcast, so what Su Wei said to Qin Feng, everyone in the live broadcast room saw it.

In addition to Li Ziwei's fans, there were also a large number of passers-by in the live broadcast room.

Among them, there are more people who know Qin Feng than Su Wei.

"Su Wei, you are so crazy. You must know that the cars you play now are all leftovers from my previous games. I really think that when others praise you, you think you are the richest in the world. There is not even a rare supercar, what are you pretending to do?" Seeing what Su Wei said, Qin Feng knew that he must know his details.

But what he said was indeed correct.

Because Su Wei really doesn't have that kind of rare top luxury car, his Porsche 918, or Ferrari Rafa.

He bought Qin Feng a few years ago, and even hit it on the road.

"Qin Feng, despite your short stature, what you said really makes sense.

I really don’t have any rare top-level sports cars, but that’s just the past. Now there’s a Bugatti here. I can't even see the tail lights." Su Wei's words were really a bit murderous.

Because although he himself is only 173 tall, he is not very tall.

But Qin Feng is shorter, and he doesn't even have 165 when he puts on the internal height increase.

Standing with Su Wei, he was almost a head shorter.

Because of Su Wei's old coin, he also wore inner heightening.

"Su Wei, don't go too far, and you want to buy this Bugatti, have you asked me? I happen to be interested in Bugatti too." Su Wei's dwarf sentence really broke Qin Feng's defense up.

His height has always been a pain point for him.

Qin Feng tried to take medicine, and then tried to play basketball.

As a result, it was useless at all, and it just didn't grow taller.

Originally, he didn't plan to buy a Bugatti this time, after all, it would cost more than 2000 million to buy it domestically.

But now that Su Wei is aggressive, he can only grit his teeth.

After all, if Su Wei overwhelmed him this time, many of his younger brothers might not come to curry favor with him.

These little rich second generations are his God of Wealth, he can't let them go.

"Yeah, you're also interested in Bugatti, but I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up with me.

Oda, I heard that your Bugatti will release a new car in the second half of the year? "Su Wei thought for a while, yes, it seems that what he bought were all Volkswagen sports cars.

For those top supercars, he has a 918 and a Rafa.

But these two cars are among the top sports cars, and the Lafa convertible may be able to enter the top 10.

The Porsche 918 may not even be in the top 20.

"Mr. Su, we will indeed release a new car in the second half of the year. It is an advanced version of the Chiron, limited to 40 units worldwide, but the price has not yet come out, but what we know is that we must have a Chiron before ordering this car. "Oda didn't expect it, because the two rich second generations quarreled.

She is likely to sell a Bugatti at the auto show.

You must know that this car is really not that easy to sell. The Bugatti Chirou has been released for almost two years, and now only more than 100 cars have been ordered.

Although due to production capacity, they can't deliver many cars a year.

"Then I bought this Bugatti, will I be able to order this car with a global limit of 40?" This chirou is just a regular Bugatti, and the limited edition of [-] is the same as the unlimited.

After all, there are only so few people in the world who can spend so much money on a car.

Chirou is enough to pretend in the eyes of ordinary people, but Su Wei thinks it is not enough.

Su Wei's ultimate goal is to buy the Voice of the Night.

"Boss Su, if you buy this chirou and pay a deposit of 100 million dollars, we can start queuing up for that limited edition." Xiaotian still doesn't know whether what Su Wei said is true or not, after all, that car entered China The price is likely to be in the hundreds of millions.

As far as she knew, although this car hadn't been released yet, several cars had already been reserved.

After all, the goal of this car is to surpass Bugatti Chirou.

"Qin Feng, do you want to buy it? If you want to buy it, I can give it to you." Su Wei didn't say whether he would buy it or not at this time, but turned around and asked Qin Feng.

He would ask this question, even if Qin Feng died, he would not buy this car.

Because Su Wei played such a trick, he had to buy two Bugatti before he could take this Bugatti Chirou away.

"I don't want to communicate with a psychopath like you, let's go." What can Qin Feng do, he can only choose to go.

He can still grit his teeth and buy this chirou, but now Su Wei is playing such a hand.

If he wants to buy, he can only buy two.

Qin Feng's family doesn't have the money for this, two Bugatti can kill him and his father.

"Hahaha, let's go now, it's really boring.

Xiao Tian, ​​I bought this Bugatti, as for your limited edition Bugatti, I also ordered it." Su Wei didn't expect that Qin Feng would leave just like that.

Originally, he was thinking about whether he would stay and watch him pay.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, brother crane is really awesome"

"This is driving Qin Feng away, hahaha, it's so fun"

"Did you see that Qin Feng's face turned green just now?"

"I see, I still saved it"

. . . . . .

"George, the other group has already left, let's go there quickly." Lili stopped just after being persuaded by George, because she knew the group behind.

The person in the group behind is the famous Qin Feng.

She used to be a member of Laonu, so how could the Emperor of Shanghai not know her.

It's just that she didn't expect that Xuanxuan actually realized his wish to find a super rich man.

As someone who can communicate with Qin Feng, Su Wei must be at the level of a boss.

"Why don't you go there first, I'll go there later" George didn't know Qin Feng, so he didn't know how awesome Su Wei was.

Now that it was about to pass, he couldn't let it go.

After all, he is a native of Beacon Country full of superiority, and now he wants to curry favor with Su Wei.

"Okay then, I'll go and have a look first." Lili doesn't want to care about George anymore, after all, she doesn't like him that much.

She was with George at the time, because she thought George could help her immigrate to the Lighthouse Country.

But now that her best friend is on the rise, she has other ideas.

"Lili? It's been a long time? Why did you appear at the auto show?" Duoduo was resting in the corner of the entrance when he saw Lili appearing here.

This Lili was her good sister in the past, and when she saw her, she remembered the days when the four of them first came to Shanghai.

At that time, Lili wanted to follow the lighthouse man, and she had persuaded her at that time.

But Lili wanted to go to the lighthouse wholeheartedly, she still didn't persuade her.

I didn't expect to meet her at the Shanghai Motor Show today.

"My boyfriend is a car editor, and he and I came to see the car today.

By the way, where is Xuanxuan and her boyfriend Su Ge?Why didn't I see them?" Lili didn't come here this time to reminisce, she wanted to get inside the glass.

But the strange thing is that she remembered that there were a lot of people inside.

Why did she come here for a while, there were only four people inside, including her best friend, Duoduo.

"You saw Xuanxuan before, right? Why didn't she tell me anything.

Isn’t this Xuanxuan’s boyfriend, Brother Su? He’s already decided to buy the car, and now they’re going to the back to discuss the contract.” She was going to the back, but she thought Li Ziwei was too lonely here so she stayed down.

Because Li Ziwei refused to download the broadcast, the Bugatti people didn't let him go to the back.

The main reason is that in addition to buying this Chirou, Su Wei also ordered a limited edition Bugatti.

If Li Ziwei went in to take pictures, it would probably cause information about that car to leak out.

"Huh? Was this car really bought by Brother Su? How much did you pay for it?" Lili didn't expect that Su Wei actually bought this car.

Now she really admires Xuanxuan as her best friend.

"The people from Bugatti reported 4500 million RMB. I heard that it might be around 5500 million RMB." Although Duoduo was surprised, he was not that surprised.

After all, Su Wei has a Rafa, which is also worth half a billion.

And yesterday, she was in that car.

"Why is it so expensive? What I learned at the lighthouse was 299 million US dollars?" Lili and the others had done their homework before they came to see the car.

299 million US dollars, which is almost 2000 million RMB.

Now it sells for 4500 million, which is too expensive.

"I heard from my boyfriend that the price of this kind of sports car is more than twice as expensive in China." Li Ziwei and the others didn't say that, they scolded directly.

It's just that they scolded her so harshly that Lili was too embarrassed to speak out.

"Which one is your boyfriend? Why don't you introduce me?" Lili didn't expect Duoduo to find a boyfriend now.

Duoduo has always been with Xuanxuan, Lili believes that Duoduo's boyfriend is definitely not bad.

"It's the fat one, he's a rich second generation, but he likes being an anchor.

By the way, why don't you call your boyfriend over?Now we can go inside this car and have a look." Duoduo chatted for a long time, only to find that the two of them had been chatting through the glass.

At that time, Lili was going to the Lighthouse Country with George, and she met her boyfriend when she went to persuade people.

"He's taking pictures of other cars, so I'll call him over right away, but Brother Su isn't here, can we come in?" Lili was so embarrassed that her boyfriend couldn't bear to come here.

In the past, she thought that George was pretty good, but now she is really far behind in comparison.

Let's not talk about Xuanxuan, her boyfriend is just a big boss.

Although Duoduo's boyfriend is a bit fat, he is also a rich second generation.

As a result, I, who didn't listen to persuasion, found a dick from the lighthouse country.

"It's okay, I'll ask my boyfriend to speak for you, and you can come in"

 It was my mother-in-law's birthday yesterday, so I was busy all day, and I am really sorry to let the bosses who were waiting for the update yesterday wait in vain.My goal this month is 20 words. I won't add updates every day, but I will add updates from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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